Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 10-30-2021

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Taiwan, one of the hotpots for potential of a major war since the retreat of the Nationalist Army and Republic of China leaders in 1949 has been increasingly strident for attention again since United States left Afghanistan. A coordinated propaganda campaign appears to be attempting to prod China into an action that may be responded to with military action.

Wall Street Journal broke the story this month Marines have been in Taiwan training troops for the past year.

A bombshell Wall Street Journal report has revealed (and confirmed) that an elite contingent of special operations Marines has been deployed to Taiwan for at least the past year - a revelation sure to outrage Beijing amid ongoing charges that the US has effectively abandoned the status quo One China policy.

Citing US officials with knowledge of the program, the report details that "About two dozen members of U.S. special-operations and support troops are conducting training for small units of Taiwan’s ground forces," and that "The U.S. Marines are working with local maritime forces on small-boat training." It's the first such openly confirmed US training deployment in support of local forces since 1979. Taiwan media previously reported it, but this is the first time US officials are providing confirmation.

Taiwan is geographically important as part of the First Island Chain to contain China. Its population is rather small and decreasing.

The Taiwan issue will fade away – literally
The island has the lowest birth rate of any political entity and will lose its importance over the next 50 years

Relegating Taiwan’s status to the indefinite future has been a matter of tacit agreement between the United States and the People’s Republic of China since Richard Nixon went to Beijing in 1972.
Its total fertility rate stands at barely one child per female. Taiwan has 23 million people today, fewer than large Mainland cities like Chengdu, Chongqing or Shanghai. Its demographic decline will sap its relative importance over time.
Projecting this into the future, the United Nations, in its “medium variant” forecast, has Taiwan’s elderly dependent ratio at about 80 by mid-century – every 100 workers will have to support 80 elderly. That’s almost double the projected ratio for the People’s Republic of China.
I reviewed the military balance in my 2020 book You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World, and concluded that no one would be crazy enough to start a war on China’s coast.

After reading recent suggestions from John Bolton, Gary Schmitt and Michael Mazza, and Dan Blumenthal, I stand corrected. There are influential folk who are crazy enough. In general, they are the same people who wasted $5 trillion on nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan, rather than investing, for example, in ways to protect the US and its assets from hypersonic missiles.
The stench of cultural pessimism pervades the American war party: Like the French in 1914, they believe that if they do not fight now, they may never have the opportunity to do so in the future. Germany had far outstripped France in population and industrial might, and the gap would only widen.

The French diehards of 1914 became the defeatists of 1940 who surrendered to the Germans in six weeks.

By no means should the United States abandon Taiwan. It must raise the cost of a possible Chinese incursion without pushing China into a corner from which it will lash out.
The United States may depend on China for imports worth 27% of its manufacturing output, but Americans will go without smartphones and computers in order to punish China for use of force.


Professor Explains History of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, Pre-2010 (lecture May 28, 2020)


All calm in Taiwan in the face of Chinese threats
Many Taiwanese see China's recent fighter jet incursions as more of a show than preparation for an all-out invasion

Many Taiwanese see the Chinese military display as more of a show than a preparation for an all-out invasion. There are several reasons being China’s “show of force” in recent days, pointing to short- and medium-term goals.

Domestically, the military pressure serves Chinese President Xi Jinping’s propaganda and political agenda. Xi’s defining political idea is promoting the “China Dream” to his people, which partly entails becoming “a strong nation with a strong army.”

China had just had its National Day celebration on October 1 and a public show of force is a visual embodiment of that narrative. China’s nationalist Global Times newspaper even went so far as to call the flight incursions a form of a National Day “military parade.”
Taiwan’s main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), has also just elected a new leader after a party campaign focused primarily on Taiwan’s policy towards China.

The new chairman, Eric Chu, who ran on an American-friendly foreign policy platform, won a humble victory with 45% of the votes in a tight, four-way race. Chu has since promised to be a unifier who will listen to other voices in his party and has pledged to renew stalled talks with China.
Another reason why Taiwanese people are not very alarmed by the increasing number of Chinese warplanes is simply the law of diminishing impact over time.

People are used to this type of low-intensity Chinese military provocation. In fact, they have been living in the near-constant presence of Chinese military and diplomatic pressure for more than a quarter of a century.
So what is Beijing’s ultimate plan?

According to hawkish General Qiao Liang, the plan is “strategic patience.”

This means waiting until the cross-strait military balance tilts further in China’s favor, using the military option only when it can comprehensively overwhelm Taiwan and disincentivize or even deny American military intervention.

And politically, Beijing aims to use the gravity of its economy to attract Taiwanese youth opinion leaders and slowly build back Taiwanese support for eventual unification. In this approach, economic incentives replace soft power, which Beijing is lacking at the moment.


Joseph Wu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan was in Australia earlier this month drumming up support for preparation on war with China.

Prior to entering politics, he was an academic political scientist, finishing his PhD in political science in 1989 at Ohio State University. He wrote his doctoral thesis on progress and obstacles to democratization in Taiwan. [2] He served as a teacher and research assistant in the political science department of Ohio State University in the United States, and as deputy director of the Institute of International Relations of National Chengchi University in Taiwan.

Taiwanese Foreign Minister warns his country is preparing for war with China, asks Australia for help

Taiwan has also welcomed the recent establishment of the AUKUS strategic partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the growing activity between the Quad allies, the US, India, Australia and Japan.

"We are pleased to see that the like-minded partners of Taiwan — the United States and the UK and Australia — are working closer with each other to acquire more advanced defence articles so that we can defend Indo-Pacific.
Defence analyst Professor Clinton Fernandes from the University of New South Wales warns it would be difficult for the US and allies to prevent any invasion attempt by China.
Australia's place in the world has completely changed
A composite image of Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, and Scott Morrison.

This week's moves – the announcement that Australia may build submarines with US and British technology and news of more US troops rotated here – fundamentally change our relationship with the world.
Read more

"The military centre of gravity is China's air defence system in the south, it has the ability to deny the United States control of the air — if the United States cannot control the air, it cannot win either at land or at sea."

Professor Fernandes doesn't believe China will launch any military strike on Taiwan before next year's Beijing Winter Olympics but warns something more coercive is likely ahead of the US presidential elections in 2024.

"The defence of Taiwan is predicated on a Chinese invasion – but if China's main effort is not an invasion but a blockade, then what? Taiwan doesn't have a Plan B – that's the big problem."


While we can keep up with the news many of the plans and actions by the countries involved are State Secrets. The actions leading up to the 1958 crisis almost leading to nuclear war did not become public until this year. When Daneil Ellensburg released a 691 page memorandum (link to pdf)in May.

Gregory Clark a former Australian diplomat summed up his opinion on the ramifications of the 1958 crisis.

Long-term ramifications

It is hard to underestimate the harm done to Western foreign policies as a result of this good Soviet Communist/bad Chinese Communist mistake.

In October 1962 the first of the Sino-Indian border clashes over the McMahon Line had occurred. On Canberra’s China desk we had the maps showing clearly that the Indian side had transgressed. But the image, and the propaganda, of the Chinese as the bad, aggressive Communists on the move into South Asia prevailed.

Henry Kissinger has since said that this exaggerated fear of China in turn was a great factor in the US decisions to intervene in Vietnam and to back Indonesia over East Timor, as well as a host of other Cold War decisions.
There was a strange twist to this good Soviet Communist/bad Chinese Communist fallacy.

When I was working in Australia’s Moscow embassy in November 1964, shortly after Khrushchev’s fall in October that year, we received an urgent message calling for us to arrange a meeting between Australian foreign minister Paul Hasluck and the top Soviet leadership. Hasluck had an important message (later we discovered it was from Washington) to deliver.

Ushered into a Kremlin inner sanctum with the standard green baize table, Hasluck said the West had taken note of Moscow’s problems with China along its borders. We had similar problems with an aggressive China, in Vietnam. It was time, he said, for Moscow to use its “power” to join us in Vietnam to stop further aggression.

At this point there was a break in the talks as Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin set out to correct the interpreter. “Power” in Russian had been interpreted as sila, which can also mean “force,” and the Soviet Union would never use force, he said.

With that cleared up, we went back to the talks. But when the full stupidity of the Australian/US proposal was clear – that the USSR should join with the US and Australia to fight North Vietnam (then seen by Canberra as a Chinese puppet), Kosygin and foreign minister Andrei Gromyko drew back in amazement. The USSR, intoned Kosygin, would always be steadfast in its support for the brave Vietnamese and wished the Chinese would do more.

In other words, if there really was some danger in Asia for Canberra to fret over, then it was Moscow, not Beijing, that was on the aggressive prowl in Asia.

End of bad Communist/good Communist myth? Not quite. It continues through to today and will get another kick along as the US tries to sort out its differences with Moscow over Ukraine by the simple act of agreeing to enforce the 2015 Minsk Agreements at the Biden-Putin summit next month. The aim of the United States is to be able once again to concentrate its energies on those “bad actors” in China.

Meanwhile Beijing will finally decide it is time to do something about Taiwan, most likely by yet another move against those Offshore Islands. Watch this space.

What is on your mind today? (Responses to Covid questions and dialog to be conducted at The Dose diary)

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QMS's picture

A serious understatement.

the harm done to Western foreign policies

The US foreign policy is a disaster.

We invest in warmongering in places like Taiwan, Ukraine, Poland etcetera
imparting our form of 'democracy' invariably destroying any sane sense of
democratic institutions for the sake of the arms industry.

Bullies for the empire.

Bully: one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.

The US foreign policy in a nutshell.
This in no-way represents the spirit of Americans that I know.

Enjoy your Saturday

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

studentofearth's picture

@QMS realization a small group of institutions and families have been influencing policy for their gain not for the average citizens since prior to the formation of The United States of America. We are the pawns and reserve force (bodies or nebulous public opinion) for implementing territory and economic grabs. An individual may move themselves and their families, by various means, up the power structure by aligning with the goals of the leading class. If at some time their actions due to beliefs in the myths of America's freedoms conflict with the goals of the Powers That Be (maggots) they run the risk of again becoming pawns.

Within this social structure we need to stay healthy, mobile, clear minded and aware of supervision methods. The most annoying actions to the Maggots seems to be simply the enjoying life and building communities without paying them a toll, tithe or worship.

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

QMS's picture


A wonderful way of seeing our options.
The difference between seeing what we got
and what we got to learn. You are so cool.

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

Another wet morning. Light showers and chilly now.

I'm hopeful we''ll avoid the Thucydides's Trap, but the US is so small minded about cooperation, and would rather work to fulfill Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing, etc greed for war profits. My sister is teaching in Taiwan, so I hope a war can be avoided.

I keep thinking China and Russia might come out with a gold backed currency and take out the US economically by collapsing the USD. Probably a pipe dream.

I'm to the point where I see the US as one of the most evil empires of recent history. It makes me ashamed of what this nation has become...not that it was ever very good.

Thanks for the updates, and let's hope we can accept the idea of a multipolar world.

Thanks for the OT and hope things are well on the homestead!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout counter the American Institution's propaganda on China. Hopefully with more successfully than last century and can avoid the large scale destruction of lives and communities due to armed conflict, bombings, assassinations and criminal activity that accompanies chaos.

Formosa is a beautiful part of the world. I have fond memories of visiting the island staying in Taipei and traveling around Taiwan. The people living there due not deserve to become causalities of Western Christian powers trying to keep their last remaining foothold of control in Chinese territory. And we due not deserve the loss of American lives within our own communities and families.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Thank you.
I really can't understand Chinese obsession with Taiwan. It will inevitably fall to them. Taiwan is economically dependent on China and few younger Taiwanese share the dreams of their grandfathers for a victory over Communism.
Using carrots rather than sticks, China could rather easily (and certainly inevitably) entice a Taiwanese bid for reunification. The US warhawks would not have a leg to stand on. Ethnic bonds (extremely important in Asia) and economic rescue would certainly prevail.
I suppose China has their versions of General Jack D. Ripper and Donald Trump also. Local Taiwanese officials, of course, do not want to give up their power and prestige.

US intervention would be like China trying to stop a US invasion of Cuba.
Futile and in the worst case causing a global nuclear war.

However, I believe a reunification by force would be a major strategic mistake by China. I guess they can make them too.

God! I hope lyin' Biden isn't pulling out of the Middle east just to start a new Asian adventure! Did we learn NOTHING from Korea and Vietnam?

5 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

studentofearth's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness may have more of an obsession with Taiwan than China. It is the last remaining Christian controlled government in historical Chinese territory. All the exclusive control of Chinese trade since the Portuguese clippers is being shipped away.

Our wars and police actions in countries bordering China have not ended well for Americans.

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Pluto's Republic's picture


(There are a tiny handful of indigenous Taiwanese and they have little to do with government.)

China has no intention of attacking Taiwan. The thought is absurd. For 70 years China has waited to reunite with Taiwan and it can wait for a thousand more years, says China. A substantial percentage of the Taiwanese people would like to reunite with China. But this is not a political concern. Socially, the a Taiwanese majority vacation in China and their children go to school in China. And many Chinese do the same in Taiwan. The people know who they are and what they want.

The US is trying to install NATO in Taiwan and bring in nuclear missiles to point at China. That's what all these lies and fake news about China's military vis a vie Taiwan is all about.

The map in the essay is wrong. It is designed to mislead Americans.

Most Americans have never seen an accurate map of China that includes Taiwan. Almost every map of China published by the US has Taiwan airbrushed out or relocated elsewhere and distorted in size. Even NASA continuously publishes fake maps of China. For shame.

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studentofearth's picture

@Pluto's Republic the Island Chain Strategy developed after World War II by John Foster Dulles. The two red lines were more important to the diary than relative size and placement of Taiwan.

For the United States, the island chain strategy is a significant part of the force projection of the U.S. military in the Far East. For China, the concept is integral to its maritime security and fears of strategic encirclement by U.S. armed forces. For both sides, the island chain strategy emphasizes the geographical and strategic importance of Taiwan.[3]

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Pluto's Republic's picture


And the purpose of the map is an important distinction, especially at the time it was made. I've actually seen Chinese maps with a similar trade routes marked, although inclusive of Taiwan.

I did not mean to criticize your fine essay in any way. My comment is inspired by the relentless US push to trigger an economic hot war with China — ultimately using lies and misrepresentations about Taiwan as a helpless democracy that fears an invasion by China. This is completely ridiculous for so many reasons. Too many to go into.

But to address the key saber-rattling issue: China is very much an interactive democracy — demonstrably more credible than the faux Democracy of the US.. China has eight political parties, and all of them attend the government sessions and events. Of course, the party that led the Chinese people to prosperity, the CCP, is enormously popular. In China, citizens vote for their government representatives, like in any other democracy. Arguably, the most successful democracies are those deeply committed to enacting the will of the People through consensus. But in China, citizens are also invited to interact directly with the governing process by submitting suggestions and proposals. Around ten thousand of these are received, and each one is logged and evaluated. Several of these ideas will be included in China's next Five-Year Plan. All of them together inform the planning committees of the people's moods and expectations. Some of the citizen-authors are invited to attend the Party Congress.

US democracy offers no comparison. it's no secret that industries and large corporations have captured American Democracy to use for their own benefit. Corporations now own private contracts to preform government services. These can be squeezed for enormous personal gain, while pushing the people down into helpless despair.

So, the absurdity of the US attacking China as an enemy of democracy is breathtakingly preposterous. Yet it is a dangerous lie, since the American people are fully uninformed about China and are trained to react violently to patriotic trigger words. Even though the Chinese government's planning sessions are attended by foreign observers and delegations from all over the world, it's not enough to defeat the propaganda. China has been remiss in reaching out to the brainwashed masses in capitalist, warring nations — and teaching them about Chinese Democracy. China had assumed that making huge improvements in the lives of its citizens would earn the admiration and trust of the world's masses. This was true for developing and emergent nations. But China was unprepared for the fear, envy, and panic coming from the US and its allies and political concubines. They fill their people's empty heads with a barrage of outrageous lies and slander. President Trump's China policy made both Republicans and Democrats swoon. China hate was the surprise key to unifying the nation.

Essays like yours are a welcome opportunity to expose the lies and get the truth out to the people before their nation starts World War III. Hope you continue along this line with your excellent essays.

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studentofearth's picture

@Pluto's Republic Geography helps shape our opinion on cultures, development and impact on world events. I anticipate if my information is not clear someone will speak up and the conversation can move forward.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.


Western powers do not have the luxury of time and
may have more of an obsession with Taiwan than China. It is the last remaining Christian controlled government in historical Chinese territory.

I'd say you can't be serious, but you apparently *are* which is not any improvement.

In what way, precisely, is Taiwan 'Christian controlled' or 'western controlled' as you describe it elsewhere? True, they are dependent on western countries for their weapons, but then so is Saudi Arabia and to a considerable extent, Israel. Are they western or Christian-controlled? Neither is Taiwan.

What Taiwan is is a whole lot more functional democracy than the US can claim to be at present. Multi-ethnic and prosperous. And was well on the road to prosperity before China adopted pro-capitalist reforms - although both sides have clearly benefitted from bilateral trade.

No, the Taiwanese are not interested in re-taking China, but they are about determining their own destiny. And the CCP (nor anyone else) have the right to impose it. Whether they were once controlled by China is neither here nor there. Israel once controlled parts of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq... does that mean they deserve it back now?

Maybe the Turks deserve Greece and Serbia? Then again, the Greeks used to occupy a fair bit of Turkey, maybe they should have that back...

All the exclusive control of Chinese trade since the Portuguese clippers is being shipped away.

Huh? True, from the Opium Wars through post-WWII foreigners did exercise undue influence on China's trade, but haven't since and where is there any indication that they seek it? Traffic through the Taiwan Straits and South China Sea should be unhindered and is about all that is being asked.

The *only* country that seems to have a problem with that is - China.

Our wars and police actions in countries bordering China have not ended well for Americans.

True, but the same can be said for China's military confrontations with its neighbors.


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studentofearth's picture

@Blue Republic American government obsession with China. Religious organizations are one of the tools of influence. The influence of Christian Taiwanese heads of state have been disproportionate to the the 2.5 to 4% of the christian worshipers in the general population. (I plan to cover in a future diary)

Economically wealthy have the option of leaving an area before an armed conflict happens. Most of the local population does not. If a war happens deliberately or "accidentally" the residents of Taiwan lives will be destroyed.

Why don't we let their democratic process organically happen without outside pressure? Let their residents decide not international corporations, organized religion or foreign governments.

Top Democrats Unite With Christian Far Right to Bash China Religious freedom: the new front in the New Cold War.

Using a friend’s company on my application and adopting a fake persona, I attended a three-day summit on religious freedom where leading figures in the Democratic Party including Nancy Pelosi, USAID Director Samantha Power and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken joined up with anti-gay Evangelicals, a slew of shady NGOs and multiple bonafide cults to ratchet up pressure against China.

Attendees and speakers were at ease throughout the week; a member of a prominent Evangelical organization and a representative of the Central Tibetan Government made shocking admissions to me about their aims in China.

Inside the three-day inaugural International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit, which organizers and attendees pronounced like “smurf,” there was a wide diversity of peoples but far less variance in talking points. The wickedness of the Chinese Communist Party was constantly discussed. While lip service was paid to Yezidis and Rohingyas, the so-called “religious freedom summit” was little more than a CCP hate-fest and China’s alleged crimes against “religious believers” took center stage.
Five premier partners were listed. First was ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) International, a Christian Legal Aid nonprofit devoted to international lawfare and promoting so-called Christian values in court systems; its main target being the so-called “homosexual agenda.”
The next premier partner listed on the IRF Summit program is Barnabas Aid (a part of Barnabas Fund), a Christian aid organization based out of the United Kingdom.
The third premier partner listed in the IRF Summit program is the Family Research Council (FRC), a Christian fundamentalist lobbying group that fights against anti-discrimination laws covering LGBTQ individuals, the rights of gay couples to adopt, and gay marriage.
The next on the list of premier partners is a media company called One Korea Network, which judging by its Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages was launched in Spring 2020, however an interview with the organization’s president a few months prior sees him discussing purchasing video equipment for the outfit. It is not clear who funds the project.
The final premier partner listed is Open Doors USA, a Christian mission with a presence in more than 60 countries. The organization was founded by Andrew van der Bijl, also called Brother Andrew and “God’s Smuggler,” a nickname he was given as he is credited with smuggling “millions” of copies of the bible past the Iron Curtain into Soviet republics during the Cold War.
Among the presenting partners is the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, China Aid, and Knights of Columbus, a catholic fraternal order
This is the first part of an investigation into the IRF Summit. In the next article I will reveal more cults sponsoring the IRF Summit which given de-facto endorsement by high level leaders of the Democratic Party. The following piece will also discuss the various “breakout session” attacking China and expose the shady characters hosting them.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.


Why don't we let their democratic process organically happen without outside pressure? Let their residents decide not international corporations, organized religion or foreign governments.

I'm good with that. BTW - how interested do you think the Chinese Communist Party leadership is in having the "democratic process organically happen" in China? Tibet? Hong Kong?

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studentofearth's picture

@Blue Republic @Blue Republic It is not a subject I have given much thought to over the years. It was a responsibility as a citizen to vote, so I did.

This thread of comments touches the subject of China using a different type of democratic process. It is an idea to explore. Peoples Republic of China is not perfect but they should have the right for self determination.

Republic of China (Taiwan) has a voting process to determine if the majority of their citizens believe moving forward with succession is right choice for their future. If they vote for succession I don't see why my neighbors, friends and family members need to suffer hardship or death to "save democracy" in a part of the world they had no political voice.

American imposed democracy at recently seems more of a psyop. The use of democratic ideas, planned protests and contesting unfair elections are used to change governments not aligned with United States' policies.

American style democracy, our shining beacon on the hill inspiring the world, is losing its luster. We need to work in our own country to have a functioning democracy responsive to the peoples needs and desires.

What People Around the World Like – and Dislike – About American Society and Politics

As previously reported, America’s overall image improved significantly following the election of President Joe Biden, but many nonetheless express significant doubts about the health of American democracy. Few believe U.S. democracy, at least in its current state, serves as a good model for other nations. A median of just 17% say democracy in the U.S. is a good example for others to follow, while 57% think it used to be a good example but has not been in recent years. Another 23% do not believe it has ever been a good example. Americans largely share the view that their democracy is no longer a model: 72% say U.S. democracy used to be a good example for others to follow but has not been recently. Democrats and independents who lean toward the Democratic Party are twice as likely as Republicans and independents who lean Republican to say the U.S. has never been a good model.

Thanks for the discussion, clarifying some thoughts for me.

1 user has voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

I doubt if China is as fixated on Taiwan as we are.
I have read that China is Taiwan's biggest trade partner. There is money and stability in simply carrying on as they are.
We are having some cool nights in the high 40s here, and I sleep much better in cold than in heat.
I did purchase a 2022 Hyundai Tuscon yesterday. Well, last night, to be precise. Unfortunately, my insurance office was closed, so I will not have it insured until Monday. I will put off taking a little test drive vacay until next weekend.
I think I will do some cooking projects today, and count my blessings myself and my family are healthy and pretty darn happy.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@on the cusp support for Taiwan independence than on residents of Taiwan.

Here are replies to three questions regarding Taiwan by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's at his Press Conference on Thursday.

MASTV: The leader of the Taiwan region Tsai Ing-wen confirmed in a recent interview that US troops are present on the island to help with training. She claimed that the threat from Beijing is growing "every day". What is your comment on this?

Wang Wenbin: The one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. On the Taiwan question, the US should abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqués, rather than something unilaterally concocted by itself. We firmly oppose official and military ties in any form between the US and the Taiwan region, and oppose the US interference in China's internal affairs. The US vessels have repeatedly flexed its muscles to make provocations and stir up troubles in the Taiwan Strait in recent times, sending gravely wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces and threatening cross-Strait peace and stability. The international community is clear-eyed about who is engaging in "coercion" on the Taiwan question.

The cross-Strait reunification is an overriding historical trend and the right course, while "Taiwan independence" is a retrogression leading to a dead end. The DPP authorities' acts of seeking "Taiwan independence" can not change the iron-clad fact that Taiwan is a part of China, neither will it shake the international community's universal and firm commitment to the one-China principle. Those who forget their heritage, betray their motherland, and seek to split the country will come to no good end.

Seeking "Taiwan independence" leads to a dead end. So does supporting "Taiwan independence". No country and no one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Otherwise, they will suffer another defeat.

Global Times: At the East Asia Summit (EAS) on October 27, the Japanese leader interfered in China's internal affairs including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang, accused China of activities that violate Japan's sovereignty in the East China Sea and violate UNCLOS in the South China Sea and expressed opposition to economic coercion in the region. Do you have any comment?

Wang Wenbin: On a multilateral occasion, the Japanese leader, in total disregard of facts, has engaged in "smearing diplomacy" and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs. Such acts are not constructive to the healthy and steady development of China-Japan relations and regional peace and stability. The Chinese side has lodged solemn representations with the Japanese side.

Beijing Youth Daily: The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently issued a statement that encourages all UN Member States to join the US in supporting Taiwan's robust, meaningful participation throughout the UN system and in the international community, and highlighted Taiwan's participation in ICAO and the WHO. What is your comment?

Wang Wenbin: The US statement seriously violates the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqués, violates the promise it has made, violates the basic norms governing international relations, and has sent seriously wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces. China deplores and firmly opposes this, and has made clear its solemn position to and lodged stern representations with the US.

On the issue of the Taiwan region's participation in the UN and other international organizations, China has made its position clear many times. There is only one China in the world. The government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The Taiwan region is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory, which is a fact based on history and jurisprudence that no one and no force can change. The participation of the Taiwan region in activities of international organizations, including the WHO and ICAO, must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. Fifty years ago, Resolution 2758 adopted by the General Assembly restored the lawful seat of the PRC in the UN, and has solved once and for all the issue of the China's representation in the UN in political, legal and procedural terms. The system, agencies and the Secretariat of the UN should abide by the one-China principle and UNGA Resolution 2758 when dealing with Taiwan-related affairs. The WHO, ICAO and other relevant international agencies all affirmed this fundamental principle in resolution or in other legal forms.

The Taiwan authorities recalcitrantly stick to the "Taiwan independence" separatist position and refuse to recognize the 1992 consensus. As a result, the political foundation for the Taiwan region to participate in the activities of the WHO and ICAO has ceased to exist. The responsibility fully rests with the Taiwan authorities. In fact, on the premise of the one-China principle, the Central Government of China has made proper arrangement for the Taiwan region's participation in international cooperation in various areas. In the health sector, there is an International Health Regulations Contact Point in Taiwan. Taiwan enjoys unimpeded channel and sound mechanism for information exchanges with the WHO and countries in the world. Medical and health experts in the Taiwan region also regularly attend WHO technical meetings and activities. In the civil aviation sector, the Taiwan region is linked to many cities in the world with convenient flights and has unfettered access to standards, suggested measures and other information from ICAO. The US statement exalts Taiwan's "contributions" in the science and health sectors and endeavors to solicit support for its participation in activities of the UN and other international organizations under such pretexts as a "gap" in the defense against COVID-19 and aviation safety. It is attempting to achieve political goals by fabricating lies to angle for sympathy. The international community has long seen through this sort of political trick. In recent years, when certain countries hyped up Taiwan-related issues on the platforms of the World Health Assembly and the International Civil Aviation Conference, they were opposed unanimously by all countries upholding justice and their attempts were foiled time and again. This fully demonstrates that the one-China principle is the overriding trend with strong popular support in the international community and shall not be defied.

We urge the US side to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, comply with UNGA Resolution 2758, stop issuing irresponsible erroneous remarks, stop assisting Taiwan in expanding its so-called "international space", refrain from sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces, and uphold the political foundation for China-US relations with concrete actions.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@on the cusp

I'm shopping for a car, too, but not a new one. Anyway, I've looked at late model Tucsons, and I really like them.

Far be it from me to give legal advice to a lawyer, but I've been reading about cars a lot. It sticks in my mind that it is a national regulation that all car insurers must fully insure your new car with the same general coverage you have (with or without notification) for at least five business days. Perhaps longer. I may have seen that at the NICB https://www.nicb.org

Enjoy your ride.

2 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic saying "a few days". We did go for a spin today. I got that puppy up to 90mph in very short order!
I never thought I would enjoy a frumpy car as much as I am. After I started making the deal, I found it is the highest rated in its' class, and is also the least expensive. Lots of bang for the buck. I would not have hesitated to get a used one. I got the most basic model. It has plenty of bells and whistles, and I couldn't see going up to the next level.
Good luck on your shopping!

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@NYCVG Medallion issue has been a slow moving crisis. The speaker is correct the economic destruction of the Taxi Driver is totally caused by the City of New York actions.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

earthling1's picture

Provocations from the hedgemon will poke and prod until a responce is required.
Small contingents of US trainers and techs have been on the island servicing the military equipment sold to the ROC forces for years now.
Nothing new there.
Stationing troops and warcraft on the island would be a red line to the mainland.
How far will the hedgemon push? It will probably happen during the Winter Olympics in a effort the ruin any hope of a successful hosting of the games.

6 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

studentofearth's picture

@earthling1 for US internal propaganda. It would be a plus if public opinion continues to grow regarding the need to spend US lives to defend the only democracy in China. Your suggested timing of another incident around the 2022 Winter Olympics may prove prophetic.

2 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

For a different viewpoint:

The principles of Chinese democracy

All too often when liberal democrats discuss democracy, they conflate mechanisms with principles. And when they do discuss principles, they are less than candid regarding the overwhelming privileges accorded private property – which they often erroneously equate with personal property in opposition to public property.

Indeed, in classical economic terms, private property rights are merely the rights to own the means of production. Consequently, whether the one percent or 10 percent of the population, those who actually enjoy such rights are an absolute minority in a system that puts their interests over the masses.

Such a democracy is a farce, and nowhere in the world is it more so than in the United States – that country that above all others likes to wag a self-righteous finger at China. But who can forget that in addition to privileging the wealthy above all, that America's "moral high ground" was built on genocide of the Native Americans, African slavery, conquest and appropriation of Mexican lands and subsequently exploitation and suppression of Latino asylum seekers and migrant labor, gender discrimination, and various forms of colonialism, imperialism and hegemony around the world.
But these are mechanisms and concepts, and while they relate to our discussion, they are not principles. Although "democracy is a good thing," Party intellectual and dean of the School of Government at Peking University Yu Keping famously wrote in the essay of the same title, more importantly, one should pursue politics without confusing abstract and unrealized ideals with the hard facts of material reality. Thus, one should instead focus on democratic principles that actually empower the masses in meaningful ways, politically and economically, and that ensure their well-being improves.
What are the principles of Chinese democracy? In fact, there are many, including those that have evolved through time along with those that have appeared more recently...
If one is guided in political practice by principles that aim to increase real democracy instead of mechanisms that are always hamstrung in the first instance with the first principle of bourgeois democracy – private property rights – and if one can eschew the first principle of American foreign relations – hegemony – then one can argue that one is on the path of real democracy.

This is the argument that is being advanced in Beijing today with the concept of "whole-process people's democracy," which expresses the principles I've listed above and demonstrates how these values are guiding policymaking and helping China reach the forefront of human development.

5 users have voted.

Or is it a democracy like the City of Chicago is a democracy?

2 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

QMS's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

but democracy only exists in ones programmed imagination
don't think the term matters much in Taiwanese minds

2 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

studentofearth's picture

@CB is not yet in the American psyche. Government and mainstream media can use "Save Democratic Taiwan" to shift public opinion.

The referenced article is interesting and hopeful. It appears China is going to attempt to teach the world about different types of democracy: whole-process people's democracy vs one person one vote.


3 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Pluto's Republic's picture


In fact, China sees its democracy as far more inclusive and effective than US democracy.

For the past 100 years, the Chinese people of Hong Kong — under British rule — did not have the right to vote. It was China that gave them the vote when Hong Kong was reunited with China. How ludicrous it is to hear brainwashed Americans fret about Hong Kong's democracy! It was China that gave them that Democracy.

As Chinese President Xi Jinping puts it: "Chinese democracy is the broadest, most genuine, and most effective democracy to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people."

In their own words:

Why China's socialist democracy is the most effective democracy

1 user has voted.
CB's picture


It will probably happen during the Winter Olympics in a effort the ruin any hope of a successful hosting of the games.


US-sponsored separatists groups, backed by Washington for decades, are being mobilized to attack and undermine activities related to the Beijing 2022 Olympics starting with the torch relay in Greece.

I explain the background of the “Free Tibet” movement and how the US government through the CIA backed it as early as the 1950s and transferred its operations to the National Endowment for Democracy.

5 users have voted.

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture


Israel is doing some kinda absorption thing.
Behind US absolution. It all sucks with empire stupidity.
What about the rights of palestinians?
Does no one else in the world hear what a sucking sounds like?
They have no right to another's land. Period.
Go back to Jerusalem and sort out your greedy BS.

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

4 users have voted.
QMS's picture


licorice sticks in your teeth
Biden is stuck in some vague candy coated delusion
therefore, it must be candy corn

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare