Does the Administration want the Clinton E-mail "Mistakes" as part of the Obama Legacy?

First this somewhat breaking news from ex-MSNBC Alum, now working for Al Jazeera America: the possible charges against Hillary Clinton and her staff will likely happen, sooner as opposed to later:

AJAM’s David Shuster Exclusive: Hillary Clinton to be Interviewed by FBI Director Comey in Coming Days

by Joe Concha, -- March 30, 2016

• [Here's the YouTube Link, courtesy of sensetolisten.]

Per [David] Shuster:

The FBI, led by Director James Comey, has now finished examining Clinton’s private emails and home server. And the sources add that Comey’s FBI team has been joined by the Justice Department prosecutors. Together, they are now examining the evidence, analyzing relevant laws, and attempting to arrange interviews with key figures in the investigation.

Those interviews, according to attorneys, will include former State Department aides Philippe Reines, Former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, and Clinton herself.

Soon after those interviews -- in the next few days and weeks -- officials expect Director Comey to make his recommendation to Attorney General Loretta Lynch about potential criminal charges.

Shuster finishes his report this way: “Because there is now every sign the Clinton email investigation is quickly headed towards a conclusion, whether it’s her exoneration or indictment. In terms of timing, sources expect the conclusion to come in weeks, not months. And they add that Hillary Clinton’s interview with the FBI, which could come in days, could be crucial.”

If you listen to that video, FBI Director James Comey emphasizes the case is being handled "promptly, professionally, and independently" ... and that: "this is one I'm watching very closely, and get briefed on regularly."

This HuffPost piece makes the case for why President Obama might not all that interested in hitching his "historic legacy", to Hillary Clinton's "rules don't apply to me" wagon. Here are a few snippets:

The FBI’s Interview of Hillary Clinton Will Save Obama’s Legacy and Nominate Bernie Sanders

by H. A. Goodman, -- 04/01/2016

Also, remember that President Obama benefits just as much from potential FBI and DOJ indictments. During debates with Sanders, Clinton boasted that “Obama picked me” as his Secretary of State; a sign that the president trusted her judgement and decision-making. Their political ties and stature within the Democratic Party make them joined at the hip, especially in terms of how future historians will write about this era in American politics.

Without a clear resolution to this FBI investigation, President Obama’s legacy might eventually be linked to the future political and national security repercussions (stolen intelligence hacked by foreign nations, etc.) of Clinton’s private server. As of now, the Affordable Care Act and other achievements have been the hallmarks of his years in the Oval Office, but the longer this controversy persists (without a clear delineation between Obama and Clinton), the greater the likelihood that someone in the president’s administration will be lured into the political storm.

If any of the 22 Top Secret emails on Clinton’s private server were sent to the Oval Office, then the president, or a member of his inner circle, could quickly become part of the FBI’s investigation. Furthermore, if any of the more than 1,200 classified emails on Clinton’s server were sent to President Obama, or officials within his administration, then this story would continue to cause headlines.

Much to ponder there. Will Obama take the rap, for these ill-advised Clinton Mistakes, or will he cut her loose, to "face the music" of her own making?

Curious voters will find hopefully find out, sooner as opposed to later.

As an upbeat aside, the writer of that last piece H. A. Goodman, sees this all as "good news" for Bernie Sanders:

Get ready for a Bernie Sanders nomination and presidency, since Sanders beats Trump by a wider margin than Clinton. I explain in the following appearance on CNN International that Clinton faces FBI indictment, and in another CNN International appearance that Bernie Sanders is the best hope against Donald Trump.

Here's to hoping he's right. And that Bernie is the beneficiary of Clinton's above-it-all Email "Mistakes" ... and not Donald Trump, if the FBI Findings (and possible DOJ Indictments) come a month or two, too late.

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jiordan's picture

about the awful "last eight years" (I know its open to different interpretations) gets taken into consideration too. Its not a unknown revelation that the Clintons will chew you up and spit you out when you can longer do anything for them and PBOi is headed toward the end of his usefulness to them. And regardless of how I feel about his policies, I'm pretty sure he's aware of just how mercenary his SOS is/can be.

Actually, jamess, do you think the NSA is going to play a role here? I know they are decidedly unhappy about the Blumenthal leaks to Clinton and the fact that those emails got outed to the web...

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jamess's picture

one or two articles to that effect:

That NSA security officials are none to pleased with the likely breaches (to Russia and China)

especially given the highly sensitive nature of those "22 Top Secret emails"

-- that they will NOT be releasing to the Public.

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jamess's picture


Some Deleted Emails Might Be Related to Clinton Foundation

Former Sec. Hillary Clinton said she didn't review the personal emails that were deleted after her attorneys went through her server.

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jiordan's picture

Platte River Networks was hired to manage and upgrade the server and, as near as I can tell, physically moved the original server to NJ, but then--at least it sounds like--upgraded to newer hardware? Its a little hard to read between the lines but this article: makes it sound like they were handling data transfer to the new server and therefore its possible a copy of the original emails that were wiped might still exist. Paticularly if they were only deleted and the server itself not zeroed out..

Or it could just be wishful thinking on my part because I really want to see the Clinton Global Initiative ties to the State Department...

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GreyWolf's picture

and it's up to the FBI now -- and I have complete confidence, since they are so tech savvy /s Sad

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That the deleted emails have been recovered.

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jamess's picture

thanks Leu2500.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

to the LAT article?

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

GreyWolf's picture

Clinton email probe enters new phase as FBI interviews loom

In August, the FBI obtained the server and has since recovered most, if not all, of the deleted correspondence, said a person familiar with the investigation.

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jiordan's picture

The main quote is a few paragraphs in:

After stepping down as secretary of State, Clinton, who has said she used her personal email to conduct personal and official business as a matter of convenience, told her staff to delete 31,830 emails on the server that she felt were non-work-related.

In August, the FBI obtained the server and has since recovered most, if not all, of the deleted correspondence, said a person familiar with the investigation.

So it seems they did get them all, which may be another reason Clinton's temper is frayed here of late...

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

sojourns's picture

They are there unless they were DOD sanitized, which would wipe the entire drive(s). They were on a windows server (I assume Windows IIS, choice of dumb asses everywhere) and there will be echoes of the deleted emails in a number of places. All that is moot now. They have enough to hang her. What matters most is whether she gets caught lying to the FBI.

Thanks for this diary. I really had not thought at all about Obama's ties to this. If not directly then indirectly.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Berkeley tonight, so this and your tag lines are sure helping me, thanks!

Info on event here

and here

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jamess's picture

Good Luck, with the Event, labryon.

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mjsmeme's picture

Harry S. Truman

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You can bet the farm HRC is familiar. There are some 'tells' here in the video from @jamess. His lead in is "I found this interesting". I'm not going to give my opinion.

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RantingRooster's picture

gets someone else to do her dirty work.

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

jamess's picture

establishment types excel at.

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were nuts to do that.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

jamess's picture

doing what?

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going into her server. It puts them in the "chain of custody" of evidence, possibly making them witnesses.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

jamess's picture

for clarifying.

I suddenly thought of them, after I posted the comment.

I find it very hard to believe she had no oversight or final review there.

Didn't she say early on in this story that she spent hours and hours making sure that only "personal emails" got deleted, and nothing else?

Hmmm? will need to research that one.

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Clinton is toast.

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"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho

pfiore8's picture

isn't a directive to delete them and yet she says she has no further connection to the process.

i have to say it: she is a sociopath (or is it psychopath). She sits there really expecting us to believe what she's saying. I mean, analyze what she's said: the lawyers, without direct authorization from her, decide they should delete the e-mails.

really? and she says it in a way, like hey everybody was using their personal e-mail to conduct sensitive gov't business. . . and it just isn't true.

and still no one has asked how this was allowed to happen and to answer DIRECTLY : is conducting her DOS business on her personal server legal? Except for one guy, who calls it the original sin. but why is that it?

really. could spit blood.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

Miep's picture

Pathological narcissism is as a diagnosis. I believe there is some debate about this one. I have a little trouble telling it from sociopathy. They seem to be on a spectrum. Psychopathy is, I think, more connected to violent acting out. But all these disorders involve a personality with a kind of split from internalized rage.

