Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Something/Someone Old
My Something Old is something you will all recognize from 1976.
I was going to include the whole album, but it's impossible to find on YouTube anymore. Probably the Eagles or Asylum Records or whoever inherited the rights is pulling videos off YouTube for copyright infringement reasons. Or maybe my Google fu has finally turned up its toes and joined the choir invisible:
As someone who's been listening to this song (and this whole album) since I was eight years old, I want to finally ask the question:
What's the big deal?
I do like the album. I recognize that it's a good album. I recognize that the Eagles were among the first in rock and roll to incorporate country and western into their music. That's all great.
What I don't understand is why it's such a huge honkin' big deal. I thought I'd throw the question out to people who haven't been listening to it for their whole lives, in case that is blinding me to something.
Something New
This is a truly great and uplifting movie. It came out in 2019. It's about--but not limited to--the work of Paul Stamets. If you want something that will lift your spirits despite everything, watch this.
Something Borrowed
A common songbird may have acquired genes from fellow migrating birds in order to travel greater distances, according to a University of British Columbia study published this week in the journal Evolution.
Birds usually either migrate or stay in one place. The Audubon's warbler can do either, depending on where it is:
While most birds either migrate or remain resident in one region, the Audubon’s warbler, with habitat ranging from the Pacific Northwest to Mexico, exhibits different behaviours in different locations. The northern populations breed and migrate south for the winter, while southern populations have a tendency to stay put all year long.
Evolutionary biologists have long been puzzled by research that indicates some Audubon’s warblers share the same mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with myrtle warblers – a different species of songbird that migrates annually to the southeastern U.S., Central America and the Caribbean – even though they look dramatically different.
These scientists think that the Audubon's warbler "borrowed" mitochondrial DNA from the myrtle warbler in order to become better adapted to migrate long distances. This sounds cool, but I don't really understand it. Partly I don't understand it because--how did it happen? Did they interbreed? If they interbred and created fertile offspring, why aren't they now considered one species? Secondly, the article says that it's the northern Audubon's warblers who migrate while the southern ones stay put. But then it also says that the place the scientists pinpointed as "the precise geographical location near the Utah-Arizona border where the myrtle warblers’ “wanderlust” genes displace the Audubon warbler’s ancestral mitochondria" also happens to be the place where the Audubon's warblers start changing their behavior. The Utah-Arizona border is not what I would call "northern," particularly in a species whose habitat extends from the Pacific Northwest to Mexico, so what gives?
Maybe one of you who is more scientifically apt than me could shed some light on this phenomenon. But I thought it was interesting anyway.
Something Blue
OK, this is weird.
Some dogs in Russia were found near an abandoned glass factory.
They're blue.
Seven dogs with blue fur were found roaming near a derelict glass factory in Dzerzhinsk, an industrial city near Nizhny Novgorod, 370km (230 miles) east of Moscow. The pictures went viral after local media reported the strange pack of dogs on 11 February.
The current hypothesis is that they rolled in blue dye at the plant, which, in addition to making acrylic glass, also made prussic acid.
They appear to be healthy and happy.

I just watched a YT video where a blue dog was rescued.
The dog was a very cute puppy,
The line in Hotel California which stands out as appropriate to me is the line "you can check outany time you want but can never leave" You can't because you are somebody's property now. Their territory. They paid for you. You are their investment. Their market. Unless you go to some other country. If you can. But this system they set up virtually guarantees that you wont be able to move to a place where you get a decent wage. Its fully intended to capture work related migration for the biggest corporations. Like slavery.
You know how politicians like Hillary Clinton praise immigration, the old kind? The kind their trade deal is capturing and destroying?
Well that was true. Back then. But now non-immigration is taking over. Some call it modern slavery. The would be workers are on a very short leash. All will be. Especially the security clearance workers. Will be tied to those jobs, Because they will be the only decent jobs that arent being offshored. The other skilled jobs, especially the unionized ones will dramatically go away. The ntion will be in a state of fear. Thats how they will keep power and stop discussion of whats been done on the Internet. By means of fear. Thats the way autocrats do it. Our nation's democratic spirit will soon be as dead as that parrot. Thats what they are hiding from us.
