No Foolin'?

So it’s just like any other day.
The origin of April Fools Day
While the exact origin of April Fool’s Day is not known, there are possible mentions of it in literature and history dating as far back as 1392 in Geoffrey Chaucer’s work, “The Canterbury Tales“. In The Nun’s Priest’s Tale, a cockerel is tricked by a wily fox on the 32nd day of March, or, April 1st. French poet, Eloy d’Amerval refers to the “fish of April” in one of his works from 1508, which may the first reference to April Fools Day in France, while in 1561, Flemish poet Eduard de Dene wrote a story about a nobleman who would send servants on foolish errands on April 1st every year. The tradition of playing pranks on April Fools Day has been a popular custom since the 19th century, and it certainly hasn’t shown any signs of losing its momentum.

Joke’s on you, April Fools’ Day…
I can be fooled any day of the year.
Who needs a day for the fools?
I’m surrounded by them all year.
Excuse me, sir.
Do you think they named April Fool’s Day in your honor?
April Fools’ Day is like a huge open mic night…
Millions of people go out of their way to demonstrate how unfunny they are.
You should know that no one understood it was an April Fools’ joke…
Because no one expects you to have a sense of humour.
(for smiley)
My Dad asked my mom to marry him on April Fools Day. She always said the joke’s on him because she said yes!
I don’t always joke on April Fools’ Day…
Just kidding, I do.
EVERY year newspapers, especially in the UK, have a go at tricking the public with fake stories for April Fool's Day, so keep your eyes peeled and don't believe everything you hear...
Harvest spaghetti (2.5 min)
The spaghetti tree hoax is a famous 3-minute hoax report broadcast on April Fools' Day 1957 by the BBC current affairs programme Panorama. It told a tale of a family in southern Switzerland harvesting spaghetti from the fictitious spaghetti tree, broadcast at a time when this Italian dish was not widely eaten in the UK and some Britons were unaware that spaghetti is a pasta made from wheat flour and water. Hundreds of viewers phoned into the BBC, either to say the story was not true, or wondering about it, with some even asking how to grow their own spaghetti trees. Decades later CNN called this broadcast "the biggest hoax that any reputable news establishment ever pulled."
In 1994, PC Magazine ran a column about a bill making its way through Congress that would prohibit the use of the Internet while intoxicated. Despite the name of the contact person, Lirpa Sloof (“her name spelled backward says it all,” the column concluded), many people took the story seriously.
In this now-classic 1996 prank, Taco Bell took out newspaper ads saying it had bought the Liberty Bell “in an effort to help the national debt.” Even some senators were taken in, and the National Park Service even held a press conference to deny the news. At noon, the fast-food chain admitted the joke, along with donating $50,000 for the bell’s care. The value of the joke, of course, was priceless.
Pi is so challenging. How can anybody work with an irrational number that goes on and on and on? Lawmakers in Alabama allegedly thought so, passing a law in 1998 that redefined 3.14159 … to, simply, 3. Though the news was a hoax from a man named Mark Boslough, it became widely disseminated and believed. No wonder: In 1897, the Indiana Legislature attempted to pass a bill establishing pi as 3.2

Do you find yourself cringing at the telly when a sex scene comes on? Well fear no more as BBC iPlayer launches a "skip the sex" button.
You'll never have to endure an awkward moment in a family film viewing session again.
The Mirror reported this fake news item this morning, claiming the BBC could also install a "skip Brexit" button.
The feature is designed to help you jump ahead to avoid seeing any sexual activity on screen, as it's not for everyone.
As the show gets steamy, reports claim the button pops up on screen, giving you the option to miss it out.
Now this may best the best fools idea yet...
The Daily Star had a go at convincing readers the NHS would be prescribing free beer to patients, in a new initiative from the Ministry of Health.
From Friday, the report claims, prescriptions for pints of stout will be issued to patients who can convince their local GP they are suffering from anaemia, insomnia, or tiredness.
There's even a comment from Pub Landlord Al Murry: “I’m not exaggerating when I say that beer is the elixir of life. Since the dawn of time beer has accompanied mankind through life’s journey, a loyal friend and companion.”

The Times wrote this morning that drones are the new accessory for busy dog-owners. Or just lazy ones.
They write The Drone Dog Walker has a microphone and a camera, allowing the owner to talk to their dog as the drone walks it.
The device, being sold by Thumbs Up for £200, also has leash control technology in case the dog gets carried away.
The report claims the drone will freeze-dry the dog's business, pop it in a plastic bag and dispose of it, although the trials led to some poo-related mishaps.
Meanwhile The Telegraph writes that April Fool's jokes themselves will be banned - just so Brexit panickers aren't triggered.
In a very self-referential joke, the report claims the law has been made "under an archaic parliamentary order".
They write: "The statute from 1653 states that the issuing of false reports is strictly prohibited and punishable by the splitting of an offender’s ribs."
And the report claims Cabinet Office officials have asked media outlets to refrain from publishing fake news April Fool jokes.
In a video released by Google, they announce you can clean your phone "from the inside out". The new 'Screen cleaner' in the Files app claims to do just that.
They say it uses a smudge detector API to identify imperfections, and geometric dirt models and haptic micro-movement generators to remove dirt, smudges and more.
According to the video, once the phone is clean, internal vibration and haptic controls create micro-vibrations, forming a long-lasting shield around the surface of the phone.
McDonald's has teased fans by appearing to announce a new burger made entirely out of pickles and a bun - but it's just an April Fool's gag.
The fast-food giant claimed it had released a new burger - The McPickle - in Australia.
They posted a short clip on its Instagram account, which looks like a Big Mac but is filled with gherkins instead of beef patties.
The caption read: "Pickle lovers, it's the news you've all been waiting for. We're super stoked to announce the launch of our brand new McPickle Burger.
"It’s time to tuck into juicy, flavoursome pickles layered between melted cheese, ketchup sauce and toasted sesame seed buns.
"It’s sure to be a treat for all your senses."

Don't get caught up in the foolishness, but don't be afraid of foolish fun. Let the merry pranksters carry on and live up to their legends.
In 1964, Ken Kesey bought a twenty-five-year-old bus and outfitted it into a true hippie-mobile so he and his groupie-like followers could travel the country. They named the bus “Furthur”—a purposeful misspelling—and Kesey and his friends, calling themselves the “Merry Band of Pranksters,” customized it with a sound system, an observation turret on top, and motorcycle platform. The bus already had bunk beds, a small kitchen, and a bathroom from its previous owner. With the psychedelic artwork the Pranksters added, Furthur became the perfect symbol of the anti-establishment, free love, enlightenment vibe that characterized Kesey’s life.
Be foolish. Have fun. And feel free to cut up and carry on!

Ha, ha, ha
At least today we can say MSM is a joke
Thanks for the OT LO!
question everything
sadly the MSM joke... on us, as all they spout is war propaganda. China bad, Russia bad, Iran bad, US is GREAT! It is laughable.
Enjoy the foolish day. We're finally going to be dry for a few days. Added up last month's rain, 14" in the last two weeks.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Going to have two days next week with 30+ degree swings.
From freezing to high sixties on one day and from mif-thirties to low seventies the next day.
30 when I woke up this morning (9:30AM)
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Freezing here tomorrow morning...
...and 37 this AM. Covered the lettuce, but letting the crucifers handle what comes.
Sorry to say we better plan on wild weather, but this swing is pretty normal for early April. Dogwoods are starting to bloom, and redbuds have played out. Noticed the apples have leafed out but no blooms yet. Good thing.
A few years back we had a serious freeze after the trees had leafed out. Put the hurt on the forest system, but most trees recovered after having to leaf out again. I asked the oldest local folks I knew and none had ever seen that happen here.
We'll see what we see. Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Those kinds of changes are hard
14 " is no joke
We'd be swimming if the sky cried that hard here.
question everything
My gravel roads ...
...came through pretty well, but I've had to order more gravel to replace what washed into the woods. Really just one bad stretch where a leaf dam caused the water to jump the ditch and run down the road. The joys of country living.
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout, et. al.
Thanks for the "fool me once, how the hell does that go again?" column. Problem is, as they used to say, "Taint funny, McGee". April fools pranks and jokes traditionally have a give-away or were followed with a declaration that they were "April Fools!" jokes. Today, said declarations are sadly missing from most of ouor daily diet of pranks and lies from the media and the political classes.
It is supposed to be the one day of the year when you are supposed to be wary of jokes tricks and pranks. Presumably so, hidden among all of the routine lies and propaganda that we are fed every day and which we are supposed to blithely buy into because not April Fools day? I dunno. Don't want to think about it. Today, like every other day, I greet with extreme skepticism, not because it is 4/1/2021, but simply because it is a day ending in Y.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
fool me twice?
Sadly it seems fool me infinite times. Just tell lies. Same old same old...more profit,lower salaries, poorer health, more propaganda. We are assumed to be fools.
Fortunately this community isn't so gullible.
Glad you came by this AM. Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time, and that's all it takes.
I once worked for a Bay Area tech company
that had a long and hallowed tradition of pulling april-fools pranks on the senior management. I was (very) peripherally involved in a couple of them, and some were pretty epic.
My favorite was the year of the sharks. The CEO was an avid amateur/club hockey player. Well, one day he and his clubbies had scheduled a scrimmage against another club at the local rink. However, some of the engineering staff had intervened, and had convinced the original opposing club to come watch the fun from the bleachers instead of skating- and had substituted in another club instead.
The other club was the San Jose Sharks. This was back when they were a relatively new franchise, but they were still NHL pros. The destruction was rapid, noisy, and remarkably complete...
Fun times. That was back when corporate employees were still allowed to have a sense of humor.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
It is always easy to have a sense of humor...
when the joke is on "them". A little more difficult when it is you.
I like to think I can laugh at myself. As I once suggested to a friend, "when you can laugh about it, you'll know you're over it".
Thanks for the story! Never have been a hockey (nor football) fan. Just seems too violent, but each to their own. Frisbee golf is the typical game around the mountain crowd, and horseshoes in the valley. I like both of them. In our youth we played a good bit of croquet in our old neighborhood. The foolish games people play!
Well all the best. Hope your day is a good one.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I certainly understand.
There's a certain level of "ya hadda be there", and knowledge of the personalities involved, that makes that marginally more palatable. There was never any intent to injure, and the visiting team understood exactly who they were playing and were in on the joke. So while there was destruction, it really was more in fun. Especially for the Sharks, there was no full effort put into it: too many season ticket holders on the ice...
But only marginally more palatable: we were indeed all a bunch of assholes. One year a group of engineers completely cleaned out the VP of Engineering's office, and overnight reassembled a Volkwagen Beetle in it where his desk had been. Another year another group stole the CTO's Ferrari and (very carefully) placed it up on a riser out in the middle of one of the ubiquitous water features that California corporate campuses were sprouting at the time, so that the tires were just wet and it looked like it was parked on the water. He had to row out to it in an inflatable dinghy, and then somebody called him on his car phone...
Harmless little things like that. Gotta say, though, that these activities were good for morale- and the top management basically egged the conspirators on to see what new hell every April would bring.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
laughter is good...
and if the pranks were in good spirit...hey fun is fun.
Sounds like some pretty good gags!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I have to say the
The company is gone, but
I just found out that some of the alumni have put together a website that preserves the press releases from some of the pranks. Makes for amusing reading, for the interested student...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
We had a manager who was big on practical jokes
Any time he could think of one, and he thought of a lot of them. For April 1st, a bunch of us, filled his office with inflated balloons. He could not even get in. He played fewer tricks on us for a while after that. Not spectacular, but fun.
forgot to use the reply button. See comment below...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You popped his balloon?
Like I suggested to UFS, jokes are less funny when you are the target.
Humor is curious all the way around really. Why do we laugh when the person slips on the banana peel and bust their ass? There is a cruel component to our humor. Interesting that.
Thanks for the story. Maybe the thing about fools day is the pranks are not normally harmful but your example.
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I was so foolish today to have very serious thoughts
I don't want to do that again. never ever think seriously no matter about what when and whom.
I tried to think about a time when I wasn't fooled.
I took that ship.
What a fool got to do other than being foolish?
And no fooling now, coffee was responsible for the French Revolution and all the good things that came with it, guillotines and enlightenment.
Thanks for the nice OT, lookout, have all a goody foolishy remainder of the day.
and you as well!
Just now evening here.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”