Today's Dose


Just in case there needs to be information posted regarding the Covid issue,
it is better posted here, as opposed to the regular OT. Thanks!

9 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

Is the gates foundation using their money and power to sabotage Ivermectin studies and suppress evidence? Dr. Tess Lawrie, director of Evidence based medicine consultancy, reveals the inner workings of the World Health Organization. In this interview with Rajiv Malhotra, she talks about the process of gathering data on evidence based medicine & the very evident conflict of interest of the parties involved. (37 min)


00:00- Introduction
00:55- Guest Intro- Dr. Tess Lawrie
02:28- Dr. Tess Lawrie on Ivermectin & WHO
04:16- What is Ivermectin? Who invented it?
06:33- Is Ivermectin safe?
08:36- Why is Ivermectin blocked?
10:02- New drugs promoted by WHO
12:42- Is WHO neutral?
13:28- Mass vaccinations boon or bane?
14:43- WHO raising money for Big Pharma
15:59- Repurposing drugs ignored
16:55- Role of Gates foundation in pandemic
17:27- Rajiv Malhotra on Bill Gates
19:01- Bill Gates & Vaccines agenda
21:17- Who is blocking Ivermectin?
25:00- Rajiv Malhotra on Ivermectin
27:32- Use of Ivermectin in India
32:50- Indian legal group against WHO
34:14- Conclusion

Tess Lawrie has been removed from twitter and all her tweets have been disappeared, as has her group BIRD.
Fortunately their website still functions.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

Dr. Pierre Kory @Lookout

7 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Raggedy Ann's picture

was interviewed by Ms. Viswanathan in their organization @Lookout

6 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

@Raggedy Ann

I also have posted them both here at some time, but thanks for including them today. I like the measured approach to their interviews...calm, rational, and thorough.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

with our healthcare system. This is the solution by those who make the decisions; the deployment of National Guard units to stand in for health-care workers. It strikes me as a less than ideal solution:

The deployment comes as over 2,000 nurses and other health care workers in Buffalo, New York, are on strike. In addition to protests and strike action by health care workers across the country to demand safe staffing ratios, many are leaving the profession due to stress and overwork caused by the massive surge in the pandemic. National Guard members are paid by the state and cannot refuse deployment without risking arrest, fines or even prison.

Deployments have become more common in the health care industry. In the past month alone, thousands of National Guard have been called up to fill in vacant staffing at hospitals in Vermont, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Oregon, California and Georgia. They are also fulfilling roles in logistics, triage, administration and in some cases working as medics performing vaccinations. As Megan Wade-Taxter of the Indiana Health Department put it, the National Guard are being utilized to “support hospitals that have exhausted all other staffing options.”

Tristar Regional, the recipient of National Guard deployment in Kentucky, is a subsidiary of the largest health care organization in the United States. The company, which reported $1.45 billion in second quarter profits in 2021, is relying on state-funded labor to maintain operations. In fact, the three largest hospital companies in the United States, recipients of over $1.1 billion in federal stimulus as well as National Guard deployments, have posted over $2 billion in profits last quarter alone.

9 users have voted.
QMS's picture


seems they were mostly deployed to the Middle East there for awhile.
The dollars just don't make sense. During the initial outbreak of the Covid
the hospital group my spouse works for laid off a whole bunch of staff.
It was the total opposite of what was needed at the time. And this is a
'nonprofit' entity. Now they can't cover the demands of more patients.
Trying to do more with less has become a logistical nightmare.
Operating right side up in an upside down world is burning out the workers.
I understand the profit motives of the health care industry. The CEO's,
upper management and board members still get their pound of flesh.
The patients and providers are getting beat down beyond reason.
Something stinky is going on here.

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


UK military deployed to deliver fuel as supply crisis continues
About 200 service personnel will help move fuel from depots to petrol stations as shortages persist in some areas...
The United Kingdom is short of thousands of truckers because of the coronavirus pandemic and an exodus of foreign workers following the country’s departure from the European Union.

The shortage has impacted supply chains for everything from pork and petrol to poultry, medicines and milk, contributing to empty supermarket shelves and shuttered fuel stations.

I guess it is better than sending them overseas to kill poor brown people.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture

This is really long, over an hour. I think it's worth the time. Doctor Lawrie seems to be much more comfortable doing research than she does being in the spotlight, but she shows how her reseach is done. The methodology takes some time to explain. Most interesting is how the medical journals corrupt the results by throwing out the studies with the best medical outcome. No hype, no can really see that she is doing this because she sees the need.

I thought that her YouTube appearances were disappeared a couple of weeks ago, but now they seem to be restored. Here she is with Dr. John Campbell:

Deploying the National Guard (on our nickle) so that the hospitals can make more billions pretty clearly shows what this is all about.

7 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Lookout's picture


in that interview.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

Alex Berensen

I can’t respond to this bluecheck genius on Twitter, so I have to do it here


I do not believe in censorship, not by the federal government, and not by private companies that are acting on behalf of the government and/or acting in bad faith and/or violating state laws thanks to federal laws that violate the First Amendment. Federalism, folks, it’s a thing.


"Wait, so companies are held liable for “misinformation”, but vaccine makers aren’t liable for actual physical bodily harm?! This world makes no sense anymore."

Democrats are pressuring social media to censor information that they don’t like.

ICYM this must read:

Amen to this!

This is horrifying

Canadian Doctor Says ‘Something Malicious is Going On’ After He’s Punished For Treating COVID Patients with Ivermecti

A Canadian emergency room physician has been banned from practicing medicine in Alberta after he defied the province’s COVID treatment protocols by prescribing Ivermectin to three patients.
Nagase said that he gave his elderly patients one dose of Ivermectin, along with antibiotics, vitamins, and inhalers—which set two out of the three on a quick road to recovery. But when health authorities caught wind of what he was doing, all the medications, including the inhalers were taken away, and Nagase was relieved of his duties.
And you’ll never guess what happened next. Within hours of getting Ivermectin, I got a call from the Central Zone medical director, Dr Jennifer Bestard. She called me to tell me I was forbidden from giving Ivermectin to patients. I told her she’s never met the patients, she’s not their doctor, and had no right to be changing the care of my patients without the patient’s permission.

She said Ivermectin was forbidden from the hospital. Even if the patients had their own Ivermectin. (Which I would have happily given to a relative so they could to hand it over to them), Patients would not be allowed to take their own ivermectin. She said it was a violation of Alberta Health Services Policy to give Ivermectin for COVID.

But that wasn’t good enough. The next day she called the hospital and gave me 15 minutes notice that I would be relieved of my duties. I told her that it was unreasonable. I had an emergency department full of patients who can’t be sorted out in 15 minutes. An hour later another local doctor came to replace me. They didn’t even want me to check up on the patients who I gave Ivermectin to.

Not even 24 hours after getting Ivermectin, two out of my three patients were almost completely better. They were out of bed walking around and all the crackles I heard in their lungs from the day before were gone. All it took was about 18 hours and one dose of Ivermectin. The third patient who was 95 years old, stayed the same. She didn’t get any worse like she had done the night previous.

After he left the replacement doctor stopped giving the patients the treatments and took away the inhalers.

There is something malicious going on. I hope you can all see the bigger picture. This is more than me having all my assignments to take care of small communities cancelled for the rest of the year. This is more than the medical director, Dr. Fraincois Belanger banning me from hospital practice throughout all of Alberta.

This was on the anniversary of the Nuremberg trials:

We must remember.
We are here to remember.
Not just the people who died from medical experimentation.

I’d say that there is something more going on then meets the eye. Big pharma has told governments to squash any information that doesn’t lead to vaccines in every arm. Unconscionable.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


...and will be enforced by the thought police. As well as reinforced by MSM, who after all is largely funded by big pharma.

It is hard to believe, but it is our current reality...profits over people.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture


Canada makes vaccines mandatory for public servants, air and rail workers, travellers
Oct 06, 2021

OTTAWA — The core public service, air travel and rail employees and travellers must all be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of October, according to Canada’s new mandatory vaccine policy.
Anyone wishing to hop aboard a plane or train must have received a second dose of a Health Canada-approved vaccine at least 14 days before their travels.

This will eventually be coming to a country near you. Of course TPTB will need a method to check and enforce your vaccination status if you should want to travel outside your designated home area.

The Canadian government has already instituted such a system that will ensure full compliance without any possibility of cheating (how fortunate and forward looking they were /s):

World Economic Forum Consortium Launches Paperless Canada-Netherlands Travel Pilot

Montreal, Canada, 26 June 2019 – The World Economic Forum and the governments of the Netherlands and Canada launch the first pilot project for paperless travel between the two countries today at Montreal Airport.

Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI) is the first platform to use a traveller-managed digital identity for international paperless travel. It will be integrated with partner systems and tested internally throughout 2019, with the first end-to-end paperless journey expected to take place in early 2020.

The pilot initiative is a collaboration between government and industry – border authorities, airports, technology providers and airlines – to create an interoperable system for secure and seamless travel.

“By 2030, international air travel is expected to rise to 1.8 billion passengers, up 50% from 2016. With current systems, airports cannot keep up,” says Christoph Wolff, Head of Mobility, World Economic Forum, “This project offers a solution. By using interoperable digital identities, passengers benefit from a holistic system for secure and seamless travel. It will shape the future of aviation and security.”

KTDI provides a frictionless travel experience for passengers while allowing them to have greater control over their personal data. The identity data that is usually stored on a chip on a passenger’s passport is instead securely stored and encrypted on their mobile device. Passengers can manage their identity data and consent to share it with border authorities, airlines and other pilot partners in advance. Using biometrics, the data is checked at every leg of the journey until arrival at the destination, without the need for a physical passport.

Passengers establish a ‘known traveller status’ over time through the accumulation of ‘attestations’ or claims that are proven and declared by trusted partners, such as border agencies and recognized airlines. The result is a reusable digital identity that facilitates more streamlined and tailored interactions with governments, airlines and other partners.

If you don't think that this system will come to America, think again. The camel's nose is already under the tent. Real ID biometric certification of your photograph will be done.

Don't panic! The Real ID deadline isn't until 2023

If you somehow missed the latest deadline delay in the deluge of information about the pandemic and don't have a travel-compliant form of identification yet, know you now have until May 2023 to get a Real ID.

This week was supposed to mark the hard date when the Transportation Security Administration would require a Real ID in order to board a plane. But last April, the Department of Homeland Security delayed the implementation again due to the pandemic.
What do I need to get a Real ID?

You will usually need to present four things to obtain a Real ID, but it could vary by state.

1. Proof of identity

Bring ONE of the following:

Certified birth certificate
U.S. passport
Passport card.

2. Your Social Security number

In some states, like Arizona, you no longer need to provide a document to prove your Social Security number. You just have to provide the complete number.

3. Proof of residency

Bring TWO of these showing your current address:

Utility bill
Credit card statement
Bank statement
Insurance policy

If you've changed names, you also need additional information to prove your identification like your marriage license, divorce decree, or court order.

TPTB will not let a good crisis go to waste - The Great Reset is now underway and has been mainstreamed.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture


Will be to have some chip implanted under your skin to prove vax 1 + vax 2 + Vax 3 ...
OK, good to go! Except until vax 1 expires (6 months), then vax 4. OK, good to go.
Get an ugly feeling where all this is leading. Tie it into your credit score and Google / Amazon account and voila .. nothing to hide!

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


My partner has a flip phone, but neither of us has a smart phone. They didn't need to implant chips in us, they enticed people to carry them everywhere...often focused on their phone even when physically among friends. TPTB can turn on the camera, mike, track your movements at will. The perfect spying device.

My guess it will be the device needed to confirm your vax status.

It is the great reset/power grab. Interesting times.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

All you will require will be a drivers license with a RealID photo. You will not even know that they are taking your ID photo with this system until you see the star on top of the card. RealID is also called StarID in some states. If you see that star you have already been entered in the federal biometric system.

About enhanced driver's licenses.

Michigan, Vermont, Minnesota, and New York states issue REAL ID and state-issued enhanced driver’s licenses, both of which are acceptable. Washington state issues enhanced driver’s licenses only.

State-issued enhanced driver's licenses are marked with a flag. These documents will be accepted at the airport security checkpoint when the REAL ID enforcement goes into effect.

It’s the law.

Passed by Congress in 2005, the REAL ID Act enacted the 9/11 Commission's recommendation that the federal government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver's licenses.” The Act and implementing regulations establish minimum security standards for state-issued driver's licenses and identification cards and prohibit federal agencies, like TSA, from accepting licenses and identification cards from states that do not meet these standards for official purposes, such as getting through the airport security checkpoint to board a plane.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

when she renewed last spring. I prefer a card instead of phone, but bet both are coming.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Lookout within 5 minutes with a selfie otherwise the police come a calling

The reporter notes “Today the call has gone out to everyone in home quarantine in Victoria to take part in a pilot program. And what that means is they will receive random phone calls and they will have to answer within five minutes with a selfie sent to an app which will then geo-track where that person is and to make sure they are who they say they are as well.”

“If they don’t answer within the five minutes that’s when health ministers come knocking,” the reporter creepily adds.

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

CB's picture


Biometric - Passport, Visa, ID Photos

What is a Biometric Photo?

Biometrics are simply measurements of physical characteristics. A biometric photo is created based on precise facial feature measurements of a person. All photos provided by Pro Passport Photo are biometric.

Why Do I Need Biometric Photos?

In order to meet the official standards, the photo must not only have a specific size, but also meet specific biometric requirements on things like the length of the head, the position of the eyes, or the width of the shoulders.

The rules can sometimes be complex and confusing. That is why Pro Passport Photo utilizes the most advanced tools to ensure our photos meet all the standards and the acceptance is guaranteed no matter what you are applying for.

China uses biometric photos on all ID. They can pay for and get on a plane, train, bus or gain access their apartments just by looking at a camera. Over 1 billion Chinese now have them.

Once RealID is finally instituted that will be your ID for vaccination. I think they held back the biometric ID system until 2023 was to merge them. Once the majority of people are vaccinated, there will also be less resistance to accepting this procedure.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


You can see them read it when entering countries, but did not know the photo on your license can carry info too. It is 1984.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

that are not connected to the global biometric system. Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI) being tested out by Canada and the Netherlands will be successively rolled out in other countries. I expect Australia and the other EU countries that have already mandated vaccine passports next. The US cannot do it directly so they are doing it "under the table" so to speak, with their yellow star ID.


2 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Protest erupts over vaccine passport in France
Chaos has erupted in France as more than 120,000 people demonstrated against plans to mandate the vaccine in public places.

France: Thousands Demonstrate Against COVID 'health Pass' For 12th Consecutive Weekend

Italy too...
"NO GREEN PASS" Italy mass protest against vaccine passports

They're happening in Italy since July and so far they haven't been acknowledged by the media.

Whatcha wanna bet we take mandates and passports lying down with minimum protest?

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

@Lookout @Lookout (removed "tabled")
vaccines for everyone starting January 1, 2022

France introduces bill to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations for all from January 1, 2022

France has already introduced harsh vaccine mandates for first responders. Since President Emmanuel Macron announced measures on July 12 that require proof of vaccination to enter cafés, restaurants, and hospitals, several large demonstrations against them have followed. The forewarning by these protesters of a coming medical tyranny has been accurate.

Published: October 6, 2021, 11:51 am

The Social Affairs Committee of the Senate has introduced a bill that will require mandatory vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 for all citizens from January 1, 2022. Because the French government has implemented such previous harsh requirements, the drive to become the first country to require vaccination against Covid-19 for all its citizens, could be successful.
The member of the Socialist Party, together with his fellow senators had initially introduced the premise of a nation-wide vaccine mandate to the French Senate on August 31.

He has found a particularly efficient way in which to force through the new legislation for compulsory Covid vaccines, by using a precedent that already requires innoculations against other diseases. Under Article L3111-1 of the Public Health Code, there are currently eleven mandatory vaccines required for French citizens without medical exemptions.

They are for antidiphtheric, antitetanus, antipoliomyelitis, pertussis, haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis virus type b, invasive pneumococcal infections, serogroup c meningococcus, measles, mumps, and rubella. To this schedule will be added forced shots against SARS-CoV-2.

Those who do not comply would be subject to a fine of €135 under Article 519 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure and the fine could increase to as much as €1500 for repeated offenses if citizens do not comply. A public session discussion on the proposed amendment to the Public Health Code will be held in the Senate on October 13 before being sent to the National Assembly.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@CB least temporarily.

Lost of folks have left jobs in the US refusing vaccination. And so we continue the hollowing out of the US economy.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

for gov't workers, restaurants and other services which remained in place. The government is now going to increase the mandate to 100% compliance by everyone on January 1, 2022. The violent street protest have done nothing, zero, nada, zilch to move their government. I believe that last time the French government really listened to the people was when Madame La Guillotine spoke.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

I thought it had been postponed.

The banker Macron is a snake.

Max and Stacy think it is time for heads to roll... about a minute or two from this cue, but the whole clip is good.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture


2 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture

@CB with ten year visas. I don't know what they will do to us. We were not mandated all those vaccines on residing here.

It does frighten me. We are very allergic to a lot of medicines and have been told often in the last ten years not to vaccinate for flu and pneumonia, which we used to do.


4 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

CB's picture

@Dawn's Meta
where the vaccine could be a "recognized medical counter-indication". You may want to discuss it with your physician.

Article L3111-2

I.-The following vaccinations are obligatory, except recognized medical counter-indication, under conditions of age determined by decree in Council of State, taken after opinion of the High Authority of health:

2 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture


3 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

[video:] @QMS

@QMS @QMS and comments when i saw that the NYC Vaccine Pass on my phone gave the date my vaccine would expire.
Nowhere to run to nowhere to hide was what I wrote here at the time.

5 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


Max and Jimmy on forcing vaccines on workers


Creating surplus humanity and a caste system is the goal of the vaccine mandates.

It also has a clip of the older Biden talking about creating this system decades ago.

"We’re going to put you in a certain category" by mandating certain testing. Not sure if he meant on vaccines or testing for schools. We need a new ACT UP group because what was once conspiracy theory has now come to pass. Remember that Biden, Harris, Cuomo and others said during Trump that they wouldn’t take the vaccines because they didn’t trust the FDA which was run by Gottlieb IIRC, but he has since moved into a job at Pfizer. Yet now they are all on board with vaccine mandates. Go figure.

Mandatory vaccines are just one more chapter in the war on workers. Firing teachers would allow Bill Gates to implement his plan for taking over the school system in NYC which Cuomo set in motion.

When all the little parts come together you start seeing what the big picture is and it has never been about health or keeping us alive.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.

The context

The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems –from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium- and long-term uncertainties.

The opportunity

As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human beingbillionaire.

We the 99% are pretty much fucked

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


We the 99% are pretty much fucked

I saw that this Covid scam was just that when most of the world followed the same agendas. Shutting down business and driving them to close down permanently so that big businesses like Amazon and Walmart ect could get richer and hedge funds could buy up property for pennies on the dollar again just like in 2008. The H1N1 fly scam might not have worked as planned, but the economy crash sure did. Too bad that Trump didn’t do what he ran on either, but was actually in on furthering the agendas. Patsy indeed.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

We never elected any of the people who have set this agenda for us. But it seems that the people of the world are catching on to it.

Colorado is mandating vaccines for everyone on the transplant list. This tells me that vaccines are not about health or keeping us alive. How many people have a death sentence hanging over them because they couldn’t get preventative treatment for various diseases that are going to now kill them? How is that about saving lives? Bueller you there?

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg
- routine dental work tomorrow.

Did I mention that Fauci expects another epidemic in two or three years? He is a man of his word. After all, he correctly told us we would have the current pandemic starting during Trump's presidency. So, get prepared for bi-annual jabs, at least until the herd is culled vaccinated sufficiently to get immunity.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture


Get f*cked and enjoy it.
It could be good for someones benefit
to erase history and pretend we are going
to start anew with a better future
but the present does not indicate
that is the case
especially for us old folks that remember
better times were not like this

got no smart phone so ??
still pretty obvious maybe

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

QMS's picture

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Bisbonian's picture

@QMS some other planet.

3 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X