See Bernie in a Different Light and Learn a Few Things About the Iowa Caucuses

I saw this video posted by our friends over at The Progressive Wing and it's the 3rd or 4th such video I've watched during this campaign cycle. The previous ones featured Campaign Manager Faiz Shakir, along with young staffers from Iowa and New Hampshire.

Over the course of any presidential campaign, we rarely see candidates interacting with constituents, reporters, staff, and volunteers for an extended period and in similar settings. You'll see Bernie in a different light, and more in the role of mentor and teacher than the boss. He sometimes turns into "Bernie the Policy Crusader," but you'll quickly recognize why people think he's also a great organizer. Patiently listening to his Iowa State Director, Misty Rebik, and others explain in great detail how the Iowa Caucuses are being organized this year on Monday, February 3rd, Bernie cleverly interjects himself from time to time, often with a bit of humor, to emphasize what the campaign is all about, how it's being funded, and areas in which it needs help. He's at his best when appealing to young voters.

[video: width:700 height:500]

Even if you've worked in previous presidential caucuses and primaries, you'll still learn a few new things from Bernie and his staff members. The two young field workers did an excellent job of explaining what they're trying to achieve. Watching this video, and with the Iowa Caucuses only a bit over a month away, it’s obvious to me that none of them are getting enough sleep!

If you feel like it, you can help Bernie's campaign in several different ways.

  • Make a financial contribution.
  • Volunteer at a field office.
  • Travel to early states.
  • Write letters to the editor.
  • Talk to family, friends, and acquaintances.
  • Call voters in other states.
  • Display signs and posters outside your house,

Undoubtedly, there are other ways you can pitch in to help. Feel free to indicate in comments if you're already engaged in doing so.

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JekyllnHyde's picture

24 users have voted.

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

JekyllnHyde's picture


Check out this diary near the top of the Rec List - Bernie Sanders Has Raised The Most Money, From The Most Americans, With The Most Contributions

I've made several comments in the diary. Thanks.

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

JekyllnHyde's picture


Sanders discloses $34.5 million haul for final quarter of 2019He brought in a total of nearly $96 million last year from more than 5 million contributions.

Bernie Sanders raised more than $34.5 million in the final three months of 2019, a substantial sum that exceeds the two other Democratic presidential candidates who have announced their hauls so far in that period.

The Vermont senator, who disclosed the amount Thursday morning, brought in a total of about $96 million last year from more than 5 million contributions. The campaign’s average donation was $18.

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Wally's picture


I don't feel at all inclined to post there anymore (I lasted for all of about 6 comments before I got skull and crossboned) but I'm glad you and other Berners are fighting the good fight.

I see there's still a considerable amount of disturbing driveby pot shots against Berners posting there but I also get the impression that those anti-Berners are really, really desperate this go round and don't know where to turn.

7 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

JnH ~ I haven’t been over to the PW in a while, so thanks for the crossover.

I think Bernie’s got this if it’s not stolen again. Hoping so and doing my own work within my community.

Keep on keeping on ~ slow and steady.

21 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

charlie brown

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


19 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

You have no room to talk after what you did to Bernie and the country. Every bad thing Trump is doing is your fault because Bernie would have won? Russia did not cause you to lose the election. Your years of warmongering and sucking up to the banks did. And the electoral college has been the way things work in this country since forever! You knew that.

Just for fun..

Seriously little CIA dude?

24 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lily O Lady's picture


SCOTUS illegally found in favor of stopping the vote count in Florida throwing the election to Dubya. What goes around comes around, Hillary.

23 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

@Lily O Lady

I remember watching lots of members of the black caucus going to the podium and telling him about voter suppression and other problems people had with voting. He just sat there and looked bored.

Sandra Day didn't help either. She voted to stop the recount because she wanted to retire under a republican president. But are the Clintons friends of anyone?

18 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lily O Lady's picture


that turned out.

13 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

@Lily O Lady

Did Bill really ask Trump to run for president? This is the rumor that people have said. Hillary's pied piper trick sure backfired on her didn't it? She got the media to give him $2 billion in free air time. But sure let's say that it was Russia's friendly IRA that spent $100,000 on ads and most of them were placed after the election was over. Puppies, Jesus themes and other nonsense got people to change their minds and vote for or against Trump and Hillary. Yeah sure you betcha... but unbelievably some people believe it. Along with all 17 intelligence agencies....

15 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lily O Lady's picture


check-by-jowl with the Trumps at the Donald’s latest wedding. Cut from the same cloth.

14 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@snoopydawg Sad to think that that is still believed by anyone. I remember it being 3, or maybe even just Clapper. But Clapper claimed it was the FBI, NSA, and CIA. Oh yeah, those are agencies we can trust. Yet the meme persists.

7 users have voted.
OzoneTom's picture


4 users have voted.

He sounds like the (R)'s screaming about Benghazi.

9 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

wendy davis's picture

Bernie Songs and Revolution-Making, by Ted Glick / December 30th, 2019,

Over the last year I’ve become part of the Solidarity Singers, a group sponsored by the NJ Industrial Union Council made up of grassroots people who sing all over New Jersey at rallies and demonstrations and events. The music of most of our songs comes from the civil rights movement, while the words are updated to be relevant for the present. Without question, I have seen how this singing, these songs, have done some of the things which Bruce Hartford wrote of in Troublemaker.

I haven’t really looked, but my guess is that there’s no other Presidential campaign that has inspired what the Bernie campaign is inspiring song-wise. In addition to all of the many other reasons why this campaign is surging, this may end up being one of the most important. Let’s sing, sisters and brothers, let’s sing!

Here are links to five of them:


17 users have voted.
JekyllnHyde's picture

@wendy davis

I hadn't seen most of them.

11 users have voted.

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

WoodsDweller's picture

5 million contributions from 1.2 million contributors. Poor audio, good message.


24 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

JekyllnHyde's picture


Money's not the only factor in determining success, but it helps to have enough of it. I think Bernie's in this race for the long haul.

18 users have voted.

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

smiley7's picture

let's join hands and make a new century with Bernie leading the way.

All the best Jnh, thanks for all you do!

edited to add

18 users have voted.
mimi's picture

or any caucus in other states as well.
Do you have to prvoe you are a resident of Iowa? If yes, how? Do you have to have a drivers license from Iowa? What if you moved just a couple of month before into Iowa and you don't have changed your DL yet from the previous state you were living in?


And yes, kudos to the whole organization of a caucus by volunteers. Wouldn't have thought that there were that many precincts and caucus locations. It is mind boggling, overwhelming and complex.

I like Bernie's way of being matter of factly, clear and short in his message and I like his humor as well. I wouldn't mind having an uncle like this in my family. Smile

I once did the knocking on doors things and remember how shocked and awed I was of how difficult and complicated it is to convince folks to vote to begin with and then to vote for your candidate.

Good Luck for Bernie.

13 users have voted.
smiley7's picture


7 users have voted.
mimi's picture

Health, strength and peace of mind to you. It's easy to make me happy. I am happy already when I manage to not be sad.

So, I will smile no matter what, and let others decide

I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy
I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy I-m so happy

if it's a fake smile or a real one. This is a real one: Air kiss

4 users have voted.
JekyllnHyde's picture


It has useful voting information for all 50 states and DC.

This document contains information on voting deadlines, voter registration, early voting, vote-by-mail information for each state. This information has been pulled directly from materials provided by state elections officials, so should be accurate. However, if you find any errors or if you have any questions, please email



State: Iowa

Primary or Caucus: Caucus

Primary date: Monday, 2/3/2020

Earliest voting date: 2/3/2020

Voter registration deadline: 2/3/2020 (caucus day)

Do I have to be a registered Democrat to vote for Bernie in Iowa?
You must be registered as a Democrat to participate. You can change your voter registration to Democrat on caucus night.

Can I vote if I’m 17 by primary day and 18 by the general election on November 3, 2020?

How can I register to vote or change my party affiliation?
If you have an Iowa driver’s license or state ID, you can register to vote or change your party to Democrat online here. If you register online, the deadline is 1/23/2020.
If you do not have an Iowa driver’s license or ID, you need to print this form and mail it to your county auditor. If you register through the mail, your form must be received by 1/23/2020.
You can also register to vote in-person when you go to your caucus location on caucus night, 2/3/2020. If you register to vote or change your party to Democrat on caucus night, be sure to bring proof of ID.

How can I check my Iowa voter registration?
Use this link to check your voter registration status in Iowa, or contact your county auditor.

Does Iowa have in-person early voting or absentee voting?
No, but if you will not be in your precinct, or if you are out-of-state during the Iowa caucus, you can participate in a satellite caucus. Iowa Democratic Party will determine the locations for the satellite caucus and provide information on their locations and processes on the Iowa Democratic Party website.
You must pre-register with the Iowa Democratic Party by 01/17/2020 to participate in a satellite caucus. The pre-registration form will be available on the Iowa Democratic Party website at a date TBD.

12 users have voted.

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

mimi's picture

@JekyllnHyde @JekyllnHyde
Not wanting to be obnoxious, but each time I am confronted with these rules, I ask myself, why for heavens's sake, has someone to register as 'something, ie Democrat or Republican or Independent' to begin with, just to be allowed to vote? Shouldn't a person have a basic right to vote no matter what? Why is it of interest to declare upfront, what party affiliation one has? Why is there no independent ID card (not related to the DL) for identification purposes that would not have any information about religion and party affiliation in it and is not linked to your SS number?

What are those rules good for? Who's business is it, which party I would prefer and am affiliated or registered with?

I read for years about it and don't get it. For over 37 years I lived and worked in the US. For 32 years I had a legal permanent resident card. For all those years I was not allowed to vote in the US, as I am not a US citizen. I could have voted in the German elections per letter absentee ballot, but not living over there anymore for such a long time, one can't get the details about the candidates in Germany and loses ones instincts for what is going there.

Thank You, JnH for clarification and links. I had forgotten meanwhile how it worked. I simply can't understand why you have to have such a complicated electoral system and I don't trust it to be good or democratic or fair.

Shame on me? I guess so. Thanks again for all the info. Apologies to respond so late. My time zone here demanded from my body and brain to sleep.
Yes 3

So, as my 'vote' wouldn't count anyway, as I am not a US citizen, just someone who worked on lived there for 3/4 of my life, I shout out to you now:

Vote for the person, who has the chance to change your electoral regulations.

PS I think, if I had wanted to, I could have become an US citizen, but was not sure how long that would have taken me to get. May be after twenty years or so? My son, who won his US permanent legal residency status in 1987 together with me through the green card lottery that gave a certain number of Germans the chance to participate in that lottery, was offered US citizenship and only later naturalization, because 'he fought in your glorious wars to protect freedom and democracy in Iraq' in 2003. That caused the Germans to withdraw his German citizenship he had before. Now he is a foreigner in Germany with no work or voting rights and to get them back takes so long, that the elections you would want to use those rights for, have already passed.


8 users have voted.
Mark from Queens's picture

these native New Yorkers.

There’s no doubt to me that Drumpf would literally be quaking in his little privileged MadMen-style shoes that his Daddy bequeathed him. The monumental difference in the way each grew up - one in the lap of greedy luxury through sleazy family business manipulation, and the other in very real working class hardship in a family who just escaped the holocaust - would shine through so fiercely.

The guy is the most thin-skinned, coddled and insulated of all tinpot tyrants. The contrast with Bernie would crush him to pieces. Which is why he’s already floating the idea of no debates.

Can you imagine how much more loathsome Trump would appear next to a real person, and not another very rich, highly groomed and entitled douchebag? Which would render his facile, schoolyard taunts as those of a scared, privileged nd selfish windbag who’s been spoiled his whole life and doesn’t give a fuck about (and actually detests) poor and working people.

It’s over.

On so many levels it appeals to me. It’s a real opportunity to reverse all the tawdry and loathsome hallmarks of capitalism, not the least of which are an insidious, subliminal if not outright Worship of the Rich, the justification for immorality as “just business,” the malignant marketing of the idea of the American Dream away from socialism to a grotesque individualism based on materialism through capitalism and consumerism, etc. mentality that pervades this depraved American society.

The best part about Bernie is the potential shift in consciousness he represents.


9 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

orlbucfan's picture

@Mark from Queens very careful not to laugh in dumb orange fatso's face as the Debate begins. He's very well aware of it. I have news for tRump: he will have to debate the other candidate whether he likes it or not. Rec'd!!

4 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.