Nancy the Ripper slashes Dems throat

Intellect. Intelligence. Integrity.

Three qualities that the Speaker of the House of Horrors does not possess.

Impeachment. Idiocy. impoliteness.

Three qualities that Speaker N. Pelosi does possess--and some left over for her caucus.

Those familiar with the "sport" of boxing, knows that when one fighter is knocked down, the other fighter proceeds to a neutral corner as the referee, unhindered from the fighter still standing, counts slowly and deliberately to ten. (Digression: could JoJo count to 10 backwards? Or how about the alphabet--forwards without singing it?)

When the ref reaches 10, the fight is over. The warrior still not on his/her/its feet is then adjudged to be the Loser. Trump is a fighter. He needs a tough opponent but so far the only one with even a chance of equaling him is being cheated openly and unapologetically--unless you call "the Russians hacked Iowa" an apology.

Just think where this ten could is at:

10--the Swan and Weissmann couldn't lay a glove on El Trumpo.

9--Horowitz proves a massive sham in the FISA court (yet to be remedied)

8--Shampeachment fails miserably, as predicted. For this the Dims expended much time and treasure.

7--Morons like Schiff tell us that 1) Russia is going to attack us by landing troops on our Southern Border. 2) But to appease Putin, Trump will cede Alaska, Lisa Murkowski and Sarah Palin to Russia.

6--Trump delivers a credible SOTU speech, even though riddled with half-truths, untruths and outright fiction. Still it was a masterful display of Trump's stage presence. And he didn't even discuss the shampeachment, probably to the dismay of Chuckles and Nervous Nancy.

5--Nervous Nancy insulted Trump and the Nation, including life-long Democrats with her unartful (just plain stupid, actually) rendering the text of the SOTU in half.

The State of the Union Address is mandated by the Constitution, although it does not require the President to personally address Congress. The President can submit the SOTU in letter form should he/she/it so choose. But the President chooses to deliver it person. As President, love him or hate him, Trump represents the USA. Although belief in American exceptionalism is not required, the address does have an important place in the record of the Amerikan experience.

So, months before the election in November, the countdown to knockout is already half-completed. With more of the public aware of Dem primary fixing, the party is heaping one discredit upon another, leading eventually AND inevitably to Trump victory. Who is going to vote against Trump, when voting against Trump also means voting against a strong economy? Sure, there are people who stand (or sit) upon principle. Bernie or Bust--nah! Ain't happening. For every one of our political aficionados online, there are 10 who vote their paycheck--and don't forget this. 2020 will not be the year America becomes semi-socialist (discounting the Military which is 50% of GDP). Bernie won't win because the Dems won't let him.

Anybody who doubts that the DNC will block Bernie in the Primary, please consult me by Private Messaging, for an unbiased MiniMental State Examination, or if you prefer, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. My fees, subsidized as they are by my sister Alice at AU, allow me to make this offer gratis.

Here, with blinding clarity are my fearless predictions:
1. Bernie gets a telephone pole inserted in his nether regions again by the DNC--i.e., "loses".
2. H. Rodent Clinton parachutes from the sky to Save the DemonRATic Party from Commander Cheeto.
3. The Orange Man trounces any Dem entry in November.

Hedging my bets a little, AOC primaries Chuckles and WINS. Goodbye DNC. In 10 years the Dem hierarchy will have crossed the River Styx. The King is Dead. Long live the King/Queen/Royal Eunuch.

So, Nancy, rip it up!


20 users have voted.


Alligator Ed's picture

continuing the countdown: Count strikes ten.


8 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

After Iowa, I am convinced that they will never allow Bernie to be the nominee. I hope I'm wrong, but I trust nothing and no one in this fight. These people have a stranglehold on America and they're not about to give it up.

We'll see how it plays out.

23 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

snoopydawg's picture

@Raggedy Ann

Then what's a little election rigging? The PTB know that we can't do anything to stop them from doing whatever the hell they want so they have taken to doing stuff right in front of us.

28 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alphalop's picture


If they push too far we will end up with yellow shirt type protests.

Unfortunately, unlike in France we are almost evenly divided.

So the protests will lead to skirmishes, the skirmishes into battles and the battles into America's 2nd civil war.

That is not an impossibility.

Which is an indictment of where we are as a nation...

21 users have voted.

"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

snoopydawg's picture


This is why the PTB have spent decades dividing us. When people have had enough they won't fight the elites, but each other. We have seen through it, but we need to wake others up to see it too.

21 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Alphalop Tribalism will be the death of us.

12 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

WaterLily's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter My bet's on the militarized police myself. I tend to doubt any protests will last long enough to become divided, when there are all sorts of cool new toys of war they can play with!

1 user has voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

we can if we choose to - as a society. But, we're not there yet.

It occurred to me while commenting in the EB that they have only just gotten more emboldened over the years because they haven't gotten caught red handed nor suffered any consequences when they ARE caught in "minor" infractions. I told a story about a woman I worked with who embezzled $1m over 10 years and the more she wasn't caught the more she stole. What started out as $200 here and there became $6,000/mo. She didn't think she would get caught - neither did they - at least not this RED HANDED!

17 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Pricknick's picture

a lot of people still have great respect for the vodka swiller. Only she could have made trump look good.
What democracy?

12 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Pricknick but Nervous Nancy made sure she could handle the job. She did a bang up job.

14 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

Her pettiness did make Trump look better. She knew that the eyes of the country would be on her after the speech. But to me her ripping up the speech made her look petty and low class. It's the office that people are supposed to respect not the person holding it.

17 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Raggedy Ann's picture

with his speech, why did she stand up and applaud regime change? The examples abound.

20 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Pricknick's picture

@Raggedy Ann
that's what she wanted.
She's an enabler.

9 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Raggedy Ann's picture

rhetorical question, but you are correct.

8 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Centaurea's picture

@Raggedy Ann
it was his speech that prompted her to do that.

I think she got offended when he didn't shake her hand. The narcissistic injury to Nancy's ego caused a little tantrum, in which she destroyed something that belonged to him.

14 users have voted.

"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Raggedy Ann's picture


15 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

on "trumped up" grounds. I wouldn't either. In fact, I might have spit in her face. But I am low class and proud of it. My people have had to live by their wits for millennia. No silver spoons in my family. Maybe I should change my sig to "Proudly deplorable"

14 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@Centaurea Her issue wasn't the speech. It was the breach of decorum. As usual, their issue with Trump is NEVER with what he is doing. It's that he's unmannered.

7 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Mark from Queens's picture

Yeah, I know gjohnsit will try to correct me on his team. But #ImWithKap and #BoycottNFL so I haven't watched a game in years, despite being a lifelong serious football fan. So I don't care to know anything anymore on this plantation sport. The NFL colluded to hide the damage being done to players so that they didn't have pay healthcare for seriously damaged retirees, not to mention the negative publicity they were afraid would impact their multi-billion $ inudstry.

Jackson is a very outspoken, smart and keen Bernie supporter.

21 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

snoopydawg's picture

@Mark from Queens

Just listen watch with the sound off.

Look at how he acts during the national anthem. My gawd he thinks it's all about him.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg but which one?

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

You're a doctor and I know it's bad form to diagnose someone over the net, but you have an opinion on his mental health? He made everything about him and during something that most people wouldn't.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

travelerxxx's picture


I know it's bad form to diagnose someone over the net, but...

Read something at least a year ago – forgot exactly where, maybe Harpers. It was a letter-to-the-editor regarding Trump and his behavior. Seems the writer was some PhD-professor-scholar type specializing in psychology at some major American university. The good doctor proceeded to relate how three decades (or so) ago, he had used films of Donald Trump to show in his classrooms. The purpose was to demonstrate extreme narcissism to the students. He stated that Trump was the best example he'd been able to find in the entire world.

And remember, this was long before Trump entertained the thought (publically) of running for office. In fact, at that time you'd been laughed out of town if you'd even suggest such a thing.

So, yeah, the dude was sick then and he's worse now.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Yes this is what it looks like Trump is exhibiting in the video. Waving his arms like he's conducting the band playing. He just couldn't keep still during it and making it be all about him. But it's the hypocrisy after bitching about Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem at football games.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

travelerxxx's picture


Yes, the hypocrisy burns.

Don't you wonder what Trump fans think if they see this video? Or any of the other (many) films of him acting in a similar manner? Evidently they adore the man so much that his outrageous behavior is simply invisible to them. I guess it's human nature to a degree, as I remember friends and/or co-workers feeling in a similar manner in regard to Obama. I'd watch the same films and not quite see it.

Still, when it comes to boorish behavior, Trump takes the prize. My Hall of Fame moment for Trump was during his inauguration. He'd left the swearing-in ceremony and had headed to the White House along with Melania.

When their limo parked in front of the WH, Barry and Michelle were waiting at the door. The Donald bounded out of the limo, almost before it stopped, and sprinted up the stairs, where he was greeted by the Obamas ... leaving poor Melania barely out of the car.

I'm no particular fan of the Obamas, but the difference shown between the Obamas (and Melania, for that matter) and Donald Trump was the difference between common civility and a common rough thug. I remember how the Obamas waited for Melania and were as gracious to her as was possible. Doubtless, they were as embarrassed for her as was anyone who viewed the gross spectacle of Trump's narcissism.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I didn't have a problem with the tan suit Obama wore once. Kidding..

I have read some comments on my local board in Utah and people will overlook the worst things Trump does. Kinda reminds me of Hillary's fans denying that she is a warmonger.

1 user has voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

travelerxxx's picture


Yes, when I point out to Trumpsters some of the more glaring discrepancies regarding what Trump has said and what he actually does, I get that thousand-yard stare. It's the same look I got from Obama fanatics when I did the same with them.

Seems there are bugs in many American brain circuits. Why some get it and others do not ... a mystery to me.

2 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@travelerxxx It's the way humans are.


1 user has voted.

It would be nice.

20 users have voted.

@humphrey And he was quite impressive.

I also didn’t realize Cali has something called a “jungle” primary. If I understand correctly, their primary is a non-partisan free for all with the top two candidates making it to the ballet. So, all he has to do is come in second in the primary and he’s in. He seemed to think this was doable and I hope he’s right.

13 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Sent her the contribution I would have given Bernie.
Unsubscribed from Bernie's e-mails. In the Why box I explained about Bernie's impeachment vote. IMHO Bernie doesn't have the guts to be President. He keeps geeking for the DNC.

6 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Alligator Ed's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness Tulsi go!

4 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

Resistance is futile. They have a firm grip on all the levers of power.
This is why they no longer even try to hide the corruption.
Our only hope now, really, is Putin and Xi. Their success with the New Silk Road and replacing the dollar will destroy the Oligarchy and their power over all of us.
Dark times and extreme poverty are our future.
But at least we will be free, finally.
Our biggest new challenge will be preventing the overlords from returning to power.
That will be job one for our grandchildren.
America, third world here we come.

10 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.


3 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

earthling1's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness
No one will want the responsibility of taking care of a dysfunctional poverty stricken population of dumbasses.
The world will move on without us.
We won't even be able to sell our aged out military machine or our defective subpar new weapons systems. They are already obsolete junk.

15 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Imports all its manufactured goods, paying for them with agricultural goods and land?
A colony.

5 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

mimi's picture

but its title is enough to understand what is going on.

In Private, Republicans Admit They Aquitted Trump Out Of Fear

Out of fear I withdraw my comment on it. "Die Gedanken sind frei", digital comments on the intertuves are your death sentence.

I means what else is new, we have seen this before. Some folks liked that movie back then and wanted a sequel. Now you got it. Enjoy.


PS we just had the coup here in Germany. The liberals made it happen. Fuck those losers.

3 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi Commander Cheeto is in the top tier of offenders, but well below H. Rodent Clinton and her body count. Nervous Nancy used to rule her Caucus out of fear. She was Ms Moneybags, raising over her career, according to Tim Pool, $768M for Dem candidates. Be nice or Mama don't give you no money. Yessum. Whatever you say.

6 users have voted.