At first it was a little bit of climate change swag
-- tucked into an infrastructure bill. Now it's an infrastructure bill without any climate change content. The "progressives" say they want a "reconciliation bill" also. But do they? Politicians are not to be trusted.
The Biden administration's shift to "bipartisanship" has not occurred unnoticed by the mass media. Unnoticed, however, is the fact that not even the best of these bills will mitigate climate change. To actually mitigate climate change, fossil-fuel production has to end. That's a minimum requirement. It's never going to happen politically with the current arrangement. That's why there must be a revolution.
As I've pointed out before, capitalism is organized to create climate change and to deter and squash all efforts to mitigate it. Fossil fuel production will continue indefinitely under capitalism until all the fossil fuels are used up. "The market" will, rather than making fossil fuels obsolete, protect their business. What is extracted will be burned. Nice rich people using solar panels to power their electric cars will make it possible for poorer people in "developing" countries to consume the fossil fuels not consumed by the nice rich people. Nobody will be mitigating climate change when everybody is spending the whole of their lives chasing "value," defined as that which is to be bought with money.
This, then, is the problem. All claims to mitigate climate change are merely alibis except for those which promise a transition out of capitalism. We therefore need another idea,one to go to when we get tired of demanding things which won't work. That is, if we survive the period in which we continue to demand things which won't work while the "leadership" pretends it cares. Please see my 2016 paper to that effect (Password: AddletonAP2009).
Meanwhile, Brazil looks like it might collapse of drought, searing temperatures are melting the Siberian permafrost (and releasing methane clathrates), and the Pacific Northwest looks to burn to the ground as its temperatures this weekend exceed those in Phoenix, Arizona.
If you want a fun summary of the Biden administration so far, start here:
Gotta have your priorities
Solar Panels is done by slave labor in China. We can't have that!
While real slave wages job in Haiti are great, and show how we love the people of Haiti. and Haiti is bastion of French and American support to the poor among us... we should use this as a metric as to how well China is treating the Uighars. You know how unlike in Haiti, the Chinese understand the agricultural society is not a means to support the population in the future so they bring in other means of income to the poor region. How low can a nation go. We would never do that to Haiti.
Propaganda about China Xinjiang
being ramped up by US government.
Bush 2 and Trump
showed how government could turn on a dime, unmaking previous administrations legislation and instituting their own. Democrats could do that with climate change, if they wanted to. Obama slow walked everything, strolling down Bipartisan Lane and shedding campaign promises left and right. In the end I expect Bidens team to end up issuing new rebates for Energy Star appliances and calling it a day. I hope not, but democrats never fail to disappoint. Besides, there's still plenty of bucks to be made from oil.
I am still pondering the question "can inflation be manipulated?". Can all these US Chamber of Commerce companies just raise prices with the aim of injecting inflation into the economy? If so, look to Biden to jump on the bipartisan austerity bandwagon. We know who the cuts will fall on. Us. Notice how fast the rich don't pay any taxes story faded away.
Somehow mass murder/suicide is more attractive.
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
Inflation has several choke points subject to influence
Transportation costs of products and supplies effect nearly every aspect of our economy.
Ocean shipping rates to increase July 1st, 2021
Food prices increasing over the past year. This article from January highlights some government related influences not related to required purchases of US agricultural products by China included in the last trade deal.
Medical industry services and products are highly regulated by the government.
As inflation picks up speed it becomes more difficult to influence with subtle measures.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
But it's only transitional
The ptb have deemed it so.
Looks to me that the government is failing.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
There was no reduction in emissions.
So, either the refinery didn't shut down, or other refineries picked up the slack. In the end it resulted in way high prices all over the state. With no reduction in supply.
We already accept the rich don't have to pay taxes (it's all legal, nothing we can do, tax lawyers, blah blah blah) so why not create inflation to slam us peons back in our place hard and go full austerity? All those "entitlement" programs just cost too much, and if a few losers have to die of medical, food or shelter problems to keep America strong, so be it.
not related to intended thread
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thank You for writing this
I'm totally in agreement with your piece, I will read your paper later this week.