Tuesday Open Thread ~ Falalalala-lalalala


“Do a loony-goony dance 'Cross the kitchen floor, Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before.” ~ Shel Silverstein


Good Morning!

Welcome to the Christmas Eve edition of Tuesday's Open Thread. For those of you who celebrate Christmas, here's wishing you a healthy and happy holiday. As for myself, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic these days and plan to celebrate Christmas with a certain joie de vivre I haven't felt in years. So, for today's OT, I hope you'll indulge me by letting me share some of my holiday cheer.

ot falala bird xmas.jpg

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Inspired by the often irreverent but always hilarious stories of David Sedaris' elf diaries in "Holidays on Ice", I volunteered as Santa's helper this year where duties included handing out candy canes and taking pictures with Santa. Santa at Trader Joe's? Why, yes. He even helped us out with a cart run or two! Debuting at our store this Christmas, crew members voluntarily played the role of Santa, Elves, and Reindeers. The reactions from customers varied between delight, amusement, polite waving, and the quick footed I don't want to be a part of any of this. Of all the reactions, my favorites came from children who were either so excited to see Santa, they couldn't wait to tell him what they wanted, or too shy to talk to him but couldn't stop looking at him from the corners they hid behind. For the children who did sit on Santa's lap, their wish lists were fairly predictable, ranging from the latest Star War toys to video games and a few requests for a pony. Then there was young Chloe. Pigtailed and dressed in unicorn pajamas with a pair of pink rain boots on her feet, she glanced at her parents standing by and told Santa that she what she really wanted for Christmas was for the hair to grow back on her baby brother's head after Chloe gave him an un-authorized haircut, leaving him looking a little like a lunar road map. Once assured that her brother's hair would in fact grow back along with a promise that she wouldn't play with scissors anymore, Santa asked Chloe what else she wanted for Christmas. In what was the most unexpected reply any of us had heard that day, Chloe turned the tables by asking Santa what he wanted for Christmas. The question floored everyone in earshot. Santa, who was quick on his feet, told Chloe that what he wanted for Christmas was more people like her in this world. It was a sweet moment, and with her mission accomplished, Chloe hopped off of Santa's lap, received her candy cane along with a big hug from this elf, and gave the rest of us a wonderful story to tell.

'Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house,
Things were real mellow...
Even Irving, the Mouse.

Our boots were hung up,
The incense was lit,
In hope that St. Nick
Would soon do his bit.

The tree was decked out;
It was really a sight,
With love beads and flowers
And a flashing strobe light.

Wearing my T-shirt
From Woodstock Nation,
I was getting into some good meditation.

And my chick was doing some yoga in bed,
munching a fruit cake,
While propped on her head.

Then...pow!!...in the night...
...a hullabaloo!
It shook the waterbed
And woke up old Blue.

I stumbled around
And tripped on my beard.
It stuck to my toes
And felt really wierd.

When I got to the window,
I was really uptight,
'cause the scene I perceived
Was a mind blowing sight!

What through my shades
Did I see through the snow,
But eight tiny mooses
And a wild U.F.O.!

With this hip dude inside,
Looking kinky and groovy...
I flashed..."If this ain't Nick
It must be the late movie."

They blew in from the cosmos
Like some far-out caboose
And this fat cat kept yelling
At each midget moose:

"Right on, Dasher! On, Dancer!
Get your bods in high gear, now,
And move this machine!"

Then onto the roof
They flew with a shout,
The whole Cosmic Crew
Really freaked me out!

They caused such a hassle
And made such a fuss,
I thought someone would call
The fuzz down on us.

But before I could say, "COOL IT!...
Nick zapped toward the chimney
And leaped in with a dive!

As he trucked from the fireplace,
His smile all agleam,
I thought, "ITS UNREAL!
It must be a dream!"

Then he nodded and said,
"This isn't a bummer...
Like, I've come in peace,
To groove my Yule Number."

His duds were all fur,
Trimmed in leather and such
And he came on stone funky...
...he was really too much.

His back pack was painted
With black light festoon,
Full of albums and posters
And a neon balloon.

His eyes, a light show!
His beard, da-glo bright!
A plastic, fantastic,
Kaleidoscope sight!

He looked like a guru,
This beautiful cat...
...I thought, like, wow!
...This dude knows where its at!

"Don't want to sound heavy,"
He said with a grin,
"My message is simple
So dig it, tune in."

"I brought you some goodies,
But that's not the thing.
My real trip is bringing
Good vibes to this scene."

So we rapped until dawn
About Peace, Love and Truth,
Then he said, "Gotta split, now,
Or I'll be late in Duluth."

He wiggled his nose and said,
"I did my bit"
And straight up the smoke hole
This fat cat did split!

As he sped from the roof
And into the air,
He shouted, "Let's get it together,
All you people down there!"

"Merry Christmas To All
And to all a Good Night!"
And then in a flash,
He streaked outta sight!

ot falala santa village.jpg

She Ain't Heavy, She's My Sister

Celebrating Christmas in Southern California requires one, at some point, to come to terms with palm trees instead of the winter wonderland most of us grew up watching on television. For that kind of Christmas, you had to go elsewhere. During the 1960’s, a popular destination to experience a "White Christmas" was a place called Santa’s Village. A holiday theme park nestled in the San Bernardino Mountains that had rides for kids and chats with Santa, but for me and my Sister, it was a place where pixies and elves lived in their brightly colored toadstools scattered among sugar dusted trees and a blanket of glistening snow.

As two kids who had never seen snow before, there was some initial confusion of how playing in this magical landscape actually worked. Should we build a snowman, or slide across the ice like Thumper did in the movie Bambi? Mistaking a large frozen puddle for an ice skating pond, I suggested the latter. Being a bit more cautious, my Sister waited for me to go first to see how things turned out. When I stepped on the ice and it cracked, submerging my legs in a pool of frost bitten ice water, she got her answer. Wide eyed and horrified, the look on my Sister's face told me all I needed to know: I was in big trouble. The solution? To diffuse my parents wrath by convincing my Sister to do the same. This was achieved by threatening her with friendship banishment, whereby she complied with my demand by gingerly breaking through the ice to stand in solidarity beside me. Our misdeeds discovered, along with our frozen feet, we were immediately punished by the abrupt ending of our first trip to Santa's Village along with a good tongue lashing. My parents, who were both frustrated and angry after having spent a two hour drive to get to Santa's Village, put us in the backseat of the car, took off our shoes and socks, wrapped our feet in an old blanket, and drove back down the mountain while my Sister and I sat quietly together regretting that we did not even get to visit Santa. Years later, when the both of us were adults, I asked my Sister what made her get into that frozen puddle.

“Well,” she said, “I figured if it was a choice between Mom being angry with me or my best friend being angry with me, I’d choose Mom.”

It's difficult to adequately describe the feelings in my heart when I heard her say that. We shared so much of our childhood together, and yet, there were moments we experienced in very different ways. While I can't go back in time and change the outcome, I can appreciate my Sister's loyalty and love in a way only a sibling can. For that, I'm very thankful.

Well, that about wraps things up for this week's edition.
What’s on your mind today?
15 users have voted.


Raggedy Ann's picture

I got a kick out of that new version of Twas the Night Before Christmas. It certainly updates that dry old story!

I was at Trader's yesterday picking up some last minute things. At the checkout, the woman asked me about the wine I was buying and why I chose it. I said that on a blog I read a Trader's employee in CA recommended it (you) and she loved my story! She also loved my hair, which we discussed at length (it's long and white). I told her it was the best thing I had done for myself (grown it long and let it be white).

My granddaughter drove all night and arrived at 5AM. We just had a cup of tea and she's gone to bed until 9. Her parents will be in from TX around 9 or 10. My grandson and his girlfriend will be over in the PM and we'll enjoy the eve together with a nice meal and some wine.

Hope you all enjoy the season in the way that's best for you. Pleasantry

15 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Here is an Italian Christmas eve tradition.
We are not Italian, but I did make a crunchy crust out of toasted Panko and olive oil on a beautiful slab of baked red snapper. Yum! Slathered sour cream on the fish then covered it with the crunch.

Now, back to seven fishes...




These sardines reminded me of Portugal.


If wishes were fishes, hope y'all find something worth swimming for!

10 users have voted.
thanatokephaloides's picture

My apologies, @QMS , but the temptation proved too great:



Merry Christmas, old friend!


1 user has voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Lookout's picture

I enjoyed your stories...especially the one about the kids and Santa.

Hope you all have a lovely holiday tomorrow with friends and family.

One of my favorite Christmas songs...based on a true story.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

reminds me of this ballad

the dimming of the day

4 users have voted.

Am loading up my car to head to my sister and brother in laws to celebrate Christmas with his side of the family. The food this year is Mexican themed and I am bringing a puff pastry with pepper jack cheese and some green chilies brought from New Mexico as well as a bottle of red wine sold only at Trader Joe’s. Cannot remember if you recommended it but it I quite tasty, Nero Grande Appassimento.

Have been lucky this year to find wonderful friends and family to celebrate the various days of the year that had special meaning for D.O and myself. Some old friends that live in Hawaii have invited me to come ring in the New Year with them. This is also our anniversary which would have been the 49th so am very glad to be able to be with old friends during this time.

May have to go by Trader Joe’s in Austin to see what fun and frolic they are participating in. Always love to see the excitement of young children.

Have a wonderful time to all.

8 users have voted.

Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

dervish's picture

8 users have voted.

"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Granma's picture

Thank you!

8 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

Village was too far from San Diego, so we never went and in later years I never did either. Not sure if I've ever driven by it in my wanderings, though I seem to recall that there are a few scattered about the place, little places along some frontage road and the like. It doesn't snow in the Lagunas or Cuyamacas every year, and one thing or another, we never made the obligatory SoCal "take your kids to see what snow is" trip until I was about 8, whereupon I learned that it was not necessarily pure white, was cold, wet, unfit for sitting on or picnicking in, and, of course, cold.

That sort of did it for snow for me forever. The only thing it was ever good for was the "winter challenge" - find a really warm day with warmish water, hit the surf at early light, hit the snow atop Mt. Laguna around midday and drop into the anza-borrego desert for a slightly late lunch. Dunno where else one can hit that trifecta. A few yearss ago, during a freakish spring, I did it bassackwards on an early annual spring desert run, climbing out of Borrego Springs into and through snow up around Julian for legendary Julian Apple Pie and down to Ocean Beach just because we could.

Have a great one and happy holiday of choice to all.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

loved the Chloe story. So special.
Santa's Village; while I lived in the L.A. basin for 40 years and visited SV a half dozen times, I never saw it in snow. Wet with rain or dry as tinder but never snow.
Lucky you.
Earthling2 and I are hosting dinner for 30 tomorrow so have lots to get ready.
Thanks for the OT and the best of holiday greetings to you and your loved ones.

6 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Like the eggnog, cinnamon, nutmeg and rye


6 users have voted.


Can't figure the christ part of christmas, but enjoy the music all the same.

6 users have voted.
boriscleto's picture

Newly elected official in Oswego County charged with elections fraud

GRANBY, N.Y. -- A recently re-elected member of the Granby Town Board has been charged with crimes related to an alleged shoddy petition she circulated for a prior race, according to law enforcement records and others.

Cheryl Holmes, 70, is facing charges alleging possession of a forged instrument, intent to defraud and election misconduct, along with her husband Leslie Holmes, 75, according a New York State Police.

Good Republican values...

Rose Anthony, a 93-year-old former town board member and businesswoman, said a state police investigator called her earlier today to tell her the charges were based on allegations she made in September 2018.

News of the charges came as a happy surprise to Anthony, who said she’s been waiting 15 months for justice.

“I’m so goddamn f----g happy. You bet your ass. That’s the best early Christmas present I could have gotten,” Anthony said in a phone interview with Syracuse.com | The Post-Standard. “It took me 15 months to get where I’m atAnthony said she complained to local law enforcement, but said she did not hear back.

“Oswego County blew smoke up my ass. So I went to the Attorney General’s Office," she said. "They’ve been working on it for months, for months.” now.”

In September 2018, Anthony, a Democrat, accused Holmes, a Republican, and her husband, who was then the chairman of the town Republican committee, of submitting nominating petitions with signatures from people who did not live in Granby and of duplicating names intentionally.

Anthony said she complained to local law enforcement, but said she did not hear back.

“Oswego County blew smoke up my ass. So I went to the Attorney General’s Office," she said. "They’ve been working on it for months, for months.”

The Trumpers on Syracuse.com were of course complaining about Ms. Anthony's language...

6 users have voted.

" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

Dawn's Meta's picture

This town is slammed with tourists from the large buses in Summer, and at Christmas. But we were there the first week of Advent, and during the week. Not so bad. And a super place to wander, with our Tekel, poil dur, Teddy, in tow. Great places to eat. Just beautiful.

Here is an album we stumbled on yesterday. A mandolinist who is a true artist on guitar...
Love this and love your columns. Thank you and Joyeuese Fêtes.

6 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

lotlizard's picture

Here, the custom is to gather as a family and open presents on Christmas eve rather than Christmas morning.

It’s a quarter to midnight in Germany now, so I’ll be hitting the hay.

Thanks Anja, thanks c99ers! A very Merry Christmas to one and all!

6 users have voted.
smiley7's picture

Merry, merry, merry life to you.

5 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture

Thanks for what you do here, Anja ... and Merry Christmas!

4 users have voted.
mimi's picture

shared Christmas Eve in the house of her long-time friends. Eating and singing together and unpacking little presents is what makes it a Christmas Eve. Though everbody promised to not give each other presents anymore. We don't wanna be part of that consumerism, just that nobody can get over it to not show a sign of love and gives a little something nevertheless.

It was a hell of a ride to get there, glad we survived it, were so wasted that we both are not up yet on the 25th at 2 pm. The ride back was even more dangerous. The goose will be cooked tomorrow. My sister watches children's Christmas movies from her bed and I wonder when I feel like doing the Christmas roastings.

I had a dream I never had before. The person I loved the most in my life, my mother, was laying on the floor, filthy dirty, all in embryo position and hair dangling around her face that was turned down to the floor so that I could not see it. When I started crying and wanted to turn her face around, to see what was wrong with her, she said "Sterben ist so schwierig" = "Dying is so difficult" . By then I was all crying and woke up, confused and a little shocked. I never have dreamt of my mother before.

I also realized what it does to you not to have alive children and grandschildren anymore, who are present in your life. Sigh.

It also reminded me of my father, who said it is very difficult to die of hunger, it's a slow motion death and most people don't die when they want to. Do you know someone who was able to not eat anything til death comes? My sister eats, always afraid not to get enough. I know that's a good sign. Smile

Therefore cheers to all your cooking and songs. We need and love them all. And the goose is waiting for me ... I better go now. Bon Appetit.

2 users have voted.
Anja Geitz's picture

Enjoyed reading all of your comments more than I can say. What a wonderful little community we have here! I wish I could answer each and everyone of your well wishes, but I spent most of yesterday running last minute errands, prepping foodstuffs for today, and a whole lot of cleaning and decorating. Spent Christmas Eve with some dear friends, along with my Sister and Brother-in-Law, drinking champagne and filling my face with Christmas goose!

Today I do the cooking and I have to start brining my Cornish game hens and then get the rest of meal ready so I won't have time to stay around. But I will catch up with you the day after Christmas.

Thanks again for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and your Christmas with me. It's what makes writing this column every week such a pleasure for me Smile

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier