The Weekly Watch

Giving Thanks
There is good and bad with most things. The myth of Thanksgiving which first nations peoples describe as a “National Day of Mourning” is the bad part. The better part of the holiday (IMO) springs from the intent to be thankful for the good we can find around us. Many studies indicate gratitude leads humans to be happier and healthier.
“Gratitude is good medicine,” says Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and author of The Little Book of Gratitude.
“Clinical trials indicate that the practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life. It can lower blood pressure and improve immune function. ... Grateful people engage in more exercise, have better dietary behaviors, are less likely to smoke and abuse alcohol and have higher rates of medication adherence.”

I'm thankful for many things in my life. I was fortunate to have a pretty good education focused more on how to think rather than what to think. Those thinking skills continue to be a gift that keeps giving. I hope I passed that approach to my students over my classroom career. That career created a comfortable retirement which isn't lavish but very adequate. That is also a gift I appreciate.
This Ted talk is titled "how to be happy everyday" ( is by giving - 15 min)
However, the most important factor leading to happiness seems to be love and relationships.
For over 75 years, Harvard's Grant and Glueck study has tracked the physical and emotional well-being of two populations: 456 poor men growing up in Boston from 1939 to 2014 (the Grant Study), and 268 male graduates from Harvard's classes of 1939-1944 (the Glueck study).
Due to the length of the research period, this has required multiple generations of researchers. Since before WWII, they've diligently analyzed blood samples, conducted brain scans (once they became available), and pored over self-reported surveys, as well as actual interactions with these men, to compile the findings.
The conclusion? According to Robert Waldinger, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one thing surpasses all the rest in terms of importance:
"The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period."
(Worth the full/short read)

I've been fortunate to have a partner in life over the last 40+ years. We both love our life here on Lookout Mountain. Our roots on this homestead are about 35 years deep. We've aged with the forest and have grown to feel part of this place. We designed and built our home ourselves (with a lot of help from our friends). Though we had to create a road back here, a full mile off the paved road, there's an old cemetery with the first Europeans to settle here. The earliest graves have been dated from 1790-1810. Graves were added until 1908. That is until we die when we'll join the remains of others. I have lots to be grateful about.

Health is our real wealth. If you or a loved one has health issues, you know what I mean. I've often written here of my personal health journey learning to use what I eat and when I eat to enhance my health. The paleo diet has gained popularity recently which is similar but not exactly my dietary blend with fresh garden produce. It does appear that our hunter gatherer ancestors were healthier than the later farmers.
Some scientists suggest it is the difference in carbohydrate content...Dr. Michael Eades - 'Paleopathology and the Origins of the Low-carb Diet' (a fascinating 47 min talk)
Others suggest it has been the addition of highly processed seed oils...Dr. Chris Knobbe - 'Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?' (45 min)
Perhaps it is the combination of the two, high carbohydrates and seed oils, leading to the massive explosion in chronic diseases over the last few decades.
Lifestyle may play a role as well. Many people think the ancients had a hard life. However looking at hunter gathers which are still with us, that notion is incorrect. This conversation was also interesting... (20 min)
We speak to James Suzman, author of ‘Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time’. He discusses how work as we know it is really a modern concept that didn’t exist until recently, the capitalist global economy and how it forces people into unfulfilling work, why we may need to look to our hunter-gatherer past to rebuild and reshape our economies post-Coronavirus, why the hunter-gatherer attitude to work may be more beneficial when it comes to sustainability, fulfillment from work and much more!
I'm enthralled with the transition from hunter gathers to farmers. Most people assume that civilization began its growth with the onset of farming. However new evidence has emerged of megalithic structures built thousands of years before by hunter gathers. I've only recently learned of Gobekli Tepe (16 min)
In order to farm, the forests were cut. Starting first with the stone tools of the neolithic farmers and evolving to the bronze age tools (requiring more deforestation for fuel to smelt the metals)
Looking at the transition in Britain, it appears the hunter gathers gradually adopted farming as the ecosystem changes...What Happened To Britain's Last Hunter-Gatherers? (1 hour)
Many of the stone circles were calendars to aid in identifying planting seasons. There are hundreds of these circles in Britain. This fellow visits many of them. I think I've visited about half of the sites he explores. A 2.5 min trailer below...
Travel is another gift. We managed to just squeeze in a trip to Costa Rica last winter before the real onset of COVID.
Another thing I'm grateful for is our mostly rational evidence based community and discussion board. I finally got around to showing JtC a little appreciation. Those of you in a financial position to do so might consider kicking in a bit to keep the wheels of our little community turning. I sure appreciate all the efforts required to keep the site running smoothly. Thanks JtC... and thank all of you for a community where we maintain a civil and informative conversation going most of the time!

Of course the primary issue with our health today is the raging pandemic sweeping across the US and growing daily. Our failure to cope with this virus points to the dysfunction of our government and society. Chris Martenson pointed out some effective means of slowing both infection and severity this week. Why isn't this information common knowledge, IMO it is because we are managing this pandemic for profit, and they are drooling to get out (and sell) those vaccines. (Well worth the 30 min)
Here's the key study he discusses.
Chris also discusses the vaccines this week. (20 min)
We are on our own to cope with the pandemic...
Chris Hedges talks to Dr. Margaret Flowers about the Covid-19 pandemic and the catastrophic response to the public health crisis under America's for-profit driven healthcare system. Without national coordination, or universal and free national health care, Americans are faced with uneven or absent care due to hospital closings, reductions in hospital beds and services.
Lawmakers and hospitals administrators compete to purchase basic supplies leading manufacturers to jack up prices. The mercenary nature of the for-profit health care system also means many Americans are distrustful of health guidelines and refuse to get tested.
Dr. Margaret Flowers is a retired pediatrician and advocate for public universal health care, and advisor to the board of Physicians for a National Health Program. (27 min)
Doesn't look like it will get better... more from Margaret Flowers
Biden’s healthcare plan looks like a replay of the health reform process of 2009-10 when the Democrats effectively divided the movement in support of national improved Medicare for all and pushed through the so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA), which passed without Republican support. Health insurance and pharmaceutical corporate profits have soared since then while people struggle to afford healthcare.
In a time of the COVID-19 pandemic when over 250,000 people have already died and the University of Washington predicts over 500,000 deaths by the end of February, we cannot allow a repeat of the failed ACA. It is unconscionable to create anything less than a universal single payer healthcare system.
Management of the pandemic isn't going well in the US...
The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States is wreaking havoc on the already beleaguered health systems throughout a large swath of the country. There were 200,000 confirmed cases on Friday alone, along with nearly 2,000 deaths. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation is projecting another 50,000 fatalities before the winter holidays end.
Those of you with good health should be grateful, and all of us should continue to be cautious about COVID. It isn't rocket science...Stay home as much as possible, Wear a mask when you are out, Distance yourself from others, Wash your hands after going out, Stay outside with others if possible or have plenty of ventilation, and Take Vitamin D and Zinc.
John Campbell has been saying Hands, Face, Space, and Ventilate. (12 min)
We are social creatures. We've been having one or two folks over to visit every week or so. This week was a little chilly so we built a little fire we could take turns standing by. Worked great plus cleaned up lots of fallen branches. Y'all be well, stay safe, and use your good common sense to avoid exposure.

So what about politics for the week...our usual topic?
The tweeter in chief is in denial...

Ironically Trump's troop draw down is causing heads to explode. Why did he wait? Perhaps to set himself up for a 2024 run? What a bunch of warmongers!
Jimmy describes the Media HYSTERIA Over Possible Troop Withdrawal. (15 min)
(Of course he also suggested bombing Iran before leaving office)
None the less, The Don is managing some evil actions too....
Trump's Last-Minute Move to Sell Oil Rights in Arctic Refuge...more from Jimmy. (7.5 min)
Well the future ByeDone administration looks about as bad as most of us predicted... composed of mostly warmongering corporate $hills.
An eye-popping array of corporate consultants, war profiteers, and national security hawks have been appointed by President-elect Joe Biden to agency review teams that will set the agenda for his administration. A substantial percentage of them worked in the United States government when Barack Obama was president. The appointments should provide a rude awakening to anyone who believed a Biden administration could be pressured to move in a progressive direction, especially on foreign policy.
Michele Flournoy and Tony Blinken sit atop Biden’s thousands-strong foreign policy brain trust and have played central roles in every U.S. war dating back to the Bill Clinton administration. Flournoy is Biden’s leading pick for Secretary of Defense and Blinken is expected to be the president’s National Security Advisor.
Dan Cohen exposes how the brains of Biden's foreign policy team have been key architects of numerous wars and are planning for a dangerous high-tech confrontation with China.
How Joe Biden Plans To Make The American Empire Great Again (17 min)
Why a war with China? Perhaps because biggest trade deal in history excludes United States?
The largest trade deal in history was signed [last] Sunday, with 15 countries including Australia agreeing to the pact, which covers 2.2 billion people and 30 per cent of the global economy.
The agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, which has taken eight years to negotiate, surpasses the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in scale, after the Trump administration pulled the United States out of the partnership four years ago.
The aim of the RCEP is to lower tariffs and open up trade in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, to help emerging economies catch up with the rest of the world.
Meet The Main Players In Biden Swamp from Rising (10 min) Krystal takes the corporate dem to task in this clip.
Here one from Kyle Biden's Cabinet A Who's Who Of Corrupt Corporate Lobbyists (7 min)
David Sirota: Biden's Reported Budget Pick Tried To CUT Social Security (8 min)
Jimmy Dore explains...Defender of Family Separations Joins BIDEN's Team. (13 min)
On the issue of climate, Joe Biden too often seems unwilling to follow the science....
In fact he appoints fossil fuel grifters. Jimmy Dore expalins
Biden's Cabinet of CORRUPTION -- Latest Big Oil Cabinet Pick. (9 min)
We have an oft used line in our crowd, "It Ain't Goin' to Get No Better, Cuz".
Jimmy had a nice series of discussions with Glenn Greenwald this week.
GLENN GREENWALD Calls Out AOC's Fake Progressiveness (38 min)
GLENN GREENWALD on The Media Elite! (29 min)
GLENN GREENWALD Smashes Pro-Censorship MSNBC Goons. (18 min)

Well, now you can be thankful this piece is coming to an end. There are many things beyond our control, and I admit I find many of those things aggravating and infuriating. I do my best to keep those issues in my awareness yet not let them eat at my psyche. This is an odd holiday with COVID raging...No family visits, no music sessions, no dances (we've played a Thanksgiving dance for decades). So we make the best of our situations. This is always a fun week to cook...we'll be doing some of that. I'm going to play some music here at home. I'm lucky to have a partner to laugh with and joke around. There's still lots happening in the garden. Looking for the good is a habit of mind which can be developed. Here's hoping you all can be thankful in your situation. And as a closing shot let me post a hour concert by a young band, The Onlies, we had at our dance weekend a few years ago. Many years ago a friend was asked in an interview, "What is the difference between old time music and rock and roll?" She replied, "Old Time music is rock and roll". This young band illustrates her point. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for giving to us
This great recipe for happiness LO!
One interpretation of the meaning of thanks giving
could be the thanks given to the indigins by the starving
pilgrims, sharing their game, grains and greens.
question everything
good morning Q
Yeah we thanked 'em and then stole their land. Here in the heartland of the Cherokee is the Trail of Tears complete with signs. I wonder how many people see those signs and understand the barbarity of their removal.
Always nice to "see" you. Thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
yeah, some thanks
I like how your Trail of Tears signs point in both directions.
Take your pick. Were they removed? History reshaped to
glorify the empire. Lest we forget.
question everything
There were many routes
We have one on our side of the mt. The shot I posted is on the other in Ft Payne, AL...named for the capt of the stockade where the Cherokee were rounded up. (Previously known as Wills Town, named for Chief Wills). It is a class story too. The rich slave owning Cherokee elite took steamboats on the TN River to get to the MS river ... closer to OK. The interstate of the day.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Morning lo
And everyone
The history of the slaves of the Cherokees
New to me. Thanks for the thankful thread. Happiness is. Take care everyone.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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The saddest part of the story...
Fortunately, this ruling was overturned in Federal Court.
Charles Frazier, of "Cold Mountain" fame, wrote another book called "Thirteen Moons" about the Cherokee removal which I recommend.
I'm thankful for your visit. Have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Always wondered why so many black people had Native American ..
So not just white masters were horny. Proving again that we are brothers under the skin. for good and for bad.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
For those anti-maskers out there . . .
CDC came out with a nice study 2 days ago regarding the mandate and non-mandate of mask wearing in Kansas. It seems masks are effective at reducing virus transmission!
The governor issued a statewide order to wear masks on July 3, but counties could individually decide to opt-out of the rule. A total of 81 counties opted out, and 24 complied with the mask order. The 24 that complied were, on average, experiencing greater amounts of covid cases and rates.
CDC Mask Study
The 24 counties that complied showed a 6% decrease a month-and-a-half later. The 81 counties that did not comply showed a 100% increase.
Thanks for the study...
John Campbell featured it the other day too. I've cued it to the spot.
Chris does a good job explaining it as well. Kinda duh! (30 min)
Why has it taken so long to push the simple things? TPTB still are not pushing Vit. D. There's a reason we have the worst results with COVID.
Well thanks for coming by and dropping the study!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
preaching to the choir here
it is odd that so many people don't wear masks...
around here. My little local town is the worst.
I predict larger outbreaks with the holiday gatherings. Perhaps it is natural selection at work?
Good to "see" you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
NYC had what is probably it's
The NYC Mayor and NY Governor say all indoor dining will be outlawed soon.
In Cuomo's words, "It's When, not If."
So restaurant owners got to have this lovely weather before the ax falls. It's hard to make it with take-out only.
I feel so bad for all of them. And every other person losing their businesses or jobs.
Good to see you as well, Lookout.
It is weird...
in urban zones especially. I wish I could say it is getting better...but it isn't! Please take care...if anything we're are in a worst position here in the SE.
It will get better...we just have to hang on and be careful.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout, thanks for the WW and also for the OT.
really loved the column, but personally prefer joy, joyful awareness, satisfaction or some word I have not yet found. For some time now, to me, "Thanks, thankful(ness) and kindred words have been inseparable from "giving thanks", to which my inner self snorts "to whom?". Grattitude is similar. I looked up the difference and it is minimal, though one source alleged that one is grateful for something and then thanks the donor or actor. Both seem to require a countere-party, so other than thanking specific individuals for specific things and circumstances. It no doubt stems from too many years of sitting down to chow and having to sit through the obligatory "dear Lord we thank thee...", long after I had concluded that those chanting such mantras had been hoaxed, but it is, nonetheless, a real problem for me.
Thank you for explicitly stating that the pandemic is being managed for profit. I just learned that in our area rubbing alcohol is unavailable, as it is all reserved for the first responders. The stuff is very easy to make, so why haven't we been flooded with it? Not profitable enough, there is more money in acne cream, cosmetics, diuretics, and shampoo. Same with "PPE", can't gear up production of same because opportunity cost, there is more money to be made producing boxes for "sugar coated choco bombs"(tm) and copy paper.
A bad side effect is to look at what fills the vacuum. Our farmers' market is full of masks, paper disposables, many being worn for the umpteenth consecutive day, bandannas, "neck gaiters", a few N-95, an assortment of homemade and a bunch of mass-produced stylish units, at least one brand of which has been denounced as not only useless, but likely to exacerbate the problem. Therein lies the rub. The homemade ones are generally well thought out and crafted because the makers really want them to work, but many of the others were perceived as nothing more than a new market in which one could sell any old well marketed and preferably stylish piece of crap regardless of the likelihood that it would do any good. There are no requirements for masks other than they be capable of simultaneously covering the mouth and nose, even though at most 80% are worn in that manner, not even a "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval"(tm).
So, need rubbing alcohol? Go buy a bottle of cheap vodka and put in in a picnic cooler surrounded by dry ice until water ice and slush form in the bottle. Pout off the liquid and toss the ice and slush. but don't wait for our "enterpreneurs" and "industrialists" to make, bottle and ship some, there's more money to be made on other shit, including cheap vodka.
so, satisfaction (except for poor Mick who can't get none) and joy, and such.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
That would be high priced rubbing alcohol...
made with vodka.
Why don't more people talk about iodine as a preventative? Chris nor John mention it. QMS clued me in...then I found dentists and MD's
Add in Chris' ivermectin study from above. And my constant whine about Vit D. People's health is the last thing on TPTB mind.
Thanks for you thoughtful comment. Thanks is an inadequate term, but feeling fortunate has many positive feedback loops IMO. Glad you came by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
In my neighbors case, this is routine, decades long
cleaning of electrodes or implants or something every other day since long, long before covid. Maybe she could go for iodine as a substitute, maybe not, but I'll usggest it to her, assuming that it is available in our area.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Almost all drug stores...
carry iodine. I have 2% that I add to water...a few drops / cup. Gargle or nasal spray.
Per Q's instruction.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Isn'y it poisonous?
Sounds like Trump saying to drink bleach. And in true Jim Jones tradition, some did!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
no, iodine is a necessary element
But it is the goldielocks story...not too little nor too much. Helps and wigs out the thyroid.
Evidently is a deadly material against COVID....a good thing to know.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
iodine in too much of a dose is bad for you
a couple drops in a cup of water kills bacteria
and virus strains. Works as a gargle and
nasal spray. Tincture doesn't stand up well
in a water solution, so only make what you can use
in a couple days. Kills the covid and other buggers.
Why the CDC doesn't mention this solution? That is a
question of our times. It works, proven effective.
Wait for some magic bullet hyped by the inoculation
experts, but the better bet is to minimize symptoms
with readily available substances. Don't wait for some
miracle cure on this one.
question everything
I am allergic to iodine.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hey there's other options...
I think Ivermectin is an important one. I wouldn't take it unless I was feeling bad or was working in a COVID ward.
You're probably familiar with it as a horse wormer. And it is fine for humans to use and apple flavored! Just need to be careful with the dose.
Take care and be well my friend!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I bought it in paste form for my horses.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
if I need it...
I'm using the paste wormer cause I can get it no prob. Those with Dr. friends could wrangle the tablets. It is all the same compound, so no worries from my perspective.
I hope it isn't an issue for me, but COVID rages and we have no idea. Best to have a plan.
Hope you all are doing well and life is fun and fulfilling!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I used to order all kinds of horse stuff from
At any rate, a Plan is necessary. I am hearing that ers and hospitals are turning away patients, or sending them back home.
I use a nasal/sinus rinse that is an iodized salt solution, so I may be doing more than just keeping my sinuses draining properly.
We are doing great, every day is is fun-filled.
Being happy is easy peasy!
Hope your holiday will be wonderful for you and yours.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Many thanks...
We're happy here too. A weird year for sure, but not tragic (yet) for us. I suspect we'll cruise through the pandemic. Only time will tell.
Have fun and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We head to the cabin at Toldedo Bend
We are not thanking anyone, not grateful to anyone, we are just GLAD for every day we have.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
amen sister!!!
Every day is a gift. Learning to see it that way is also a gift.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
all drugs require a risk benefit analysis
Aspirin can kill you if you take too much.
Did you look at the study?
Or listen to Chris explain the results?
Use the reply button under the comment you want to respond to in order to target your comment. Glad you've joined the conversation!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And acetaminophen WILL kill you if you take too much
Acetaminophen (Tylenol etc) overdose destroys the liver. What's worse is, it's not that hard to overdose! (When they say "not more than 8 tablets in 24 hours", they mean it!)
So yeah be careful with whatever you've got in your medicine cabinet - or elsewhere.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You don't even need to take too much
My friends daughter only took 2 advil and went into anaphalaxic shock and died.
Spell check doesn't know that word. Spelling hints appreciated.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic response
I had to do a search to find the correct spelling. Spelling has never been my strong suit.
Sorry about your friend's daughter!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I've never been a fan of Tylenol
Always took aspirin if I needed relief. However these days I don't even take that. Relieved my inflammation with diet and just have not needed drugs...including antacids which I used to take on the regular.
Thanks for the warning!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I am not certified as a medical doctor, although my forebears were.
Just saying the last 3 times I had "flu like conditions" used the iodine
approach, and more than less the symptoms disappeared. Pronto.
Your reactions may be different, but it seems to work for many.
Good luck
question everything
I appreciate the advice!
I have some 2% iodine I use for gum/dental health. If I think COVID is an issue with me it will be easy to mix up a gargle or spray. I appreciate the advice. Thanks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
we are in a coup, it could get worse
This is a scary article. Need to read and keep eyes open to see how things unfold.
Even though Uncle Joe elected and promises return to normal ...
I added the bold.
Short article worth reading. Here is how he got through it. Good Luck he says at the end. Not wishing us Good Luck, but saying that it might well take Good Luck to make it through.
I Lived Through A Stupid Coup. America Is Having One Now You’ve already lost. This is what Americans need to understand
We've been in a coup ...
since Truman created the CIA. I recently caught this interpretation of the deep state. (30 min)
...on Bill Moyers who's show I use to watch every Sunday.
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. Good to "see" you around the site!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Dumped the article as soon as I saw it was more Trumpophobia
Frankly, there's no law that says the loser of an election can't stomp around and whine about it as long as they please to do so - HerHeinous has been doing that for four years and counting. There's also no law that says the results of an election are binding as soon as the media declares a "winner" - in fact, there are explicit hard-and-fast rules to the contrary written into the Constitution.
We aren't there yet. We don't have an officially certified winner yet. This is just another of those extremely close, extremely nasty elections that come along every so often and drag things out until everybody is tired of the whole mess.
It would have been nice not to have two of them back to back, but that's what happens when the voters are required to choose between Shit One and Shit Two.
Someday, maybe, they'll break away en masse and vote for Not Shit, but I don't expect it any time soon.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
How about Everclear instead of vodka?
Or is Everclear too expensive too?
I must admit to making some....
Wasn't brand named. Reminds me of the story of the fellow who had some homemade liquor. Some one asked, "is that liquor bonded and sealed?"
He replied, "I don't know but it's seal tested" holding up a SealTest milk jug full of shine.
Always used what I made internally instead of for washing my hand. Soap kills this virus quickly, why waste liquor?
Thanks for the story! Hope all is well on your side of the pond.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”