Abiding Biden, Bye and Bye

Greetings fellow swampers and those preferring to remain dry.

Awhile back, our Revered Overlord, JtC, graciously rescinded my stay in Purgatory. A thousand thanks, kind sir. It was lonely in the wilderness. To paraphrase the estimable H. Melville (or somebody like that) people, people everywhere but not a sane one to be found.

My attitudes remain and shall always remain alligatorish, for that is my nature.

I haven't visited this Fine Swamp in quite a while so don't know which fish and which wildlife still remain here. I remember a beagle and a bunch of cats, probably some birds, and Hawaiian surf breaks at sunset.

So here goes:

Will all those of you who voted for Joe Biden, raise your hands, please? A bit higher if you might. Okay, that's a good count for me.

Okay, all of you who raised your hands (you know who you are) please take your opposite hand and ram it up your anus--you knew you were gonna come out with shit.
And shit is just what we got, especially you lot which voted Dementia Joe President and the US on a downward slope just as Rome was ever since Caligula: ruled by fools and wastrels. Saying about Fools and Wastrels, remember swampers, that my swamp is in Californicate which is ruled Gruesome Newson (aka Gruesome Nuisance) a member of the infamous Ambrosio-Pelosi mob.

So, folks. We got him. What do we do about it? Fucking nothing most likely. Shit, the Terror has begun. People are arrested simply for being peacefully assembled in DC Jan 6th. But the Dems are going to purge all dissent.


Unity is Lack of dissent.


Equity means that all pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal than others

Dear fellow swampers, I remind you that I still practice voodoo medicine in Californicate and thus am apprised of the medical fraud of the century, aka Wu Flu. Any medical advice is dispensed for the cost which many deem worthy, i.e. nothing. Because nothing is my entire fee for neurological, spinal, pain issues.

I remember fondly that one our fellow swampers compared me to Herr Doktor Mengele, a noted mid-twentih century German physician and medical experimenter. Others might phrase the aforesaid statement somewhat differently, especially dependent upon their religious status.

Not being an elephant but only a lowly alligator I fail to recollect the name of my admirer. I have always been a fan of German ingenuity when it comes to stimulation of our myelinated alpha-one neurons and unmyelinated p fibers. This makes for, shall we say a jolting nexus with reality. I do remember, though, that our colleague rescinded his vote of admiration for me because it was then said, that my medical teachings and practice did not reflect or rival those of the esteemed Herr Doktor Mengele. I was crushed. As all neurosurgeons, in their heart of hearts is match or surpass Harvey Cushing, my medical passion was to emulate the proto-Teutonic practices of Dr. M.

But I digress.

Statement of Bias

I voted for Donald Trump and proud of it.

In the coming weeks, nay only days, you will see everything revert better than ever to Crony Capitalism for the 21st Century. If you guys think Trump was good at enriching his buddies (which he was), he is going to look like John Dillinger compared to Bernie Mayoff. Dillinger was flashy like Trump--but Mayoff parted the "smart money" from their money. This is just s.o.p. for the House of Pelosi and the McTurtle Aquarium. I am waiting for Mitch to evince a big air bubble from his mouth like my red ears used to do. That would be classic, taking it's place with Eric Smellwell's acoustically unequalled passage of flatus.

Hot tip: Biden beefing Beirut deployment, just so. Anybody guess what's coming next?

Please, guess what happens after we get more troops, with whom are attached like giant fleas are supply ships. Supply this get lonely so a destroyer or frigate might accompany said ships. Now every body knows that if you going to supply several thousand troops with convoys, one needs air support. So, it will become incumbent (spell that, JoJo, if you can) upon newly (de)minted shiny president Biden to announce a no-fly zone.

Watch for HRC to spring out of her wine-induced torpor to proclaim that she, Killary, should be advising JoJo about Syria, especially in light of her stellar performance of destroying the strongest and stablest country north of South Africa.

So folks, remember:

Faith. Love. Rock and Roll.

Hey, Jtc, glad to be back.

Johnny, this song's for you--no not the Neil Young version.

So, Johnnie, Johnnie B Goode


17 users have voted.


lotlizard's picture

where people still harbor the dangerous memory that they themselves, without any humanitarian airborne mayhem from NATO, marched unarmed in large crowds and actually succeeding in ending a dictatorial, nominally socialist and anti-fascist regime…

Only to see it replaced with a capitalist corporate regime that is equally uninterested in them except as consumers, and equally intent on colonizing their minds with propaganda, except now it’s disguised as ads and entertainment.

18 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Now I didn't vote Bye-done, but Trump is a selfish greedy egomaniac...Bye-done a warmongering corporatist. IMO neither worthy of a vote. But hey each to their own. With me in AL assured a Trump victory, and you in CA assured Bye-done election it doesn't really matter.

In fact in reality the whole fiasco is merely kabuki theater to make you THINK you have a voice. Either way the same corporate oligarchs run the show...and they picked Biden with their constant echoes in halls of corporate media.

Well good to "see" you again. Play nice and let people have their opinions...even when they are mistaken. Glad JtC relented in your case.

16 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Alligator Ed's picture

@Lookout I have no illusions about Trump but Beijing Biden is everything people formerly called progressives used to hate.

Alligator code of conduct being what it is, I will play as nicely with other swampers as my appetite permits and as well as the other critters treat me.

1 user has voted.

Finding common ground is difficult enough with representatives of all sorts of extreme positions being highly sought after by members of the stenographer Press Corp for clicks and ad revenue. The great social divide so important to maintaining the status quo through fear terror is the brainchild of Intelligence Communities and war profiteers. It needs to stop.

The question is whether or not the collective consciousness can resuscitate itself and recognize how they have been played for decades, and then actually do something about it.

13 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

enhydra lutris's picture


She is multiracial in that she is cobbled together from an assortment of scraps and pieces of whatever cadaver was handy during her construction and frequent repairs and reconstructions. She is, for obvious reasons, very hard to "kill".

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Raggedy Ann's picture

Voting is a fool's game. I opted out of the foolishness this year. I was once married to a fellow who assured me it was a fool's game but after he passed away, I thought maybe he wasn't correct. Turns out he was. I get it now. Don't play their game unless you can play it better than them.


14 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Alligator Ed's picture

@Raggedy Ann The Establishment is so unafraid of us ant people that they now flaunt their disdain with the openly rigged stall and market closure caused by GameStop.

If there was a service which could tell us which stocks were being heavily shorted by Wall Street, then people could GameStop other corporate asset stripping and destruction. We could in small amounts spent by large numbers of people make those Hedge Funders into the hedge hog-pigs they are.

Here in fine rhythm is the human condition:

Windshield or bug. Not our choice.


4 users have voted.

I think I've been the only Trump voter around here - at least the only one that will admit to it...

On the bright side, there do appear to be folks all over the ideological landscape who are realizing there is something to that 'hang together or hang separately' saying. Not to mention 'be careful what you wish for'.

all in the Walk of Life:

7 users have voted.

I can never criticize someone for choosing the lesser evil, especially in a state that didn't allow the Great Old Ones on the ballot.

11 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

Jen's picture

Good to see you back, AE.

I continued my tradition of voting for Neither Nor. Neither will tell the truth. Neither will change anything for the better. Neither has my trust. Neither brings hope. Neither brings change. Neither cares for everyone that makes less than a million a year. Neither will stop the never ending war and Neither will even lower the war machine budget. So, you see, Neither Nor was obviously the best choice.

20 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@Jen Ranked voting is one choice. But certainly we should be offered None of the Above NOTA. If no candidate received a plurality, then there should be a run-off with new candidates replacing the others just rejected.

In the meantime


4 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

People are waking to the fact that they have the power to disrupt WS. A Reddit thread of 2.2 people banding together is taking down at least one Hedge Fund of WS and all of WS is freaking out over it.

The story is people banded together on this thread and was advised on it to buy GME(GameStop) which was heavily shorted by a hedge fund. When buying this stock they told their brokers to not allow the use of their stock to be shorted by said hedge fund thus causing a "short squeeze". Hence the price rise. Two weeks ago? it was priced at $20 p/share today it's at $280


15 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

enhydra lutris's picture



be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Shahryar's picture

I had a personal dislike for Trump that was greater than my personal dislike for Biden. Whereas in 2016 my personal dislike for that woman was so great I voted for Jill Stein.

If it's true that policy doesn't change then my vote is strictly on esthetics. Whose mug don't I want to see? Whose voice don't I want to hear? The answer to those two questions in 2020 was "Trump's". I voted accordingly, fully aware that Biden is nowhere close to a reasonable answer.

There are days when I think nothing will improve until the economy collapses, the country splits up into regions, and we regain local control. I've been working on an essay about where we're at, how I think we should work to fix things. It'll be unworkable and pointless but it gives me something to do.

11 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

That’s the line I’m seeing on websites where the idea is that whites are going to have to do some heavy-duty extra-strength identity politicking of their own as a matter of self-preservation.

2 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@Shahryar Shah, you gonna think the same when Beijing Biden escalates old wars and starts new one. Does your disdain for someone who engineered 4 peace treaties extend so far that you believe that everything Trump did was irredeemable? Biden was point man for Hunter the Fool plunder Burisma because of his good looks and large nose. Tell me any graft, including putting Gov't meetings at Mar El Lago that remotely approaches Biden's overt corruption. Tell me. I'll wait.

Until then, let us learn to manage TDS better.

1 user has voted.
mimi's picture

is an 'awful witch', or something like that, don't remember the exact wording, but it was at least that damning. One of those things I didn't understand and I want an explanation.

And I am wondering if you are not in fact a crocodile in camouflage skin of an alligator.

I voted for nobody. The only reasonable choice.

Can Alligators get infected with the virus and spread it?

They tested me for the virus in September. I was supposedly negative. But I am quite positive, I was positive and the negative test was a false negative. I had the first symptoms in June. The bad doctor mocked me. So, I don't see doctors anymore. Like a lot of people here in Germany. They are too afraid to get infected at the doctor's offices or waiting rooms. I know my body, the bad doctor pretends to be more more in the know of my body. I think I have to send him to Alligator University's Medical School.

There are still enough little fish in the swamp to eat up alive. Bon Appetite.

With the words of lookout: Good to "see" you again, I-m so happy

6 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi I didn't know you were an Angela Merkel fan. She has done a wunnerful job in Deutschland, don't ya think? Nordstream 1 and now 2. And Deutsche Bank's solvency under stress because of Frau Merkel's geld management.

You Europeans think that all overgrown lizards like myself are crocodiles. That singing German crocodile just doesn't do it for me. I like gators. Gators is an American institution.

A.U. Med. School is accepting applicants. No online stuff. Just down and dirty swamp medicine as practiced for years.

To answer your medical question: The answer requires a chain of evidence. Dogs can get Covid. Cats can get covid. Bats can get Covid. Humans can get Covid. Alligators eat dogs, cats, bats and humanoids. So there they can acquire Covid by direct ingestion. The only way to find out is to do a nasal swab on a gator. Any volunteers?


2 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed
or may be you have. And if I don't understand something, I get cranky. So to clear things up.

I am not an Alligator, nor a Merkel fan. I am fan of nobody. I don't understand what anybody says. I also barely care anymore. I don't understand German politics. I hadn't lived in Germany for 40 years. I came back to a country I don't know anything about. I just learn from what happened in Germany the last forty years through all the pretty good documentaries made by German TV channels like ARD and ZDF and Arte and Phoenix etc. I also have a working life on the bottom of any barrel or swamp there is. So my act of trying to understand Alligators and other creatures in this C99p swamp is an heroic effort to try to be a friend with Americans. And I am one of the 99 percent creatures and apparently for the swamp intellectual elites a foreign alien immigrant worker.

From the little I have read about Merkel's bio, I found her life story to be interesting. I think she managed to be a pretty reasonable piece of beef in the burger sandwich pressed into the US - Russian tasteless buns. Be happy about all the EU pickles and the bloody Middle Eastern ketchup in between. There you have your interesting times and lotta wars.

I know you are kind, but your lingo is unbecoming to foreign swamp worker cleaning up your sandbox. My whole life I was the cleaning lady for other people's mess. Guess what, I am on strike now. Get your shit together by yourself, worldly people.

I have to go and clean up some more. Be well and learn to speak English for Foreigners. It would make life much easier. Wink

PS Oh, I forgot, did I say I love you? I know you love me too, who wouldn't love a friendly cleaning lady !

That's it, folks. Take care, stay healthy, and hug each other for free.

4 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi You analyzed Merkel's Germany perfectly

From the little I have read about Merkel's bio, I found her life story to be interesting. I think she managed to be a pretty reasonable piece of beef in the burger sandwich pressed into the US - Russian tasteless buns. Be happy about all the EU pickles and the bloody Middle Eastern ketchup in between. There you have your interesting times and lotta wars.

Then add: when Putin tamed Russia, which he did, like it or not, then Russia existed for only two things in NATO. One was to be the bogeyman scarecrow against which we must re-arm and re-arm some more. Two was to supply oil to Merky, Macron, Renzi, the Brussels Boys (and Girls) and what was left of Greece. So Angie no longer had any constructive purpose other than to re-organize Europa. But the thought of ein Europëinische Wehrmacht über alles didn't sit well with French clowns including Mickey Macron. So each then united in Globalizing whatever they could get their grubby mitts (schmutzige Hände fur dich zu verstehe, ja)

Please mimi, I do immigration physicals for a living (true) and I don't know what your immigration physical might result in. Any problems if you want to re-enter America, just contact me for help.

As to loving a lovable cleaning lady who speaks better English than most alligators, here is a song. I most enjoy this with headphones and the volume turned up. However, mimi, as you were raised in the land of Mozart and Mahler a more stereoscopic audition would well please. In other words--ya don't need head headphones. Please accept this sonic offering with all the love and caring which a loving and lovable Alligator can muster:


1 user has voted.
mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed
I take you by your word with regards to the physical. I have no idea what my status is or might be. I sure would like to come back to the US, but at the moment that is something out of la-la land and as far as I assume, it's not your side of the pond but ours here that come up with 'their great ideas'. Wink I can't follow all the constantly changing regulation, who dear Germans allow into their country and who not. Buerocratic covid-istas make travelling a nightmare. But that too shall pass...

Thank you so much for the musical offering, for which I don't need haedphone. I just would would need a frigging working internet that allows its content to be broadcasted worldwide unlimited and unhinged and visible and audible. Such losers, those IT guys... in other words, it is not available. Which doesn't minimize the pleasure to have gotten a lovely gift from a lovable alligator.

Be well, doctor. I think, we need you more than ever. Smile

1 user has voted.
wendy davis's picture

(just teasing, alligator eddie.)

on edit: righteous of you, JtC.

6 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis Thanks for the below:

2 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

3 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

4 users have voted.
gulfgal98's picture

It is good to see you back in all your snarky reptilian glory. Good

I did not vote for either Trump or Biden, but chose to cast my vote unenthusiastically for Gloria LaRiva instead.

3 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Alligator Ed's picture

@gulfgal98 No joke here. Glad you're still swimming around the swamp.


3 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

return. Welcome back. FWIW, I didn't raise my hand, also didn't vote for the reality show clown either.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Alligator Ed's picture

@enhydra lutris Great band. Saw them live. Didn't wear suits then. They didn't either.


3 users have voted.

pathological liars and voted for George McGovern. My first and best vote.

3 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Alligator Ed's picture

@Fishtroller 02 I voted McGovern too. Never regretted it. I voted Obummer once--either him or McStain. Not much of a choice.

2 users have voted.

@Alligator Ed

Then I faithfully voted Dem every four years until 2016. Took me a long time to realize that the Dems stopped wearing white hats pretty much after McGovern.

Listen Liberal was the book that made me realize how foolish I had been.

5 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

travelerxxx's picture

Guess I'm about two days late in seeing your return, but "Welcome back" nevertheless.

As to your voting selection, you'd fit right in here in Texas. It might even get you a discount on an assault rifle of your choice. You might have to just stare at it for a while, though. I hear they're all out of ammo everywhere ammo is sold.

2 users have voted.