Look how many books are being banned in India. A lot.
And they can be left in a near slavery situation . Like in the Matter of I-Corp case. We could lose our minimum wage law too because of this huge con job.. Don't fall for this scam. Its not what we want, or need, it will kill our economy. Their arguments for it have all been debunked. Its like using nukes in the labor vs. Management struggle, thats what they are doing. A huge- the biggest ever dirty trick.
Which reminds me of the nasty survival clauses in trade an investment agreements!
Rescue of a homeless good momma dog whose baby was stillborn who is traumatized.
Dogs are so beautiful and so smart!
That parrot is democracy, which the Corporate Dems, Macron, and others are trying to convince us in the failed rich states will revive the deceased spirit of democracy wont do what is needed. Because whan voting has been emasculated, how could it fix the lack of democracy. Even if the voters are still alive, the ability to change the important, profit-influencing things is dead and has been for more than two decades. Trade deals killed it. Dead. So, No, since then, the medicine they propose can never actually revive democracy, which has been nullified by contract. Would it make sense for the US, to push so hard to force countries to join these trade agreements if those countries and their politicians could later just vote them and their "disiplines on domestic regulation" away? ? No, it wouldn't. But now the ratchet locks everything in, that deregulates, its permanent. That means its a one way street. Like a trap. Everything they propose is likely to be a deeper trap for us. Face the facts. Don't do anything or its guaranteed to be a trap. Thats just what they do. They want to hide it too. It wont work the way its supposed to, unless we are fooled into thinking we're doing something and then leave it at that. They will just keep people going around in circles. Like the poor buyer at the parrot shop. Thats us. No, They are lying, they have to or they would have to tell us the truth. "we've been lying to all of you and wasting your time for a very long time" How would that sound. As your job is being shipped overseas, to be done by a poor schmuck like you, but paid much less. if you dig deep you'll figure out how totally reprehensible this plan has become. . Everything we are told now is wrong. It will often be quite obscure to figure it out, but you'll find its been rigged to do this now. So face the fact that it can't bring backi the power of the vote, thats been taken away, although people can still vote. Its like the button by the side of the road that makes you feel good. I did "something". Hooray! But its not connected. Really. Martin Luther King predicted this, didnt he? Insufficient funds. we're wasting our time as far as that goes. THis is asset protection by the rich of the world so we the people will fail in our efforts. We should have prevented this from being done in the past, in this particular case in the early 90s. To prevent a number of FTAs that lock down policy space for corporations. That policy is now their property and to get it back we need to buy or trade our way out. Jobs have been traded away too but that has only just begun, the ultimate goal is to do for services what has already been done to manufacturing. People will be forced to live on their savings and investments and other assets or move to someplace they can afford to live. Trumps wall will likely be used to keep us in, not others out.
If one bad government couldn't steal a countries entire future now, forever, the politicos wouldnt be going berserk as they are trying to force increasingly out of touch and disliked neoliberals on nations by various tricks. After all its an emergency!
And another one! Now they are playing a global game, North Oligarchs vs. South Oligarchs HUGGE Profits are at stake! The south billionaires are angry, they want their payback! Stop your protectionism, USA. A deal is a deal. its like a war to conquer the entire world economy. The number of tactics they will use is very wide but the aims they have are very simple. Its not the utopia where every dollar is equal that they claim. Only the rich survive. There is no free lunch anymore, not even for the French!And another one!It all started with NAFTA.
Ron de Santis is applying NAFTA-like language to our state laws now.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Good morning CSTMS. I won;t address the Eagles, at least
not now. I'll also duck "Blue Dogs" to avoid a lot of bad puns and political jokes. However - WTF goes on in BC?
There is/was a bird known as the "Yellow Rumped Warbler". It had/has two variants or "races": Western and Eastern, which are now recognized as subspecies. Those subspecies are named "Audubon's" and "Myrtle" warblers. As subspecies it is more likely than not that they at times in the past interbred and were maybe even one uniform species until separated by geography and other factors. Dysto could maybe give you a rundown on the various splits and lumps that have occurred in the ornithological history, If you enter either name in a search engine, among the sites that come up will be, which is Cornell and runs citizen science projects on birds like Feederwatch and e-bird. They are pretty definitive and still consider them to be subspecies of the yellow-rumped.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Wow, thanks.
That's genuinely helpful. Knowing they are subspecies certainly helps.
I had heard of Cornell's bird project (I've always liked Cornell).
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Their ornithology department is legendary and heavily
relied on by birders as a resource.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
good chilly morning
It was a brisk stroll through trade day at 30 degrees this morning.
The Fungi film is great and worth your time if you've not seen it.
I feel for the blue dogs...poor things are probably demoncrats.
Hope all is well and you and yours are on the mend.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I see you rushed in where enhydra lutris decided not to tread.
It was chilly today--looks like we might have at least the Florida version of a real winter.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Icy Cold High Winds in NYC
Good (late) morning!
Slow day here, punctuated by household chores.
How are you all this morning?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Another obituary - one of my favorite DJs Daniel J Ward.
He was truly an amazing maker of music.. This is truly a sad piece of news..
Listening to one of his sets right now the song is singing "I want my planet back" This is my favorite set of his.. This is definitely R rated.. Very sexy set. Should I try to find the playlist? One can find the individual songs and quite possibly the entire set online. You will have to turn off any content filters to allow the titles through. And dig, deeply on search engines. Its worth looking foir, and if you find it, buying the CD. Which appears to be a white label, (limited release promotion) even though the label is not white, its orange. It has a picture of a sexy dark haired lady in high heels and a sexy fishnet catsuit and a trippy Mono Lake-like scene on it.
Its on Wiki Wiki Wacky Wrecords, and Recorded in Hawaii, its not for sale as far as I can tell. At least not right now. Its title begins with "Massive" It's kind of house music with a Latin quality to it. *Very danceable*.
He died in Buffalo NY. Quite a long long distance from home. Another person who had to move far away in their last days. because no doubt of the economic cleansing going on in America.
Please do look for the playlist.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
They have software that will identify birds for you using ML.
Check it out. You need a telephoto lens to use it effectively.
They also have software to record and catalog bird songs.
Got 3rd jab (Moderna) — now in 4th day of feeling weak, strange,
and in a lot of pain
Side effects are being ignored.
I am so sorry.
All my best wishes/intentions/thoughts toward you getting better soon.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Hey - thought I'd add some info on the whole migratory
Canada geese, aka Honks, are a notorious example of a migratory bird that has some members that decided to stop migrating, finding golf courses in certain locales to be hospitable environments. As far is known, no gene transfers were involved.
I live in an area which is sufficiently hospitable that a few members of more than one "migratory" species have become resident (including, of course, honks). We also have examples of birds which are supposed to migrate between seriously far north and much further south which decided that there was no need to go to extremes and terminate one leg of the migration here instead of at the normal terminus for that migration leg. Not, mind you, the entire species, but one or more members.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The Denver area has large flocks of resident honks. We call them "walkin' around" geese. This has led to the not-very-amusing problem of migratory bird strikes occurring year-round for the local airports.
The migration is done, but we're still getting some pretty good evening geese shows from the walkin' around honks. It's nothing like during migration time, but still pleasant to watch and listen to. They'll all take off just before sunset and fly in sloppy formations back to the reservoir. Which, of course, is directly off the end of Runways 35L and R at Centennial Airport... We have lots of fun watching pilots dodge the geese and handle the turbulence over the hogbacks.
The way you can tell they are walkin' around honks? They don't take off at sunrise. They wait until the sun is high and warm, say 10am, and then stagger into the air for a few desultory flaps. Personally, I think it's the weed...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Yeah, the ranger woman at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge
at Tinicum Island next to the Philadelphia airport called the Canada geese that had stopped migrating an outright nuisance and a pest.
Do you have a URL? I must confess that I have almost lost faith
I have had experiences that make me certain that things are not as they should be in a legislative body. They dont want to solve the problems they claim they are seeking to solve.
They just went through this whole theater which seems to be trying to say, what?
Meanwhile, GATS is telling us that they are obsessed by creating new property rights for corporations that demand freezes in policy, virtually making some huge problems literally impossible to fix.
That should be raising red flag for thinking people. No wonder they are trying so hard to hide it.
Well, that also makes their attempt to steal the planet illegitimate.
Also, Washington may be trying to hide GATS, TISA, etc, but they cant be binding on anybody if they are not public. This exposes why they hate Julian Assange but it makes them look far more guilty and him far less. In fact right there they are busted as committing treason, by trying to help our potential enemies take our futures, and insinuate a conspiracy of people into the tech jobs, excluding our own country's people from them, and access to the knowledge they would need to get those jobs. As somebody who grew up poor and remains very poor compared to most of us, in terms of asets, I know how incredibly useful knowledge is when you are in that situation. When I first encountered the Internet I made a pledge to myself to try to use the Internet toput myself in a position where I could earn a decent living with it.
Well, wouldnt you know they are doing the best to frustrate all of us, all the industrious, creative people like me, why? Because we were and mostly are still relatively poor. They only want rich people to gain stability enough to participate in this demoicracy.
If you are black, you probably grew up poor and struggled to get access to any kind of knoledge to get ahead. If you are native American its even worse. Well you should know that we have a double government that pretends to be one thing while it does the exact opposite. How do I KNOW that?
Does anybody know what "Adverse Possession" is? Its a way the rich steal from the poor and get away with it.
Getting any legal help is insanely expensive here in the US, and its protected by the Loser Pays US legal system. That means if you lose you have to pay often more than you would earnh in your life for asserting any real right.
Well the theft of our future is being enabled by a huge theatricl performance involving the whole world and so called (but fake) "agreements" that nobody in their right mind would ever agree on. That they pretend are public. Still when I tried to point people to a wealth of public information, they went on the warpath against me.
All this theatrical hystrionics that are going on are intended to intimidate the medi out of telling us that our country is being stolen. And this has practically nothing to do with Donald Trump, and it is a realk theft, a real coup.
Look up Adverse Possession on Google Scholar. Its a way to for example, take posession of an abandoned property. Thats what our country is, the abandoned property. That they are stealing, by the legal theory of prescription.
Look that up. Not being a lawyer I cant really explain this toyou with the conifence I would want.
But what i in effecft being done is, we are in the way. We and our expectatuion of democracy are frankjly, unrealistic and we and it are allegedly depriving the oligarchs of their investments by wanting a decent future. So since we are in the way they want us to get out of the way and let them replace us. Since its THEIRS now.
There, I said iot, thats whats being done. Dont fall for the lies. Smarten up people.
Why dont they admit they are hiding this, when its clear they are.
to be validated by Adverse Possession the taking must be "notorious". In other words it must be rubbed in our face. We must be informed that we can challenge it. Even if we have no way to, and never did. We have to stand up for our rights right away, even if it costs a million dollars and we will undoubtedly owe two million dollars if we lose. Thats the price we peons must pay for asking for more.
This is why Julian Assange did not commit a crime. He tried to prevent a huge crime. The biggest ever.
Also its a direct violation of the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution, it appears to me that they are pursuing. They are also rying to push us into digital totalitarianism.
Debt peonage. Also their theft could not work if it is not public and notorious. They have to admit whats being stolen and how its being stolen and cant be gotten back by any means which we could reasonably be expected to be able to do. Not lying to us with fake candidates and fake cover up lies.. While they are actually giving our rights to regulate EVERYTHING OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE to any other country's firm. Giving them national treatment (though where they often are treated better than if they were a national, for example, they may not have to pay a US legal wage soon. They are challenging that, claiming that dirt cheap wages was understood to be their oprincipal competitive advantage from the start, and that they have a right to take maximal advantatge bof it, they (a group of Asian and South American countries) have formally filed papers in 2006 in the WTO asserting rights to pay subcontractors as little as they agree on between themselves, even if they are working here in the US. .
We the people have novoice in this at all. Nor can we vote. This is clearly unconsitutional and its controversial all around the world,. but there is an information blockade. Not a single US media outlethas said even a ord about it. Because of course ITS ALREADTY BEEN DECIDED..AND WE LOST.
we have no standing in Geneva.
Only countries and corporations have rights under the new global economic order. We being people basically dont exist. So having a vote is not fact,. One country gets one vote in the WTO and that US vote is basically a corporate influenced one without fail.
It also cant be "Secret" if it is not public then its not legally valid. Thats the essential aspect of Adverse Possesion, it seems to me. And it has to be the truth. People would have to have rights to assert them. And to steal them. They would have to know that.
Hotel CA - hybrids separately below
I can't for the life of me get the rave over Hotel California. Like Boston. Being in LA at the time, they were overplayed to death, and especially that song. Like Seeger's Holly Nights. I turn green if I don't turn the dial. I saw the Eagles in '74, before Hotel CA, thankfully. Can you play it on guitar? Then you can just about play "We Used To Know" by Jethro Tull (Stand Up - 2nd album, 1st with Martin Barre). And oh yeah, the Eagles opened for Tull when they were touring We Used To Know. I play We Used to Know, I do not play HC.
I know lots of folks consider HC great, I have heard it called the best most perfect lead solo ever, etc., glad y'all like it... For some great Eagles, listen to Outlaw Man. HC was formulaic bubblegum by comparison.
hybrids and warblers below...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
hybrids and warblers
Oh boy, warblers! you should not get me started...
One of my favorite subjects. EL is correct as usual, Audubon's and Myrtle Warbler were formerly considered species, and were lumped into Yellow-rumped Warbler, I think maybe 1973 at the start of the lumping craze. So techinically the species is Yellow-rumped Warbler. Many birders however refer to one when they see it by its subspecific name. The Audubon's and Myrtle monikers. I do. If you live in the east you have Myrtle and in the west you have Audubon's. Small numbers of Myrtle are in the west in winter. Audubon's is very rare in the east.
Amazingly for how similar they are genetically only the Myrtle has the enzyme in its stomach allowing it to digest wax myrtles and bayberries. Allowing it to winter further north than the other warblers. Which it does especially along the Atlantic seaboard, where bayberries.
Audubon's has a few supspecies within it, which then created issues when it was lumped with Myrtle. The couple in most of the U.S. and Canada are fairly migratory. Some going south into Mexico for the winter. They are abundant as wintering birds in coastal socal, every park and Eucalyptus has them. There are two southerly subspecies, these are the non-migratory types of Audubon's. There is one that breeds in Mexico barely getting into the sky islands of SE AZ. It is much blacker above than the U.S. and Canada breeders. Gorgeous. And fairly non-migratory. Even further south there is a very unique subspecies, Goldman's Warbler which is only found in Chiapas (southern Mexico) and Guatamala I think. It may have recently been given full species status. It is nearly wholly jet black above, and so with that yellow throat and breast patches, wow.
One note on hybrids and sterility. This is somewhat a myth. I believe it is thought to have begun with Mules, and the fact that they are sterile. However many hybrids have been know to be fertile. Fertility is often much reduced, but they are not always sterile. It has long been customary for the line of what is a species to be drawn at: "do the young of the hybrid crossing produce fertile offspring?" Certainly in the case of Audubon's and Myrtle now Yellow-rumped Warbler, they do. There is a record of a hybrid warbler that had
THREE SPECIES' DNA! Generally though any hybrid between different genera creates fertility problems. Most are sterile, but not all always.
let me know how I did on the test...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hi CSMS, and thanks for the open thread.
It looks like dystopian has thoroughly answered your bird question. As to the blue doggos, I have my suspicions. Those dogs don't look to me to have rolled in anything, or if they did they were all very, very thorough. It looks more systemic and, unfortunately, glass factories are surprisingly toxic at times. Most of us know about leaded glass, but apparently many heavy metals are used to give glass various tints. Cadmium and chromium are two as detailed in this article from a hazardous site that was shut down in Portland Oregon recently. Chromium makes a blue-green color, sad to say. I hope I'm wrong.
♫ More than birds . . . (A Capella Science / Tim Blais)