Sunday Open Thread 04-19-15
Good morning 99percenters!
We had some changes to the site over the last week. The bug in the tag system was fixed, you can now go ape shit tag crazy.
A "Save as draft" button was added to the diary section, after saving you can find the draft on your user account page (My Account). After finishing the draft you can publish by clicking on the publish link at the top of the diary next to the title. Speaking of publish links, you'll notice publish/unpublish links next to the diary title, the publish is self explanatory, unpublish sends the diary to the your drafts page.
There is also a new "Save and continue" button below the diary editor. If you're writing a long diary and want to ensure you don't lose it, click the button and it will save it to the drafts page.
To clear up some possible confusion, the "Save" and "Publish" buttons are the same thing here. Except for the "Save and continue" button, it saves to the drafts.
Continuing the discussion from last Sunday, I would like to come up with a new name for the site and drop the caucus reference. I think we should keep it short and simple. In a discussion with a c99p member a few days ago, the name "the99" was suggested. I like that name, short and simple, but it's already being used in various forms by another site. I am receptive to any ideas for a new name. Here are a few ideas I came up with.
New registrants last week:
Pluto's Republic (Pluto)
A big welcome to all.
'Stop TTIP': Global Day of Action Draws Tens of Thousands
'Rising anti-American sentiment linked to revelations of U.S. spying and fears of digital domination by firms like Google'Demonstrators marched around the globe Saturday to protest the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a 'free trade' agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union (EU) and the United States.
Opponents fear that TTIP will erode food, labor and environmental standards particularly with regard to the EU's strict regulations on food additives, genetically modified crops and the use of pesticides. "There is a very big risk: TTIP will restrict our democratic rights. In the future, large corporations will have an even greater influence on the legislative process," said Thilo Bode of Foodwatch.
The EU and US began TTIP talks nearly two years over creating the world’s biggest trade zone. The ninth round of negotiations will begin on Monday, April 20 in New York.
Tens of thousands marched across Germany where more than 200 demonstrations took place.
Secretive trans-Atlantic trade pact faces global day of action
Protesters across the EU and US have staged a day of action against an emerging free trade pact between the two continents. They fear it could see corporate interests undermine workers’ rights and consumer protection.
Crowds have gathered in London, Munich, Brussels and other major European cities to march against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and similar secretive international trade deals.
The day of action consisted of over 700 separate events, including rallies, marches and public statements. All were organized by a variety of civil rights movements in the EU and across the Atlantic. Once the attendance has been officially counted and thus confirmed, it could mark what might have been the largest protest against free trade agreements to date.
Most protests have taken place in the center of EU economic activity – Germany.
Berlin police said the the crowd was at least 4,000-strong. It formed a human chain from Potsdamer Platz public square, past the US Embassy and through the iconic Brandenburg Gate to the offices of the European Commission.
Over 500 protests taking place around the world against free trade pacts today - this is global resistance! #A18DoA
— Global Justice Now (@GlobalJusticeUK) April 18, 2015
#nottip #A18DoA @jhilary "Get your hands off our food standards!" #FoodSovereignty Now!
— War on Want (@WarOnWant) April 18, 2015
Roy Orbison - Sweet Dreams Baby
Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely
Roy Orbison - You Got It
This is an open thread so talk the talk.

re: this site
Thanks for the upgrades to the diary writing aspects of this site. I really needed them as I was doing mine all wrong. Now with the changes and your explanations, my diaries will publish when they are ready, not before their time.
I have meaning to tell you JtC, one of the features of this site that I really like is the "To the Top" button in the lower right hand corner. It is a small thing, but it makes it so convenient to get back to the top without scrolling.
The last thing is my personal preference for this site's name is cause99.
I am thrilled to see how fast our site is growing. We are over 80 members strong and I do hope we will see more participation as the elections loom ahead and bot craziness goes off the rails. It is already starting and I expect to see at least one STFU diary soon.
One last note, I am so happy to see Pluto among our ranks. Thanks for joining us Pluto!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gulfgal...
I hear you about it starting already and we have a year and a half to go yet. I think we can expect a pretty good uptick in new members, especially in the next few months. seems to be available, typing it in the address bar brings back nothing. I don't want to rush it and we want to make sure we get it right, a good name is important to a site. Once we decide on a new name, we'll need a new logo also. It seems there are several graphic artist here. Now is the time to make these changes, before we grow any larger.
Ditto regarding the helpful upgrades--thanks! And
a hearty welcome to all new members, including a couple that are new to me--look forward to making your acquaintance!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I think I like cause99 best.
Can't think of anything better. I was thinking about something with democracy, like
Demokratia99 also.
Why are people protesting against the TPP and not the wars and imperialism? I can understand
protesting against the TPP but why does this stir the pot when wars and imperialism have not for
I'd like to insure everybody here
We can dance if we want to.
Good Morning
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Can I use the draft button, even if I never registered?
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Draft beer, not me...
Rename, I missed the previous discussion
Some initial thoughts:
Not hot on Cause99, tho it would work. Lemme throw this out there
Occupy the 1%
We are the 99%
Occupy Democrats
Or do we severe from the Occupy theme totally?
Progressive Solutions
Democratic Solutions
Rebuild the Middle Class
Middle Class Solutions
Main St Solutions
Daily JTc
Democratic Herald
Democratic Times
Democratic Post
Main St Herald/Times/Post
I do think caucus99percent is clunky. This is a very important discussion going forward to the 2016 elections and the growth I think we can expect to see over the next 17 months.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
As for the...
top three suggestions, shouldn't we decouple from the occupy movement? We are the 99% is already well used. Type the names you suggest into your address bar and see where they take you, many names are already taken. As far as Daily JtC, no way, this is our site not my site. With that said, how about thedaily99. I'll bet your bottom four are already taken by newspaper sites.
Bottom 4 appear to be free
Main ST News is the closest that is taken. Decouple, yes.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
How about...
citizens99 for a name, i checked it seems to be available.
I like that
I really don't want the name to be a riff on dkos. I find this site to be more than just reactionary based to dkos. I missed the we're do we go diary but I don't think there is much of a future for growth and development if we tie our selves to dkos. Of course their are many ex and active kossack's here but it seems limiting to be in a dkos orbit ot gravitational pull.
We watched the entire new season of Dr.Who's on DVD this week. It's affecting my language. I hope I don't start speed ranting with a Scottish accent. At least as Dr. Who, Peter Cappaldi isn't doing the Malcolm 'fuckity fuck' Scottish speed rant's from In the Thick of It's. We watched that series and it took awhile to adjust my profanity down a few notches.
I vote for citizen99.
I like that
I really don't want the name to be a riff on dkos. I find this site to be more than just reactionary based to dkos. I missed the we're do we go diary but I don't think there is much of a future for growth and development if we tie our selves to dkos. Of course their are many ex and active kossack's here but it seems limiting to be in a dkos orbit ot gravitational pull.
We watched the entire new season of Dr.Who's on DVD this week. It's affecting my language. I hope I don't start speed ranting with a Scottish accent. At least as Dr. Who, Peter Cappaldi isn't doing the Malcolm 'fuckity fuck' Scottish speed rant's from In the Thick of It. We watched that series and it took awhile to adjust my profanity down a few notches.
I vote for citizen99.
Any connection to DK would be unhealthy
Re: DK orbit. Absolutely.
Citizen99.... hmmm not bad. Sort of a Thomas Jefferson/Occupy slant.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Guess I don't really
understand the edit function. All I did was re-post the same comment minus the 's.
Looks to be Edit than Save
I just used it and got no double post.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
I really do like Citizen99
Daily Cause is clever, but I would like to see this site get further and further away from Daily Kos. And therefore a clever riff on that name, probably not the best thing for us to embrace. I'm not putting anyone down for talking about you-know-where, I bring it up myself, but hopefully, we will spend less and less time reacting to the gos, and more and more time discussing our own future as a site.
Of the names put forward so far: Citizen99, has good rhythm and rolls off the tongue real nice. That's is my favorite, and I'm also leaning towards Main St Solutions, nice alliteration, also has a good beat to it.
Cause99 gets stuck in the throat. Lacks good rhythm.
JtC you have done some great work putting this site together! I'm finding fairly easy to use and I say this as one who is not very tech savvy. Hey to everyone signing up. Welcome aboard. Really great to see Pluto, hope we hear from the outer reaches of our solar system very soon.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Citizen99 sounds good...
just for kicks, "Righton99" or "Writeon99"
Thanks for the updates JtC. Have a great one all, raining all day here.
Lots of it here too. I am in Transylvania County which has the highest annual rainfall outside the Pacific NW. The western part of the county averages around 90 inches per year.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Love the area GG
spent a season at High Hampton in Cashiers, best friend is from Franklin, over-the-hill and Highlands had an excellent summer stock theatre in the day.
Nancy, was in your 'neck of the woods,' and
maybe smiley's, as a camp counselor (now that you mentioned your county).
I don't think it's near Tim, although one of the Head Administrative Counselors was a Department Head at Wake Forest University (at least I think that was the name of her school). I can't remember her name, but we had several professors who were spent their summers at the camp. One of the most prominent also became a Foundation Director--Hugh Caldwell, a philosophy professor from Tennessee (University Of The South). I believe he spent thirty-three years as a camp instructor and/or Foundation Director.
The camp was located in Jackson County, nearest 'village'--Cashiers. From Googling, the population is less than a couple hundred people, today--frankly, don't remember the place. We usually went to either Highlands (29 miles away) or Asheville (63 miles away) on our day off.
Apparently the camp is still active, and has been in the National Register Of Historic Places since 1995. It was founded by a couple of Brits, and owned for three generations by the Orr's of Atlanta, GA. However, a Foundation was set up some time ago, so that today, the campers actually have ownership/directorship of the camp.
It is located along Old Bald/Cherry Cove on Fairfield Lake, and the whitewater rafting that we taught was on the Tuckaseegee River.
I was the camp pianist, along with two good friends and college housemates who were camp counselors. Except for having to go to the the Asheville Memorial Hospital in an ambulance (a story for another day), it was a near perfect summer vacation.
Do me a favor, please--blow your horn once for me at the entrance, if you should see the sign which reads, of all things:
Camp Merrie-Woode!
Mr M would definitely say, "TMI."
Hey, hope I didn't impose too much--I truly enjoyed the walk down 'Memory Lane!'
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Daily Cause, a satire site.....?
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
I love this one
citizens99! It is stronger and better than cause99.
I really do not see us as the anti kos at all. We are independent from party politics which is what makes us unique. Most of us have been at dkos long enough to see the pitfalls of the way they are structured as being promoting one political party over another. What I love about this site is that we are issue oriented which puts us above partisanship and foccuses us upon our humanity.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I just checked...
and citizen99 is taken, but citizens99 appears to be open. Do we want to use a name so close, although citizen99 appears to be about the 99% also, so there could be some overlap. How about globalcitizens99 since the effort needs to be global.
I think we need something unique enough
that it will not be confused with another existing site.
Therefore I am not sure about either citizens99 or globalcitizens99. Globalcitizens without the 99 might work, but it is not particularly catchy imho.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
How can they take Citizen99?
Isn't that counterproductive?
Peoples99 ?
Would be international and for the 99 percent.
what's wrong with "caucus"?
I don't get the objection
There has been an objection in the Caucus
about the Caucus and because of the Caucus.
That's Alice
getting her prize, her own thimble back, for winning the caucus race...
Etymology 2
From caucus (“regular party committee meeting of elected MPs”) + race (“contest between people”); a reference to Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, chapter III "A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale", being a nonsensical satire thereof: all participants have to run in circles until an arbitrary end is called and everyone is declared a winner; Alice has to give prizes to them all, and being declared a winner too she is solemnly taken and awarded back her own thimble.
Sounds about right. I no longer caucus with the Democrat's. I want my self evident, inalienable own ponies back. I'm not awarding them any prizes. Bernie and all the other 'progressive' pols ought to stop awarding them with 'victories for compromise'.
How about the "Blog to Shamballa"
I know, I'm no help.
That's it...
discussion over. Blog to Shamballa it is.
Now presenting 'Dunk', the NSA mascot
this isn't a joke

one of the most surreal things I've ever seen. Could it be an effort to indoctrinate kids at a young age as to the benevolence (eye roll) of the NSA?
Now that you've seen it
you can never forget it no matter how hard you want to.
i think...
I detached a retina and blew out a few synapses just looking at it. The poor little childrens.
Name, now that I've learned it. Missed last week but,
delving into history without researching or thinking a lot
One Big 99%
The People's 99%
Commune 99
Communards 99
Together 99%
Avanti 99%
Onward 99%
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --