
Maybe we really do have the candidates we deserve

After giving it some thought I've come to the conclusion that the presidential debate kind of does represent our political establishment. Sure, the American people deserve better than this, but this isn't about the American people. This is about our political system and our political system is hopelessly broken.
So watching a geriatric lifetime politician debate a professional conman felon is an accurate reflection of our political system.

I hope you all see the implications of what you are doing!

Should you fail to vote for joe Biden, the savior of democracy, the effects will be disastrous. Not the least repercussion will be 4 years of Russiagate 2.0. Imagine Rachael Maddow and Noted Expert on Russian Election Interference-HER alternating 24-7 on all mainstream media. Do you think you can handle that? Even if you could, would you want to? And what about the children? Think about the children.

That's all (folks).

Two ways that Biden has surprised me

When Biden became president I had almost no expectations. He had a horrible Senate record, so I expected more of the same. However, he has exceeded my expectations in two ways - labor union policy and anti-trust enforcement. A good rule of thumb is that the media doesn't cover things that are actually important, which explains why you probably haven't heard about these things.

Bidenescence & Trumpeeness; Worst Two Presidents, part 2

` O.K... WAY back at the end of May, I tried making a post about our recent lack of real Presidents, in this country. I've been quite STUPID levels of BUSY, but finally went back and looked at the replies I got. I probably should have just let it lay there, and bleed out, but I'm so full of opinions about our last two Presidents, and I TRIED to make it light-hearted and brief, and walk away, but I'm lousy at doing that with stuff I care about...
