The Dose 11-28-21

Mandating a leaky vaccine simply doesn't make sense on any level. Most scientists agree we will all (vaxed and uvaxed) get COVID. It is no wonder people are coming unglued and hitting the streets fearing not COVID but the new social order being shoved down our collective throats. Chris addresses the outrage.
Protests erupted all over Europe and in Australia over the prospect of renewed lockdowns, vaccinating children and other Covid measures. They’re fed up. I am fed up. You are fed up.
The main problem? None of the measures have actually worked so far and are an incoherent mess. Instead of rethinking strategies and being more thoughtful in communicating the necessity and goals of the new approaches, many governments have instead become more dictatorial and authoritarian. This is creating even more friction within and among the citizenry.
To avoid being a ‘rat in a cage’ your first step toward freedom rests in understand who is delivering the shocks and why.
TPTB want the people afraid, very afraid. The new variants gonna get you! It is a pandemic managed not just for profit, but for control.
Fear is a tool TPTB use to control us, but should we be afraid? At my age it is a concern, but not a fear. The hype is larger than the risks.
This piece is well worth a whole read and was posted earlier by L. Moonbat
It explains why we should not be afraid and how to keep things in perspective.
He explains each of the 30 points...
1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%.
2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality.
3. “Covid death” counts are artificially inflated.
4. The vast majority of covid deaths have serious comorbidities.
5. Average age of “Covid death” is greater than the average life expectancy.
6. Covid mortality exactly mirrors the natural mortality curve.
7. There has been a massive increase in the use of “unlawful” Do Not Resuscitate Orders
8. Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease.
9. Lockdowns kill people.
10. Hospitals were never unusually over-burdened.
11. PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness.
12. PCR Tests have a history of being inaccurate and unreliable.
13. The CT values of the PCR tests are too high.
14. The World Health Organization (Twice) Admitted PCR tests produced false positives.
15. The scientific basis for Covid tests is questionable.
16. The majority of Covid infections are “asymptomatic”.
17. There is very little evidence supporting the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmission”.
18. Ventilation is NOT a treatment for respiratory viruses.
19. Ventilators killed people.
20. Masks don’t work.
21. Masks are bad for your health.
22. Masks are bad for the planet.
23. Covid “vaccines” are totally unprecedented.
24. Vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission.
25. The vaccines were rushed and have unknown longterm effects.
26. Vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal indemnity should they cause harm.
27. The EU was preparing “vaccine passports” at least a YEAR before the pandemic.
28. A “training exercise” predicted the pandemic just weeks before it started.
29. Since the beginning of 2020, the Flu has “disappeared”.
30. The elite have made fortunes during the pandemic.
I agree with most of these points, but could quibble over some items on the list. However the thrust of the piece is that the danger and risk of this disease has been hyped up so people will be scared.
Trader Gregory Mannarino interviews a Las Vegas doctor who continues the explanation.
(30 min)
Dr. Harding may pay a price for this interview depending on its spread.
So my idea is to be prepared and prevent this disease.

Don't be afraid. Don't be controlled. Be prepared.

Good morning Lookout
I'm afraid the date in your title is confusing.
Otherwise, fear not.
Thanks for posting!
question everything
I corrected it. Guess that was the date I compiled the piece.
Appreciate your catch!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Next up;
stand 'the dose' on it's head. It would convey our reality?
Thanks as always Lookout. I'm just digging in to what you have posted, much appreciated.
good idea...
After all the world is on it's collective head.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Very evocative
That graphic finished me off
First I had to twist my head to the right. Then I had to twist to the left. Now I've got to go to the chiropractor to get this nasty kink out!
Omicron variant...
Dr John looks at the situation (24 min)
It appears the vaccines prevent severe disease from the new variant.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The COVID pandemic may end up
in playing out like the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic. The influenza virus had mutated into a more infectious but less virulent form and out-competed the original due to it's higher R value. One stood a better chance of getting infected by the less virulent variant first which conveyed immunity to both. In this case, gaining natural immunity for both variants rather than specific immunity for each variant will be the only way to end the pandemic. It will then end up like the H1N1 influenza that have accustomed to living with seasonal waves that mainly affect those who have comorbidity that puts them at greater risk.
Of course Fauci knows all about this. He has been playing around with viruses for 50 years. The new mRNA synthetic vaccines are very simple to "program" unlike the older killed virus vaccines incubated in chicken eggs. All they require is the computer generated genetic code for the spike protein. In fact, Pfizer has already stated that they can have a new version for Omicron in full production with 100 days.
The original "leaky" mRNA vaccines have been effective for less than six months. Fauci may be evil but he is not stupid (unfortunately most psychopaths are quite clever) and understood that the vaccine immunity wouldn't last very long. He probably assumed it would last for at least a year before the rounds of global vaccination would have to be repeated.
Variants more transmissible but less virulent
is the normal evolutionary path. Seems to be occurring.
People continue to be misinformed about many aspects of vax and disease. All the protests Chris shows illustrate that people have had it with absurd recommendations and the idea of mandates and child vaccination.
Heard something recently that the 1918 flu was bacterial. What? Even Falsie agrees?
So caused by virus but finished with bacteria? Interesting.
Thanks for the leaky vax clip as cause of mutation.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Even COVID cases end up with bacterial infections
in the late stages for the coup de grâce.
"It appears the vaccines prevent severe disease from the new
variant". Good news. Hope it holds. This video by Carpenter is quite an endorsement of the vaccines.
I got a laugh out of his little pause before finishing his sentence on what he was upping his intake of because I thought he might say "ivermectin". But no, it was vitamin D. I would like to have heard the dose he takes.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
“I would like to have heard the dose he taking.”
My understanding is that it varies and the first thing is to have bloodwork done to get a baseline level. From there there adding (or increasing) supplements and retesting until target is reached.
There is also an app (D Minder Pro) that can be used to estimate ones current level and see how particular supplements would likely effect your levels. It’s an interesting tool, but I would always confirm with blood tests to be sure.
Fauci was recommending D supplements to his pals at the outset of the pandemic, but has been strangely silent about recommending it to the general populace. I wonder why.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Fauci backtracked on the efficacy of vitamins C and D
Fauci previously took 1000mg of C and 5,000iu of D. That's the basic FLCCC dose.
Why? Quick answer: $$$$$,$$$$,$$$$.$$ (Thats $1 billion for the reading impaired.)
Be afraid
and in case you are not then look at huff poop this morning and be afraid.
Can they at least wait until they find out if it’s going to be the end of the world yet of something that just gives you some mild sniffles? It this fear porn that causes lots of people to slake their heads.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Immune to their fear porn
You can try to scare me just so many times and my limit has long since been reached.
The fear mongers can just STFU as far as I'm concerned. Lalalalala, i can't hear you.
When folks start
complaining about Infomation being posted
, I gotta figure the parachute ain’t working and someone’s gonna bounce(not in a good way).The thirty point breakdown above is Awsome!
I’m thinking(oh really? do tell) some of the reactionary responses to the non-conformist views being expressed Might have to do with a latent fear ‘what did I do?’ type thinking.
Silly fuckers Demanding that I do what They did to make Them feel better. As I posted elsewhere, my response will Always be
Fuck You
to such demands.
They tell me my language is ‘childish’, yet their Actions are childish in he extreme.
I respond accordingly.
Thanks again for your kind words on Otis, much appreciated.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Well then you are giving aid and comfort
to the enemy according to some people who think that if you’re not vaxxed you are causing all the world’s troubles. It wasn’t that a person who was immunocomprimised that might have caused the new variant, it’s all those Q-anons and Trump-ers that are trying to own the shitlibs who done it. Check the wreck list.
-Leave the unvaccinated in the streets.
-Cut off their insurance until they get jabbed.
My favorite is if they don’t think the jabs work then why go to hospital for treatment if they get the Rona?I can’t figure out how that works in their heads.
Hope everyone is doing better including the 2 dawgs.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
the huff and puff hysteria isn't surprising
As the piece begins...brought to you by Pfizer.
John's coverage above is much better.
Hope you and Sam had a wonderful camping holiday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I wish more people would see that
but I guess the easiest way to stick it to big pharma is to get jabbed and then the epidemic will go away. Yeah they aren’t thinking about the upcoming yearly jabs. Or is that bi-yearly?
We are having a great time still. We walked miles out to the lake and Sam had a blast running in it. She loves water even though she doesn’t swim. It only came up to her ankles.
I woke up to bird song finally but it didn’t last long. It’s been a very quiet summer everywhere here. Very sad.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Good morning, Lookout
First, let me tell you that I agree with your immunitive list and am implementing it. First snag, however, is that lots of other folks must be doing this too. My local stores have only 50 mg tablets of zinc. As you've correctly noted, 30-40 mgs is the correct dose and 40 is the outside limit for old ladies like me. I will persist and get all the items you mention now that my 7 month siege of Vaccine reaction is behind me.
In the intellectual sphere, I am watching bits of the documentaries you provided on the other thread. My burning question is why is the intensity of Virus hysteria being hyped now at the same time the sword rattling is increasing against China and Russia? Something is coming and it seems like the intention is to distract us with fear in as many ways as they can drum up....IDK. Thinking of Rumsfeld's Unknown unknowns today.
What is the Unknown? Total Control? maybe. Giant $$$ crash? maybe.
Weather wise, NYC is as baffling as everything else this year. We have freezing cold and winds but most of the trees in my immediate area still have green leaves. Only a few species have turned to gold and red and produced fallen leaves. Weird, very weird for almost December. Dawn mentioned that in France she still has greens to harvest in her garden. I have basil and dill in little pots in my sunny kitchen window. That's the best I can do as far as home grown foodstuffs.
Happy to be alive and healthy, no matter what is unfolding. Hope you all here can say the same.
Plan on weather weirding the rest of our lives...
Many think a global digital currency is the ultimate goal after using the pandemic to crash the economy. As to the insanity of war with Russia and China, I suspect it is simple MIC profiteering... at least I hope it is rather than a real plan for a doomsday war.
I'm not advocating for Bezos, but Amazon has plenty of vitamins and supplements. That is part of the collapse the economy (ie kill small business) plan, IMO. Only the large corporations remain standing.
Stay well. Enjoy your food production. Have a lovely Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good suggestion
I've been meaning to make a list of countries
which have used Ivermectin and the statistics show a reduction of cases and deaths. This will not be the best list, as I forget over time. Here goes:
- Europe...Czechia, Slovakia,
- India...Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, with millions; other states in India?
- Japan...has just chucked the 'vaccines' out in favor of Ivermectin. See that in MSM?
- Africa...Zimbabewe, South Africa, Nanibia, the large middle sixty (60)% has been on Ivermectin for years to treat parasites. Many have said that the northern countries have hoarded the shots, which they have. The predictions were that underserved countries would have high levels of COVID. They have not. Rather they might be better off.
- South America/Central America...Panama, which countries? Peru? Chile?
- Florida...US. FLCCC doctor in Florida is free to prescribe Ivermectin. Cases are no worse than locked down California. There might be other states and cities which do not punish doctors from using preventatives, and treatments.
- South east Asia...?Philippines, Indonesia?
- an unusual situation. They have not mandated shots, although uptake is fairly high. But there have been no lockdowns; schools are open; people are carrying on normally. More on this? Ivermectin?
Any other countries or areas come to mind? I would love to get a single list together.
ETA: Mexico...high Ivermectin countries.
Bangladesh...poor country, with greatly better metrics than the US
We could always create the other side of the coin: the highly vaccinated countries and states. For example:
- Gibraltar...over 100% shots, and they are cancelling Christmas because of COVID surges.
- Israel...suddenly dropped out of sight with the third and fourth shots. How are they doing?
- US States...with mandates not doing so well. Specifics?
- Australia...they are hardly bumping the numbers above average yearly deaths, cases. But totalitarian lockdown and mandates.
- New Zealand...another country with few deaths, in lockdown.
- Other highly injected countries??
Thank you for any additions.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Japan is highly vaccinated
but also recommends IVM for treatments. Don't forget Mexico...
![Screenshot 2021-11-28 at 11-28-53 Epidemiologic analyses on Ivermectin in COVID-19 - FLCCC Front Line COVID-19 Critical Car[...].png](/sites/default/files/user_images_3/Screenshot%202021-11-28%20at%2011-28-53%20Epidemiologic%20analyses%20on%20Ivermectin%20in%20COVID-19%20-%20FLCCC%20Front%20Line%20COVID-19%20Critical%20Car%5B...%5D.png)
This might be helpful in compiling a list
Good idea.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That link is great. There are some African countries
Very good information. No Israel. Hmmmm.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
You’d think that the media would be
over joyed at seeing Sweden returning to normal with no lockdowns and no school closures and look at how they did that. But no they don’t even mention Sweden and other countries that are doing great now. That tells you something.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
There seems to be a pattern emerging
2 or 3x jabs - cases going up
IVM + no jabs cases dwindling
lockdowns - no change or worse
more deaths due to self destruction
mandates - not much change
as social control increases
so does social unrest
more vax = more mutants =
more $$ for Pfizer
time to break this cycle
question everything
nice list/description
I also like this tweet in Chris' clip at the top.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bangladesh uses ivermectin extensively
Bangladesh: (US data)
Health Care Expenditure: $16.20 per person ($11,071.72 per person)
Total Cases: 1,575,784 (49,081,854)
Current Cases: 205 (9,420,796)
Total Deaths: 7,468 (799,344)
Death Rate: 168/million (2,395/million)
Vaccination Rate: 32% (60%-70%)
The following used studies from Bangladesh:
Dr Marik update...
Here's a letter from Paul's lawyer to the judge on punitive actions by the hospital.
Doctors excluded from helping patients and administrators as authoritarians. Whattta world.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That is a good letter and keeping up with the moving
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
When I see they way they've done Julian...
There is NO justice, and no amount of evidence can change the scale/narrative.
What law? We are a law unto ourselves think TPTB.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My gawd
How can they explain not allowing a doctor to treat his patients as he thinks is in their best interests? That is malpractice and malfeasance on the part of the administration and they are knowingly letting people die just because it goes against what big pharma wants. How is this any difference from what we did during WW2 when we turned away the ship full of Jews who were fleeing from Hitler’s genocide? We knew for years what he was doing in Germany too, but….
History wasn’t kind to the good Germans and it won’t be kind to this time period. McCollough says that 80% of the deaths here could have been prevented if Fauci Mengele had authorized older drugs. No matter what the actual number of deaths turns out to be lots of them could have been saved. Just like this doctor has been doing but now is allowed to. Are there any words for this?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
No more moving the goalposts
Fauci just blew them up.
If he had said that from the beginning….but he didn’t. Gee how surprising.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That's why I call him Dr Falsie
lying SOB. Wondering how much money he's gained during the plandemic?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I beg to differ. Fauci is not a "lying SOB"
He is a typical psychopath who is capable of facilely lying to further his agenda.
that is a better term...
Sadly more accurate than lying SOB.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Like everything associated with the D party and Falsie
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
We’re the deplorables now?
Yeah what’s a little more drilling in the oceans that are already under lots of stress from the oil leaks and contamination we’ve done to it? I guess if it affects one’s stocks that’s good. Bringing us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia is something we should all be cheering huh? Biden has kept 8% of his campaign promises for us. The parliamentarian said no to quite a few things that would help workers. But he did raise the federal minimum wage to $15 so that’s good. Not enough, but it’s something.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
common sense left that party long ago
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That's just data you nerd...
kinda like this? Vax rate 110% and raging cases?

I think the mandates can't persist, but we'll see. What has data got to do with mandates?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
In between naps no less
and with a little help from his good friend Barack. Hillary rigged the first primary against Bernie and Obama rigged the second one and both times Bernie rolled over. But I seriously doubt that Biden’s in any condition to run this country. Lots of Obama’s reruns are in charge.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Weird how people are just skipping over the fact that
it was vaxxed persons who brought the new variant to Hong Kong and Israel and the UK and elsewhere isn’t it? And since only vaxxed or people who test negative to fly are the ones spreading it everywhere. But I’m seeing leaders saying that if we want to stop the pandemic that everyone needs to get vaxxed. Lots of states and countries did just that and still more people are dying this year than last year.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Prosecuting COVID Crime
he accurately describes the likely outcome...
Thanks for the interview!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Unless they get us first
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good Evening, just wanted to say
that from here, where i am, I can watch 54 channels on TV, including the foreign ones.
I guess that his way I see a lot of images, which not all of you can see.
To tell you the truth, it's not always helpful.
I agree that most is about control and money, which go hand in hand. As it is so unpleasant to realize and watch, I shut down most of the exposure I could have. I can live without it.
Hope you all are ok, healthy and confident that there will be better times coming up one day.
Good Night from Germany. i
(BTW I find this Mengele blah really inappropriate. What should that be helpful for?)
Glad to hear you're doing well...
The world is always interesting, but seems more so of late. Main stream media is pretty much all crap. We're on our own weaving our way through the propaganda. That's the benefit of C99 to my mind. A variety of sources and rational analysis.
Better times by spring IMO. Take care till then!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Biological Weapons Anti
The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon”
what about landlords who knowingly attempt to use verified toxic mold to drive away good, rent paying tenants, simply because they want to churn tenants to push rent controlled tenants out and get new tenants in who pay four times as much rent? Using biological weapons (satratoxin h is one) to drive rent-payers out, and ruining their health if they stay? Why cant these kinds of criminal landlords be punished?
Satratoxin H is a CBW, officially. Its around the 60th most toxic substance known to mankind. It shouldn't be legal to knowingly and intentionally use such toxic substances to drive good tenants out.
The courts have no guts
Why doesn't the US govt. stand trial for war crimes?
Same answer. There is not enough authority in these
justice systems to take the bigger criminals to task.
question everything
Countries are given a lot of latitude to mistreat their own
A real lot. Since peoples rights are all tied to their nationality, that is the case these days. We really screwed up in the aftermath of World War II to not create a means of protecting people whose national affiliation had left them stripped of the rights that accrue from nation-states.
Please read Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism, I think its Chapter 9.
In the last two decades, money has aquired a all new set of rights.. Your money has a right to be treated eually. It is invested with rights. It is a voice.
If millionaires money is not given the same respect as billionaires money in proportion to its amount, that is trade distortion and bad. I am farly certain that this is a basic principle of neoliberalism.
The poor cant be given anything in disproportion to how much money they spend. Spend a lot, you get the best, spend less you must get less. The poor can be given help but ithas tobe the most minimal thats possible to address whatever the issue is. Look up "trade restrictiveness" and Likeness. Governments are not allowed to substitute things for others if the effect is to replace them, ability to replace something iis the definition. Government could not substitute one service for another if it reduces sales of the commercial one..
istort trade. See the EC Bananas case.. (This is for for something to be WTO legal, it cannot be a "like service". ) Also look up discrimination under WTO law. For example, the poor peoplke and middle class people people would not buy Health insurance if some government gave them free healthcare so that is probably clearly a violation in countries that made commitments in financil services like the UK. For the NHS to be FTA legal it would have to be a public service and there is only one definition that is permissible and the UK government seems to be intentionally lying as to what it is. They have done this for more than 20 years. But the definition is very well known and unambiguous, it seems tom me. They do not pass the two line test. So, NHS is going to be lost because they have been selling for profit health insurance. Any country that sells for profit health insurance cannot have public healthcare.
It cannot subsidize healthcare except if its minimally trade restrictive, the most minimal in scope possible.
That means not when they actually could afford the cheapest HC. Even if thats in another country. Many may may be forced to travel to it. (forced medical tourism, seems likely due to the WTO rules and stements by many in he neoliberal elite. Reservations the US has made thet try to make it look illegal to pay other countries for Americans medical care unless the provider is licensed in the US, have been stated to be violations iof WTO rule, given that we committed to allow international trade in medical and hospital services. That means that healthcare will be globalized, and likely privatized. The same goes for education and teaching.
How do some countries get away with having free public hospitals? Canada begun their healthcare system before the creation iof the WTO and it was designed in a way that avoided the WTIO trap. Commercial health insuranceof the kind that covered people was forbiden since before the cutiff came when the WTO was created. See "Putting Health First".
For example, in the UK, it seems that some of what they call the nonconforming monopoly services are being dismantled before the beginning of next year. What that means is that people will I suspect have to pay for healthcare if they have assets. (like homes) Most people may be required to buy insurance like in the US. I would put money on this happening within the next few months. They will make it look like its some mess up between the captured parties there. Just wait and see. Read upon the government authority exclusion.
The UK's NHS is likely seem by the WTO as a trade barrier. a form of discrimination against foreign financial services suppliers, since it prevents Britons from buying commercial insurance in the quantity that foreign corporations are entitled to. Like here. We have promised foreign insurers and banks the business, would it do for government to step in and give people an alternative. Say it prevented people from needing some commercial service, like high interest second mortgage loans, in the face of a financial crisis, when millions were losing homes. When we had made commitments to allow all innovative finncial services.. Some kinds of loans are very high interest and have high returns. This is a payback for joining the WTO that is a repayment of a debt. To keep our obligations, we could not have a Medicare for All;, nor can we forgive loans for students because those students would compete with foreign guest workers for those future jobs. Right now they cant because they have to pay loans back which means thei wages would have to be too high disqualifying them from competing in the job market. If we have public education, that competes with foreign, for profit schools. We made a commitment to get out of the education business gradually. Irreversibly. Corporate services are the future, we insist. Water, we and the international global economic governance orgs we control are pushing privatization of water, an essential that is both a good and a service. So it has the potential to become a huge generator of profit.
The truth is they agreed to do all this way back in the 90s,
Wish we had stood up for the people then. Why dion't we? Because the Clinton Administration only saw one way to solvethe lack of affordability of healthcare., Cmmercial health insurance., The Biden Administration does too. Another alternative is sending the sick to the countries where they can afford healthcare. To buy it there. We basically have done the equivalent of promising the oligarch ruled "Most unequal nations" we would do this, in the 1990s.
oh so many examples...
Like the US and the genocide of first nation peoples.
Israels genocide of Palestinians.
Saudi persecution of women.
and on and on and on...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
As always it’s the f’cking hypocrisy in the end. I just wonder how the shitlibs would have reacted if Trump had mandated the vaccines.. At first we were told that it would take years to create a vaccine for Covid but it took less than 1. That is just one of the reasons I don’t trust them. How many patents were given on the coronavirus years before we heard about it? How many does Fauci have?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
OT but if you need a laugh
Funny diary on no drama Biden and his sidekick Kamala Harris who apparently is getting a bum's rush from the media because she’s been given too many things to do. And speaking of Kamala’s future…
Yeah go ahead and run the least liked VP in history with the guy who wants to charge you 8 cents a mile to drive your car. I dare you to run them democrats. Dems in disarray because of internal strife wasn’t true apparently after they spent 11 months on build back better that started at $6 trillion and ended at $1.5. Or was it billions? Strife there was.
Edited because I left out the tweet.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
can you say dysfunctional?
and it ain't just the dimwits. It is like the US in general is systemically unable to be effective...the COVID response, afghan withdrawal, China and Russian diplomacy, and on and on. The US has declined to the point it can't do shit but kill innocent peoples and declare victory. Pretty sad.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Fauci: "all I want to do is save lives"
That he said that with a straight face…
I’m thinking that Cruz wants him prosecuted for his role in gain of function and for creating the epidemic if he was involved in GoF in Wuhan. Seems that one of his partners admitted that he did indeed do the deed.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Fun with Anagrams…
Omnicron = MORONIC
It seems the people behind the COVID fear mongering we are being subjected to 24/7 are having a laugh at our expense.
An antidote is offered in the following video.
Billions Of People Are Affected By This & They Don't Realize It
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
it is indeed...
mass hypnosis.
Thanks for the clip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Its not surprisng that those who are in control would try to stay so, when they saw changes that might expose attempts to engage in global pillage, like the Guptas in South Africa's cozy relations with the ANC, or the US's Clintons ofr Trump families. All I can say is people need better noses for bullshit.
They are trying bto create situations that divide the nation and enable more and more repression, whie making their global pillage of areas like AFrica permnent. Its a huge land and power grab that intends to take all thats left in the world as fas as it can be stolen.
They want this to appear to be legal. They are urently seeking monopoly on knowledge and provision of information.
Not all of the rich and powerful act that way, though. Some, particularly tech people have scruples against it. They take pride in their accomplishments attained without dirty tricks. They want meritocracy, or so they say.
Not the fake WTO style equality, though. That's a rigged system within which we cannot win. We the people doesnt even exist as voters.
The so called rules based system is intended to keep many people whose status as rulers is of questionable legitimacy, and basically they are supported because they re okay with global pillage, the looting of resource possessing nations by the elites, and the leaving them with unpayable debt.
Thats just what we do, its what the US stands for these days.
Look at WHO previous and it seems also current Administrations support, wanna be dictators and corrupt criminal groups, groups that have been involved in large scale murders of the poor and poweless to take the world's natural resources.
It always turns out to be about that. their track records are really bad. Crooks.
Some run questionably tax exempt (they should not be tax exempt) "foundations" that seem like hotbeds of bribery, through and through.
Many remain on the gopvernment payroll, giving them a shady appearance of legitimacy they dont deseve. However they are it seems immune to reasonabe conflict of interest disclosure requirements. This is the revolving door thats out of control now.
Fake NGOS are the worst.
This theft is destroying the world, by design. Its basically a way to give elites "low show" (easy) jobs at the taxpayers expense.
Its part of a sham made up "amoral system" that deliberately twists moral values to put the rich on top. And pretends that is equality. Its kind of a parody of the changes brought about by the US civil rights movement, but of by and for corporations.
Sustainable means profitable. The current system is deemed non sustainable because of rises in wges, and increases in regulation such as laws that make doing business more expensive in any way, such as limits on transactions of any kind.
Allowing for the optimal (most profitable) taking for profit of all the world’s resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development (profit making) and seeking to protect and preserve the exploitation of environment (in the most profitable manner) are fundamental to the WTO. These goals, enshrined in the Preamble of the Marrakesh Agreement, (which is meaningless because preambles are not binding and often in fact are the opposite of whats really being done) go hand in hand with the WTO’s objective to reduce trade barriers (laws and products of voting of any kind) and eliminate discriminatory treatment in international trade relations (such as limits on work related travel based on nationalities) . For WTO members, the aims of upholding and safeguarding an open and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system, on the one hand, and acting for the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development, on the other, can and must be mutually supportive.
The corporate states of America
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Corporate personhood is based on fraud.
In the SCOTUS case thats forms its root.
Corporations are not people and they don't or shouldn't possess or nullify human rights.
The global despotry who are supported by the US elites seeks to create regulatory harmonization downward so that no country's workers are better off than the lowest common deniominator, thereby removing the increntive some saw in the past to move to the US.
This will make a single global labor market where workers are hired based on value for money with corporations bidding for government contracts such as taking care of people in any way. Education and healthcare will be totally privatized, and aid will be limited to only the poorest who need help the most. Money paid in error to people whose incomes were not reported fully and completely will be electronically clawed back, sometimes leaving people with six or seven figure debts. Precious, vanishing entry level Jobs will be shifted to be done by huge "services" staffing companies.. corporations located in the lowest wage poorest lowest income countries. (Supporting the often repressive leaderships of the countries with the highest yields to investment)
Privatization of roads will leave those without a positive balance unable to pass numerous private roads or enter cities. Voting will be tied to location of last residence, gradually leaving the potentially huge numbers of once-housed but homeless unable to vote.