Tuesday Open Thread ~ When You’re Not Singing in The Rain

“I think that the world should be full of cats and full of rain, that's all, just
cats and rain, rain and cats, very nice, good night.” ~ Charles Bukowski

Good Morning,

Welcome to Tuesday’s Open Thread. Well, just as I was nicely making way with a good headwind at my sails, I get sideswiped by a downpour that came in the form of a nasty stomach flu, sending me to bed for almost a week. Did the teledoc thing, barfed my guts out for three days, took my temperature every couple of hours, and then spent the next few days living on popsicles and ginger ale. Thankfully, I’ve recovered. Then yesterday, an old friend of mine calls to tell me her Sister is in the hospital with acute jaundice and has been told something is attacking her liver. She will need more tests. Didn’t know what to say. Tried to be re-assuring but in the end did more listening than talking. Feeling pretty gut punched about it all and am very close to hiding under my bed with my cat Ziggy and not coming out.

OT - Dec 10 wave_0.jpg

At The Gate

by Henrik Nordbrandt

In the dream
at the gate to your grave
you stopped me
with the same words
I had spoken in a dream
where I died before you

so now I can no longer dream.

Rusty, and on squeaky hinges
all the gates I have ever
seen, heard, or described
closed one by one
under a grey sky.

That is all there was
in my mind, earth.

What can I say about the world
in which your ashes sit in an urn
other than that?

On every trip you stay ahead of me.
On platforms I see your footprints in fresh snow.
When the train starts to move
you jump out of the back carriage

to reach the next station ahead of me.

Outside the small towns with their sleepy street lights:
stadiums bright as capitols.

The lights glinted off your glasses.

Where else should you look for the ring
which, the night the power went out,
rolled under the bed and was gone?

“I miss you, too”
were my last words
on the telephone
when you said you missed me.
I miss you too, Forever!

You are gone.

Three words. And not one
of them
exists now in any other context.



By Sarah McLachlan

Time here,
all but means nothing, just shadows that move across the wall
They keep me company, but they don't ask of me
they don't say nothing at all.
And I need just a little more silence
And I need just a little more time
But you send your thieves to me
silently stalking me
Dragging me into your war
Would you give me no choice in this?
I know you can't resist, trying reopen a sore

Leave me be, I don't want to argue
I'd just get confused and I'd come all undone
If I agree, well, it's just to appease you
Cause I don't remember what we're fighting for

You see love-- a tight, thorny thread that you spin in a circle of gold
You have me to hold me
a token for all to see
captured to be yours alone
And I need just a little more silence,
and I just need a little more time
The courage to pull away
there will be hell to pay
the deeper you cut to the bone

Leave me be, I don't want to argue
I'd just get confused and I'd come all undone
If I agree, well, it's just to appease you
Cause I don't remember what we're fighting for

Time here,
all but means nothing,
just shadows that move across the wall
They keep me company,
but they don't ask of me
they don't say nothing at all.

Leave me be, I don't want to argue
I'd just get confused and I'd

come all undone
If I agree, well, it's just to appease you
Cause I don't remember what we're fighting for

Well, that about wraps things up for this week's edition.
What’s on your mind today?
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janis b's picture

I’m glad you’ve overcome the stomach flu, and that ginger ale was an effective remedy. Makes sense to me.

It’s a challenging, but fertile time for all with regard to life and death.

The poem, At The Gate, by Henrik Nordbrandt, and the accompanying photo is sublime. Thank you

In contrast, the candle on the windowsill gif was fine with me, but the opening cartoon gif made me want to close my eyes and cover my ears!

Stay well and strong Anja


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janis b's picture

@janis b

I can hear you
making small holes
in the silence

If I were deaf
the pores of my skin
would open to you
and shut

And I
should know you
by the lick of you
if I were blind

the something
special smell of you
when the sun cakes
the ground

the steady
drum-roll sound
you make
when the wind drops

But if I
should not hear
smell or feel or see

you would still
define me
disperse me
wash over me


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Anja Geitz's picture

@janis b

I can hear you
making small holes
in the silence

I’ve been reading a lot more poetry these days. Thanks to Smiley’s OT’s, I started finding myself seeking them out on my own. The images that Nordbrandt‘s poem evokes are brilliant. All the gates closing at the same time was so visceral and immediate, I could almost hear them myself.

Glad you enjoyed his words as well. As for the images, the cat in the rain is now my favorite gif of all the gifs I’ve ever included here. Someone needs to rescue that poor cat!

Thank you for sharing the poetry and the music. I very much enjoyed both.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

janis b's picture

@Anja Geitz @Anja Geitz

that you enjoyed the poetry and music.

Look for more of Hone Tuwhare's poetry. It is divinely and sensuously appealing.

aside from that - I personally find gifs in general to be largely uninviting and often a little bit nauseating. I don't know whether to attribute the sensation they produce in me to a sense of hysteria, or a kind of digital movement that I find unsettling.

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wendy davis's picture

@janis b

agree about the gif. ; )

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Raggedy Ann's picture

So lovely when it's Tuesday and your OT envelopes me. So happy you are over the flu! I'm a ginger ale devotee, too. Now I know to include popsicles! I always learn something here.

Have a lovely day, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Anja Geitz's picture

@Raggedy Ann

You can’t imagine how nice that is to hear you say. Since I wasn’t feeling well this week, I kinda felt like I short-shifted everyone by not following through on my promise to include Pierre’s tribute. Although I’m relieved to report that I’m half way through it having finished the New York City part of her life and am now embarking on her time in California. At this point, it looks like the tribute will be longer than my usual OT’s, but hopefully engaging enough that people will not feel like it’s a chore to read. I’ve enjoyed remembering her life and writing about it, even when it makes me cry. She was an extraordinary animal.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Must agree ginger ale is a great go-to remedy for those type of ailments.

Sorry to hear about your friend and how this has brought you down. We have learned that a nurse’s aide that cared for Divine Order’s mom in her Assisted Living unit, has tested positive for Covid-19 and has been sent home to be monitored. We fixed chicken soup and got some supplies to leave at her door to help her through this time.

All of this does make things seem unsettled. I understand the feeling of the gut punch and thank you for the first poem. I have spent time in turmoil about death and dying being like with Divine Order, quick and sudden with no time for those last thoughts together, and the other with people as is happening now. At these times, it is best for me to go and take a quiet walk or find a place to meditate and then find something positive to move me forward.

Cooking or “having fun with food” has been one way to keep some of my demons at bay. Best wishes for you and Ziggy loving your way throuth this

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Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

Anja Geitz's picture


That is so important for us all. Especially now. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and feel sad. Or grumpy. Or grumpy and sad. There are a lot of people with much bigger worries then mine, but when you’re caught up in your own rainstorm, it’s difficult to get any traction on a wider perspective. But in the end, I usually do. Through chanting, through friends, through gardening, through cooking. It just feels like I’m riding on these tsunami like waves a lot these days. And it’s taking its toll. I’ll be alright. I just want to know when it ends?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

janis b's picture

@Anja Geitz

as states of mind and conditions always shift in time. Why should this time be any different?


Turn the volume up

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enhydra lutris's picture

ginger ale, I wonder. Vernors used to be a fave. And popsicles. When I did wildlife rehab for a bit we used a similar product to aid rehydration, named, strangely enough, Otter Pops. Sorry to hear of your friends jaundice. Empathy is a necessary and wonderful thing to a degree, but we can't let it lead to depression. Treat it as a reminder to get immersed in today while you can.

get well, be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Anja Geitz's picture

@enhydra lutris

But my neighbor got me TJ’s brand. Which technically is called “Ginger Beer” and has a lot more ginger in it than regular ginger ale. Which is better for tummy aches.

Pity I couldn’t have had my neighbor use my crew member discount, which is now up to 20% during this pandemic. It would’ve saved her money (tried to reimburse her but she refused).

Otter pops. Weren’t they the ones that came in that long plastic sleeve that you squeeze to get the popsicle to peek out of the top? I’d forgotten about those. Again, my neighbor got me TJ’s popsicles. Which, I like better anyway. Although the otter pops would’ve been neater to eat while in bed.

Empathy. Yeah, I hear you. It just feels like the hits keep coming and I’m having to work real hard to bounce back each time. Like I said to jakkalbessie up thread, I’ll be ok. I’m just overflowing right now.

9 users have voted.

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

RantingRooster's picture

One thing I can't stand is stomach bugs. Gosh, they do me in. So glad your feeling better and hope your friend does too.

I thank my lucky stars I haven't been sick in a while. I used to like sitting in the widow with my cat Gigi when it rains. Sadly, we haven't had a window to look out of in over 3 yrs. Now we just stare at the walls when she hears other people walking by. I find youtube videos of birds, nature sounds, and of course other kitties for her to watch and listen too.

Here's a little rain watching music


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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

Anja Geitz's picture


In that video. Went well with the song. I like to play those cat videos of birds for my critters. Luckily neither one is a birder, so I have never found a dead one on my doorstep. Plenty of lizards though. But mostly they are still alive when Ziggy brings them inside. Zoe is 15 years old and too lazy to hunt these days. She just sits out in the sun watching Ziggy run around.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

RantingRooster's picture

@Anja Geitz purpose in life has become

feed the cat
brush the cat
be human furniture for the cat
brush the cat
feed the cat
brush the cat
clean the liter box
brush the cat
be human furniture for the cat
feed the cat
brush the cat
sleep for 12 hrs
clean up the kitty puke on my bed
feed the cat
brush the cat

Did I mention, feed the cat?


Gigi is, gosh I think 12-15 yrs old? My wife used kept up with the kitty's ages and such. I'm down to 1 cat from 4. 2 died and Puppy, the youngest boy, lives with his new mommie and sister's Peaches and Precious.

I wish i could afford at least an efficiency apartment for us, but it doesn't look that will happen any time soon, with so many out of work, and so many jobs that won't be coming back.

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

janis b's picture


and harmonious imagery to accompany it. Thank you.

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Lookout's picture

Made my weekly run to town, and dropped some excess lettuce off at a friend's house. It is cool here. Supposed to make it to 70 today. One last taste of cooler weather before the heat settles in for summer here in Alabama.

Glad you kicked your bug. I use clove tea to suppress vomiting. I make it with whole cloves. The only thing I've found to work. Been years since I had to use any myself but I have administered to others with good results. Mint tea also helps settle stomach issues.
Sounds like ginger ale and popsicles did the trick for you.

Sorry about your friend's illness. One of our old college friends died this week. Not sure what killed her, just that she had been very ill for a couple of months. Life goes on, but I think it goes on in a newly altered manner. It is almost like we entered a different age...post COVID.

Take heart and be well. Keep a good thought!

The Scholar and His Cat, Pangur Bán

I and Pangur Bán my cat,
‘Tis a like task we are at:
Hunting mice is his delight,
Hunting words I sit all night.

Better far than praise of men
‘Tis to sit with book and pen;
Pangur bears me no ill-will,
He too plies his simple skill.

‘Tis a merry task to see
At our tasks how glad are we,
When at home we sit and find
Entertainment to our mind.

Oftentimes a mouse will stray
In the hero Pangur’s way;
Oftentimes my keen thought set
Takes a meaning in its net.

‘Gainst the wall he sets his eye
Full and fierce and sharp and sly;
‘Gainst the wall of knowledge I
All my little wisdom try.

When a mouse darts from its den,
O how glad is Pangur then!
O what gladness do I prove
When I solve the doubts I love!

So in peace our task we ply,
Pangur Ban, my cat, and I;
In our arts we find our bliss,
I have mine and he has his.

Practice every day has made
Pangur perfect in his trade;
I get wisdom day and night
Turning darkness into light.

-translated from the Gaelic by Robin Flowler

Pangur Bán was written by a 9th Century monk somewhere inside or in the vicinity of Reichenau Abby, which is on Reichenau Island in Lake Constance in the south of Germany.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

May be time to ease off a bit, trade some headway for a smoother ride.
Have a recipe for home made ginger tonic using cloves, peppercorns and turbinado.
Perhaps a bit strong for a touchy tummy, but cut with seltzer is good.

Good luck!

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Anja Geitz's picture


Maybe I’m expectIng too much from myself. I had so many plans this year. As we all did, I suppose. Difficult to hold back sometimes.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

ggersh's picture

ans as far as rain goes Chicago has hit a record amount of rain in May for 3 years running now, 2018 hit a record that was broken in 2019 now broken again in 2020, crazy.

Hope this lightens up the day



My neighbor got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

CEO's are now playing miniature golf.

Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.

I saw a Mormon with only one wife.

McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer.

Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America.

Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names.

A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.

A picture is now only worth 200 words.

When Bill and Hillary travel together, they now have to share a room.

The Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas is now managed by Somali pirates.

And, finally...

I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc., I called the Suicide Hotline. I got a call center in Afghanistan, and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

wendy davis's picture


thank you. ; ) that could have been a stand-alone diary.

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mimi's picture

cell phone into the next river, lake, ocean near you. Look for a place in the woods where nobocy sees you and grow some food. Potatoes, jams, peanuts, squash and if you can some tomatoes. You will survive and even at times somehow be happy and proud of yourself.

I am cheap. I offer free hugs.

Sigh, don't worry, be happy, please !.

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wendy davis's picture

too, but ginger ale is cool, and has the bubbles as well. ginger's also anti-viral, no small matter.

but for barfing, although it's hard to get rid of the taste for quite some time, fennel seed tea works miracles. i grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, then add boiling water to it and steep it. i admit: i hate barfing, and avoid it as long as i'm able, which is not a Good Plan.

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mhagle's picture

I'm a day late. Really enjoyed all the poetry and visuals.

The past few days I have been getting into the work of Donna Eden. She is an energy healer. Sounds flakey, but there is science behind it.


I have listened to this podcast about 5 times. Now that I have found her website I plan to look into this further. I am enjoying the 2 excerises included in the podcast.


Be well and of good cheer! I-m so happy

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

smiley7's picture

Happy you are on the mend.

Fabulous poetry, OT and thread, enjoyed some yesterday, but it was one of those no energy days, i have too many of; not to complain, just explain.

Thanks for the mention, makes me fill good that poetry works, motivates and is appreciated.

Damn, must admit, as you've been expressing for weeks, this challenge takes a renewal of, "yesterday's gone, tomorrow's always a question but we have today."

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Anja Geitz's picture


The renewal of living in the here and now. Interestingly enough, in the spirit of that, I took a mental health day off from work today where I’m polishing my life and fertilizing my blooms. Beautiful day here but prefer nesting to venturing out. Cats are sun bathing in the garden, the birds are chirping in the trees, and the sounds of Dylan move across the afternoon. Here and Now. It calms the mind and the anxious heart.

Be well, my friend.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

smiley7's picture

@Anja Geitz


as it should be

Happy we live and share these better afternoons.

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