The Evening Blues - 10-12-20
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features rock and roll singer Dale Hawkins. Enjoy!
Dale Hawkins - Susie-Q
"Terrorists (noun): evil brown people.
Thugs (noun): violent black people.
Militia (noun): misunderstood white men. Groups of heavily armed individuals whose actions, while not exactly ideal, deserve compassion and should be looked at within a wider socioeconomic context. Instead of rushing to judgment or making generalisations, one must consider the complex causes (economic anxiety, video games, mental health issues) that have triggered these poor guys into committing mass murder, conspiring to violently overthrow the state or plotting to kidnap government officials."
-- Arwa Mahdawi
News and Opinion
National Security “Experts,” Exploiting Pandemic Fears, Show Their Irrelevance
As soon as President Donald Trump announced on October 2 at 12:54 a.m. that he’d tested positive for Covid-19, America’s national security establishment stirred to life. Nicholas Burns, who worked in both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and is now an adviser to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, was tweeting by 7:30 a.m.: “With the President’s illness amid a divisive campaign, we should not discount the possibility that China will step up pressure on Taiwan or Russia seek to take advantage in Eastern Europe.” By early afternoon Foreign Policy magazine was asking, “Will Trump’s Case of COVID-19 Endanger U.S. National Security?” Soon Stephen Hadley, once Bush’s national security adviser, was fretting that “some adversaries may think that America may be distracted, so that they can get away with something.”
Washington, D.C. possesses a wondrous panoply of national security experts like this. Some work at think tanks (funded by huge defense corporations), some are op-ed columnists (whose newspapers run expensive ads from huge defense corporations), while others toil within the executive branch (because they were appointed by presidents funded by huge defense corporations). Since World War II, these experts have grown used to dominating U.S. politics with ceaseless, lurid warnings about the terrifying dangers we face. First it was the Soviet Union, then China, then Vietnam, then “terror,” Iran, Saddam Hussein, “terror” again, North Korea, Russia, and, now and always, “terror.” In each case, it turned out that the only way to save ourselves was to fork over more money to defense corporations.
But for the past six months, as the coronavirus exploded across America, D.C.’s foreign policy thinkers have experienced something novel for them: irrelevance. Covid-19 has killed over 210,000 of us, more than 9/11 and the Vietnam, Korean, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars combined. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recently warned that that number may reach 400,000 — that is, as many Americans as died in World War II — if we don’t take the necessary actions this fall and winter. “The national security threat has arrived on our shores: It is the virus,” said Stephen Wertheim, co-founder of an anti-interventionist think tank called the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, and author of “Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy.” Yet for the last half-year, the traditional national security experts were not being invited so much on “Meet the Press” nor quoted by the New York Times. They had been wrong all along about what actually threatened Americans.
With Trump’s diagnosis, the mandarins displayed a palpable sense of relief. Here at last was a chance to break out the old hymnal and sing the only songs they know. Americans might think that the danger of two-thirds of the Trump administration entering quarantine would be that they’d be even more incompetent at suppressing the coronavirus. All normal people might have their minds right now on concrete issues, such as the availability of testing or whether it’s safe for their children to go to school. The national security experts, however, believe that we should focus on amorphous threats from enemies somewhere out there in the hazy mist.
Worth a full read. Bad apples had a street party in Portland:
Federal Agents Used Toxic Chemical Smoke Grenades in Portland
The Portland Police Bureau began using tear gas on Black Lives Matters protesters almost as soon as they first assembled in late May. Mayor Ted Wheeler acknowledged that the city has used “CS” tear gas. The commonly used formulation contains 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, a compound that was designed to induce immediate pain but can also have long-term effects, including chronic bronchitis. In early September, Wheeler ordered the police to stop using it. Tear gas is banned in war but can be used to disperse crowds of civilians.
After federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security descended on Portland in July in a mission dubbed “Operation Diligent Valor,” the use of chemical irritants to control, drive away, and confuse protesters and obscure the actions of law enforcement grew and intensified. Among the products that federal agents appear to have used during the military-style crackdown is a hexachloroethane “smoke grenade” manufactured by a company called Defense Technology and sold as “Maximum HC Smoke.” Volunteers for the Chemical Weapons Research Consortium collected 20 canisters from the protest area that are the size and shape of the smoke grenades, at least five of which still had Defense Technology labels on them. The group also analyzed the chemical residue on one of the recovered spent canisters and found it contained chemicals known to be released by the smoke grenades. ...
The HC smoke bomb, which was developed in the 1930s to disperse people and conceal actions on the battlefield, is particularly dangerous to health and the environment. The Military-Style Maximum Smoke HC grenade from Defense Technology is “very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects” and is “suspected of causing cancer,” according to the grenade’s safety data sheet. Environmental effects of the smoke bombs include defoliation of trees and a long-term reduction in their growth. The health effects of hexachloroethane include nausea, vomiting, central nervous system depression, and kidney and liver damage, according to the compound’s material safety data sheet. Zinc chloride, a compound released by the grenades in even greater amounts than hexachloroethane, has “long-lasting effects” on aquatic life, according to its manufacturer’s safety data sheet. The toxic compound also causes fever, chest pain, and liver damage and is associated with anorexia, fatigue, and weight loss.
Although the grenade’s manufacturer, Defense Technology, markets it as “military style,” the Department of Defense appears to have begun phasing out the smoke bomb years ago because it was incredibly dangerous. A 1994 report of the U.S. Army Biomedical Research and Development Laboratory notes, “Exposure of unprotected soldiers to high concentrations of HC smoke for even a few minutes has resulted in injuries and fatalities." The Department of Defense did not respond to an inquiry about whether it had discontinued use of HC smoke grenades. But a 2012 report by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, the Department of Defense’s environmental program, indicates that the U.S. military was at the time exploring the adoption of several less toxic “obscurants” because of the serious breathing difficulties, swelling of the lungs, severe liver problems, and death associated with the grenades. The SERDP report notes that those health issues “pose a threat to the health of the war fighters that are exposed to this smoke during training and combat.”
Protesters who were exposed to chemical gas and smoke during the standoffs with federal agents in Portland report a constellation of immediate and enduring effects not usually associated with tear gas, including vomiting, hair loss, inability to eat, and inability to focus or “brain fog.” Some of the symptoms are consistent with those the military and the chemical manufacturers have linked to both hexachloroethane and zinc chloride.
How Did People Have Conversations Back Before Tech Oligarchs Were There To Police Them?
Twitter has announced the rollout of even more censorship policies in the lead-up to the November US presidential election.
“Starting next week, when people attempt to Retweet a Tweet with a misleading information label, they will see a prompt directing them to credible information about the topic before they can amplify it,” Twitter informs us, with “credible information” of course meaning information from the same mass media outlets who’ve lied to us about every American war throughout their entire existence.
“We’re taking more steps to encourage thoughtful amplification by preventing Tweets that have been ‘followed by’ and ‘liked by’ accounts you don’t follow from showing up in your timeline,” adds Twitter, as though the social media echo chamber that is turning us all into idiots wasn’t bad enough.
This is just the latest in the stack of additional censorship measures that Silicon Valley tech corporations have been rolling out in open coordination with the US government under the banner of protecting American democracy. We may be certain that none of these measures will be rolled back when the election is over.
As my regular readers are no doubt tired of hearing me repeat by now, when you have monopolistic tech corporations which attract the bulk of online communication coordinating with governments to censor speech, what you have is government censorship. As Matt Taibbi recently wrote after the irrational Facebook purge of QAnon cultists, this censorship regime is continually expanding and this expansion is likely to continue, especially in the direction of those who oppose these same establishment power structures that are promoting this censorship.
It’s just so brazenly authoritarian. The only reason people are putting up with it is because they’ve spent four years being bombarded with horror stories about Russian propaganda and right-wing disinformation by the same plutocratic media institutions that are now being upheld as “authoritative sources”. But the fact that consent has been successfully manufactured doesn’t make it okay. ...
Well it’s not normal. How do people think conversations happened back before there were monopolistic tech oligarchs policing their words in coordination with the government to make sure they weren’t hazardous to democracy? Did they forget that this wasn’t something that used to happen? Do they think before online political discourse people used to have to meet at the FBI headquarters to have a fed supervise their conversation if they wanted to debate whether or not a conspiracy theory is true?
No, people just talked to each other. Sometimes what people said was true, sometimes it was false, sometimes it was an idiotic urban legend about a Hollywood celebrity putting rodents in their butt, but at no time did anyone stop and think they needed a team of billionaires and government agents to jump in and police their conversations for them. ...
First the wealthy controlled the newspapers, then they controlled the radio, then they controlled television, now they control online speech. It’s been the same story for centuries, and in each instance they collaborated with existing power structures to protect the status quo upon which their kingdoms were built. They did this because they understood the real secret of power: that whoever controls the narrative controls the world. Humanity will only transition into a healthy collaborative way of functioning on this planet when everyone else awakens to this truth as well.
Chris Hedges on 'The Childish Mania of Hope,' + James Baldwin, Gramsci and Aristotle
Pelosis Take a Big Stake in CrowdStrike, Democrat-Connected Linchpin of Russia Probe
The cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike rose to global prominence in mid-June 2016 when it publicly accused Russia of hacking the Democratic National Committee and stealing its data. The previously unknown company's explosive allegation set off a seismic chain of events that engulfs U.S. national politics to this day. The Hillary Clinton campaign seized on CrowdStrike's claim by accusing Russia of meddling in the election to help Donald Trump. U.S. intelligence officials would soon also endorse CrowdStrike's allegation and pursue what amounted to a multi-year, all-consuming investigation of Russian interference and Trump's potential complicity.
With the next presidential election now in its final weeks, the Democrats' national leader, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and her husband, Paul Pelosi, are endorsing the publicly traded firm in a different way. Recent financial disclosure filings show the couple have invested up to $1 million in CrowdStrike Holdings. The Pelosis purchased the stock at a share price of $129.25 on Sept. 3. At the time of this article's publication, the price has risen to $142.97.
Drew Hammill, spokesman for Pelosi, said: “Speaker Pelosi is not involved in her husband’s investments and was not aware of the investment until the required filing was made. Mr. Pelosi is a private investor and has investments in a number of publicly traded companies. The Speaker fully complies with House Rules and the relevant statutory requirements.”
The Pelosis' sizeable investment in CrowdStrike could revive scrutiny of the company's involvement in the Trump-Russia saga since the Democrats' 2016 election loss.
Nancy Pelosi Profiteering Off Russia-Gate!
RANA FOROOHAR AND MARK BLYTH - How Deep Will the Depression Get?
Trump claims he’s Covid ‘immune’ as he aims for barrage of rallies in swing states
Donald Trump has claimed he no longer has coronavirus and is now “immune” to Covid-19 as he prepares to return to the campaign trail on Monday for a barrage of rallies in swing states in his pursuit of a second term in the White House.
Numerous opinion polls have continued to show the US president trailing his Democratic challenger Joe Biden by a significant margin nationally, adding urgency to Trump’s desire to get back to the in-person appearances he believes are key to his success on the 3 November election day. ...
Yet questions remain over the state of the 74-year-old president’s health following his infection with Covid-19 and a three-night stay in the Walter Reed military medical center in Maryland. He was discharged one week ago, but the White House and medical professionals have refused to release details on his lung scans or when he last tested negative for Covid-19.
In a wide ranging 30-minute interview on Fox News on Sunday, Trump insisted he was completely free of the virus, without providing medical evidence, and further claimed, implausibly, he was immune after receiving an experimental cocktail of antibodies, antiviral drugs and steroids during his hospital stay.
“To me it’s a cure, it’s much more than a therapeutic,” Trump said. “Once you’ve recovered, you’re immune. I am immune… maybe for a short time, maybe for a long time. The president is in very good shape,” Trump said, adding that immunity gave him a “protective glow”.
US Covid cases climb as midwestern states report steep increases
Covid-19 cases are again climbing in the United States, with the highest daily rates of new infections since August, when major states such as Florida became hotspots, new data from Johns Hopkins University’s Covid-19 tracker shows. Now, several midwestern states are posting steep increases in Covid-19 cases, with at least one setting up a field hospital to cope with the flood of patients. Cases are also ticking up in the north-east, where tight restrictions had the virus under control for most of the summer.
“We have to get back to the basics in fighting this virus,” Wisconsin’s Democratic governor, Tony Evers, said on Twitter this week, as the state posted another record day of Covid-19 infections. The state set up a field hospital near state fairgrounds to treat what could be an overflow of patients with Covid-19. More than 8,000 people in the state are hospitalized. More than 213,000 people have died of Covid-19 in the US.
“We are on the verge of a crisis in Green Bay and our surrounding counties,” Dr Paul Casey, emergency department head at Bellin health systems in Green Bay, Wisconsin, told CNBC. More than 57,000 people tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday, one of the highest tallies since this summer, when Florida, Texas and California were national hotspots. Cases began to decrease in August, and Florida has since completely reopened, including allowing bars and restaurants to operate at full capacity.
Cases are now ticking up in Florida again, but the most worrying trends in recent weeks has come from the midwest, where towns in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wisconsin have seen steep increases.
Virus that causes Covid-19 can survive up to 28 days on surfaces, scientists find
Australian scientists have found that the virus that causes Covid-19 can survive for up to 28 days on surfaces such as the glass on mobile phones, stainless steel, vinyl and paper banknotes. The national science agency, the CSIRO, said the research undertaken at the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) in Geelong also found that Sars-CoV-2 survived longer at lower temperatures.
It said in a statement the virus survived longer on paper banknotes than on plastic banknotes and lasted longer on smooth surfaces rather than porous surfaces such as cotton. The research, published in the Virology Journal, also found the virus lasted 10 days longer than influenza on some surfaces.
TRUMP vs. PELOSI - Who Won't Help Americans More?
Krystal Ball BLASTS Pelosi's Game Playing. Take The DEAL!
Bolsonaro sees popularity surge as Covid-19 spreads
As Brazil counts nearly 5 million Covid-19 cases and more than 147,000 dead, Bolsonaro is more popular than ever. Like his idol Donald Trump, the populist Brazilian leader caught the virus and emerged apparently unscathed. But while the US president trails Joe Biden in the polls, Bolsonaro’s government has hit a record 40% approval rating.
Much of that popularity is down to monthly emergency aid payments of £83 ($108) – or £166 ($217) for single mothers – that about 67 million Brazilians began receiving in April. ...
“He became a hero,” said Ricardo Fernandes, 31, an actor from Rio’s City of God favela who organized food deliveries to the community. Fernandes said Bolsonaro’s social media propaganda persuaded people he was behind the payments – when actually the government originally proposed a much lower value before congress forced an increase.
But Bolsonaro’s rising popularity has come at a price Brazil may not be able to afford for much longer. The emergency aid payments were halved last month and are due to end in December, potentially leaving nearly 40 million people adrift, according to a new study from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, a leading business school.
Holy war: Republicans eager to focus Amy Coney Barrett hearings on religion
When Donald Trump’s latest supreme court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, arrives before the Senate judiciary committee for her confirmation hearings on Monday, Democrats will be out to raise an alarm that Barrett could help strike down the Affordable Care Act in the very first case she hears.
But in the weeks leading up to the hearings, Republicans have been out for something else entirely: a holy war.
The future of the supreme court hinges on the Barrett hearings. But the hearings will be backgrounded by a political fight over religion that is potentially as important as the question of whether Barrett replaces Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late liberal justice, on the court.
If Republicans can make it look like Democrats are attacking Barrett, a conservative Catholic, for her religious views, they believe, that could stir enough political anger to rescue a couple of tight Senate races in the elections on 3 November – and potentially save the teetering Republican Senate majority.
Barrett was member of anti-abortion group that promoted clinic criticized for misleading women
Amy Coney Barrett, the supreme court nominee, was a member of a “right to life” organization in 2016 that promoted a local South Bend, Indiana, crisis pregnancy center, a clinic that has been criticised for misleading vulnerable women who were seeking abortions and pressuring them to keep their pregnancies.
Barrett, whose confirmation hearing before the Senate judiciary committee is set to begin on Monday, was a member of the University Faculty for Life at Notre Dame from 2010 to 2016. Online records show that the group began promoting South Bend’s Women’s Care Center in 2016 on its website, adding a link to the group under a section called “Pro-Life Links”.
The revelation adds to a growing body of evidence that Barrett, who has served as an appellate court judge since 2017, has advocated against abortion, abortion rights, and publicly supported the reversal of Roe v Wade in the years before she joined the federal bench. The Guardian has reported that she signed a letter in a newspaper in 2006 that called for the landmark abortion law to be reversed and called the legacy of Roe “barbaric”.

Federal judge blocks Texas governor's order to shut down ballot drop-off sites
On Friday evening, US federal judge Robert Pitman blocked Texas governor Greg Abbott’s order to shut down mail-in ballot drop-off sites across the state as the election is currently under way. Last week, Abbott issued a proclamation limiting each county to only one ballot drop-off site, regardless of size or population. This decision would have led to the closure of drop-off sites across the state, including 11 in Harris county and three in Travis county. A lawsuit was immediately filed by civil right organizations.
Critics argued Abbott’s order to close drop-off sites would disproportionately affect larger, more diverse counties and hit communities of color, making it more difficult for them to vote. Harris county has more than 4.7 million residents and is the most populous county in the nation and home to the city of Houston. Travis county is home to Texas’s capital city, Austin. By comparison, smaller counties like Brewster county in west Texas, which has a population of just under 10,000, would remain unaffected by the ruling as it has always only had one drop-off site.
Lindsey Graham Challenger RAKES IN Historic Haul As Graham Refuses COVID Test
Jaime Harrison sets Senate fundraising record in race against Lindsey Graham
South Carolina Democrat Jaime Harrison has shattered congressional fundraising records, bringing in $57m in the final quarter for his US Senate campaign against Republican incumbent and Trump ally Lindsey Graham as the Republican party tries to retain control of the chamber in November’s election.
Harrison’s campaign said Sunday that the total was the largest-ever during a single three-month period by any Senate candidate. That tops the $38m raised by Democrat Beto O’Rourke in 2018 in the final fundraising period of his challenge to Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, who won the race.
Graham, a longtime senator, is tied with Harrison in a highly competitive race.
Graham hasn’t released fundraising totals for the previous quarter, although it’s likely he’s been eclipsed by Harrison. Last month, Graham made a public plea for fundraising to help him keep up with Harrison, saying on Fox News that he was “getting killed financially” by Harrison, who he predicted would “raise $100m in the state of South Carolina.”
“The money is because they hate my guts,” Graham added.
At the end of June, both candidates were roughly matched at about $30m apiece, money that has come largely from out of-state donors. For the race overall, not including the most recent quarter, Harrison’s in-state contribution amount is 10%. Graham’s is 14%.
Lindsey Graham says Black people can 'go anywhere' in South Carolina if conservative
In a televised campaign event US senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said African Americans and immigrants can “go anywhere” in his home state but they “just need to be conservative”. Graham made the comment in a televised “conversation” with his political rival, former South Carolina Democratic party chair Jaime Harrison, the first African American to serve in the role.
He made the remark in the context of political careers, and said Harrison would lose because he is a Democrat, not because he is Black. “Do I believe our cops are systemically racist? No. Do I believe South Carolina is a racist state? No. Let me tell you why. To young people out there, young people of color, young immigrants, this is a great state, but one thing I can say without any doubt, you can be an African American and go to the Senate but you just have to share our values.”
Lindsey, 1954 wants its talking point back.
— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) October 10, 2020
Republicans express fears Donald Trump will lose presidential election
Ted Cruz fears an election “bloodbath”. His fellow top Republican senator Thom Tillis is talking in terms of a Joe Biden presidency. And even Mitch McConnell, the fiercely loyal Senate majority leader, won’t go near the White House over Donald Trump’s handling of coronavirus protocols. Individually, they could arguably be seen as off-the-cuff comments from Trump’s allies attempting to rally support for the US president just days ahead of a general election that opinion polls increasingly show him losing.
But collectively, along with pronouncements from several other Republicans appearing to distance themselves from Trump, his administration and its policies, it reflects growing concern inside the Republican party’s top tier that 3 November could be a blowout win for Joe Biden and the Democrats. “I think it could be a terrible election. I think we could lose the White House and both houses of Congress, that it could be a bloodbath of Watergate proportions,” Cruz, the junior senator for Texas and former vocal critic of Trump, said in an interview on CNBC’s Squawk Box on Friday. ...
McConnell’s comments, meanwhile, about why he has not been to the White House for at least two months could be seen in a different context, given he is 78 and in the same at-risk demographic as the already infected president. ... But dissent from the staunch Trump ally has been almost unheard of through the four years of the presidency. McConnell’s words seem to reflect the threat that a nationwide backlash to Trump’s pandemic handling poses to the Republican senate majority.
VP Debate Was Fracked Up
Trump's public lands chief refuses to leave his post despite judge's order
A controversial environment chief in the Trump administration has said he has no intention of leaving his post after a US district court judge deemed his tenure and ongoing occupation of the position illegal.
William Perry Pendley, head of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), said this week that the judge’s ruling “has no impact, no impact whatsoever. I have the support of the president,” he told the Wyoming Powell Tribune. “I have the support of the secretary of the interior and my job is to get out and get things done to accomplish what the president wants to do.”
Perry has served as director of the BLM since July 2019, when the interior secretary, David Bernhardt, temporarily authorized him to the post. The BLM manages 248m acres – or 10.5% of all land in the US, the most of any agency, mostly in 11 western states and Alaska. It manages public lands for conservation as well as livestock gazing and resource extraction, and critics say the Trump administration has prioritized the latter.
President Trump formally proposed Pendley for the post in July 2020, but withdrew the nomination after congressional Democrats indicated unanimous opposition to his appointment, and some Republicans seemed unlikely to support him owing to his fringe views. Pendley has never been confirmed by the Senate to serve as BLM director.
After Montana’s Democratic governor, Steve Bullock, brought a case claiming that Pendley’s service was unconstitutional, US district judge Brian Morris ruled two weeks ago that Pendley had “served unlawfully” for the last 424 days, prohibited him from acting as director and suggested that his decisions during his tenure be thrown out or reversed.
The interior department said it would appeal against Judge Morris’s ruling.
O’odham Land Defenders Lead Indigenous Resistance to Trump’s Border Wall as Court Halts Construction
New Documents Reveal How the Animal Agriculture Industry Surveils and Punishes Critics
Animal agriculture industry groups defending factory farms engage in campaigns of surveillance, reputation destruction, and other forms of retaliation against industry critics and animal rights activists, documents obtained through a FOIA request from the U.S. Department of Agriculture reveal. That the USDA possesses these emails and other documents demonstrates the federal government’s knowledge of, if not participation in, these industry campaigns.
These documents detail ongoing monitoring of the social media of news outlets, including The Intercept, which report critically on factory farms. They reveal private surveillance activities aimed at animal rights groups and their members. They include discussions of how to create a climate of intimidation for activists who work against industry abuses, including by photographing the activists and publishing the photos online. And they describe a coordinated ostracization campaign that specifically targets veterinarians who criticize industry practices, out of concern that veterinarians are uniquely well-positioned to persuasively and powerfully denounce industry abuses.
One of the industry groups central to these activities is the Animal Agriculture Alliance, which represents factory farms and other animal agriculture companies — or, as they playfully put it, they work for corporations “involved in getting food from the farm to our forks!” The group boasts that one of its prime functions is “Monitoring Activism,” by which they mean: “We identify emerging threats and provide insightful resources on animal rights and other activist groups by attending their events, monitoring traditional and social media and engaging our national network.”
Indeed, the Alliance frequently monitors and infiltrates conferences of industry critics and activists, then provides reports to their corporate members on what was discussed. As The Intercept previously noted when reporting on felony charges brought against animal rights activists with Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, for peaceful filming and symbolic animal rescues inside one Utah farm that supplies Whole Foods and another owned by Smithfield — an action that showed how wildly at odds with reality is the bucolic branding of those farms — the Animal Agriculture Alliance issued a statement denouncing the activists for (ironically) harming their animals and urging law enforcement and “policymakers” to intervene on behalf of the industry against the activists.
In the emails obtained by the FOIA request, the Alliance and its allies frequently encourage their members to alert the FBI and Department of Homeland Security regarding actions by activists. In response to a project by DxE to create a map tracking factory farms, Lyle Orwig — chair of the agricultural company Charleston/Orwig, Inc. and a member of the Alliance board — proposed the retaliatory step of “taking photos of every DXE [sic] member” and posting them to the internet while accusing them of being “opposed to feeding the hungry.”
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
The New York Times Guild Once Again Demands Censorship Of Colleagues
Zaid Jilani: New York Times Union Calls For CENSORSHIP Of Their Own Colleague Over 1619 Criticism
He Sought Asylum After MS-13 Tried to Kill Him. Amy Coney Barrett Sent Him Back Into Danger.
How 3 Prior Pandemics Triggered Massive Societal Shifts
Trump Campaign Exposed for Using Dr. Fauci Out of Context in New Ad
Socialism’s Increasing Popularity Doesn’t Bring Media Out of McCarthy Era
Every Presidential Election Since The Iraq War Has Featured Candidates Who Supported It
Nagorno-Karabakh truce in jeopardy as accusations of violations fly
The Ceasefire In Nagorno-Karabakh Is Unlikely To Hold
Peace hopes at stake as northern Cyprus voters go to the polls
Soviet spies targeted George Orwell during Spanish civil war
‘Humans weren’t always here. We could disappear’: meet the collapsologists
Jimmy Dore: Leaks Expose Massive Propaganda Network!
Jimmy Dore: CHAOS at the U.N. Security Council! US/UK Silence Whistle-Blowers!
Jimmy Dore: Pelosi's Publicity Stunt While Americans Suffer.
Krystal and Saagar: Donors Push Andrew Cuomo To Be Biden’s Attorney General
Saagar Enjeti: Trump's LAST CHANCE Is To FORCE Republicans To Vote For Stimulus
A Little Night Music
Dale Hawkins - My Babe
Dale Hawkins - Little Pig
Dale Hawkins - La-Do-Dada
Dale Hawkins - Number Nine Train
Dale Hawkins - Tornado
Dale Hawkins - Yea - Yea (Class Cutter)
Dale Hawkins - Teenage Dolly
Dale Hawkins - Back To School Blues
Dale Hawkins - Wildcat Tamer

Reality check
Leading in the National Polls only matters if the President of the USA is decided by the popular vote.
Nevertheless, Drudge and the media present Joe ahead by 9 points as big news. wtf?
Between answering an irrelevant question with a bogus statistic and gaslighting us all day every day, it's hard to know what's going on.
We know that Election Day is Nov. 3. We don't know when any results will be clear.
We don't know if, when, or how the spread of Covid will end and if when or how we can rebuild our society.
What a crazy time to be alive.
Thanks to you, Joe for doing the work for us and soldiering on.
evening nycvg...
heh, there is only one poll that matters... and the electoral college and 9 robed masters will take it under advisement. so, yeah, all of those other polls are just set dressing.
Police are an occupation army
Thanks gj. That's one of those things we all suspect
but it is really good to see it backed up with data.
be well and hae a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening gj...
thanks for that link!
this is something that a bunch of active progressives could get a fair bit of mileage out of.
Thugs = politicians, terrorists = ameriKKKa
MIC complex sowing their oats, why?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
evening ggersh...
heh, you gotta wonder, with their abysmal record of losing wars to overmatched opponents both with and without states, why the hell do these losers want to take on an opponent that comes close to matching their capabilities? death wish? what?
Evening all ...
I thought this was interesting: The radical mysticism of identitarian reductionism
Have Dem pols and MSM thought-leaders succeeded, at long last, in convincing Americans that identity, and identity alone, determines political behavior and that material conditions mean nothing ?
I find that hard to believe.
I got this earworm late Saturday night. It's a country song, by Tom T. Hall. I remembered it as a Bluegrass tune. I looked it up Sunday morning and it turns out it was written by Manfred Mann, he of the Dylan covers, Springsteen covers and this: Doo Wah Diddy Diddy
Who knew ? Good tune though.
[video: width:400 height:240]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
evening azazello...
interesting article, thanks. here's a tune for jill filipovic (to explain):
heh, here's the first version of "fox on the run," i remember:
wikipedia says it was written by tony hazzard an english songwriter, manfred mann was the first group to record it.
Good evening Joe. Thanks. Can't wait for the narrative that
shows that Wisconsin's increased infections and deaths are because too many people wore masks or somesuch.
I loved the quote by Arwa Mahdawi, reminds me of something Ambrose Bierce might have done.
Nice tweet by Mr Sykes too.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
i'm sure that wisconsin's problem has something to do with cheese or liberals. or cheesy liberals.
i thought mahdawi's quote was inspired. speaking of which the devil's dictionary was favorite bathroom reading when i was a kid.
have a great evening!
I thank you for that.
The devil's dictionary indeed.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
evening pricknick...
happy reading!
great tunes JS!
Dale Hawkins was great... he was pushin' the envelope at the time. He sure could spot a good guitar player, eh? James Burton and Roy Buchanan... Dale could play quite well himself. About '84 I saw Roy B. when he did a rockabilly tour. It was rad. For encores he appeased us with The Messiah will Come Again and Roy's Bluz. My two favs.
no one with the name Perry Pendley should be in charge of anything above napkins at an ice cream stand, much less 10% of American land. What a friggin' joke of a disaster this is.
Maybe we can charge Crowdstrike with federal some crimes for lying about the dnc hack, and get Nancy as you know, just a little collateral damage in the roundup.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
evening dystopian...
yep, hawkins definitely had good taste in guitar players and some excellent tunes for them to exploit their talents on.
i'll be interested to see if trump/pendley get away with remaining in office illegally. it would be a dangerous thing for the other branches of government (not to mention the environment) if he stays.
have a great evening!
With this level of competence,
Republicans should just skip the temperature checks, and mandate that all attendees wear an official Trump campaign face mask (available on-line "from 18.95," in various MAGA approved logos.
evening marie...
91.9? is that an fm radio or a thermometer?
i suppose nobody at that rally really cares.
Top comment!
Your caption would make a great addition to the image as a cartoon.
That thingamajig is reading...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
good one! n/t
that's even funnier. What a team you are!
Side splitting!
A dual "Won the Internets" prize needs be awarded here!
Totally agree, traveler!
in behalf of myself and dystopian, i'd like to thank the academy, our manager, of course our many fans - and not to forget the knuckle-dragging morons that make this job like shooting fish in a barrel.
we'll be here all week.
This is better than
late night tv, as I remember it.
you started it! LOL
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
[Edited] Hola, Joe - rally update by numbers - as of 8:51 pm,
HHJ's Ohio union event/drive-in rally (today) garnered 6.9 percent of the total views of OM's rally in Sanford, FL.*
Video views (live and post-event),
54,485 views - HHJ
787,421 views - OM
I'll track them for at least this week--out of curiosity. (and post results at end of week--don't have to listen to the bilge, just get the 'views' off the counter
I thought it was rather curious that MSDNC is now saying that they might say, "they can't call the election on Nov 3, but, offer who they 'think' will win." That's not a very bright idea, IMO. And, it goes against everything that social media 'big wigs' have been saying--with their threats against anyone/any organization that would dare to venture an opinion as to who the winner is (before official tallies are received). Whatever.
*HHJ's rallies/events are carried by a truckload of news organizations "live," but, I have only one source that has a viewing counter (C-Span carries some of his events, but, for some reason, they no longer show the number of views.) OM's rallies are carried by two sources that I know of, which make the rallies available as a video (after the live stream is over)--both with viewing counters. When I have more time, I'll try to search for more sources.
Hey, gotta get work done on the Wednesday Medicare Workshop/Forum material, and, try to squeeze in a new Netflix movie - "American Murder - The Family Next Door." It's about the Dude who killed his pregnant wife and two little girls in Colorado not long ago. (he pleaded guilty to avoid death penalty, I think) I've not read much about it, but, he claims he just sorta wigged-out in an uncontrollable rage--for reasons even unknown to him. Phew!
Rain's finally left for several days. Yeah! And, temps are great, too. (may dip to high 30's late in week, but, days are moderate)
Everyone have a nice evening. Take care. Stay well.
"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator (1856-1950)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks for keeping score Mollie ; )
I think I'd rather watch the finale of Masterchef Australia though for my evening's entertainment ; )
Enjoy your moderate days and stay well.
Hiya, Janis! Have to admit, I've been a longtime
fan of mysteries/detective shows/movies, and, true life crime stories. When I was much younger, was relatively well-read when it came to the Mafia (families).
Having said that, thanks for plugging Masterchef Australia. I'll post a link to one of the episodes, in case folks want to check it out. (we will!)
Masterchef Australia Season 12 Episode 1
Now, we definitely enjoy other genres, aside from dramas about murder and mayhem--such as good cooking shows (which I'm sure this will be one), home decorating shows (Trading Places was a favorite), and, hate to admit it, but, for a couple of seasons, got into "Dancing With The Stars." (particularly enjoyed watching the pros dance)
For the most part, we're not big movie watchers. "Columbo" is an exception. Years ago, watched "Perry Mason" on Netflix. Even watched several seasons of "The Fugitive" (the teevee program). We got the Columbo DVD set because Netflix dropped his seasons of teevee programs, carrying only the Columbo 'movies' which aired on NBC and ABC. Can't imagine why.
Hope you Guys are having nice weather in NZ, since Spring is there, or, around the corner, I'm thinking.
Have a good one.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I can hardly stop laughing Mollie.
Between your past enjoyment of 'The Fugitive', and your potential enjoyment of 'Masterchef Australia', I am with you.
This Spring appears so far to be one of the most rich and memorable. Fingers crossed we get enough rainwater for the following summer.
evening mollie...
well, it appears that biden's record of inspiring nobody continues unabated (or is that undebated?)
we've been having rain for the last couple of days and it's been pretty cool at night, too. that's not a complaint, however, the garden is still liking it and i'm hoping for a little more out of it before we're through.
have a great evening!
Evening joe and bluesters
Wow, if that statement by Lindsey Graham about blacks in South Carolina doesn’t represent extreme racism, I don’t know what would.
evening janis...
yeah, that was pretty awful. if only the preservation of his own personal gravy train, you would think that a creature like lindsey graham would have been able to figure out that he's not supposed to say stuff that is offensive to large voting blocs by now.
have a great evening!
I hope it helps
that he is so clueless and soulless.
I love reading about how Gov. Abbott
gets his ass kicked in court!
I love it that the militarization of police forces news is getting out there to inform the public.
Thanks for all the TJDS clips, and for all that you do.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
evening otc...
i'm glad to see that there is somebody pushing back on abbott's painfully obvious attempts at voter suppression. tell abbott that this is not the transparency in government that i was looking for.
have a great evening!
Ditto, Joe! It was disgusting. I knew he was
a conservative, but, I never took Abbott to be a totally whacked out (and cruel) variety, so to speak.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.