Welcome to Saturday's Potluck

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
The past 18 months has not been a shinning moment for American healthcare to highlight caring competence. Instead the holes in the safety net are more noticeable and seem to be growing larger. The engagement of the total population with the Covid pandemic has overwhelmed the practice of hiding medical system failures as patient choices and front line healthcare provider actions.
These problems are not limited to Covid. Most common chronic health conditions have similar problems within the American healthcare system. A major risk factors for Covid hospitalization and death is comorbidities. It is important chronic health conditions are being effectively managed. Chronic inflammation in an under appreciated component of obesity and poor health. Specific treatment goals can help identify under treatment and over treatment of medical conditions, both can endanger health and effect lifestyle.
This is not typical Open Thread conversation, but I think our health system is going to become even more fragile. Healthcare worker burnout is becoming a larger problem, education disruptions reduced new graduates entering the professions and vaccine mandates will cause others to leave their jobs.
My approach to self-care is being the team leader (even if the team is one person) for self or a close family member and balance medical with lifestyle choices. Physicians and other health professionals are utilized for diagnoses, prevention options, treatment options and monitoring effectiveness with labs or specialized skills.
The most vital component is knowing yourself and and communicating your uniqueness when necessary. A written medical history creates a starting point for research. When formatted in a common medical style it is a very effective document to communicate with health professionals. For someone with no medical problems will be short and a complicated medical history several pages.
Date of Birth,
List of current diagnosis with diagnosis with date or year
List of current medications, strength, directions and start dates
(include supplements and over-the-counter products)
Current Problems - if being used for a doctors visit
List of Drug-Food allergies and sensitivities with date and description of reaction
List of past major medical events, medical treatments and surgeries with date or year
My intent next week is to provide instruction to describe a medication review technique to identify medical problems.
Found the video Evolution of the Biscuit interesting look at changing expectations. The oldest method uses a non-sodium leveling agent (low salt diet), second method made them an American favorite and the third method is to match the flakiness of the commercial refrigerator biscuit in a tube.
(15 min) Also an example of chronic inflammation, not simple obesity.
Quail eggs are hatching today. When watering today she was making a sound between a chicken clucking and dove cooing. She exited the nest for a few minutes and I could see a couple of babies. No pictures did not want to stress them further, calmly exited the area.
What is on your mind today?

Thanks for the OT
Looking forward to seeing the quail chicks if possible. While still in lockdown for Covid last year, a mother wren made a nest in my sister-in-laws gardening bag in the center. We got to see them from egg stage through the young chicks. They were in the greenhouse and if you went into the greenhouse, the mother wren would appear and fuss if you got to near. Was a real treat to see.
Enjoyed the biscuit video and how the recipes varied over time. When first got married had an old cookbook that among its guides were where to place things in the ice box. It also told where the best place for the block of ice was. One of the things in the cookbook I noticed was how over boiled most vegetables were. Lots of starchy meals as well. DO did love that old Southern dish of biscuits and cream gravy with bits of bacon or sausage in the gravy. Not the most healthy breakfast option but was good on occasion.
Thanks for reminding me to work more on my medical history. Like to format you gave. How medicine for one illness can cause problems for a pre-existing condition or which medicines should be taken at the same time. These are some of the issues I am dealing with on my journey of trying to keep myself in a healthy state of being. Being a cancer survivor reminds why a complete medical history is so important and why questioning some suggested meds is important.
Have a good rest of the day for you and the quail family!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
The nest area has been vacated.
The male has been hanging around hopefully they are running around with their brood.
Not sure where the boil vegetables until they are dead became popular. Watching Townsends and reading pre 1850 cookbooks vegetables were treated with better respect. Might be a reaction to germ theory. Perhaps the scientific method to destroy all germs before chemical options became available. Or to make all vegetables taste like the preserved product of modern canning methods in jars and tins.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
enjoyed this quail operation on pasture...
Didn't get by yesterday. Caught the clip this week, you might enjoy it too...(11 min)
Take care and have a good week!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is a great OT
It is a good plan to keep your own medical history. Over time, you are asked about all of this information and as time passes, it gets hard to remember when you had a given surgery. Keeping your own records solves the problem. It comes in handy if you ever land in the ER. I did some years ago, but since they had a very complete medical history for me in their computers, I showed them my driver's license to identify myself and that was it. Since my history included medical insurance information, I was treated without any questions asked.
Do you know how many eggs were in the quail's nest? It's great that the quail made peace with you and you've been able to observe the whole process. Did she leave the nest at all during the past weeks, even to eat?
Electronic medical records updates and
There were a couple times the nest was empty during the warmest part of the day. I started tossing some bird seed near the nest and did not see her off the nest until chicks had hatched. Hoping to see them again. She probably took them to an area with more natural food and cover.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Next stage in medical care? The Oregon National Guard
has been deployed around the state to the private hospitals.
Wonder if it is simply Covid or related to refugee arrivals?
Or the fame as the the start of Ousted Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s political career as a foreign exchange student in Lake Oswego in the late 60's.
Interesting times.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning soe. Still haven't had a chance to look at the
biscuit video, kind of looking forward to it. I've been "baking" my bread all morning, made the dough last night and let rise overnight. Today is various manipulations just short of kneading, another rise with interim preheating the baker/cloche (one of each) in the oven, then lid on bake at 500 and now 15 minutes at 450. Mucho dishes in between, starting with the mixer & bowls from last night, breakfast stuff, etc. It will be worth it however.
Medical history? Heh, mine would take at least a 3" binder. I have a segment, but not updated, on a thumb drive. (The division of my provider responsible for the updates has been closed since covid-19.) Dunno about you, but my medical records and history did not follow me around throughout my life and also did not, of course, include self-treated or untreated ailments, injuries and other traumas. Then there's the stuff one didn't know at the time, you know like "If you ever blah, blah, blah and then blah and blah, then that was a concussion." Oh, guess I've had some of those. My current provider sent me to an ent for something and he looks up my nose and asks "how many times have you had your nose broken?"
Me - "None that I know of".
Dr. - "I figure at least 8".
Ah well
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Medical first responders often check for a Medical Alert
Bread dough - reminds me promised hotdogs for guests tomorrow. Need to get the hotdog bun dough started.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Do you use a regular bread dough for
hot dog buns, or something special?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Use a modified French Bread recipe for buns
Add to bread machine
1 cup + 6 Tablespoons water
1 Tablespoon honey (keeps bread from drying out when stored and softens crust)
4 cups All Purpose Flour (non bleached preferred)
2 1/2 teaspoon yeast (1 packet)
1/2 to 1 teaspoon gluten (optional)
Complete two risings and knead cycle (often labeled dough setting) in brad machine or by hand. Punch down dough and divide into 8 pieces. Shape into patty size circles for hamburger buns and hotdog length tubes for their buns. To create soft sides on buns keep dough close enough the rising cause the pieces to grow into each other. Place on baking sheet, let rise until double and bake 20 min at 400 degrees.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Off Topic Question
I'm looking for suggestions for getting rid of fruit flies. I made the usual fruit fly traps with apple cider vinegar. The fruit flies ignored them. Then bought Terro fruit fly traps. They are ignoring those too. I'm taking precautions to make sure there is nothing for them to feed on. Actually got rid of a bunch vacuuming them up with vacuum hose, but that is a wacko solution.
Any ideas for getting rid of them will be appreciated.
@Granma A youtuber who goes by
Mary Bennett
I'll try that with the tomatoes I have on counter.
Germany’s gov’t-run channel DW, beating the war-with-Russia drum
The thesis is that dialog isn’t working (= the U.S. Blob isn’t getting its way), so “Germany needs a new approach to Russia policy” — uh huh, and what might that be? More open hostility, more sanctions, and more nuclear brinkmanship, no doubt.
DW and the rest of the German MSM are also back to pushing the Navalny story as a thing.
Silly me, the “D” in DW doesn’t stand for Deutsche, it stands for Dulles, as in the brothers John Foster and Allen.
The crazy thing is, in Germany the most vocal opposition to ramping up tension with Russia comes from right-wing populists. That’s right, the supposedly Nazi-adjacent righties are for peace and the putative antifascists in all the other major parties want to settle Putin’s hash through even more pugnacity. Drang nach Osten, whether via NATO or via a future E.U. with its own armed forces, its own Blob, and its own MIC.
(“The Blob” is an alternate shorthand expression for what is also sometimes called the “Deep State”)
They are nutso, insane.
USA expects its military occupied countries and territories to
I would imagine in the possibility of military conflict the chain of command is defaulted to American military commanders. (coordinated activities) Treaties with Japan, South Korea and Philippines place their national armed forces US leadership automatically.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Greece and Turkey brace for a repeat of 2015’s flood of migrants
Latest headlines under this tag as of today:
Europe fears Afghan refugee crisis after Taliban takeover
Common stance on refugee pressure
Greek armed forces chief says border region is “impregnable”
Mitsotakis, Erdogan discuss Afghanistan fallout for Greece, Turkey
In Evros visit, ministers say Greek borders are “impenetrable”
Greece says border forces on alert to avoid repeat of 2015 migrant crisis
Greek borders fortified over migration concern
Fearing Afghan refugee influx, Turkey reinforces border
O’er the land of the free and … (this is) the home of the brave
Regarded by many as the Taliban’s de facto national anthem, the nasheed “This is the home of the brave”:
Replacing “Milli Surood” as Afghanistan’s national anthem:
Another country in the news: Haiti
Infographic: geographical regions shown to scale, sorted by area
Found via Reddit: