Monday OT: 02/08/21 is National Kite Flying Day

Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 39, 3187 YOLD
And let us not forget mlc (the Mayan Long Count)
It is National Kite Flying Day so I led with a picture of a kite flying, specifically a Swallow Tailed Kite. It is, of course, possible that they meant "Toy Kite Flying Day", but presumably they would've said that, non?
Kites are chordate animals of the class Aves (boids), order Accipitriformes and family Accipitridae. As might be expected, nomenclature continues to change and evolve and there is also some conflict or confusion as to some specific types, such as the Swallow Tailed Kite pictured above, which is of either the Subfamily Elaninae or the Subfamily Pernina, Genus Elanoides, species forficatus. According to da wiki, current overall status is as follows:
By 2015, genetic research showed that many of the kite genera are related to honey-buzzards, and that the tiny bat hawk (Machaerhamphus or Macheirhamphus) is actually related to the huge harpy eagles. Several of the large kites are related more closely to the Buteo hawks (buzzards) than to the group of "true" kites and sea-eagles.
Boyd[6] places the "true" milvine kites (Milvus and Haliastur) with the sea-eagles in tribe Milvini within Buteoninae. This results in the following arrangement (genera in parentheses are not generally called kites):
Elaninae: Gampsonyx, Chelictinia, Elanus.
Perninae: Chondrohierax, Leptodon, Elanoides, (Pernis), Hamirostra, Lophoictinia, (Henicopernis).
Harpagini: Harpagus.
Milvini: Haliastur, Milvus, (Haliaeetus, Icthyophaga).
Buteonini: many genera, including the kites Ictinia, Rostrhamus, and Helicolestes.
Ictinia is near-basal, after the Old-World genus Butastur. Rostrhamus and Helicolestes form a clade with the black-collared hawk (Busarellus) and the crane hawk (Geranospiza).
I haven't checked that with any serious sources, like Cornell, because busy, but assume it is more or less close since birders would be all over it if it weren't. Like all birds, they play an important role in the environments in which they may be found, which is why I am surprised that the US would assign a day to them, but perhaps it goes back to the Nixon years, like the Clean Air Act
Toy Kites, fwiw haven't always been toys, but have from time to time been used in warfare and other commercial endeavors. The famous French War Kite comes to mind. I recall seeing references to several instances of their use in conjunction with cameras for both military and commercial surveillance as well as for purely recreational and even scientific purposes during the past few years. On second thought, since this is a US holiday, maybe it is about toy-kites, to honor their history of use in warfare. Ah well, whatever ...
Seventh Crusade It is the anniversary of the 7th Crusade battle of Mansurah, where the Crusaders got their ass whipped. The remnants of the Crusader forces chose retreat over surrender only to be annihilated at the Battle of Fariskur. This was the last substantial Crusade into Egypt. The Crusader's never recaptured and in effect ceded Jerusalem. At least one of the fallen, an English kniggit named William II Longespée is viewed as a martyr by the English.
Yet Another Crusade, in the US Today is the anniversary of the passage of the Dawes Act, yet another attack on and continuation of the genocidal war by the US and its colonial predecessors upon the indigenous population of North America.
The Orangeburg Massacre At least eight (out of a dozen) South Carolina Highway Patrol officers fired into a crowd of Black student demonstrators on the SCSU campus with carbines, shotguns and handguns killing three and wounding at least 27.
On this day in history:
1250 – Seventh Crusade Battle of Al Mansurah, Crusaders lost bigly
1575 – Leiden University was founded
1693 – The College of William & Mary was granted a charter by King William III and Queen Mary II.
1817 – Las Heras crossed the Andes with an army to join San Martín and liberate Chile
1865 – Delaware refused to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
1879 – Sandford Fleming first proposed adoption of Universal Standard Time
1887 – The Dawes Act authorizes the President of the United States to survey Native American tribal land and divide it into individual allotments.
1904 – Dutch Colonial Army's Marechaussee regiment led by General G.C.E. van Daalen committed genocide against the Acehnese and Bataks people.
1910 – The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated
1915 – The Birth of a Nation premiered in L.A.
1922 – President Harding brought the first radio set into the White House
1950 – The Stasi, was established with powers that the Feebs envy to this day
1963 – Travel, financial and commercial transactions by United States citizens to Cuba were outlawed by the Kennedy administration.
1963 – The Iraq Prime Minister Abd al-Karim Qasim was overthrown by the Ba'ath Party.
1968 – A Police attack on black students from South Carolina State University who were protesting racial segregation at the town's only bowling alley, left three or four dead in Orangeburg, South Carolina.
1971 – The NASDAQ stock market index opens for the first time.
1971 – South Vietnamese troops invaded Laos.
1974 – After 84 days in space, the last crew of Skylab 4 returned to Earth.
1978 – Proceedings of the United States Senate were broadcast on radio for the first time.
1993 – General Motors sued NBC after Dateline NBC allegedly rigged two crashes intended to demonstrate that some GM pickups could easily catch fire in certain collisions and NBC settled the lawsuit the next day.
1996 – The U.S. Congress passed the unconstitutional Communications Decency Act.
2013 – A blizzard disrupted transportation and left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity in the Northeastern United States and parts of Canada.
Born this day in:
Billboards, billboards, drink this, eat that, use all manner of things, everyone, the best, the cheapest, the purest and most satisfying of all their available counterparts. Red lights flicker on every horizon, airplanes beware; cars flash by, more lights. Workers repair the gas main. Signs, signs, lights, lights, streets, streets.
~~ Neal Cassady
120 – Vettius Valens, astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer
412 – Proclus, mathematician and philosopher
1577 – Robert Burton, melancholy priest, physician, and scholar
1807 – Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, sculptor and zoologist
1825 – Henry Walter Bates, geographer, biologist, and explorer
1828 – Jules Verne, author, poet, and playwright
1834 – Dmitri Mendeleev, chemist and periodic academic
1850 – Kate Chopin, author
1860 – Adella Brown Bailey, politician and suffragist
1876 – Paula Modersohn-Becker, painter
1878 – Martin Buber, philosopher and academic
1899 – Lonnie Johnson, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1903 – Greta Keller, singer and actress
1906 – Chester Carlson, physicist and lawyer who invented Xerography
1911 – Elizabeth Bishop, poet and author
1914 – Bill Finger, author and screenwriter who co-created Batman
1926 – Neal Cassady, beat, author, merry prankster, and poet
1932 – John Williams, pianist, composer, and conductor
1933 – Elly Ameling, soprano
1937 – Joe Raposo, pianist and composer
1940 – Ted Koppel, journalist
1941 – Tom Rush, American singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1942 – Terry Melcher, singer, songwriter, and producer
1947 – J. Richard Gott, astronomer and academic
1948 – Dan Seals, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1955 – John Grisham, lawyer and author
1957 – Karine Chemla, historian of mathematics and sinologist
1958 – Marina Silva, environmentalist and politician
1961 – Vince Neil, singer, songwriter, and actor
1964 – Arlie Petters, mathematical physicist and academic
1971 – Mika Karppinen, drummer and songwriter
1981 – Myriam Montemayor Cruz, singer
1985 – Jeremy Davis, bass player and songwriter
Died this day in:
“variety is life; uniformity is death”
~~ peter kropotkin
1250 – William II Longespée, Crusader revered as a martyr (How sick is that?)
1709 – Giuseppe Torelli, violinist and composer
1749 – Jan van Huysum, Dutch painter
1856 – Agostino Bassi, Italian entomologist and academic
1907 – Hendrik Willem Bakhuis Roozeboom, chemist and academic
1910 – Hans Jæger, philosopher, anarchist, and activist
1921 – Peter Kropotkin, anarchist, socialist, revolutionary, economist, sociologist, historian, zoologist, political scientist, philosopher, zoologist, geographer, and philologist
1928 – Theodor Curtius, chemist
1957 – Walther Bothe, physicist and academic
1957 – John von Neumann, mathematician and physicist
1960 – J. L. Austin, philosopher and academic
1960 – Giles Gilbert Scott, architect and engineer, designed the Red telephone box
1975 – Robert Robinson, chemist and academic
1979 – Dennis Gabor, physicist and engineer
1990 – Del Shannon, singer, songwriter ,and guitarist
1992 – Denny Wright, British guitarist
1994 – Raymond Scott, pianist, electronic instrument inventor, and composer
1998 – Halldór Laxness, author, poet, and playwright
2004 – Julius Schwartz, comic book editor
2006 – Elton Dean, saxophonist, songwriter, and producer
2008 – Ruby Garrard Woodson, educator and cultural historian
2012 – Wando, singer and songwriter
2012 – Luis Alberto Spinetta, singer and songwriter
2014 – Nancy Holt, sculptor and painter
2017 – Peter Mansfield, physicist
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
International Epilepsy Day
National Kite Flying Day (Birds)
Opera Day (It must be a pretty good browser to get its own Day, no?, Seriously, it is Subject to EU rules, so it might be worth a try)
Clean Out Your Computer Day (No, don't take the cover off and remove stuff)
Oatmeal Monday (sadly, not "The Oatmeal" Monday -
National Kite Flying Day (Toys)
Propose Day (propose what? Peace? Another War? A new Freeway? WTF!)
Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies
Neal Cassaady - see below
John Williams
Tom Rush
Giuseppe Torelli
Del Shannon
Denny Wright
Raymond Scott
Elton Dean
Annnnnd... Neal Cassady "raps" to some weird music
There is one day each year, December 25th, on which many purport to celebrate "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men". Well, this ain't it McGee, this is one of the other 364 (or 5) during which we celebrate, perpetuate, commit and commit ourselves to WAR!, endless and exalted. The foundation of our economy, the employer of ever so many and the source of our eternal pride, WAR! So remember, though it may not be good for living things, it is what keeps this country running and keeps its ruling elites happy, so hooray for war!
It's an open thread, so do your thing

“Please stop! This is my family business!”
There was an initial upwelling of community support, but now it’s seven or eight months later. Getting justice for small business teetering on the brink due to pandemic lockdown is tough enough — no one is even thinking about small business hit by looting anymore.
Though they’re trying to put a good face on it, both these places may well never be coming back.
Good morning lot. Thanks for reminding us. There
have been feel good psa type ads lately talking about supporting local busnesses, sandwiched in with the ads for Walmart and Amazon. How does the nation avoid cpgnitive dissonance over such matters? Is it perhaps by eschewing cognition?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Reminder: AOC emerged from a 10,000 person casting call
Like the elevation of Katniss Everdeen to rebellion figurehead in the Hunger Games, running for Congress is an exercise in “propo” production. AOC literally auditioned for the role and “got the part.” This is no secret or “conspiracy theory”; it’s in the Justice Democrats’ official backstory describing their nomination process.
Can only say it figures. Haven't watched yet, still in get
awake and ready for the day mode, Thanks for posting it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Would have been more accurate
Assessment of The Squad before and after.
The Left’s Culture War Rebranding
A few quotes:
Seems like flying kites is more a March activity...
...but what do I know.
Last time I flew a kite was several years ago on the gulf beach. I find it entertaining. Here at home there are too many kite eating trees.
Sailing is another way to catch the wind. I loved sailing as a teen, but have not been out in decades. Planning on a sailing trip in W. Scotland sometime in the future.
A chilly 29 F start to the day here but headed to the mid-50's. Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout. I've flown a few over the years.
Never did much sailing, some kids golfed, played tennis and went sailing and some mowed lawns and shit - I was among the latter. There was always that one kid who had a bat And a ball And a glove and if you could round up a couple more gloves you could play 500, or whatever. My dad did finagle some rental time and taught us kids to sail, and now and then one of the cool kids would proffer an invite, but that was it. Did do the Galapagos a cuple of decades ago in a 97 foot schooner, mostly under power, but one moonlight night they did haul up the main - it ws pretty damn awesome.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Used to fly a stunt kite
Out on the beaches of So. Fla.
Wing span of about 7'. Really tugged!
shoulders wouldn't stand for it now.
About 8" fresh snow on the ground today.
The trees are gleaming in the sunshine.
About 18 degrees. Crisp.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning QMS. Have watched those at CA
beaches, looks really cool. We've a couple of ordinary daimond shaped kites that we used to drag around on our camping travels, but nearly never got out, rarely enugh tht when we did the string was screwed up or shot. Have a roll of caution tape we used to make tails from, heh. Never thought about what the big guys would do to the torso and attachments, but it must be quite a workout.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Anyone read this book? It was a self-help bestseller in the ’70s
The title sounds like a three-word description of a certain philosophy or approach to life, but titles can be misleading. I wonder to what extent the book’s popularity reflected the cultural pendulum swinging away from counterculture altruism, idealism, and generosity about human nature back towards ruthless self-interest and materialism.
Nope, it never would have attracted my attention
except as an object of scorn. The lore from those types of books and guides was all pervasive for some time there, and i consciously adopted contrarian behaviors. I did not find and choose the "power seat", but ignored all the putative trappings of power that the person in it thought they had.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
that's such a disgusting title, I would never have read it/nt
Listened to it as an audio book.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Would you say it’s still worth a read today?
Despite the title’s being kind of a “turn-off”, it sounds as if it might help raise people’s awareness of how psychological tricks can be used against them, and thus help improve their ability to defend themselves.
Human behavior has not changed only our methods of
communicating. A quick read of these major lesson learned by this author might help make up your mind.
I am a fast reader, if had a copy would read the original version no problem. Would need to review the 2021 version before recommending. His current writing on his website is infused with politics. If unable to disassociate the speaker from the message, best not read something which will simply raise your blood pressure.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks — that does help. n/t
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Thanks — that does help me as well. n/t
Andy Grove formerly CEO of Intel, had a program in the
Thing is, a lot of the workers/designers/engineers were nerd pockets by nature more introverted. As can be imagined, the bullies won in that culture for years.
They also used vendors and contractors like people from my company as targets. Being in large construction meetings could be brutal.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
morning el
et al
fly away fly away

take good care
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Good morning magi, thanks for dropping by.
That's a great pic and leads to a great idea - informational and/or protest banners flown from tethered kites, catches the eye and makes it maybe stick a little better.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Neal's Fandango
Here's my contribution, sorry about the ads but what else is there, radio? LOL
Official music video for The Doobie Brothers - "Neal's Fandango" from 'Stampede' (1975)
[video: width:500]
I wonder what songs are popular today, and 46 years from now will they still be enjoying such jam? I hope so.
Peace and Love
Good morning eye. Good to see you and thanks for
dropping in. Thanks too for that great flashback. From what I can tell, mainstream music (at at least pop) is all about vocals and the dance, and mostly the dancing and gestures and posing with the vocal tru-tone assisted, highly staccato and with a hint of that valley girl uptick at the end of each line, but that's from limited exposure. Tjhen again, I'm just an old fogey ;-).
Hope you're taking care of yourself and your dirt. Please drop by more often.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
So good to 'see' you. I thought about you.
Is it also that cold in your part of the world?? First time I don't go out if not absolutely necessary. Down to 14 Fahrenheit and strong winds. That is a lockdown clone. Corona and lockdown and weather lockdoewn and floodings and snow ad nauseam. No trains, few busses, going nuts at home is all we got.
Be well, hugs for free and peace for a price and love for a nickel.
Good morning, el,
just out in left field flying a kite; clever photo brought a morning smile.
Cheers for the morning OT and have a good one.
Good morning smiley. Kite flying is as good as anything else,
given a suitable location. Glad to have provided a smile.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning EL and all
I've seen these guys 3 times in concert. The last time was their "final tour" with Alice Cooper as opening act on October 22, 2015. I was so close that I could see the lines (wrinkles) on Nikki Sixx face when he walked up the side ramp. I also saw them with Poison a few years before that. The first time I saw them was close to 30 years ago and the opening act was Faster Pussycat. Love, love, love the Crüe!
Good morning Jen. Never listened to them much, or at all.
I expected a much higher noise to signal ratio, probably from the spelling and era. Thanks for the videos. PS, there's a stone's riff buried in Don't Go Away Mad, but that's not a bad thing
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I had an unpleasant chat with the son of my client
who is probating her late husband's will. That smart ass was asking me why I was probating the will when his father in law's family did not do any probate for him. He said his mom could just finish paying for her home, give it to him in a will. My reply, "She and your deceased Dad own it. Do you think inheriting half a house is a good thing?" I was tempted to tell him to go fly a kite.
A high of 68 today, but the breeze seems very damp and chilly.
Hope everyone is having a nice day.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning otc. Life is bizarre, but death is worse.
Folks come from all around trying to see what they can get from the decedent or the survivors, especially relatives. That is, I guess, part of what probate's for.
When my Dad died my mom told my brother and I to go through his tools and see if anything was worth keeping and taking, gave my brother his old pistol from ww2 and the boat's bell and gave me his old duck gun and the boat's wheel. When mom died, my brother took care of things, called me aside and said "we'll leave sis out of this - your share is 2 grand, but if you don't have it now, you can pay me when we get back up north" No hordes of relatives squabbling for a piece of that, I assure you.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
love those kites
Hi EL, and all,
Yeah man, Kites are the bomb in birds. They are amazingly diverse, even the 5 (+ 1 accidental record of Double-toothed Kite) regular U.S. types are all structurally very different. But for all, their flight often appears lighter than air, as if they are Helium filled. Pure awesomeness to watch. Many consider the Swallow-tailed Kite (yer pic above) the most graceful bird in the air in North America. I would agree. They take dragonflies with the greatest of ease (Mississippi Kite and Merlin do as well). If you live along the Gulf coast from east Texas to GA, SC, and FL, you can see Swallow-tails spring to late summer. Corkscrew Swamp in FL is great for them, I saw a flock of 75 there once. Some nest near Liberty TX. They are a bird of bayous and swamps with tall (espeically long-leaf pine) trees. I once had a roll of slides, full-frame Swallow-tailed Kite photos from the glades (now there is a sea of grass), a lab processed as print film and destroyed. Still stings. Only have poor shots of them otherwise. There is a vagrant CA Swallow-tailed Kite record up by Humboldt or Mendo Co.! One amazing hunting technique I saw was they would dive full speed at the tips of a big branch and pull a 180 right at the foliage, throwing a hurricane of wind into it, then instantly cartwheel and turn around on one wing and grab the katydids it blew out. An astounding maneuver. They are big (smaller sized) snake eaters too. Whaddabird! Here are a couple flight vids of them...
Lonnie Johnson was awesome... Runaway was one of the first few songs that triggered my music button, it and Apache maybe.
Have a good one EL, and all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Good morning Dysto, thanks for the vids - plenty to watch.
No Swallow tailed here, but tons of white tailed. They mostly seem to hunt voles and field mice and do that thing where after a hover they hole their wings at an extreme dihedral and slowly and silently sink straight down and then do a final drop pn the prey. Kenya has the Black Kite and they are every damn where, right downtown Nairobi, you name it.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It’s been 17°F / –8°C in Dresden today. Snow now up to 3 inches
In the Netherlands, yesterday it snowed up to a foot in some places:
My brother built the kites he flew himself,
kind of a nice memory. I may have been like six years old. Today we just would crush kites, I guess.
Instead my sister starts to sing about how she wants to be a bird and fly ... to her deceased daughter and husband. Singing is a very good up-lifter for very old and depressed people.
Which song would you sing, if your mom had dementia and lost her will to live? If you have some to suggest, please do.
My friend in Philadelphia & I would visit her mom with dementia
Her mom having been a young German woman who had lost two fiancés in succession to the war before meeting her dad, a U.S. occupation army officer, we experimented with old German pop songs (Schlager), oom-pah-pah Oktoberfest type folk music, and, around Christmas time, seasonal tunes, played back on my friend’s iPhone.
Not only did her mom still know the German words to old standbys like “Stille Nacht” (Silent Night), it became clear that of all the tunes we played, “Ich hab’ mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren” held a special meaning for her. After that we gave her the space to sing that song for us every time we visited.
Dementia patients often respond to music
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Lone Ranger
Moments of connection
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Hi mimi. I would try cheerful or at least non-melancholy
from her youth.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
oh, now I have an idea ...
that's the song, she sang when she met her husband and they danced for hours to that song. She had no idea what the words meant, but her hustband to be had his fun dancing with a woman, who asked him over and over again 'to kiss her much' without knowing.
I will make a big performance ... in front of her.
My sister is not yet fully deceased but she is gliding into partial dementia, I would say. Of course she would protest fiercely and complain about her meany sister.
She refuses to see any doctor since over four years. Nobody can move her.
Her love story always makes me smile. And I like Cesaria Evora too.
Swallow tail kite
When first saw this OT, thought of the swallowtail kites we saw all the time down on the Texas coast. They are so beautiful in flight.
Was in Hawaii in last December and watched the kite surfers. That was such a incredible display of wind and skill!
Thanks for the OT!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Morning jb. Aren't they cool. Not sure where I first saw them
but I have seen them in Texas for sure. We have kite surfers all up and down the coast here. One year we were camping in the desert in a new area where there was a paved loop road around a reservoir that was notoriously windy even for the desert. There was a skater on a longboard kite surfing around that road. Looked like fun.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Did 1968 hippies turn into 1977 achievement-oriented “normals”?
Underground cartoonist Bill Griffith thought so.
(sample page thanx to Underground ComixJoint)

I think they wre largely replaced and supplanted
by them instead.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Devasting news from the Himalayas
For more info on this event visit Pakalolo's essay on it on DK.
Tweet of the event.
Video of event:
More info here:
This is why I still read there. Lots of people are still writing about important issues. She has more tweets and videos of this event and it is truly horrendous with the amount of lives lost as well as what it means for the planet going forward. All this is known to every world government and yet they are pussy footing around the issues that has already seen massive extinction events happening for so long and still the best they can come up with is the Paris climate agreement and the Green New Deal that looks like a giant smorgasbord for profits for companies. Let them prove ME wrong.
I can't post tweets right now so just click the link. Hope it works. It does for me.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
It wiped out a partly built hydroelectric dam under construction
I first saw it reported on Naked Capitalism’s daily links, one of the first places I go for a survey of news and developments.
Thanks for the link
I look there in the afternoon after my walk. I have problems stopping the reads daily so I can walk on time. I should have left 19 minutes ago.
Common Dreams has it too and say that over 200 people are missing after finding 19 bodies.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Good afternoon Snoops. Thanks for the news.
I saw about last night somewhere, I think. I'm pretty sure it wasn't today because most of my news feeds were down.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --