@janis b
beautiful botanicals Janis... love yer light! Looks like Paradise to me!
My first association with the top photo was of the base of a recently toppled statue. The second photo reminded me of an ancient manuscript.
Some birds of a different feather ...
5 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
The Lincoln Project, Ana Navarro, John Kasich, Rick Wilson, George Will. How many Republicans have to endorse Biden before people realize Biden is a Republican for all intents and purposes.
The list of neocon right wingers that support Biden is a mile long. They don't support Biden because they all of a sudden have become more left wing, they support him because they know Biden will support their neocon policies. Trump is too unpredictable, he is not a useful tool to the neocons, but Biden is the perfect tool.
The Lincoln Project, Ana Navarro, John Kasich, Rick Wilson, George Will. How many Republicans have to endorse Biden before people realize Biden is a Republican for all intents and purposes.
The list of neocon right wingers that support Biden is a mile long. They don't support Biden because they all of a sudden have become more left wing, they support him because they know Biden will support their neocon policies. Trump is too unpredictable, he is not a useful tool to the neocons, but Biden is the perfect tool.
7 users have voted.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I felt flattened after reading the comment, and wished it wasn't here. I wasn't sure how to respond, so thank you for your support. This thread always welcomes comments, with or without photos, that are enhancing to humanity, nature, photography, fun, music, etc.
got a personnal pic or did you accidently post in the wrong thread?
on this site, which allows people to post anything they see during hours other Open Threads are not available or too narrow related to a subject category.
I agree with you.
Friday Night Photos is, and has always been, listed under “Open Threads”.
Kids today will never know the smell of a photographic darkroom and the associated feeling of chemical sorcery…
I agree that ‘open thread’ is a literal invitation to anything currently on one's mind.
I’d rather strike the ‘open thread’ tag here to reinforce a space for imagination free of political 'facts', but inclusive of political associations.
What do the rest of you think?
on this site, which allows people to post anything they see during hours other Open Threads are not available or too narrow related to a subject category.
@janis b
photo thread, that it's a terrific idea. My home blog is LD's TPW. It's prog politics, but we actually consider the OTs, "Open Threads." BTW, I love the photos!! Rec'd!!
@janis b@janis b
series a certain ambiente beautifully created by your comments and photoes, janis b, and full of photos from your regular followers.
I haven't touched a camera since 2015. But one day I hope to return and start from scratch.
Then I will post here something, even if it's of no artistic value like other posters offer us so regularly.
Scratch the Open Thread. This is a special place that cuddles our eyes and I love it for that.
for your enjoyment and appreciation of the thread. I'll have to give the issue more thought and speak with my partner, Bollox.
I remember the beautifully seen photos of your garden. I continue to look forward to seeing more of whatever catches your attention when the camera is in your hands again. You're also very welcome to post a photo you've seen online that grabs you.
series a certain ambiente beautifully created by your comments and photoes, janis b, and full of photos from your regular followers.
I haven't touched a camera since 2015. But one day I hope to return and start from scratch.
Then I will post here something, even if it's of no artistic value like other posters offer us so regularly.
Scratch the Open Thread. This is a special place that cuddles our eyes and I love it for that.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Your hole in the sky is electric. I am reminded of what I have seen in Florida, where the skies are so big and produce amazing cloud formations. The thunder cell clouds are among the most beautiful.
I should have known there was an original version of a wild petunia, but it did come as a surprise ; ). The acacia and audubon oriole are beautiful coloured and lit. Thank you.
Ok, so I recently dropped and broke my "trail camera" an older model Nikon D3200 24 MP DSLR. The $900 zoom lens survived. The last time I dropped this rig the lens broke and the camera body survived. So about the USPS. I went on e-bay, found and purchased an exact replacement camera body with only around 5000 shutter clicks on it. The USPS has effed up the shipping big time. I am an ex union local member and president. I recognize a labor job action going on here. The camera body was shipped from MD to NY. I figure a disgruntled postal worker who just had his overtime shut off decided to send it to the international sorting center in Miami FL where it sat for a few days. They then sent it to a domestic sorting center in Ocala FL where it again sat for a few days. Now it is "in transit"! where it is going next is anybody's guess. After considering my own union job action history I can't be too upset.
. I recognize a labor job action going on here. The camera body was shipped from MD to NY. I figure a disgruntled postal worker who just had his overtime shut off decided to send it to the international sorting center in Miami FL where it sat for a few days.
A Trump toady that has lots of money invested in FedEx and UPS has been named as head of the PO and he has shut down over time work and that has led to lots of interruption in how the PO works. Common Dreams and Wendy have been covering this issue if you're interested. Now he is raising bulk mail prices for flat mail by almost 3 times for just mail in ballots.
Ok, so I recently dropped and broke my "trail camera" an older model Nikon D3200 24 MP DSLR. The $900 zoom lens survived. The last time I dropped this rig the lens broke and the camera body survived. So about the USPS. I went on e-bay, found and purchased an exact replacement camera body with only around 5000 shutter clicks on it. The USPS has effed up the shipping big time. I am an ex union local member and president. I recognize a labor job action going on here. The camera body was shipped from MD to NY. I figure a disgruntled postal worker who just had his overtime shut off decided to send it to the international sorting center in Miami FL where it sat for a few days. They then sent it to a domestic sorting center in Ocala FL where it again sat for a few days. Now it is "in transit"! where it is going next is anybody's guess. After considering my own union job action history I can't be too upset.
4 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Ok, so I recently dropped and broke my "trail camera" an older model Nikon D3200 24 MP DSLR. The $900 zoom lens survived. The last time I dropped this rig the lens broke and the camera body survived. So about the USPS. I went on e-bay, found and purchased an exact replacement camera body with only around 5000 shutter clicks on it. The USPS has effed up the shipping big time. I am an ex union local member and president. I recognize a labor job action going on here. The camera body was shipped from MD to NY. I figure a disgruntled postal worker who just had his overtime shut off decided to send it to the international sorting center in Miami FL where it sat for a few days. They then sent it to a domestic sorting center in Ocala FL where it again sat for a few days. Now it is "in transit"! where it is going next is anybody's guess. After considering my own union job action history I can't be too upset.
4 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Here is another way to say what I said before. Let's say you work at a postal sorting center. You have been working there for 10 to 20 years and have been getting overtime in your check on a regular basis due to working 6 days per week. Trump's d-bag cuts your overtime off and your income goes down. You see this right away in your take home pay. At the same time you are now under pressure from management to step up performance and process the mail faster due to less available time to do the work. How does a labor force fight back on this? It's very simple. You toss a spanner in the gearbox at random intervals to show management the error of their ideas. So every once in a while you toss domestic a package into the international bin at the sorting center. This effectively gums up the works by sending packages where they don't belong causing more sorting and unusual conditions that may require a manager to sort out. That is the heart of an effective labor action. Much more effective than getting a case of the "blue flu" or other types of labor actions. I also recently purchased a part for my well water treatment system and it came from CA to NY in 3 days via USPS. That camera body has been swirling around in USPS limbo for more than 10 days now.
I did the same things as 'that worker' did by gumming up the process. Only I hit my bosses in their wallets. I was hired for one office but then was required to travel to another one more than once a week 33 miles from my home. We got paid crappy mileage reimbursement rates and when we asked to have them raised to the federal level the doctors decided to take them away instead. These doctors billed in the 10's of millions every year, but couldn't pay me $.33 per mile to travel to their satellite office? Fine. I not only got mad, but I started getting even by how I charged patients who were sent to me for a test that was very expensive. Let's just say it would have been cheaper for them to have paid me for my mileage.
Not a day went by where one of them didn't compliment me on my photography skills when put up to what the others were putting out, but apparently that didn't mean squat when it came to keeping me happy. If they couldn't show their appreciation through money then why should I take the extra time and effort to put out quality work? However, this was one area I wasn't willing to compromise because it wouldn't hurt the doctors and much as it would have hurt my patients. Let's just say millions went unbilled....... don't get mad? Hell with that.
#8.2 Here is another way to say what I said before. Let's say you work at a postal sorting center. You have been working there for 10 to 20 years and have been getting overtime in your check on a regular basis due to working 6 days per week. Trump's d-bag cuts your overtime off and your income goes down. You see this right away in your take home pay. At the same time you are now under pressure from management to step up performance and process the mail faster due to less available time to do the work. How does a labor force fight back on this? It's very simple. You toss a spanner in the gearbox at random intervals to show management the error of their ideas. So every once in a while you toss domestic a package into the international bin at the sorting center. This effectively gums up the works by sending packages where they don't belong causing more sorting and unusual conditions that may require a manager to sort out. That is the heart of an effective labor action. Much more effective than getting a case of the "blue flu" or other types of labor actions. I also recently purchased a part for my well water treatment system and it came from CA to NY in 3 days via USPS. That camera body has been swirling around in USPS limbo for more than 10 days now.
2 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Interesting photos Bollox, and evening all.
My first association with the top photo was of the base of a recently toppled statue. The second photo reminded me of an ancient manuscript.
Some birds of a different feather ...
Great pics Janis!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Fun with shadows
Charlie is ready to go cruisin
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Looks like a Paper Birch tree.
Every year on Drummond Island I find where someone has cut the bark off a healthy tree.
Doom for the tree and for anybody I catch doing it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Hi Pricknick
Your comment made me think that 'saving nature is saving beauty.' It feels good to contribute to the guardianship of both.
Biden's picks
Not to be rude but............
got a personnal pic or did you accidently post in the wrong thread?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Thank you for your diplomatic response, Pricknick
I felt flattened after reading the comment, and wished it wasn't here. I wasn't sure how to respond, so thank you for your support. This thread always welcomes comments, with or without photos, that are enhancing to humanity, nature, photography, fun, music, etc.
To be fair to gjohnsit,
Friday Night Photos is, and has always been, listed under “Open Threads”.
Kids today will never know the smell of a photographic darkroom and the associated feeling of chemical sorcery…
there is a a theme-less Open Thread missing
on this site, which allows people to post anything they see during hours other Open Threads are not available or too narrow related to a subject category.
I agree with you.
This is a reply to you mimi and lotlizard,
as well as all others reading here -
I agree that ‘open thread’ is a literal invitation to anything currently on one's mind.
I’d rather strike the ‘open thread’ tag here to reinforce a space for imagination free of political 'facts', but inclusive of political associations.
What do the rest of you think?
I think, as a regular visitor to this
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I think you are right - I associate with the Friday Night Photo
series a certain ambiente beautifully created by your comments and photoes, janis b, and full of photos from your regular followers.
I haven't touched a camera since 2015. But one day I hope to return and start from scratch.
Then I will post here something, even if it's of no artistic value like other posters offer us so regularly.
Scratch the Open Thread. This is a special place that cuddles our eyes and I love it for that.
Now I close my eyes and see beautiful things...
Thanks mimi,
for your enjoyment and appreciation of the thread. I'll have to give the issue more thought and speak with my partner, Bollox.
I remember the beautifully seen photos of your garden. I continue to look forward to seeing more of whatever catches your attention when the camera is in your hands again. You're also very welcome to post a photo you've seen online that grabs you.
Great pix BR, whatever they are!
Here is a hole in the sky
a thundercell
Wild Petunia
an Acacia sps.
juvenile Audubon's Oriole -
play it safe, be well all,
livin' la vida quarantina!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hi dystopian
Your hole in the sky is electric. I am reminded of what I have seen in Florida, where the skies are so big and produce amazing cloud formations. The thunder cell clouds are among the most beautiful.
I should have known there was an original version of a wild petunia, but it did come as a surprise ; ). The acacia and audubon oriole are beautiful coloured and lit. Thank you.
Life’s a celebration, right !?
Your Ziggurat's central tower appears to have burned down. Kids abusing a Ziggurat Lighter, perhaps?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Comment of the night, than!
Fat Freddys, naturally ...
Recognize Tom Waites
wonder who the Jim character is ?
question everything
That be Iggy, eh?
Jim also goes by iggy, or jiggy if you prefer.
Does Iggy have a last name?
Thanks J.
Must have missed the beginning mumbling
"What do you want to be called ?"
Is it ziggy pop maybe
question everything
"must have missed the mumbling" ; )
That scene in the cafe, with those two, called for mumbling!
Somebody let the smoke out
Assyrian ziggurat of Urkish ...or a computer CPU heatsink, with the fried CPU chip pried off it?
The latter, me thinks.
Good one, whatever it is.
Hi traveler
I have no idea what the fried, heatsink CPU chip is, but ...
"Good one, whatever it is".
about my camera body and the USPS
Ok, so I recently dropped and broke my "trail camera" an older model Nikon D3200 24 MP DSLR. The $900 zoom lens survived. The last time I dropped this rig the lens broke and the camera body survived. So about the USPS. I went on e-bay, found and purchased an exact replacement camera body with only around 5000 shutter clicks on it. The USPS has effed up the shipping big time. I am an ex union local member and president. I recognize a labor job action going on here. The camera body was shipped from MD to NY. I figure a disgruntled postal worker who just had his overtime shut off decided to send it to the international sorting center in Miami FL where it sat for a few days. They then sent it to a domestic sorting center in Ocala FL where it again sat for a few days. Now it is "in transit"! where it is going next is anybody's guess. After considering my own union job action history I can't be too upset.
Maybe not
A Trump toady that has lots of money invested in FedEx and UPS has been named as head of the PO and he has shut down over time work and that has led to lots of interruption in how the PO works. Common Dreams and Wendy have been covering this issue if you're interested. Now he is raising bulk mail prices for flat mail by almost 3 times for just mail in ballots.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Here is a good one on the PO
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I'm well aware of what is happening at USPS
I understand your point
I did the same things as 'that worker' did by gumming up the process. Only I hit my bosses in their wallets. I was hired for one office but then was required to travel to another one more than once a week 33 miles from my home. We got paid crappy mileage reimbursement rates and when we asked to have them raised to the federal level the doctors decided to take them away instead. These doctors billed in the 10's of millions every year, but couldn't pay me $.33 per mile to travel to their satellite office? Fine. I not only got mad, but I started getting even by how I charged patients who were sent to me for a test that was very expensive. Let's just say it would have been cheaper for them to have paid me for my mileage.
Not a day went by where one of them didn't compliment me on my photography skills when put up to what the others were putting out, but apparently that didn't mean squat when it came to keeping me happy. If they couldn't show their appreciation through money then why should I take the extra time and effort to put out quality work? However, this was one area I wasn't willing to compromise because it wouldn't hurt the doctors and much as it would have hurt my patients. Let's just say millions went unbilled....... don't get mad? Hell with that.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.