Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Tue, 03/16/2021 - 5:55am
Something/Someone Old
Something/Someone Old
About a week ago Liz Warren and CNN conspired in a rather obvious and amateurish way to smear Bernie Sanders. So what did the public think of that?
The Great Handshake Freeze-Out of January 14 was the glacé cherry on a shit sundae of malicious, precisely calculated smears on Bernie Sanders. I initially thought that Elizabeth Warren brought some poltergeists from the Omnishambles Clinton campaign into the fold to advise her on gaining some momentum. I no longer believe that Warren was trying to only boost her polling numbers.
Hope and Change
Part II: Change
Tulsi did very well tonight on the CNN Town Hall.
A variety of questions. She managed to avoid being dragged into the loaded questions--in some ways, I was looking for more detailed responses. In other ways, I was actually pretty impressed how she avoided the traps. But overall, very much a thumbs up.
In this past week, Tulsi has been spending a lot of time in Washington DC and she has some appearances in mainstream media coming up.
A pattern is forming.
First it was CNN who used at least four establishment plants with deep roots in the D.C. lobby and Democratic Party at Bernie's Town Hall.
MSNBC must have thought that CNN's strategy was so awesome that they had to get some of that unethical behaviour for themselves.
Like many here I read everything. Sometimes there is something surprising.
Dem Establishment Trying To Screw Over Bernie AGAIN, This Time With CNN’s Help
Just when I gave up entirely on CNN, they have proven they really are a news agency!
Here y'a go.
We finally know.
CNN finally found a way to report REAL NEWS.
It's the Diet Coke I tell you. No Really.
You do know COKE kinda like KOCH. Crap. We're such Sheeple.
At last CNN has pulled out of the nose dive.
I for one, am now really in a good place. Then again, I prefer Diet Dr. Pepper.
I'm a Pepper, you're a Pepper too!?