Welcome to Saturday's Potluck

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
The right or ability of an individual to obtain or refuse a medical treatment is being severely threatened. For most of my life the arguments have been based around reproduction rights, use of illegal drugs, informed consent of medical experiments, alternative medicine choices, medical privacy and universal availability of quality treatments. The current trend of two tiered system of the COVID vaccinated and vaccinated is formalizing medical discrimination and enforcement by third parties.
It appears business owners and employees in Oregon will once again have the risk of confrontation confirming vaccination status of individuals. As we head into a two tiered system of privileges based on compliance to a medical treatment.
Oregon’s state health officer said Friday businesses will be asked to either enforce mask policies or check whether customers have been vaccinated against COVID-19.The comments by Dr. Dean Sidelinger came as he said the state was still working on releasing more detailed guidance for businesses.
DailyBeast in December was participating in the selling of the discrimination phase of the COVID vaccine rollout. We appear to be on schedule it is almost June.
Let’s imagine a world in June 2021, where everyone who wants a vaccination has gotten one, but where the virus is still spreading because of the large number of vaccine refusers. If I own a business, I may find it in my own interests to exclude those refusers. Maybe I want to protect my workers. Maybe I want to have a store, restaurant, bank, laundromat or school where people don’t have to wear masks, and where they can feel safe. And maybe I think that by doing that, I’ll get more customers.
So, just as today, I might put a “masks required” sign on the door, I might put a “vaccine required” sign on my door next June.
The trouble is that, unlike a mask, a vaccine is invisible. And that is why we must take action now.
We need written proof of vaccination that is as difficult to counterfeit or falsify as a hundred-dollar bill. We need it to be standardized and easy to show to others. And we need to start rolling it out in this phase of the pandemic, not the next one. Call them “vaccine passports”; simple, standardized documents, digital or printed, that enable society and the economy to get back to semi-normal without waiting for every anti-vaxxer to see the light.
Regarding masks. My suggestion for the vaccinated and unvaccinated to carry a N95 mask with you and wear it when in a poorly ventilated space.
This authors analysis is not too different from my thoughts.
As readers know, I have long urged, following the science, that Covid is airborne, and that its main mode of transmission is via aerosols. (I was initially persuaded by an epidemiological study, now consigned to link rot, that showed a seat diagram on a Chinese bus with the index case and how many were infected. It seemed clear that neither fomites nor hacked up droplets could be the cause, since the seats were widely separated. Many more such studies followed. No such studies followed for fomites or droplets.) On April 30 — after enormous efforts from aerosol scientists — WHO changed its guidance to reflect that Covid is airborne. On May 7, CDC followed. So, after more than a year, we have finally agreed Covid’s mode of transmission. It is to be hoped that science-based mitigation measures — especially ventilation — follow.
Madness, because as aerosol theory predicts, and fomite and droplet theories do not, indoors spaces are the most dangerous spaces (see Greenhalgh’s helpful chart above). We don’t know, for any given space, how many people within in will be vaccinated. We also do not know how many have been vaccinated and are still capable of asymptomatic spread — and hence, in a closed space, of becoming superspreaders. Fauci should be focusing on ventilation, which actually makes people safer, instead of playing Philosopher King and using some people’s desire to unmask to manipulate them into getting vaccinated.
ConclusionConcluding, the intellectual victory needs to be fought out on the ground of mitigation (which, above, both Biden and Fauci butchered). From the Toronto Globe and Mail:
A transition to an airborne approach revolves around a simple and powerful concept: COVID spreads by breathing shared air, and infectious air accumulates indoors. (my bold italics)
Primary mitigation strategies shift from two metres distancing and handwashing to ventilation and high-quality masks. Monitor ventilation using portable carbon dioxide monitors, open windows and emphasize improvements in ventilation or air filtration when ventilation systems are poor. Distancing remains important but high-quality respirators should always be worn while indoors. All breaks and meals where masks will be removed must be moved outdoors or, when outdoors is not possible, in large well-ventilated rooms with maximal distancing and small numbers of people.
While airborne transmission is now acknowledged, changes to infection prevention strategies and efforts to increase public awareness are lacking. These changes will reduce onward transmission in high-risk settings and provide opportunities for a return to normalcy in some spheres: outdoor activities (where aerosols are rapidly dispersed) and even some indoor spaces with guidance on how to eliminate aerosol combined with proper masking.
Shifting to an airborne prevention approach will be life-saving for people working in high-risk essential jobs, and for the families to whom they bring home the infection. It will also impact overall epidemic control and help guide a safer more sustainable economic reopening.
What is on your mind today?

Morning all
Do you trust the Pharma solution?
Thanks for the potluck!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Pharma Solutions do not stay constant over time
There is still many unknowns about effectiveness of COVID vaccinations as the sole preventative measure in the general population. COVID-19 itself has mutated into several variations and more can be expected. We are still in the learning phase of handling this pandemic and sorting out conflicting information.
Thanks for the political cartoons.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
More reasons to not stop
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
The Pharma solution?
Do you mean maximizing profits by selling pricy vaccines that work for a few months and then need regular updating to deal with clever variants, all the while completely ignoring the possibility of mitigation of the deadly effects of acute respiratory distress or effective prophylactic protection from COVID with low cost, safe and readily available generic drugs? I’d call that a grand solution. For Big Pharma, but not so much for their customers.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Good morning soe, thanks for the potluck and OT.
This line is bothersome:
It and various less "scientific" variations of it have been floating around since vaccines became available and is mostly, imo, FUD spreading. Just a few relevant points.
1) If the vaccines were 100% perfectly effective, a vaccinated person, upon getting "infected", will clear the virus quite quickly because their immune system will kill all or nearly all viral particles in their system.
Under the above condition, a vaccinated individual could, at worst, inhale some virii exhaled by an unvaccinated person, and then , in the next breath, exhale *some* of them creating a low velocity cloud of exhaled air in their vicinity containing a fairly small viral load. This doesn't create a meaningful threat of a superspreader type of effect, or even material cascase or chain reaction effect because the initial viral load will be continually diluted. (If they are coughing or sneezing, they arguably shouldn't be in the company of others).
2) Some small fraction of vaccinated persons will actually catch the virus despite the vaccination, which varies with the vaccine taken.
3) Some fraction of that fraction will be asymptomatic
The number of asymptomatic vaccinated persons should be pretty small, probably less than the number of infected unvaccinated persons, from one or more of which they presumably caught the virus, and accordingly pose only a relatively small threat and, realistically, only to the unvaccinated. Again, anything vaguely resemblin a superspreader event is straight out of the question.
Just a superficial analysis, but consider the law of diminishing returns. Just as something with a high transmittivity quotient in a fully susceptible population can be expected to have exponential growth, something with a reduced transmittivity in a largely non-susceptible population can be expected to have exponential decline.
Generally, if you have 100 people in a room, 75 vaccinated, two of whom are capable of being infected anyway and one of whom is, and 25 unvaccinated whose infection status is unknown, the risk to the assemblace from the susceptible though vaccinated pair is negligible compared to the threat from the other 25.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Your quote in the above box seems to be wrong
I know, which is why I objected to it. I chose to present
some reasons to question/challenge it rather than simply citing CDC, since they didn't explain their reasoning or data.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Oops. Guess I misunderstood you. I'm sorry.
No problem, hurriedly and poorly written.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I may be wrong
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Their guidance is purely political
and worth nothing. Fauci is an admitted liar and should be fired.
He admitted that he told lies on Trump's direct order. any doctor with integrity would have resigned instead.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This idea is not as black and white as you might think.
Faced with the choice of sacrificing personal integrity versus the incredible damage his replacement could have, in trump's case certainly would have, caused is not a medical decision but one for the person wearing the bureaucrat's or political appointee's hat. Consider which carries the greater moral courage to make. Imagine Herman Caine or a clone in Fauci's position. How many hundreds of thousands more deaths and millions of cases is a lie not out of convenience but arguably necessity, later openly and freely admitted in public, worth? Like/trust the guy or not, it was the right choice. What's more the number of our so called public servants willing to make such a personal sacrifice has become miniscule. Tendering his resignation following the departure of trump would have made the point better but we can't know if Fauci has that level of integrity or not.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
CDC information for health professional decision making
the CDC website for Interim Clinical Considerations. Updates are made regular with no easily read documentation of previous guidelines except personally taking occasional screen shots.
is more nuanced than public talking points. This text is from today onCompromised immune systems may be the result of an acute or chronic medical condition, toxin exposure or regular medical treatment. Medical treatment includes doctor prescribed and the use of over-the-counter medications within the normal recommended dose. A person may not even be aware their immune system is compromised and the COVID vaccine with the booster shot may not be providing them adequate protection. The individual may have less protection than an unvaccinated person using reasonable infectious disease precautions.
The full scope of vaccinations potential to reduce COVID spread will not be know until retrospective studies are done in 5, 10 and 20 years. Until then any expert is speculating based on their experiences and bias. Total removal of bias is a continual problem within research. Not always nefarious reasons. It is just hard. Any expert whom acknowledges opinion is not 100% fact, or mentions what the assumptions are being utilized will not be asked again for their opinion in a public forum or as a news expert.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good luck keeping a mask mandate for five years
let alone twenty
Three of my favorite restaurants are allowing unmasked people to order, eat, and sit where they want if they make a big enough stink.
At one, the two unmasked old men sat right next to us and ignored the employee telling them they couldn't sit there. I threw our food away and we left. never to return. They should have called the local police.
We used to live there. my wife used to work there.
This is Illinois. Chicago suburbs. not Texas or Mississippi.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Not a mandate, rather an understanding of when to
We live in a confrontational society. The choices for businesses owners and their employees should not be limited to assume the risk to enforce mandates or experience a violent episode by police.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks eh.
I tend to think in terms of capabilities. It's a habit formed many years ago. Beliefs, fears, intentions, and the like are all guess work. Knowing the threat and my capability to counter it is how I evaluate how I should respond.
I was fortunate, well just old really or I wouldn't have been eligible, to receive the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday. Getting the Pfizer vaccine was as lucky though it really didn't matter. Taking what was offered was my intention. I registered almost two months ago but heard nothing until three days before my appointment. Phase 1, essential personnel, most vulnerable, and over 65, ends on the 20th. It looks like the country is receiving enough vaccine to actually begin Phase 2. Though I didn't, still don't, think much of the new president, I do like that his first priority is getting control of COVID in Ecuador. Like Biden, it looks like he may be on the right track to addressing COVID though with far fewer resources to ensure success.
I've had a few interesting conversations about the vaccination this week. The process was efficient and professional. I suppose it helps when people are culturally more inclined to not be assholes. It was more like I remember the Polio oral vaccine campaign as a kid. It was a huge coliseum on the sports training facility of a major city rather high school gym in a small town in Ohio but very similar in how the process worked. Everyone wanted to know about that as well as about my reaction to the vaccine. All of them have friends and families affected by the virus and are anxious to have their turn. The one disagreement I have with the phase system is that people like me, who are old but in excellent heath with no comorbidities and the ability to avoid people outside my circle of family, a few close friends, and some neighbors, should be behind people who have to work in close proximity to others. I don't know how to make that work but I'm think it more equitable.
Except one that is. He is a good friend, an expat, who I'm not really surprised revealed they don't take vaccines. At 75, I'm not sure he and his wife, Cuencana, are choosing according to their best interests, both with comorbidities, or those of their family, friends, and neighbors. They took extreme measures at the beginning of the pandemic and are still rigorous in the appropriate personal precautions. I will continue to take similar precautions around them like I will until Ecuador, or at least Cuenca, gets COVID under control. My point is that this will not affect our relationship despite them now being considered a potential threat. I won't actively avoid them but we also won't seek contact more than necessary.
They are less of a threat to me but my wife and some have some unknown amount of time before they can be vaccinated. The problem with the population in general making the choices my friend does is that we just don't know. For now nothing changes. Everyone is a potential threat which must be honored with appropriate personal protective measures. Always honor a threat is a cardinal rule just like assessing capabilities is when assessing risk or threats.
For us that means masks, social distancing, more vigilant hand washing, and possibly more lockdowns like the one winding down. It will end when it ends. Or like so many I'll get fed up with it all and proclaim that what I want, believe, or choose is my right and my family, friends, neighbors, and the people can just fuck off. It's all about me and me only.
Not bloody likely.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
A useful work-around, for anybody interested, for the
vaccination documentation issue.
If one is willing to play along with such requests, as opposed to resisting them and one is also not prone to lose one's cell phone, assuming that one has one, it can provide the answer.
Having spent years doing road trips in various vehicles with and without various trailers and providing all kinds of information at check-in time at all kinds of places here and abroad, I created an "ID" directory within the "gallery" directory of my phone. Into it I loaded photos of the license plates of all of our vehicles, my DL, my health insurance card (which my provider was willing to accept on one occasion when I forgot my wallet), my medicare card, my passport, my voter registration card (from the registrar's office when I registered Peoples Party) and, upon receipt thereof, my vaccination card. Generally, all those numbers and dates in one place.
FWIW, I have a similar directory with photos of all of my meds.
I don't personally object to providing such info because I previously engaged in activities requiring me to periodically verify the currency of my rabies inoculation, and have traveled to places where they require certain vaccinations and others where one's vaccination status for various things might need to be ascertained should one become ill.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I like that idea a lot
I learned it from my sister, and then adapted it for my
purposes. She has very specific needs for a goodly number of medical supplies, and travels a moderate amount. She quickly learned that it is useful to be able to show the kid at the pharmacy counter photos of specific products and say, "no, I need this/these".
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Taking photos of important docs,
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
BTW, nice sig line
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I, of course, always love The Byrds' original
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
I know that anything a government does is suspect
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
vtcc73 "sort of"
You forget about ours, the CIA and or it's proxies could show up any day, their presence has already been felt there before.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I've seen some cooperative military interactions with the US. What isn't seen and that which is deep underground with US intelligence are a potential concern. There doesn't, however, seem to be much desire of the people to be pulled into US geopolitical entanglements. Presidents and the legislature has a healthy respect for the power of the people. The relative quiet of the past almost 20 years isn't common. They have no problems completely shutting down parts of the economy when it's obvious they're being screwed. On top of that, the legislature just ended had a final 2% approval rate. The president has lots of opposition. Although the recently announced agreement between Correistas and Lasso's party may form a majority in the legislature, there is no expectation they will be able to do much. Both sides of that marriage of convenience has been vocal in their opposition to dancing with the devils they're being asked to support. That may change without any notice with an appropriate amount of political lube being applied but I doubt it. I sure don't see the people accepting the US military in Ecuador beyond a distant relationship. As always, I could be wrong but black helicopters? Nope.
Edit: That didn't take long. The deal wasn't even 24 hours old. The government is less able to come together in the public's interest than in the US. Oh, wait. What does public interest have to do with politics these days?
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
convenient workaround to especially when traveling
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Amazing that they can coordinate in such fine detail
-- but we're always going to have capitalism, y'know, because...
Is there something sacred about the government's creation and maintenance of billionaires? Corporations? Fossil-fuel infrastructures?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Answer to the question is Yes
It is just the modern twist to land-grant gifts to loyal nobles for services rendered or anticipated, control of watering holes and trade routes. It can be called capitalism, feudalism or any form of power consolidation to a select few for multiple generations.
We used to have a saying in Oregon. "He earned his money the old fashioned way. He inherited it." The opportunity to improve economic status keeps diminishes and the phrase is ringing true again.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Regarding mask or vaccination situation
In Oregon. I'm now fully vaccinated. But having thought about the issue a lot, I decided I would continue to wear a mask in stores and similar places or a while longer. The employees have had less chance to be vaccinated because of their work hours and because they may not be able to take time from work if they react for a couple of days. I'm not in stores that much. It will give peace of mind to unvaccinated employees. It might also be in my own best interests since a small % of people can get a break through illness. Whether that is more likely with the variants now circulating, I don't know.
I don't think it is reasonable to put business owners and employees in the position of policing for vaccination status. At least in Oregon, we are getting close to having enough people vaccinated to fully open. That will take away the need to check vaccination status and make life simpler for everyone.
I have many Latino neighbors. I have asked if they want to be vaccinated and if they do, but have not yet been, I share how and where and when they can be. Also make sure to tell them it is free and for everyone. The information is public, but in English. One has to ask for it in Spanish. I urge others to do the same with people they come in contact with. Many Latino people want to get vaccine, but don't know how to get it, or think doing so is more complicated than it actually is. It is a kindness to help if you can.
Brain Smog from the poetry of science
Yeah, I trust pHarma a little bit, not much. Fire Fauci, then let's talk. That anal rectum has been up inside my head ever since the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Reagan times. Anyone else remember "Silence = Death!"? Forty years later... "Kabuki = Death!" same same ASSHOLE
What was the question again? Oh yeah, trust in pHarma? My proximity community (not the virtual one) is fine and understands my personal hesitations, and over half de adults in the county are vaccinated now a lot of kids are getting poked. Fully open by July whether we like it or not. "That's the system."
Music goes here: The Who - 5:15 (glance at calendar).
"Why should I care? Why should I care?" French horn, trumpet and flugelhorn.
Peace and Love
diatomaceous ooze
Shit here comes Ammon Bundy again, PU!
Water crisis ‘couldn’t be worse’ on Oregon-California border
Click the hyperbolic headline and read on, 'cause these here are just the quotes I picked out among the ruins, continuing on:
Want fries with that?
the animal is tired ... (Robin Hobb)
Killing the Klamath 21:53
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEfZOkg5ksw width:500]
Peace and Love
Good morning eyo. Thanks for making note of the
struggle and goals of the Klamath people. They have won a few minor victories over the years, but they're still getting the shaft.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It appears that Klamath County
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
At least this time a Cheney is not in a leadership position in
Might expose other power players in the conflict.
the Republican party this time.I had been hoping the alliances and working relationships built over the the last 20 years provide some calming effect as the drought increased. This article from last year did not offer much hope.
Thanks for providing the background information on the Klamath.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Business interests?
And if you find it in your interest to not make wedding cakes with same sex couples on them because republicans are boycotting your bakery? Is that OK too because it's in your business interest?
On the larger question. Let the unvaccinated get sick, the vaccinated are protected by the vaccine, aren't they? or was it all a massive government giveaway?
Is a restaurant going to want to see my measles vaccination certificate or pneumonia vaccination certificate next?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Welcome to Saturday's war crimes committed by ...
Israeli Airstrike Flattens Building Housing AP And Other Media In Gaza City
I can't even vomit. Civilian palestinians lives don't matter, white people's lives do. Nothing new, I just wait til Netanyahu asks his followers, if they want 'einen totalen Krieg'.
Uh. Arabs are white.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
ymmv, I have only 30 perdent eyesight on my left eye
may be that's the reason why I don't understand why Arabs are always called Arabs but never categorized as whites. This is not a good conversation and sounds ugly. So, let's drop it. May be one should not categorize people of different ethnicity by color.
Be well, the violence and wars tear on our nerves. Not good.
Nut don't say things like " Civilian palestinians lives don't matter, white people's lives do. "
I'm about to go full right wing on this "hate Whitey" crap.
If we are going to have a race war then I stamnd with my people.
Bu5t one last plea for Racial equality. No white Supremacy, no Black supremacy.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I am sorry, I think I don't understand anything anymore.
or I never understood anything to begin with. I have no idea about what is going on. I guess I am falling apart.
NO supremacy for anybody.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Well,I am not into race supremacy
I personally stand with whomever is oppressed, regardless of their color matching mine.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Even an armed attack?
Even widespread looting and arson?
Yes, it happened in Chicago because of a shooting in Minneapolis, two states away.
Or rather, that was the excuse.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Uh, some Arabs are white
Mimi is about 1200 miles from where the bombs are falling, where is everyone else? I looked at a map (gasp!) and figured for me it would be like Santa Fe launching thousands of bombs at Albuquerque every night, and vice versa. Killing their children and destroying their infrastructure. WTF California does it by denying wages and housing to poor people. hi-ho silver
Does everyone here know the size of a modern "nuclear blast radius"? I used to know, but things got quiet and I went back to sleep. away!
"check it out" In the '70s you could still record a song with lyrics like "it's time we learned this world was made for all men" and not get your life ruined by social media robot screamers. In fact it was a popular thing to say back in the day, and sing along on the radio. la la la me too
edited: with correct video link, hopefully
Stevie Wonder - Black Man
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEoE2UQXduA width:420]
Get funky! right on
Peace and Love
Reporters and news organization might start questioning
attacks on civilians justified by bad guys in building. Conflicts need actual reporting not stenography from press events.
official narratives and excuses made by Israeli officials for militaryStill yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
thanks, I concur with the article's content
So far, every effort the medical world has made
....to deal with this virus can be described as partial, temporary, incomplete, controversial, and inconclusive. This holds true for every approach to Covid-19, including prevention of the disease, prophylaxis to block infection, first aid for exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, real-time tracking of virus variants, pharmaceutical treatments, vaccine development, and secondary disease mitigation.
At the very beginning of the pandemic, a decision was made by the Overlords of the Medical Industry to funnel research primarily toward vaccines. The MIC owns the Medical journals and they oversee much of the research funding that goes out to private labs and universities. It was a simple matter for them to quietly launch an extreme-vaccine l research agenda via the endowments and grants they hand out. The funding would go to vaccine projects, and everything else would be 'shadow banned' — in the space but not speaking.
This one decision changed the course of Covid-19, and probably put the future of US health care in a state of uncertainty due to long term effects. It placed a profound drag on many plausible approaches and interventions that might have limited Covid-19's damage. For example, after more than a year of intense global research, the FDAA approved only one (!) treatment, the drug Remdesivir — which, it turns out, does not work well. And even it it did work — at $5000 per injection, few people could afford the treatment. Several repurposed (or 'off-label') drugs, which appeared to be effective treatments for the infection, were shunned. In some cases, these drugs were smeared by medical authorities, or they were attacked by flocks of me-too clinical trials that had terrible outcomes. As for Prevention, the methods pushed by the CDC were identical in every way to the prevention methods used for the Spanish Flu in 1918. Yet there were astonishing advancements relevant to SARS-CoV-2 in newly completed trials that were suppressed.
I won't describe how the Medical Industry agenda squeezed all the different approaches. Although there is one area of neglect that has bothered me from the beginning. The American People still don't have access to medically effective face masks — after all this time! Nor are there PSAs that continuously teach people how to use masks properly to protect themselves. In fact, there has been little progress in competently re-supplying the emergency stockpiles, which failed us so badly in 2020. The US is not ready for the next pandemic, even after lavishing trillions of dollars on our corporations and our wealthiest individuals.
The reason the vaccines also fall under the heading of "partial, temporary, incomplete, controversial, and inconclusive" is because they are not really the kind of vaccines people expected. These vaccines do not eradicate Covid-19 the way that diseases like Smallpox or Polio were eradicated. Vaccinated people may still get the disease, and spread it. Some scientists say our failure to stop the virus and its ongoing mutations early on, could mean that Covid-19 will be with us for quite a while. I noticed this headline today:
Pierre Kory blows my mind...
This is well worth your time. What a great explanation of the mess we made of the pandemic.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
great comment.
Do you have any info about people with allergies, a category I fit into all too well?
edit: meant as a reply to Pluto's Republic. So sorry.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
His eyes have been opened - thanks for the video n/t
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Your discussion points are very valid. COVID-19 has touched
It has been a long day and your comment deserves a more robust discussion. If I have more time in the next couple of days will try and provide some other examples.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Please see my comment below.
A friend with a relative who is a dr. prescribe him the HQ whatever, told him to skip on the approved prescription drug, and my friend felt like a new man in 24 hours. So, the dr. who prescribed the approved drug could get sued for prescribing something else. The relative, who is a dr., could prescribe it without worry he would get sued by a cousin.
And that's where we are.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thank you SOE for this important and concise thread.
This has been my understanding but could not find a nutshell version.
OTC: I too have allergies from a hypervigilant immune system. Lots of exposure to pesticides and herbicides living in Pear orchards; in the last few years when we were improving, big set backs because of heavy mold exposure followed by unventilated gas furnace exhaust exposure. Now we are hypersensitive to petrochemicals, antibiotics and many medications; small amounts of mold and other things like pollen.
In the US although previously we were yearly flu and pneumonia vaccine recipients, we were warned by our doctors not to vaccinate as the inoculation would stimulate our immune systems even more. So we haven't.
But we are now in a pickle looking at our options. Trying to get our hands on Ivermectin. Meanwhile using D, Zinc, Aloe, C, B12, L-lysine, raw Turmeric (Curcuma) and Ginger tea daily; after contact with others gargling with salt water mixed with a few drops of Provodine, also eyes and nose flushes of same. This is to hopefully kill any virus we may have picked up.
We don't know what else to do except hide and watch.
Thank you all again for a cogent discussion.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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reality-based laws at least TRY to accommodate outliers
The TSA-like absolutism of all this is a red flag that who/whatever's making the calls is NOT rational. That's reason enough to stand against them, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE this is a real public health emergency.
The political binary being painted is also INFURIATING.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!