I am generally reluctant to engage in these sorts of conjectures, but politicians I think are fair game. I don't know what a psychtherapist would make of Clinton, but her pattern of behavior combines dishonesty and obliviousness in a disturbing manner.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

Do we know who exactly deleted said emails?

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any Clinton. Offering her SOS was a way to unite the party, ( and she needed that position after her lies about Bosnia confirmed she did not have foreign policy experience... and was planning on being anointed in 2016 ) but never trust her. If there is something to the classified email issue I would like to see the whole Clinton wing of the party go down.

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I think Clinton's insider status will more or less shield her from repercussions, and instead of distancing himself and his legacy from Hillary's screw-ups he'll assist in sweeping it under the rug.

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jiordan's picture

but part of me hopes she's (at least) the Scooter Libby of this particular mess..perhaps no real punishment in the end, but held up as a "the law applies to everyone" example until the spotlight is off her and the email mess. Long enough for her to have no way of being the Democratic nominee. Long enough for her aspirations--the entire Clinton families aspirations--to disappear for good.

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jamess's picture

do their damn Jobs, this will sink the Clinton Machine for good.

FOIA act documents show that this Server was likely needed to "cover up" the footprints of her Clinton Foundation "work" -- under the guise of Secretary of State.

Indeed, many have argued that the personal server made her immune from FOIA requests in general.

What was on those tens of thousands of "personal" emails that she deleted ahead of time?

By her own admission, she largely saw her Clinton Foundation "work" as "personal" -- even if it was on the country's SOS dime.

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snoopydawg's picture

that she would keep the CGI separate from her duties as SOS. But as we all know that didn't happen.
First Bill would get paid to give a speech to the government that Hillary's state department was going to be selling weapon to.
Then after the weapons sales, those governments would make huge donations to the CGI. How that is legal is beyond me. That seems to be pay to play.
And if a republican SOS had done the same thing, I am sure that the Hillary supporters would find that wrong.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

(And that is a big assumption at this point.)

The only way Hillary or even her top aides face any consequences from this is if a sufficient number of FBI/DoJ staffers see a political or career benefit for themselves to get override any attempt at sweeping this under the rug.

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I think it is a stroke of great good luck that James Comey will make the final decision re recommendations to the DOJ on this issue. Does everyone know the story about how, during the Bush Administration, Comey prevented his boss John Ashcroft from signing off on illegal wiretapping? Ashcroft was in the hospital, doped up following surgery. Alberto Gonzalez thought that this would be the best time to get Ashcroft to sign off on some orders permitting warrantless wire-tapping, and so he headed to the hospital to see Ashcroft. Somehow, Comey was tipped off about this, and literally sped to the hospital, getting there just before Gonzalez and preventing this travesty. I'll bet that Obama had this episode in mind when he tapped Comey for FBI Director.

The bottom line is that Comey has great respect from both Republicans and Democrats. I expect him to make an honest judgement in Hillary's impending case - and I also suspect that the Obama administration will follow through if Comey recommends indictment. Maybe I'm a pollyanna, but I respect both Comey and Obama.

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Mark F. McCarty

jamess's picture

I remember that now -- Comey is a stand-up guy.

Thanks for the vivid reminder, veganmark.

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I used to be a FOIA officer.

When there was a FOIA filed for some set of records, one thing you simply could not do was discard or destroy any potentially responsive document. Everything had to be preserved, first for review while responding to the initial request, and then in case that response was appealed. If the requestor let the appeal period run out with no objections, then okay, normal practices for record retention would again apply.

There were occasionally things that fell in a grayish area between personal and government records, such as hardly intelligible notes-to-self that someone might scrawl in a personal notebook during a phone conversation. These might be considered non-responsive to a request, because personal, but it would go against all my instincts to destroy any such items until the request was completed and the appeal period ran out. I mean, if you had an appeal claiming you didn't cough up all the records you should, and it went to court, the judge would NOT be pleased to hear records that could be responsive had gone into the shredder before he or she could review them. Oh no, not at all.

IF any Secretary of State records were destroyed as purely personal that arguably were government records after all, AND evidence of this is found, e.g., because the records were accidentally preserved elsewhere, that would be damned serious, I think.

It's less the "crime" than the cover-up.

I'm also thinking -- oh, she had her private lawyers do the destruction of these allegedly non-government records that she had purposefully commingled with government records? Cute move, employing the only set of people who will never have to testify about the destruction and what was destroyed -- due to attorney-client privilege.

Oh, this is smelling worse and worse.

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jamess's picture

Wow, it only makes sense that Judges would have the finally say in these FOIA matters;

Which by definition would mean, that the Judges would have to have the original materials to review.

Surely HRC -- and her Lawyers -- must have known this, yet they deleted all those emails anyways.

Something is very wrong with this picture.

Just Trust Her.

I Think Not.

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would become co-defendants if they committed a crime. Their defense attorneys would be walking through a field of landmines on advising the attorney's to remain silent, risk prison, or talk, and get disbarred.
Why would an attorney delete emails, as opposed to advising the client on which emails should be properly deleted?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

pfiore8's picture

please note, diGenova is a staunch republican. but from what i could google, it sounds right.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

pfiore8's picture

and, according to the essayist (whom I messaged because i couldn't find it anymore), it was deleted by dKos. she / he (OmahaDemocrat) received no time outs or warnings. but the essay was gone.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

KayCeSF's picture

Thank you for posting this video. It really gets into the weeds and since I am sure I have missed a lot of information about this issue, I really appreciate listening to diGenova's explanation, which is so thoroughly unsparing of what the significance is about what Hillary did. He explains and emphasizes why this is a criminal investigation.

I'm not surprised this video was redacted from Daily Kos. It is a scathing review of what went down.

We can only hope the truth comes out. The Clintons are corrupt. Of that I have no doubt.

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sojourns's picture

I believe it all hinges on whether she is caught lying. That'll damn her as much as the actual alleged violations.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

As he has tragically done before. I voted for him, worked hard to elect him, but he is not what he professed to be to get elected. and that is becoming the norm. I respect what he has done, but he has been, likely, neutered by threats from oligarchy, and does what he can, without rocking the boat: its pretty clear that his power has been limited, and his support of TPP et. al. is a tragic hypocrisy, leading me to believe that the hate speech, violent rhetoric, and political corruption has made it plain what will happen if he doesn't tow the line.

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jamess's picture

crap like this (although to a much lessor degree), that Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber summarily hounded out of office, little over year ago:

Two other emails highlight the extent to which Clinton as secretary of state continued her involvement with the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Foundation — at least from a distance. A Sept. 15, 2011 email shows State sent 10 of Clinton’s senior staffers to the 2011 annual CGI event, where world leaders and CEOs mingle to discuss global problems while also striking business deals.

A staffer emailed Mills the list of State attendees under subject line “DOS participation at CGI.” They included: deputy secretary of state for management and resources Tom Nides, ambassador for global women’s issues Melanie Verveer; under secretary of state for economic growth, energy, and the environment Bob Hormats, and several others.

In another Jan. 17, 2013 email, Clinton asks her assistant to print out recommendations on CGI and Clinton Foundation leadership, sent from her friend Jan Piercy, executive vice president of ShoreBank International. “Regarding the Clinton Foundation leadership: I feel -- as do MANY -- passionate and impatient to see leadership that could unite CGI and the Foundation in more strategic, thoughtful engagement of both philanthropic contribution and investment resources,” she writes. “So, who?” Her suggestions are redacted.

Then again, such Conflict of Interest rules must only apply at "state level", when you're trying to promote "environmental causes" through "personal channels" and big money donors ...

Kitzhaber did far less, and suffered far MORE, because of it.

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If I were giving Hillary friendly advice, I would tell her under no circumstances lie to the FBI. They arguably had no case against Martha Stewart, I recall, UNTIL she lied to investigators. Even Clintonian half-truths might get her in trouble.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

But does Hillary know how to tell the "whole truth" about anything?

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Mark F. McCarty

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

she is looking so haggard and stressed out.

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First Nations News

jamess's picture

Federal Indictments can be

one of those super-stressful Lifetime events.

Maybe time for a Timeout?

Especially considering that the FBI

won't blithely accept her BS lies,

as easily as the National Media will.

(she's gonna need 'better' lies, lol)

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Lookout's picture

Either way indictment or dismissal of charges...I wish it would happen soon. I'm leaning toward indictment after reading the lengthy piece posted yesterday on c99 by Thumb (I think).

If she's indicted soon then Bernie would easily garner enough delegates for the nomination. I'll take it anyway we can get it.

Thanks for the info Steven!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

those super delegates will be dropping her so fast she will get whip lash.

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First Nations News

HoundDog's picture

damaging report many of the super-delegates will start to flip.

We've seen a number of condescending posts about how "mathematically" impossible it is for Bernie to win, however, every single one of these analyses I've seen leaves out the possibility of a significant and likely super-delegate switch in the event of a damaging report. Which at this point seems inevitable.

So the number that is more significant is the number of Sanders pledged delegates plus the super-delegates. Or more simple, as long as Clinton does not lock-up the nomination on pledged delegates alone there is still a viable contest right up to the convention.

This gives the Democratic Party an insurance problem.

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sensetolisten's picture

this same video when I saw your essay.... but/so, here's the embedded video:

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
jamess's picture

for the clip.

No sense to unpublish on my account.

Or maybe wait til later in the day, to "revive" the topic.


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As I've noted before, the peculiarity of this story is that Huma Abedin is not mentioned as a subject for an upcoming interview.
Since early last month, there has been a story on the net that, according to a source in the intelligence community, Huma Abedin has already been indicted by the grand jury empaneled on this affair. The indictment is sealed, and won't be announced for some weeks. I can't vouch for the accuracy of this, but I suppose we will find out in due time.

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Mark F. McCarty

As I've noted before, the peculiarity of this story is that Huma Abedin is not mentioned as a subject for an upcoming interview.
Since early last month, there has been a story on the net that, according to a source in the intelligence community, Huma Abedin has already been indicted by the grand jury empaneled on this affair. The indictment is sealed, and won't be announced for some weeks. I can't vouch for the accuracy of this, but I suppose we will find out in due time.

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Mark F. McCarty

not as informative as this article

and he/she was treated like a right wing troll and zapped. All the way to skull and cross bones

when puttytat says she has to watch what she says there, it is clear -- well all of us have been zapped to some level over there and most of the time we just ignore it

i said that Bernie has saved dailykos - a couple of weeks ago

if Bernie was not running, and if there was not a Bernie movement, dailykos would be slightly more stale than corporate media

the fun at dailykos these days is poking Kos in the eye with more and more Bernie diaries

if this diary/story were posted there am not sure about how it would be handled

the longer term experiment is "are they educable" What are the hillary bots going to do afterwards ...

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jamess's picture

I'm not about to findout. (by cross-posting this one.)

I keep wondering when kos will start following his own advice and:

Stop writing 'hit pieces' against the opposing Candidate;

Since there is 'plenty of room' for writing pro-Candidate stories, about your preferred Candidate.


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sojourns's picture

is a tool. A dull tool, but a tool nonetheless.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Shahryar's picture

"not enough evidence" to charge. We'll see it as meaning there's plenty wrong, others will see it as complete innocence.

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Lookout's picture

Censorship promotes blindness and ignorance. I'm sorry TOP is stymieing a rational discussion of the Hillary may well be indicted! All the more reason to keep our focus here at c99.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The Clintons have been involved in they will pay a fine or have a stooge take the fall and the right will go nuts with crazy shit (ala' she killed Foster instead of the real problem that the night he died all her scandal papers from whitewater, travel gate, cattle futures, etc, from his home disappeared) so the democrats will say there is no there there. Sigh.

I was trying to remember also, have there been any scandals or investigations that included investigations or hearings in Obamas tenure that did not revolve around Clinton?

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... I doubt he's going to throw Hillary under the bus.

I think the Clinton machine is still very powerful and Obama is not going to go up against it. I also speculate that his Administration is leaning hard on the FBI to keep Hillary out of any indictment of any kind. Whether that happens, I don't know.

Our government/oligarchy has so little connection with the rest of the country and the privilege is so obvious now that I can't imagine Hillary not worming her way out of this.

In one of Dallasdoc's excellent diaries (I believe it was entitled "Enough is Enough"), he writes about Bill and Hillary Clinton's job being influence peddling, and the Presidency is necessary for them to continue to make a living doing just that. I believe that, as their actions through the Clinton Foundation are just plain slimy given the enormous speaking fees both of them have taken along with the enormous contributions to the Foundation by corporations and governments (e.g. Saudi Arabia).

They'll fight to the death to continue their "work."

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Beat in the USA.

jiordan's picture

but I have to wonder...if he's already been President of the United States for two terms, exactly what kind of power would the Clinton's wield that concerns him? I mean, he beat her in 2008, got re-elected...why NOT go up against her? He's in a position to revoke their ability to influence peddle for good.

In my happy place, he throws her under the bus as a last altruistic gesture to save us all from the Clinton family--present and future. Probably won't play out that way, but a girl can dream...

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But I don't trust Obama any more than I trust Clinton. He's also part of the oligarchy and seems to me he wants to stay there. That's why I brought up his endorsement of Wasserman-Schulz - he doesn't like her, but he endorses her, and why?

I believe his dislike of Bernie and of left causes generally also feeds into this. He is certain he was a fabulous President and he can hippie-punch as well as the best of them.

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Beat in the USA.

jamess's picture


Even the best of intentions,
can only slow its demise.

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sojourns's picture

Be a matter of Obama getting thrown under the bus. Not legally but legacy wise as the essayist (i'm trying not to say diary anymore) suggests.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

I can't vouch for the accuracy of Ed Kleins' recent book on Hillary ("Unlikeable") - he's a Republican, after all - but he indicates that an anonymous White House source close to Valerie Jarrett has told him that, when Hillary first assumed office as SOS, she was required to assent to 3 conditions: Use a .gov email to insure government transparency; Do not let the Clinton Foundation accept donations from foreign entities during her tenure as SOS, so as to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest; And to cut all times with Sidney Blumenthal, whom Obama despised owing to his despicable role in Hillary's 2008 campaign. Hillary agreed - and then proceeded to blow Obama off on all these points.

Klein also makes the point that it was Valerie Jarrett who initiated the series of investigations targeting Hillary's term as SOS.

If Klein is right, Obama has reason to be secretly mad as hell at HIllary, and may be willing to let her take the perp walk.

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Mark F. McCarty

jamess's picture

thanks for those bombshells, veganmark.

Hope they hold water.

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If this story proves to be true, it will cast an interesting light on Hillary's Deep South campaign, in which she pretended that Obama was her life's guiding star. But of course no degree of hypocrisy on Hillary's part would shock me.

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Mark F. McCarty

If this story proves to be true, it will cast an interesting light on Hillary's Deep South campaign, in which she pretended that Obama was her life's guiding star. But of course no degree of hypocrisy on Hillary's part would shock me.

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Mark F. McCarty

snoopydawg's picture

That Hillary promised Obama she would do everything you wrote and then went back on her word.
But why didn't Obama do anything about it?

As I wrote before, I don't care as much about the emails as I do conflict of interest when she accepted donations from governments after selling them weapons.
It stinks of corruption, but her supporters keep telling me that the foundation does great things. Funny how we never here what those great things are.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

BrutallyHonest's picture

Besides hoping, we need Hillary to be so toxic that even corporatists aren't persuaded by her power

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B. Joe King's picture

It certainly reflects poorly upon hrc. Also gives the repubs plenty of ammo in the GE, best they could do with Bernie is 1950s style red baiting.
And the DNC thinks she's the safe choice why? /S

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Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.

BrutallyHonest's picture

DNC and other corporatists would rather chance a Trump presidency than have Bernie as president.

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BrutallyHonest's picture

Clinton = Christie

Both were hoping to use their presidential run as protection from their criminal investigations. I hope Clinton meets the same fate as Christie, but she has more power backing her.

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B. Joe King's picture

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Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.

jamess's picture

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