
Obama puts his Thumb on the Scales

Obama weighs in on the HRC Email investigation, being conducted by the FBI, when he previously declined to take a side.

Must really be some Big-Trouble happening over in Hillaryville, for the President to weigh in like this today:

Obama suggested that any secret information in Clinton's emails was not highly sensitive.

Do I Really Need to Worry About Hillary’s Emails? Yes. She Should Be Indicted.

This article is extensive and it thoroughly details the legal issues and outlines the entire subject matter in a comprehensive straightforward manner. It is way too long to quote sections in any meaningful manner to do it justice, therefore I implore you to click on the link and read it for yourself.

Does the Administration want the Clinton E-mail "Mistakes" as part of the Obama Legacy?

First this somewhat breaking news from ex-MSNBC Alum, now working for Al Jazeera America: the possible charges against Hillary Clinton and her staff will likely happen, sooner as opposed to later: