Is Elizabeth Warren Trying to Be Joe Biden's VP Pick?
The Great Handshake Freeze-Out of January 14 was the glacé cherry on a shit sundae of malicious, precisely calculated smears on Bernie Sanders. I initially thought that Elizabeth Warren brought some poltergeists from the Omnishambles Clinton campaign into the fold to advise her on gaining some momentum. I no longer believe that Warren was trying to only boost her polling numbers.
I'm now increasingly convinced that this was Stage 1 of a bigger plan. She and we can see that the poll numbers and donor dollars are, at best, stagnated. Her much-ballyhooed progressive creds weren't bringing in waves of Sanders supporters, her casual appropriation of Indigenous identities was not staying swept under the rug, and the Julian Castro endorsement made about as much impact as a fart. In short, she is getting her shit rocked hard, and no amount of reminding us that she is a woman, formerly of colour, is moving the needle with voters. So what's a person to do but hitch her wagon to a shooting star, powered by the Establishment.
Here is my theory: Elizabeth Warren had to show that she is Sound, and Capable of Representing Varying Interests Well, and set up a stunt to set herself on fire to keep Joe Biden warm. Pretending to address injustice and inequality will have to wait until at least after the ink dries on the Biden-Warren ticket. (The maliciously unethical freaks over at CNN were only too happy to comply. They acquitted themselves well with respect to the mission.) The Bernie Sanders Is Sexist swipe was an audition for a role on Team Biden. Success! Joe Biden was getting away with murder last night (he can jump into hell for rewriting his support of invading and occupying Iraq. Fuck Joe Biden and the Dubya admiration he rode in on). Biden could have literally shit his pants on that stage and pelted Wolf Blitzer with feces, and it still would have been eclipsed by Warren's smearing Sanders, as also envisioned by the suits at CNN.
The big and possibly unanticipated problem is that Big Us got ruffled as hell. Bernie Sanders brought in $1.7 million from the debate and thousands of new donors. Not only unprecedented, but also indicative that smearing Sanders actually works in his favour. (An aside: is there anyone here who doesn't think Donald Trump would trade all of his children for a tenth of Bernie's popularity? I bask in the light of the possibility that Donald Trump is seething with jealousy and entitlement, but I digress.) Sure, the spotlight stayed off Joe Biden's nonsensical spew at the sham of a debate, but I don't know that Bernie could have raked in $1.7 million if he hadn't been so blatanly attacked by CNN and the Warren campaign.
I don't really know how to conclude. I feel the same way now that I do when I eat four donuts consecutively, initially thinking it is no big deal: bloated, nauseated, reaching for the Pepto-Bismal, and reminding myself not to fall for that naive thinking again. One can take the girl out of the GOP but one can't take the GOP out of the girl. So what can one say except ta-ta, Warren! I hope it was all #WorthIt to be second mate aboard the S. S. Malarkey on the voyage of the damned.

She's looking for a possition of power.
It's just my opinion but I believe she is hungry for a position of power that will enhance her already well finaced life.
I have no issue with those that have much. I do however, have an issue with those that have much and want more.
She strikes me as not only a liar, but a chalatan in full disguise.
We will see if the demonrats again position an insider over the popular. If Sanders again fails and fully supports the corronation, as he did in 2016, he is twice the fool.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Well, she is a capitalost to her bones.
Sadly, I wouldn't look to Bernie to rock the boat, but who know? HER always had proxies do the dirty work, and she was never "my good friend." If Warren is on the ticket, maybe that's more personal for him. I wouldn't count on it though.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
This was definitely a collaborated hit job on Bernie
The accusations came out of thin air and were something that no one in their right mind would think was true. This tells you a bit about the people who do believe it huh? And for the Clinton News Network to push the story by asking her what she thought about Bernie saying that a woman cannot be president after he denied he said that made it all the more obvious.
I agree that she saw her numbers going down down down and pulled this stunt to sabotage Bernie for ByeDone. If she gets to play VP it will unite the never Bernie's with ByeDone's campaign. I don't think that the DNC gives a rat's ass whether ByeDone wins or Trump does as long as Bernie doesn't. But hey...what if this ploy was to get people all upset about sexism again and Hillary gets to come in and save the day? I'd put nothing past the scheming democrats who's job it is to keep their donors happy.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Le Frog, you never fail to make me laugh.
Speaking of that: I got an unsolicited text from Lizzie's campaign last night. Hahahahaha: "BLOCK."
Thank you!
Liz has been stalking Bernie for so long...
it was only a matter of time before she finally got around to boiling the rabbit.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Bernie's Integrity and Honesty Are His Two Best Qualities
As for Warren...
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Thank you.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Here's the video with audio of Warren and Bernie
Listen to her tone of voice. Was this part of the setup too? And look at how Bernie exists the stage.
Female dawg and all that! I am thoroughly disgusted with what Warren did. How does one throw anyone away like she did? Ugh!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yep they did
Funny how they kept the video on Warren talking first with Biden and then on to Bernie. Did someone feed Liz her line?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What a great cartoon from the comments
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
What a See You Next Tuesday.
Sorry this went over my head. Inside joke or a morning problem?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I was trying to avoid being exceptionally crass.
Honestly, though, that entire exchange makes my blood boil. She's an evil witch.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
No comment
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Le Frog
I think I used the word "sinecure" earlier when trying to figure out what she was going to do after her numbers started dropping last month (although I don't have any faith in any polls). I think VP fits under the "sinecure" definition, with the real possibility that doddering Ol' Joe can't be hidden from the public like they did with Reagan, meaning Liz makes it into the White House through the back door when Biden gets wheeled out. I can see a narrative for her to slide right in with the in-crowd. Or maybe she was always in the in-crowd. Her being the progressive pragmatist school marm. Or neo-progressive pragmatist school marm.
And speaking of the word "progressive" I remember when "liberal" was today's "progressive" and I fear that if Operation Warren is successful we'll have to come up with a word to mean what progressive used to mean.
Take all of my upvotes
Very good point about changing of the meaning of words to gaslight and obfuscate. Alleged fiscal conservatives invaded and occupied Iraq on a credit card owned by China, People's Republic of. Conservatives want small government, zero meddling in Your Freedom - unless you are a woman who wants control over your body or a person of colour who wants to exist.
As CNN morphs into FNN
How wasn't the orchestrated attack a real attack, but you know we weren't there for the actual tête-à-tête so how could we troglodytes possibly discern the truth when the great minds of CNN asking their exquisite, explicative questions were troubled by the Sanders' defenders (obviously sycophants and lackeys) responses.
Well I guess we are all part of a conspiracy cell. There is no other possible explanation.
It seems like Warren is going full blown
"Bernie Bros" at this point. I guess she's desperate.
I hope she's just getting bad advice. Lord knows there are enough idiots staffing the DNC, DCLC, New Democrats, Third Way and who knows how many else organizations offering their services.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
four more years
If Biden/Warren is the ticket, get ready for four more years of the Chump. I'll vote for Trump myself, and millions of others will as well.
Sometimes, you have to actively dodge the bullet.
punctuation adjusted for format change
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Why not?
It's the evil we know.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I hate Joe Biden with the power of a thousand suns
This is an interesting theory
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is an excellent theory
I wonder how that endorsement will land, and when. Day before Iowa? The best that I can hope for is that this ends her career and her prospects on the speaker's circuit grift.
Bourgies Are Bleeding My Wallet
The more Warren resorts to chicanery and treachery, the more money I give to Bernie.
Nah, I don't buy it.
Second, I don't think Warren endorsing Bernie, should he be the nominee, is a given at all. 2016, anyone? While I understand the media reporting their non-aggression pact and how chummy they've been to this point would make it look that way, I don't believe she really believes in Sander's issues.
Third, in 2016 she was able to endorse Clinton without trashing Bernie (though some would argue the endorsement itself was a middle finger.) Again, the story has been all about how much the two are on the same page and her going against him like this just to avoid an endorsement really makes no sense.
And fourth, if she was looking for an out, as the author implies, surely she could find one without wrecking her own personal standing in the process. Since she still seems to be trying to appear as a "progressive" of some stripe, it makes no sense to stab the head of the Democrat's progressive wing in the back.
Just doesn't add up to me. I really think the simplest answer is likely. Her numbers are slipping so they decided to go negative. It's an old playbook and sometimes works, especially when you have a compliant media willing to work with you.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Excellent comments in this thread
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here's an interesting take
on the onstage interplay between Warren and Sanders after the debate. The vlogger suggests that Warren knew their mics were still hot and may have been trying to bait Bernie into an argument to use against him.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I agree with him
Warren knew she was mic'd up and went over to call Bernie out on what she says he said. This was lower that snake dung and it is definitely affecting Liz and boosting Bernie. The surprised hurt look on his face says a lot. If he said that back then why did she sit on the story for a year? Huh, Liz? Not important to throw your friend under the bus back there?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@Centaurea That quote from Rumi
@Bob In Portland
That's actually a pretty appropriate analogy.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Warren is going all out Identity Politics
He doesn't want to psychoanalyze but then that's all he does because it is all he's got:
Warren's New Campaign Script
If you don't recall this tweeter, see here. She also now writes a weekly column supporting Warren in The Guardian.
The Karpman Drama Triangle
comes to mind here. That's a psychological model of dysfunctional human behavior in which the roles of victim, rescuer, and persecutor constantly switch among the members of the dysfunctional system. The victim turns into the rescuer. The rescuer turns into the persecutor. And so on.
Women historically have had a lot to endure. But the former victims of injustice have turned into the perpetrators of injustice.
Those tweets you posted are not the product of a healthy psyche. They show someone who is projecting her own issues into a situation that does not involve her. There's no rational, logical thinking in those tweets. Just a lot of obsession.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I am supposed to be told
Someone please remind of the thread where we all put in our instructions for how Brits ought to vote in their last election?
I am also, Ms Donegan, if someone happens to show you this thread, highly, let me repeat highly, offended by anyone telling me I can't criticize another woman. So, maybe you didn't quite say exactly that, but you surely implied it. You are in over your head, Ms. Donegan; maybe you need to get back to Harry and Meghan coverage.
Mary Bennett
And, and and
She (Lyin' Liz) waited until the SEVENTH debate to bring this "harm" to public notice??? Uh, what?
As an we all remember how Mayor Pete (of all people) owned her for her hypocrisy at the previous debate?
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
Maybe this will help Bernie's campaign harden itself against
the future propaganda shitstorm. Bernie has historically been (for lack of a better phrase) too nice when he has been attacked. Maybe this will help them hone their campaign strategy.
I think taking the high road is a big benefit for him
I know you are right. That's why Bernie is Bernie.
And for myself, this stuff pisses me off and I end up sending him more money.
One positive from all this...
if Bernie wins the nomination it's a sure bet Liz Warren wont be his VP pick.
Bernie would however almost of necessity now need to pick a woman, although months ago he already clearly signaled he would do that.
Biden would much more likely select Kamala Harris, the bussing brouhaha of months ago being long forgotten. Perhaps Stacey Abrams. Maybe Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) one of the 7 House Impeachment Managers just named. An energetic, intelligent Latina (names anyone??) would also be a better pick than Liz.
I do think he (or Bernie if he gets the nom) would go woman, and go for the two-fer if possible. The thinking should be to add some excitement to the ticket, which Joe of course sorely lacks. Naming someone like Klobbachair gets you woman but not much added ticket energy and not any joy for the progressive wing.
I could see Sen. Sanders asking Rep. Barbara Lee! /nt
Got it covered
Looks like
Tulsi Gabbard! n/t
The progressive Latina Governor of New Mexico,
Michelle Lujan Grisham.Wait till the Rethugs start in on the insults directed against this accomplished professional woman, and watch them alienate every independent woman voter in the country.
Mary Bennett
One would hope
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Excellent point.
Trump would trade all his children for a hamberder and a covfefe
Except maybe Ivanka. He wants to bang her...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "