The Dose - 10-16-2021


The stages of intervention for the COVID cycle.

  1. Prevent initial infection in community or individual.
  2. After infection minimize ability to spread to rest of community or body.
  3. As infection spreads minimize symptoms of community or body.
  4. Minimize complications due to community or body responses to treatments and preventive measures.
    Focus today: community - Health Tourism
    body - catastrophic immune response
  5. Treat or adjust to longterm complications of Covid infection or treatments to community or body.
  6. Repeat cycle.

A few articles of interest.

Singapore’s vaunted health tourism under pressure
Many in need of critical care have been locked out of the city-state as it tries to deal with a Covid surge

Jack is one of hundreds of thousands of Indonesian citizens and foreign residents who spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to get specialized – and expensive – medical treatment in Singapore that is often unavailable at home.

But come a health crisis and the door has closed, with officials claiming that the island’s much-touted health system is stretched to the limit by a surprisingly sharp surge in coronavirus cases.

The latest message from the Singapore Health Ministry is that waivers for overseas patients with serious health issues have been suspended until further notice – just when Singapore is allowing the first foreign tourists to enter.
Singapore medical tourism has taken a huge hit since the onset of the pandemic. According to one estimate, Indonesians spend about $600 million a year on treatment in Singapore, Thailand and Australia.

Much of that is in Singapore, which normally receives about 500,000 overseas patients a year, half of them coming from Indonesia alone, according to the Medical Tourism Association.

Cardiac surgeries at Singapore hospitals, including heart bypasses and valve replacements, range up to S$130,000 (US$95,800); cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiology and immunotherapy, can cost S$234,000 (US$172,600).

Western modern medicine has not focused historically on supporting the immune system. Instead the commercial drugs and treatments generally suppressed immune function globally and specific functions, while the body was to heal itself. One example is histamine's role in mild and severe allergic reactions. For over 100 years it was thought to be the only biochemical made and stored in mast cells.
Allergic reaction was the release of histamines from a mast cell, which prompted other mast cells to release their stored histamines and in a really sensitive person it would proceed to an anaphylactic reaction. Treatment was antihistamines to prevent the cycle of releasing additional histamines, corticosteroids (dexamethasone, prednisone etc) to suppress all immune response and mast cell stabilizer to minimize the release of additional histamines. In emergency epinephrine is used to opening airways, and reduce swelling.

About 10 years ago the evidence could no longer be ignored as in the past 100 plus years. Mast cell produced, stored and released more than simply histamine. Those unusual physical reactions and emotions generally attributed to unreliable patients exaggerating their reactions to allergens and sensitivities might have a basis in biochemistry. part of the story is cytokines.

Drug to calm cytokine storm: Life-saving Russian discovery could be key to stopping body’s ‘suicide attack’ in severe Covid cases

A group of Russian scientists have created a drug that may potentially revolutionize the treatment of Covid-19 by defusing the most catastrophic reaction the disease causes in patients, while not destroying their immune response.

The drug, called Leitragin, was developed by the Biomedical Technology Research Center of the Russian Federal Medical and Biology Agency (FMBA), and is currently undergoing clinical trials in Russia. Although its base substance was previously known and used in ulcer treatment medicine by Soviet and Russian doctors, it was the FMBA team that discovered how to apply it for the treatment of severe cases of Covid-19 and, potentially, other deadly diseases that cause life-threatening lung inflammation.
Up until now, a cytokine storm was believed to be caused by an uncontrollable release of dozens of different cytokine types, making it difficult to contain. However, scientists at the FMBA Biomedical Technology Research Center say they might just have got to the very bottom of the issue and pinpointed a single key culprit.

The group, led by the head of the center, Vladislav Karkischenko, published the results of their drug’s pre-clinical trials on mice in the Journal of Immunology Research in late September.
The cytokine in question is called high mobility group box 1 protein, or HMGB1, Karkischenko told RT. Released en masse by the immune cells during severe Covid-19 cases, it triggers the release of numerous other cytokines, turning it into an “uncontrollable process.”

Previous research hasn’t considered HMGB1 as the “main cytokine,” but it’s so ubiquitous, its numbers could be a thousand times higher during the infection, Karkischenko said, which points to it being responsible for the “final cascade of reactions.”
Despite what Karkischenko says are promising results, the scientists behind Leitragin still have to prove its effectiveness in clinical studies. The center is now working on a large-scale publication that would involve clinical trial results and more information about the drug itself. Russia’s hospitals, meanwhile, are allowed to treat patients with Leitragin as part of a limited use authorization.

If proven effective and safe, though, the drug may be found to have uses far beyond Covid-19 treatment, since it’s designed to deal with the immune system’s reaction and not one specific virus.

The following articles are in sequence of complexity regarding the subject of mast cells and cytokines.

Very basic overview. Very readable, HOWEVER site does sell services and products - my inclusion of the text IS NOT a recommendation of products. This diary is too short to cover all the considerations before beginning any treatment and author is unaware of any unique specifics which could trigger unanticipated consequences in the reader.

Here’s a brief overview about your mast cells:

Mast cells can be triggered by all kinds of things. That’s where we get mast cell activation.

Mast Cells can be triggered by viruses or bacteria. They can also be triggered by allergens like pollen. Or even food proteins.

Or they can be triggered by normal things that happen in the body. Things like hormones or neurotransmitters. Or even injuries.

These are just a few things that can trigger a response from mast cells.

And what happens when mast cells get triggered?

They release mediators.

There are all kinds of different types of chemical mediators in mast cells. You might already be familiar with one type: histamine.

But there are actually HUNDREDS of mast cell mediators!

General information regarding mast cells and immune response.
The Role of Mast Cells in Our Health

Mast cells are cells found in connective tissue throughout our bodies as part of our immune system. Mast cells are particularly prominent in tissues of our bodies that interact with our external world, such as those found on our skin and in our respiratory and digestive tracts. Mast cells can also be found in the organs and tissue of our circulatory and nervous systems. Mast cells play an important role in protecting our health by providing a line of defense against pathogens.1

Cytokine Storm

The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has reminded us of the critical role of an effective host immune response and the devastating effect of immune dysregulation. This year marks 10 years since the first description of a cytokine storm that developed after chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy1 and 27 years since the term was first used in the literature to describe the engraftment syndrome of acute graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation.2 The term “cytokine release syndrome” was coined to describe a similar syndrome after infusion of muromonab-CD3 (OKT3).3 Cytokine storm and cytokine release syndrome are life-threatening systemic inflammatory syndromes involving elevated levels of circulating cytokines and immune-cell hyperactivation that can be triggered by various therapies, pathogens, cancers, autoimmune conditions, and monogenic disorders.

From a historical perspective, cytokine storm was previously referred to as an influenza-like syndrome that occurred after systemic infections such as sepsis and after immunotherapies such as Coley’s toxins.4 Yersinia pestis infection (i.e., the plague) has led to major pandemics (e.g., the Black Death) and triggers alveolar macrophages to produce excessive amounts of cytokines, resulting in cytokine storm.5 An exaggerated immune response was suspected to contribute to the lethality of the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic.

14 users have voted.


QMS's picture

This is of concern. Many prescribed drug treatments have far ranging side effects which only become apparent over time. One must be careful of laboratory produced medicines.

Thanks for the OT!

11 users have voted.

question everything

Unanticipated consequences are the bane of drugs rushed to market. Previously, vaccines took about ten years to go through the trials, safety studies surveillance, and review and approval by FDA. The fact that ‘Warp Speed’ delivered a novel vaccine to the public in months means that many, or even most, of safety study meant to discover ‘unintended consequences’ was omitted.

Those of us who have placed our trust in the opinions of public health agencies (there is no reliable safety data, even now) are now the participants in an ongoing study. Our bodies are now simply fulfilling the role of lab animals, and our adverse outcomes will provide the bypassed safety data, assuming it is even collected and analyzed.

Our regulatory agencies have been neutered, and clearly have interests at odds with good public health practices. This needs to stop.

10 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

QMS's picture


of laboratory rats is way beyond my powers of understanding.
Full speed ahead captain. Damn the torpedos.
Seems more of the educated public are resisting this experiment.
For good reasons, IMO.

6 users have voted.

question everything

How did we get to this point, and who is running the pandemic response?
Should children get the Jab?
Are adverse events really a problem?
How is the insular Amish population faring without vaccines or ‘normal’ medical care?
Was Ivermectin in the Indian home care packs that crushed COVID in UP?

All of these questions are asked and discussed (as opposed to answered) with Stew Peters and Dr. Robert Malone. If you take the time (an hour+) you surely will learn something, and perhaps even alter your opinion of Dr. Malone, be it for better or for worse.

Dig in!

Video Link

5 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


Well if government employees have any they get compensated for it.

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people are paying through their noses to find out what has happened to them. Again we see that government can pass laws to help mainstream Americans, but they don’t want to. This is unbelievable if true. The site looks legitimate.

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@QMS pipes up the c99 member who only now 7 months after 2 shots, is recovering---completely this time. I hope.

8 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

Western modern medicine has not focused historically on supporting the immune system.

In the US we don't practice health care (ie prevention), we promote for profit sick care....the more drugs, especially expensive drugs, the better.

There is a reason the US COVID outcomes are the worst of any nation despite the oft repeated "best health care in the world" lie. The truth is we have the most expensive (and least effective) health care in the world.

We're on our own folks. Prepare your body with vitamins, minerals, healthy foods, and a little light exercise like walking or biking. Wash your hands and gargle when you've been out and are exposed to others. Those simple steps could have prevented a lot of lost lives.

Thanks for hosting "The Dose"!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout ditto on Lookout's words.

5 users have voted.


CB's picture

is so high in the US for COVID-19 is the extremely high rate of obesity. This obesity has been caused by both high fructose intake and omega-6 from the extensive use of processed seed oils in our diets.

Genetic Variation, Diet, Inflammation, and the Risk for COVID-19
Karger Publishers Public Health Emergency Collection - 2021 Feb 2


COVID-19, which is caused by SARS-CoV-2, is characterized by various symptoms, ranging from mild fatigue to life-threatening pneumonia, “cytokine storm,” and multiorgan failure. The manifestation of COVID-19 may lead to a cytokine storm, i.e., it facilitates viral replication that triggers a strong release of cytokines, which then modulates the immune system and results in hyperinflammation. Today's diet is high in omega-6 fatty acids and deficient in omega-3 fatty acids; this, along with a high fructose intake, leads to obesity, which is a chronic state of low-grade inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids are proinflammatory and prothrombotic whereas omega-3 fatty acids are less proinflammatory and thrombotic. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids make specialized lipid mediators, namely resolvins, protectins, and maresins, that are potent anti-inflammatory agents. Throughout evolution there was a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids with a ratio of 1–2/1 omega-6/omega-3, but today this ratio is 16–20/1 omega-6/omega-3, leading to a proinflammatory state...
... A balanced omega-6/omega-3 ratio is essential to health. Physicians should measure their patients' fatty acids and recommend decreasing the intake of foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids and increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids along with fruits and vegetables.

How to avoid a life threatening “Cytokine Storm”

Research into Covid19 has revealed there are clear risk factors which increase the likelihood of serious illness or dying from the virus:

– Age
– Obesity
– Type II diabetes
– Gender (males are more at risk)
– Pre-existing chronic diseases especially high blood pressure but also heart disease, asthma, smoking, cancer
– Dark coloured skin
– Low vitamin D levels

The key underlying problem for those with a severe Covid19 infection seems to be a heightened inflammatory response called a “Cytokine Storm”. At its worst this massive switch on of the immune system results in damage to the brain, organ failure and death.
Recent scientific studies have shown that:
(1) the current known risk factors associated with COVID19 have a common pathophysiological pathway through inflammation
(2) omega-3 fats have been demonstrated to be useful in the treatment of this inflammatory pathway in high blood pressure patients
(3) this has now been extended to the treatment of the cytokine storm associated with severe Covid19 reactions
The good news is that whilst seeing some sunshine or taking a vitamin D supplement can correct low levels, a small number of straightforward changes to our diets can increase our omega-3 fat intake and decrease our omega-6 intake significantly reducing our risks further

These include:

  • cook with olive oil, coconut oil or an animal fat
  • follow Government advice to eat 2-4 portions of oily fish each week
  • for those who don’t like fish try flax seed muffins or take an omega-3 supplement
  • avoiding processed foods that typically contain vegetable oils
  • remove plant-based vegetable oils, including sunflower, corn and canola oils

Creating better balance in our diets, by reducing our intake of omega-6 and increasing our omega-3 intake, will improve everyone’s ability to deal with Covid19 – it’s not a question of if we should be making these changes, and more a case of when am I starting?

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

Makes up one-third of caloric intake.


Full Title: Omega-6 Apocalypse 2: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism for Overweight and Virtually All Chronic Disease? - Chris Knobbe (AHS21)

Over the past 150 years, we’ve witnessed the evolution of pandemics of chronic degenerative, metabolic, and noncommunicable disease (NCD). Ample evidence supports the conclusion that coronary heart disease, cancers, metabolic disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and many other chronic diseases have risen from medical rarity to the most common causes of chronic disease and death. During this same time frame, we’ve witnessed industrially produced seed oils, rich in omega-6 fatty acids, elevate to occupy up to one-fourth to one-third of human consumption, or more. Such oils rarely existed anywhere prior to the American Civil War, globally. Virtually all chronic degenerative diseases have in common one primary metabolic defect, namely, mitochondrial dysfunction. Seed oil and high omega-6 is a known driver of mitochondrial dysfunction, as evidenced in many studies. Furthermore, an examination of food consumption patterns in many nations strongly indicates that seed oils are by far the greatest factor in such chronic disease. An examination of food consumption in Japan leads to no other obvious conclusion. Could omega-6 rich seed oils, consumed to excess, be the common precipitating factor for most all chronic disease, via multiple mechanisms, including the fact that they are pro-oxidative, proinflammatory, cytotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic, atherogenic, thrombogenic, and obesogenic? The evidence is compelling.

4 users have voted.

@CB and tough for many, most people to overcome.

A correct dose of VITAMIN D, okayed by your doctor, otoh, is easy and inexpensive.

As I've been saying forever.

5 users have voted.


CB's picture

would be of significant value as a prophylactic for someone who is morbidly obese.

The multi-billion dollar advertising of junk/fast food is creating a problem that the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies make a fortune on. It's a win-win marketing ploy. A bonus - the target groups don't die off too quickly which makes for continuous profit taking.

Fortunately for Big Pharma, COVID-19 has given them a brand new multi-billion dollar financial boost just after their other cash cow, the multi-billion dollar opiate business, has collapsed with multi-billion dollar penalties.

3 users have voted.

@CB on Covid victims found that 1/2 of them were Vitamin D deficient.

Not a cure-all, but definitely a good thing to do for oneself.

Obesity is the killer you say it is. Not an accident.

TV ads sell you junk food and junk "New" meds which are usually the same old meds with an infinitesmal change which allows Pharma to charge high rates and persuade unknowing consumers that the "New" drug is better than the generic.

All scvams and lies.

in this setting, low cost easily availble Vitamin D is an excellent thing to get behind.

6 users have voted.


about masks.

It seems to me that most of the arguments presented in the corporate media are about the wrong things. For instance, they endlessly present arguments and stories about mask mandates for schools but make no attempt to educate people about the absolute necessity of effective masking or of necessary social distancing or effective ventilation measures. If the masks the kids wear are not adequate or not worn properly, the kids are not protected. If the kids are crowded too closely for too much time with poor air exchange, the masks they are wearing will not protect them. Therefore the huge argument about mask mandates in schools is a bogus one. If we don't address those other issues of safety, the mask issue really doesn't matter. We have to address all those issues if we are actually serious about keeping the kids safe. Otherwise it is just theatre, and distraction.

Kids spend a long time in class, public schools have poor ventilation, and schools are one of the most densely crowded institutions in society.

The interventions that prevent aerosol inhalation are those that reduce the concentration of small particles in a shared space and the time someone spends in that space inhaling those small particles. Particle concentration can be reduced by having fewer people in the space, sharing space for shorter periods, using ventilation that removes particles quickly near the source, and using source controls (masks and respirators) with good filters and fit.

Our schools fail on all the above.

The easy solution of just masking won't do the job:

Scientists, journalists, and the public all hope, with very limited evidence, that transmission will be stopped by wearing a couple of layers of cloth with poor filter efficiency in public settings. They ignore evidence of significant transmission in households and workplaces,17–20 where people spend long periods in close contact with others.

Cloth and surgical masks offer a very limited degree of source control, because, while they limit the number of larger respiratory particles in a space, they do not prevent the emission of most small particles (aerosols) exhaled during breathing, talking, singing, coughing, or other respiratory actions. Because masks offer limited source control and much more limited personal protection, their effectiveness can be improved only by combining them with other interventions.

anyone wearing a mask should be aware that the longer they spend in a shared space with other people, the greater the risk of being infected.

I don't agree with the article's stance on vaccination due to safety and efficacy problems. It does advocate for multiple mitigation measures to decrease transmission. That makes sense.

The whole article is worth reading. It's clear and pretty short (about a 10-15 min read?).

6 users have voted.

reports this type of story about the effectiveness of masks and there is confusion;

What variables are missing from the data?

3 users have voted.

@randtntx , another article about masking being the solution.

It doesn't make sense.

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

In just about every aspect of life here in the captured states of America. Can’t keep people from getting sick because this would affect big pharma’s profits. Can’t keep the climate disasters from happening because this would affect big oil’s profits. Can’t keep people in their homes because this would affect BlackRock's profits. Can’t keep…ad nauseum.

It t'weren't just Biden and Harris that said they wouldn’t get a Trump vaccine. Many other shitlibs also said it, but now they want medical apartheid for anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated by now.

many have expressed concern that the alleged experts and thought leaders are becoming increasingly unhinged and beginning to call for things that sound perilously close to medical apartheid and genocide.


i have good news!

he is not, in fact, coming unhinged.

as can be readily seen, chris was ALWAYS unhinged.


i, for one, continue to marvel at how the chatterati that could not disparage the trumpian bleach shots stridently enough suddenly cannot countenance any dissent in the mandates for biden’s miracle elixir.


they lack perspective


the more fervently one believed that pfizer was deadly fraud juice under the orange man the more desperately they not only want it but seem to need to demand that you want it too under señor brandon.

And it’s not just on the issue of Covid and vaccines, but on way too many other issues where they used to stand for what’s right like human rights and civil liberties. They see no irony in how their thought processes have been changed since Trump became president and democrats ran their psyops against them. I watched as my uncle changed right in front of my eyes from who he had been and what his beliefs were to someone I do not recognize anymore. For 4 years he watched Rachel, Nicole Wallace who was once Bush’s press secretary that he ridiculed and the rest of the MSDNC news crew as they told him lie after lie after lie about Trump and Russia Russia. He is definitely not the only person who has become unrecognizable to me. Mass psychosis seems to fit what has happened to them. I just find it all so very sad.

Good one.

Ivermectin super cut

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg . They have no shame.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Unless they are getting paid to write that stuff I wonder if they even recognize their hypocrisy? All the vaccines were fast tracked under Trump, but people seem to have forgotten that and are giving Biden the credit for them.

But it’s their cheering when someone who is unvaxxed dies that bothers me the most. They have no idea why they weren’t. But they deserved to die anyway. I don’t know how we can wake up from this nightmare or if we can ever get back to normal..or what I used to think was normal. Concern for everyone’s well being. I’m not giving that up.

This is interesting on the supply back ups.

Adeyemo did the Biden cabinet no favors by adding fuel to the conspiratorial fire, explaining the primary reason Biden continued to push for everyone to be vaccinated was that only then could the White House “provide the resources the American people need to make it to the other side” of the supply chain problem.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg Acquisition of power, fame and money seems to be the only real value set. No consequences if anyone gets hurt or killed.

3 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

I reported on here some months ago about the possible use of PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) for Covid 19. There was a clinical trial started on it in 2020, but from what I can tell, the company doing the trials stopped them because of too much interference from overlapping trials and an inability to have a clinical patient field that was not being given other medications. The point of using PEA was because of its effect on mast cells and an ability to lower the cytokine storm that often wreaks havoc on Covid patients.
The woman who discovered PEA won a Nobel Prize for her work. She was Rita Levi Montalcini. PEA has been studied since the 1950's. Here is an older article that reviews its history...

It appears that some groups are still studying PEA for its effects on the cytokine storm, as this article describes... I would have loved to see the results of a clinical trial on Covid.

It is also being looked at for its possible effect on helping people regain their sense of smell..

I've been taking PEA for over 8 years to help my retina (this effect has been proven in clinical trials), but it is also a pretty good pain reducer, which is what it was originally used for in Europe. I have been a glaucoma suspect since 2009. At last scan 2 years ago, my retina looked great, and no glaucoma despite a high eye pressure.

Thanks for the info on mast cells!

6 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

Glad to hear that it has been under good control for so long. Another nasty disease that sneaks up on you and not noticed till the damage is done. Do you know if it’s open angle or another type?

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

according to ZeroHedge.

Can this be possible?

No vaxx no food cannot be true

7 users have voted.


CB's picture

Fortunately Germany accepts 'recovered' as well as vaccinated to be exempt from ban.

German state allows ALL businesses to ban unvaxxed customers, even for groceries & other essentials

The German state of Hesse has become the first to allow businesses to deny the unvaccinated access even to basic necessities, setting a troubling precedent as its neighbors wrestle with protests against vaccination mandates.

Hessian supermarkets have been granted permission to deny the unvaccinated the right to buy food and other essentials, the state chancellery confirmed to German magazine BILD on Friday. Under the new policy, stores can decide whether to implement the ‘2G rule’, which means allowing entry only to the vaccinated and recovered (‘geimpft’ and ‘genesen’ in German) or the more lax ‘3G rule’, encompassing those who have tested negative for the virus (getestet).


3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


It’s only one city in Germany that is doing it for now. But keeping people from buying food is certainly a weird way to say that they care about your well-being huh?

Some people are saying that they don’t want unvaxxed nurses, cops, paramedics working on them, but for 18 months those same people had to save our lives without proper PPE without any concern from those who could have done something about it. Many of them got infected and now have immunity but that’s not being recognized. Natural immunity has kept the human race alive for centuries, but with just Covid it doesn’t work anymore. There’s a reason we don’t have a vaccine for the cold. It’s another coronavirus but we’re supposed to believe that they created one for the Rona that’s very effective?

From 100% effective at the beginning to maybe not so much effective now. Countries with high vaccinated rates are seeing the highest infection rates today. 2+2=?

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg credit to Edvard Grieg's In The Hall of the Mountain King, from his Peer Gynt Suite.

And extra credit if you caught the Fauci neologism, new word, I think---"efficacious."

6 users have voted.


CB's picture

and are being trained like a Pavlovian dog to eventually accept a (bi?)yearly booster for a virus that is not that dangerous if treated early and effectively in 98% of the population.

The NIH does not recommend vitamin C, D nor zinc in its treatment guidelines. I looked into the current studies and the majority have not finished recruiting or are ongoing. The ones I've looked at have been studying these as prophylaxis for severe cases and have found them to be not efficacious, effectively rigging the outcome.

NIH - Summary Recommendations
Vitamin C
• There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19.
Vitamin D
• There is insufficient evidence for the Panel to recommend either for or against the use of vitamin D for the treatment of COVID-19.
• There is insufficient evidence for the Panel to recommend either for or against the use of zinc for the treatment of COVID-19.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


prevention is an effective strategy. Please see your health care professional for more bad advice. They have their script pad and scalpel ready.

Loved your anti-seed oil message today. You're singing my song!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

take the vaccine while everyone else loses their job/healthcare/etc.etc.etc. if unvaccinated

In the meantime people across Europe are saying no to the vaccine mandates and passports.

Also the far right guvs are being to fight the mandates, sorry to say but I agree w/them

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


Twit is abuzz with pictures of many countries protesting. They are everywhere.

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

It goes beyond Covid. It’s globally and most governments are on board with the agenda. People better wake up soon or it’s going to be too late to stop them. For the first time in history we have a vaccine that doesn’t keep people from still getting infected and spreading it, but is being forced on every single person including soon to be babies. It’s STILL BEING TESTED and going through trials. Should not be mandatory. Good grief the WEF has told us what their plan is and still people are willing to go along with their agenda. Hopefully the millions who are out protesting against it will succeed.

It’s a good thread.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg Corbett gets it right as well, it's all about control, power. I'll add IMHO it's about culling the population as well.

Propaganda is the answer to most important political questions. Why are things so fucked? Propaganda. Why do people keep supporting corrupt parties and voting for corrupt assholes? Propaganda. Why is there no antiwar movement? Propaganda. Why don’t the people rise up? Propaganda.

6 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


I’ve read articles about how many elderly actually died. It wasn’t from Covid. Countries everywhere put Covid infected patients in nursing homes over the objections of many. Why? Cover? Biden is not interested in holding any governors accountable either. Trump might have. He was questioning Cuomo. Add in the bars against early treatments and 2+2 adds up to 4 not 5. Gates is on record talking about how vaccines can reduce the population. Taken out of context or not it’s pretty damning. Just because I’m paranoid…
But it’s the denial and total war against early treatments and even discussing vitamins that many people are lacking further backs up my paranoia..
And still congress refuses to give us MFA when Trump or Biden could declare Covid an emergency and legally do it like Obama did Libby Montana where everyone there gets it including people just born. But nope.

One video talks about how Gates, Fauci, Walensky had the meeting on a coronavirus epidemic in October, but never saw fit to make sure that the country was ready for it. No PPE and no rush to get it either.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

ggersh's picture


8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


on what Fauci said about natural immunity and what could happen if people with it get a vaccine after being told it would boost their immunity.

Fauci used to say that natural immunity was a good thing to have. These days he isn’t saying that. But yeah viruses don’t pick and choose what diseases they will give immunity for.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

been done in the history of diseases. Even before mankind knew what the cause of disease was in the first place..

The subsequent deaths and hospitalizations gave the impetus to the fear factor that had enveloped the entire country. Looking back I can see how it was done using the MSM to amplify this fear that would lesson the average person's hesitancy to accept a non-tested, non-approved vaccine.

TPTB know full well how to manipulate and motivate people. To go to war or to accept an unapproved vaccine. We here in C99 have watched it happen in real time - step by step.

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snoopydawg's picture


At the end of his tenure I felt like there was so much tension in the air that the country might have exploded if Biden hadn’t gotten elected. The fear factor was then amplified by the capital riots and made democrats think that there was a chance that democracy could be broken. I’d think it would have to exist first for that to happen. And every republican that didn’t want to certify the election was in their right to do it. Democrats have done it 3 times starting with Bush’s election..its written in the rules for congress. But democrats didn’t tell people that. They made them look like traitors.

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

The swine flu vaccine. 2nd tweet

Doctors speaking out about Covid. Trump said that it was just the flu. Was he telling the truth? "It’s a hoax." Dunno but he was right about HCQ.

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

2nd tweet

You cannot patent nature. But you can if you change or weaponize it.

18 videos in the thread are great.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

if you want to hear the entire discussion.

Nothing about the "novel" coronavirus is new:

"So SARS-CoV-2 is indeed man-made, along with the entire infrastructure of 'testing for cases' and 'vaccines to fix the problem' - concocted by unscrupulous predators who thought nothing of terrorizing the whole world in order to profit from the crisis they made and to control people's lives down to their thoughts and daily behaviours."

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snoopydawg's picture


You want me to remember something from months ago? Kidding. I’ll watch it tomorrow. But I had heard lots about it through the epidemic. Too many things are adding up against it being a natural virus. If the truth ever gets out I hope someone is held accountable for what they put us through. Closing hospitals and doctors offices meant many people who were in the middle of treatments didn’t get them and it’s coming back to haunt them. It should have been left up to the doctors whether they wanted to close or not. But shutting down treatments for cancer gives them great cover for when it starts exploding. Devious.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.