
The Weekly Watch

You Don't Know What You've Got Till It's Gone

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Appreciating things like our natural systems, friends, family, and perhaps most important, our health isn't a talent I (we?) often exercise. I had an episode last weekend where I damaged a leg muscle, I think by lifting a log, but I also climbed on two different roofs the same day. I normally have such good health, that I fail to count my lucky stars. This week has been a different experience. I woke last Sunday with a painful leg and back and it hurt to walk. I'm on the mend and everyday I have become more mobile and agile, but it put me on this train of thought that we need to practice more gratitude for all our gifts and good fortune...big and small. So today let's appreciate our situation and look for some good.

The Weekly Watch

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Giving Thanks

There is good and bad with most things. The myth of Thanksgiving which first nations peoples describe as a “National Day of Mourning” is the bad part. The better part of the holiday (IMO) springs from the intent to be thankful for the good we can find around us. Many studies indicate gratitude leads humans to be happier and healthier.

“Gratitude is good medicine,” says Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and author of The Little Book of Gratitude.
“Clinical trials indicate that the practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life. It can lower blood pressure and improve immune function. ... Grateful people engage in more exercise, have better dietary behaviors, are less likely to smoke and abuse alcohol and have higher rates of medication adherence.”


Taking 'leaks on New Years Day

Been a little down over the last few weeks or so, thought it might be time to take stock and count blessings...

So much to be thankful for this New Year! Still breathing and, whoa, still married.... last week it was 46 years! We both have survived critical illnesses and really want to see SS, Medicare, or Medicaid get improved. Will work for that!


You can not gab the air

You can not grab the air...

You can not say I’m sorry, easily, when it’s too late.

Madison Avenue rebates

possess no oxygen.

We all scream for ice-cream

holding on to each other, melting away

as the Big, sugar cone is filled.

The Captain has no rudder

as long as Bulls run in the narrow street


gasping for “Starry Nights.”

You can not grab the air