Trump's tweets on Syria withdrawal

President Trump Explains Extracting the U.S. From Syria…
Posted on October 7, 2019 by sundance

In a series of tweets today, President Trump explains the U.S. position toward the current quagmire in Northern Syria:

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President Trump Announces Turkish Unilateral Invasion of Northern Syria…

Posted on October 7, 2019 by sundance

Things are about to get very interesting and very uncomfortable for NATO. President Trump has announced that Turkey is about to launch a unilateral invasion into Northern Syria… There is going to be a scramble amid many geopolitical interests.

… In the announcement President Trump has made it clear that any action by Turkey into Syria is unilateral; there will be no assistance by the U.S. on any aspect; including if Turkey is counter-attacked by Russia/Syria or organized Kurdish forces.

Essentially, Trump is leaving Erdogan naked to a myriad of his enemies if Erdogan does cross the border. The U.S. part of the NATO shield is removed. The Europeans will likely not evoke the NATO defense treaty without the U.S. Heck, the EU is essentially spineless without the power of the U.S. military.

President Trump is calling out the duplicity of the entire situation by calling all of their bluffs. President Trump is calling-out: NATO, weak EU ‘allies’ and Turkey.

In essence, this White House announcement is a major Gordian knot being cut.

It is unlikely President Erdogan expected to have this framework made so public. This rather loud declaration by President Trump seems strategic in that it could make duplicitous Erdogan think twice about the actual military invasion itself.

This does make one understand the scramble to impeach Trump. Personally, I think Trump has done away with Bolton and his neocon imps and is now listening to that part of our military that is a voice of reason.

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@Linda Wood this is stunning, but I'm not so quick to say Trump isn't part of the neocon cabal.
Forces in Syria will be diverted to the Iran invasion and defense of SA.
All Trump is doing is signalling the transition and formally acknowledging that Turkey is now responsible for pinning down Syria.
Russia now has to defend their oil on two fronts: Syria and Iran.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain Firstly, Russia is energy independent. Secondly Russia has strong alliances with both Syria and Iran. Erdogan may be cruel but not stupid. Do not poke the Bear. The dilemma is Erdogan's, not Vlad's.

Turkey is hung out to dry by the Chito. If they have external--or internal--military strife from Kurds, Amerika will not be there to smooth the mess, even diplomatically. Crossing into Syria in absence of U.S. air/missile support will doom Erdogan's Air Force to face the superior S300 Russian anti-aircraft missiles. Plus Putin has shown no reluctance to supply,y Syria with whatever supplies they need, whether military or economic. Turkey, is, as they say around Thanksgiving, cooked.

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@Linda Wood I wondered “why now”? I’m starting to get it.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

The Rojava Kurds should have seen this coming. The US has a long standing tradition of abandoning Kurds. The abandonment is not the worst part of this policy decision. It is the decision to turn over the jihadis captured by US, YPG and SDF forces over the last few years to Turkey... just in time for Erdogan's announced invasion of northeast Syria.Those jihadis will be rearmed and sent into battle across northern Syria, including Idlib, by Erdogan. Ah, the dreams of a neo-Ottoman Empire are coming into focus.

Glad we're getting out, but there really must be a better way than simply:

Then again....maybe not.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Alligator Ed's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger The best is to throw down arms, walk off the battlefield, and declare victory. And a victory it will be--over the neocons and for our nation--a national victory only if the peace bonus materializes.

So, here is the cure:


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Shahryar's picture

it's all this "my great and unmatched wisdom" which makes him look quite crazy...which he is.

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he was being sarcastic? The thing he lacks is the ability pretend to be a polite statesman, like Biden or Schiff, who lie to us under a cloak of respectability. I realize that kind of sarcasm would take a level of sophistication Trump doesn't demonstrate. But there are times when the importance of what he's dealing with informs the crudeness of his anger. I don't think he was being flip so much as pointing out how STUPID our foreign policy is and how ANY IDIOT could see that!

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Shahryar's picture

@Linda Wood

if anyone else had written "my great and unmatched wisdom" we'd know it was self-deprecating sarcasm. In this mob boss crook's case we can only think it might be possible.

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@Linda Wood
self-deprecating humor.

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@gjohnsit ,

he is everything you say he is, but read what he is saying.

He may really think he is great and that he has unmatched wisdom. But the truth of this situation is that the elite defense industry geniuses who proclaim we have no choice but to stay forever because Turkey has us over a barrel are stupid, insane, moronic and treasonous. The sad commentary on the immorality of our foreign policy is that, comparatively, Trump has at least enough wisdom to know he has Turkey over a barrel.

Notice the declaration by Lindsey Graham threatening Turkey with sanctions and suspension from NATO if they attack the Kurds. We could have said this a year ago!

What are France, Germany and the rest of the NATO gang going to do to Turkey? Are they going to defend the Kurds? Where is Russia in this? Where is Syria? It's their country! I thought the Kurds were making progress towards peace in Syria and with Assad as well. What happened?

One way or another the Bolton/Nuland fascist Deep State killers will find a way to continue this death. Whether with an attack on Saudi Arabia, an attack on Israel, an attack on Philadelphia, a chemical attack on Ukraine, whatever, they'll arrange it. But Trump, for the moment, and as crude and disjointed as he is, is listening to people who see through this treason. He's not giving up the Kurds. He's allowing Turkey to take responsibility for their own threats on the Kurds. And he's causing everyone from Lindsey Graham to Recep Erdogan to think about a world without the American taxpayer covering for it.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood @Linda Wood Getting out of Syria--yeah--like in 2014, before we even started fucking that country. Coitus interruptus. Get out before fucking them over. Never happens--too much money to be made. Never let a good war go unprofited. Missiles? Javelins? Predators? Rail guns? We got 'em. Come get 'em.

Sorry: this reply meant for Linda.

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edg's picture


It got people talking about Trump's frivolous comment instead of his important Syria announcement. This way, Neocons and the Deep State can still work behind the scenes to thwart Trump and keep the Syria war going and the defense dollars rolling in to the MIC.

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Battle of Blair... and Not Henry Kissinger. Counting on Trump to be not unpredictable is impossible. But the tone of his statements suggests he's fed up with the neocon mantra that we can't get out, we can't stop hemorrhaging money, we can't stop killing and dying, we can't stop doing the wrong thing because we're forced by the complexity of the stupid things we do to keep doing more stupid things.

There's a point at which asserting that the help we've given to all the bad actors must stop. And Trump is including Turkey, France, Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and the Kurds on that list. And "Europe". From my position this is a breath of fresh air, if not a perfect answer. But who would have a perfect answer after inheriting this catastrophe?

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@Linda Wood It isn't a catastrophe from their pov. He is all theater. Getting us out?
But everyday he's rattling sabers about getting us in (to war with Iran).
So out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood Glad you haven't evolved into Trump Derangement Syndrome (ICD-10: 99987).
Trump actually does something good and still catches shit. I dislike Trump but don't hate him. He infuriates often but never maddens--i.e., causes loss of reasoning capability.

Now he does the right thing by getting out of Syria--one war ended. So what if these soldiers redeploy to an existent battle theater? No new wars--and get us out when able.

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may explode into more strength for Trump, even as he is acting to expose Trump's impeachability! Every corruption the impeachers call out involves more corruption connected to Obama administration foreign policy and beyond. Trump may go down, but he hopefully will take the Deep State with him.

From today's Evening Blues - 10-7-19:

… As Trump's special representative for Ukraine negotiations, Volker supported a shift in policy to send lethal weapons to Kyiv, including tank-busting Javelin missiles, described by their manufacturer as "the world's most versatile and lethal one-man-portable, anti-tank, guided munition and surveillance weapon system."

But at the same time Volker was pushing Trump to arm Ukraine, he also held positions with a major lobbying firm, BGR Group, and a think tank, the McCain Institute, that each had financial ties to Raytheon Co., which manufactures the Javelin system and earned millions from Trump's decision. Volker, a career diplomat and former U.S. ambassador to NATO, resigned on Friday, a day after he was referenced in the whistleblower complaint alleging Trump improperly pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the business dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden's son.

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snoopydawg's picture

and the Maiden square massacre. Seems John was really busy the years before he went to the great beyond. From gathering up AQ and ISIS leaders to working with neo Nazis in Ukraine he sure got more blood on his hands.

Every corruption the impeachers call out involves more corruption connected to Obama administration foreign policy and beyond.

Besides removing a Russian friendly president one of the reasons for the coup was to open the country up to be asset stripped. Lots of natural gas to be gotten by US friendly corporations. This was why ByeDone was sent there. But people just found out that Rudy and Rick Perry were recently in Ukraine setting up more deals and it's supposed to be bad for Trump .... but isn't that what Obama's crew did? lol.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Herheinous has been busy on Twitter tweeting inane things to Trump.

See the linked common dreams article.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

in opposing what Trump has announced, has done the right thing in announcing a forceful additional action. How does he not see he could have done this 8 months ago!

Lindsey Graham ✔
· 8h
Just spoke to Sen @ChrisVanHollen about situation in Syria.

We will introduce bipartisan sanctions against Turkey if they invade Syria and will call for their suspension from NATO if they attack Kurdish forces who assisted the U.S. in the destruction of the ISIS Caliphate.

Lindsey Graham ✔

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