The Weekly Watch
Gut Feelings
There really is something to a gut feeling. Seems our gut biome influences not only our brain but also the expression of our DNA. Before we get into the biology, let's use our gut feelings to examine and speculate about our politics, economy, and militarism. Then we'll listen to some doctors views on how we can improve our microbiome. Whether that improves our thinking or not I'll leave up to you.

I guess the big news of the week is the dimwitted dims impeachment fiasco. My gut feeling is that they want Trump re-elected so they can continue their inane campaign - We're not as bad a Trump. Kyle Kulinski nailed it on Rising this week... (at the 7 min mark)
I must admit I find the Rising a bit suspicious with it's slick format, but both Krystal and Saagar took on the impeachment absurdity... (5 min from Krystal) (7 min from Saagar)
Chris Hedges is right on target as usual...
Impeachment is about cosmetics. It is about replacing the public face of empire with a political mandarin such as Joe Biden, himself steeped in corruption and obsequious service to the rich and corporate power, who will carry out the same suicidal policies with appropriate regal decorum. The ruling elites have had enough of Trump’s vulgarity, stupidity and staggering ineptitude. They turned on him not over an egregious impeachable offense—there have been numerous impeachable offenses including the use of the presidency for personal enrichment, inciting violence and racism, passing on classified intelligence to foreign officials, obstruction of justice and a pathological inability to tell the truth—but because he made the fatal mistake of trying to take down a fellow member of the ruling elite.
The Democrats are giving Trump the best campaign aid he could have wished for. Trump will again present himself as the victim of a witch hunt. He will again argue that he is the only one on the side of the people. That he alone stands with them against the bad politicians in Washington DC. Millions will believe him and support him on this. It will motivate them to vote for him.
Why is it so hard for Democrats to understand this?
The best conversation (IMO) about this impeachment was with Jimmy and Aaron Mate' (50 min)
The biggest crime in this story that isn’t being told. The illegal overthrow of a sovereign government.
The Ukrainian web just keeps growing...
The other Ukraine scandal: US support for neo-Nazis fuels far-right terror at home.
Ben Norton discusses his article with Aaron (24 min)
We need to be suspicious of any activity promoted by the CIA...
The scandal over the Ukraine call has been instigated by the intelligence agencies. It was a CIA agent in the White House who prepared the report that is the basis of the inquiry. It was the decision by a group of Democrats drawn from the military and intelligence agencies that led Pelosi and Schiff, both with longstanding ties to these same agencies, to shift from their previous opposition to impeachment.
Really it doesn't take a "gut feeling" to see the stupidity of taking on Trump for Ukrainian bribery when ByeDone brags about his bribery using our tax dollars. I hope this all brings to light the way Obummer's administration conducted the Ukrainian coup and installed Neo-Nazis. Lately I've been thinking the dims have done to Obomber what the rethugs did to Reagan...both examples of misplaced idolatry.
It's the Economy stupid!
When you sanction much of the world, it doesn't take too long till they unite against the US empire.
“Now all of our (Iranian) financial transactions with Russia are through the national currency of the two countries. This trend is gradually removing the dollar from the trading cycle, with many countries now willing to trade in their national currency so that the US does not oversee their trade,” he told reporters in Tehran after a cabinet meeting.
“Unofficially, the EU is keen to support Russia’s de-dollarization efforts, as EU officials lament the effects of extra-territorial US sanctions on European companies and want to promote the euro as an international currency,” Demarais said.
Stephen Cohen and Aaron Mate discuss Russia, Ukraine, and NATO. The EU isn't so sure it wants to alienate Russia. (22 min)
China and Russia have vowed to enhance and implement their strategic partnership in talks at the UN headquarters in New York between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.
Max and Stacy take on the Ponsi economy in first 15 min
Earlier this week Max and Stacy enjoy the arrest of bankers for racketeering. (first 15 min)
"Mnuchin's empty promise shows just how much the 2017 tax cuts for the rich were a scam on the American people," said AFT executive director Frank Clemente. "Mnuchin's prediction was off by $1 trillion."
Chris Hedges on the oligarchs...
The ruling elites and the corporations they serve are the principal obstacles to change. They cannot be reformed. And this means revolution, which is what Extinction Rebellion seeks in calling for an “international rebellion” on Oct. 7, when it will attempt to shut down city centers around the globe in acts of sustained, mass civil disobedience. Power has to be transferred into our hands. And since the elites won’t give up power willingly, we will have to take it through nonviolent action.
So the dollar is not going to be the standard of exchange for much of the world anymore. Endless sanctions unite other countries against the US empire. I much prefer an economic collapse over a world war as a way to get to end of empire.
Militarism and Authoritarian leaders
Interesting interview with Larry Wilkerson looking at Saudi Arabia (18 min)
Chris Hedges talks to journalist and author Stephen Kinzer about efforts by Riyadh and Washington to cripple Iran’s economy, inevitably putting Saudi Arabia, its Gulf allies and Washington on a collision course with the Islamic republic that could end in war. (26 min)
The Democratic Party Remains a Party of War, Not Peace (video or text)
Corporate Media Ignores Connection Between Militarism and Climate Chaos. Joe Jamison of the U.S. Peace Council explains that the Pentagon is one of the world’s worst polluters. (video or text)
Medea explains the relationship between militarism and climate collapse.
Jimmy and the gang do a great job describing how student debt has driven military recruitment. It includes a powerful speech by Abby Martin's friend Mike Prysner (here's a transcript of Mike's speech) (26 min)
Jimmy takes on the droning of Afghan pine nut farmers... (17.5 min)
Max Blumenthal just returned from Syria. He discusses his experience and observations.
"I went there and I took that opportunity to have contact with them because I’ll take any reasonable opportunity to break the media blockade in countries targeted with regime change, and to show my fellow citizens what’s on the other side of the corporate media and the US national security state’s information war." (16 min)
There was supposed to be this distinction between the military and civilian police, but in this country now, we are literally giving our excess military equipment that was supposed to be use for fighting or killing people to our police departments. And over 8,000 police departments participated in 2014, which means there are a lot of local small town police departments that have military style equipment that seems to me to be excessive.
As you can see, a cadre of officers dressed in military uniforms storm into his yard. And even though the observer is clearly on his own property, and even though the First Amendment clearly gives them the right to photograph police, they swarm his property without a warrant. And then this: an arrest. That’s right. A man watching police from his own yard, exercising his constitutional rights, is arrested.
Speaking of militarized police...
If you think we have it bad in the US, take a look at what's happening in Brazil. They are trying the shut down the universities. (video only 7 min))
Finally into the gut of the matter...

We've been mislead about our health. Doctors have been miseducated themselves.
Dr Ken Berry has a good presentation explaining the culture of medical training. (45 min)
A transcript of Ivor Cumming and Ken Berry's conversation for those who prefer reading

So if you think of your gut as a garden. First you prepare it. Most evidence based doctors suggest no sugar, no grains, and no vegetable or seed oils. Next you plant seeds. you can use fermented foods or take a good probiotic. Then you feed your new bugs with starches that survive to the lower gut called prebiotics.
Probiotics are the bugs where as prebiotics feed the bugs (4 min)
Here's Dr William Davis prebiotic advice...
So how do we obtain such indigestible fibers that nourish healthy bowel flora, so-called “prebiotics” or “resistant starches”?
- Green unripe bananas or plantains–with around 27 grams prebiotic fibers per medium sized banana
- Raw peeled potato–with around 20 grams per 3 1/2-inch medium
- Inulin powder–with 5 grams per teaspoon
- Bob’s Red Mill raw unmodified potato starch–8 grams per tablespoon
- Legumes, lentils, chickpeas, hummus–Around 3 grams per 1/4-cup. But we have to be careful here, as any more than this quantity and blood sugars start to climb to unhealthy levels.
These are the most efficient sources, with lesser quantities in other below-ground vegetables. I pick one of the above foods and include them in a smoothie every morning along with, for instance, a cup of unsweetened coconut milk, some blueberries or other berries, a few drops of stevia, etc. If you choose the banana, peel it like an apple or chop off the ends and slit the skin, as it is very tough to skin when green. Chop both banana and potato coarsely before putting in the blender; a blender with a strong motor is advised.
Here's other whole food prebiotic ideas from Dr Gundry (5 min prebiotic Gundry)
Dr Perlmutter has some suggestions too...
To heal our gut, we need to stimulate and increase the diversity of the organisms that live inside of the gut by exercising and eating foods that are rich in pre-biotic fiber that helps nurture our gut bacteria:
- Mexican yam/ jicamo
- Onion
- Garlic
- Leek
- Dandelion greens
- Kimchi
- Kobucha
- Yogurt
- Fermented vegetables
You also need to avoid some things...
To help heal your gut, remove any offensive agents that may be harming it such as any overuse of:
- Antibiotics
- GMOs
- Over production of free radicals
- Drinking chlorinated water
- Artificial sugars and sweeteners
- Acid blocking drugs
- Proton pump inhibitors
- Non-steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs
- Stress
I like sliced jicama with almond butter as a snack. I also make a green banana, coconut milk, almond butter smoothie some of which I drink and the remainder I freeze as an ice cream substitute. Yummy and good for your bugs.
Probiotics. I eat fermented foods. We make Kombucha, kraut, yogurt and pickle lots of things. However many people take a prepared culture as a pill. You need to make sure you find one whose bacteria can survive the trip to the lower gut.
I recently learned about Lactobacillus reuteri which is an upper tract resident with tremendous health benefits. For the details and studies watch this: (15 min mark to the 38 min mark)
Here's the basic info... (3 min short description)
So now I'm in the process of making yogurt with this bacteria... (7 min how to make)
This strain (PTA 6475) of bacteria is available from BioGaia. Once you make the yogurt you save enough to culture your next batch like a sour dough culture.
I'll let you know if I think it works after eating this yogurt for a month or so.
Dr David Perlmutter is using diet and the human microbiome to heal brain diseases and conditions. He theorizes we get our gut biome in the birth canal. Today with a quarter to a third of children born by c-section, many children are not inoculated.
“Our dietary choices play a major role in determining whether we are going to live into our 80s and 90s and even beyond with a good, functioning brain, or like 50% of people who live to be age 85, we will experience brain decline in the form of Alzheimer's which is a preventable disease.”– Dr. David Perlmutter (fascinating 40 min discussion)
“It's a bit humbling to recognize that mood is regulated by our gut. Not only through the process of controlling inflammation, which is a cornerstone player in depression, but that around 90% of our levels of dopamine and serotonin are not manufactured in the brain. They're mostly manufactured in the gut.” – Dr. David Perlmutter

Supplements for you and your bugs.
Many people are low in Vitamin D, Magnesium, and omega 3 fatty acids
Vitamin D William Davis recommends blood levels of 60 nl/ (7.5 min DIY Vitamin D)
My Vitamin D supplement also contains Vitamin K
Magnesium - make your own magnesium bicarbonate. Buy Milk of Magnesia (get the one with only water as the inactive ingredient, some contains a hypochlorite bleach). Mix 3 tablespoon in a 2 L bottle of seltzer water. Shake and allow to react (4 min)
Drink two 8 oz glasses per day.
Fish Oil supports cardiovascular health, supports healthy mental functioning, and supports healthy glucose and insulin metabolism.
Here's Dr William Davis recommendation...
The best liquid fish oils are non-fishy, highly-concentrated, and come in the better absorbed triglyceride form. Many capsules, including prescription Lovaza, are the less well-absorbed ethyl ester form. Several studies have now demonstrated that the naturally-occurring triglyceride form yields higher blood (RBC) levels of omega-3 fatty acids, likely due to more efficient digestion via pancreatic lipase. These highly-concentrated, triglyceride forms are more expensive, due to their concentrated nature. Note that, minus the protection of the capsule, liquid fish oils will oxidize if not refrigerated. So be sure to keep your liquid fish oil in the fridge.
What should the total daily dose of EPA + DHA dose be? That depends on what your goals are.
If your goal is to modestly reduce the risk of dying from heart attack, then just eating fish a couple of times per month will begin to exert an effect, or just taking a dose of 300 mg EPA + DHA per day from a low-potency capsule will do it. However, that's an awfully unambitious goal.
Our starting omega-3 dose in the Track Your Plaque program has, over the years, increased and now stands at 1800 mg EPA + DHA per day. However, the dose for 1) full reduction of triglycerides and/or triglyceride-containing abnormal lipoproteins, 2) reduction of Lp(a), and 3) the ideal dose for coronary and carotid plaque control are substantially higher.
But once you know your desired daily target of total EPA + DHA, you can easily determine the quantity of capsules to take by doing the above arithemetic, totaling the EPA + DHA per capsule. For example, if you have been instructed to take 6000 mg per day EPA + DHA, and your capsule contains 750 mg EPA + DHA, then you will need to take 8 capsules per day (6000/750).
I've been taking Krill oil, but after this bottle is done I'm moving to a liquid fish oil based on this advice.

Balancing life, health, and happiness can be a challenge especially in these times. I used to think we could solve these major issues politically, but the corporate capture of the system precludes that hope for me. So I've been focusing on things I can accomplish like gardening and improving my health. I'm at the age where my friends are dying, getting by-pass surgery and so on. I'm going to do what I can to avoid getting on the medical treadmill. I started by improving my diet, and now I'm exploring and learning more about culturing a healthy microbiome. I hope you learned something today from this continuing exploration.
I want to close with a hopeful message from Climate Scientist, Paul Beckwith...
As I marched in today’s Climate Strike for in Ottawa along with thousands of people I had time to reflect on what is really going on. Many years ago I figured out that inevitably humanity would reach a tipping point in its understanding of the huge risks that all life on Earth faces from accelerating climate system destabilization. I also said we would likely only recognize reaching a tipping point in the rear view mirror, after it occurred. Is it possible that Greta Thunberg is the catalyst for thrusting us beyond this tipping point of understanding? It certainly feels like it. (15 min)
Greta's speech from Friday (5.5 min)
I don't really have a gut feeling but a hope that maybe we have reached a tipping point.
Here's wishing you all good health and happiness!

Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
Lots of good stuff to fill my Sunday and get me properly educated! I’m very interested in the gut stuff. My daughter’s doctor has her on cod liver oil. I’m going to start taking it.
On October 10, I will be one year into my lifestyle change of intermittent fasting. What a year it has been. I’ve never felt better! Now for health refinement and this Watch has plenty to offer.
Many thanks for your hard work to bring this to us every week. I don’t always comment but I always read.
Have a autumnal Sunday, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I always enjoy your visit
I've been on my new regime for over two years now, and like you, I feel great. Breaking out of hyperinsulinemia was a challenge at first. But after a month or so, hunger becomes manageable as insulin drops, weight drops off, inflammation goes away, blood pressure drops....what's not to like?
The trick is finding substitutes for the things you miss - like coconut or almond bread and shirataki noodles and rice, cauliflower pizza crust, and so on.
I'm curious to see how this experiment with L. reuteri goes. Davis claims he feel like a young man again and is stronger than he's ever been.
Well have a wonderful day and week. I'll see you around the site.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I also thank you
for the bread recipes with almond and coconut flour. They’ve been lifesavers!
Working together has been key to success. You and OPOL helped me make this change. I’ll always be grateful!

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Have you tried the shirataki products?
It great to have spaghetti and other noodle dishes again, as well as rice for stir fry.
It was OPOL that started me down this path and I too will be forever grateful. I think QMS uses our diet approach as well due to OPOL's essay. I miss seeing him around the site. I use to love his Bernie pieces in uplifting and positive. I wonder if he still feels the Bern? I lost my fire after the DNC coup took him down. I so wanted him to walk out of the convention and run as a green with Jill. Oh well. Life is what it is.
Hope you've been getting some rain!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
In states like Georgia Bernie couldn’t have run due
to our “sore loser” law. Bernie was no doubt aware of this. Just shows how much those in power have worked to keep it.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Hey Lily
It wasn't Bernie's nature anyway. I voted green in 2016.
Our exit polls in the AL dim primary were like 18% off. So you can't even trust your vote these days. And the general in AL will overwhelming go Trump. Here in the hinterlands they are wild for ole Trumpilini.
We'll see, but I think the DNC will pull whatever stunt is necessary to insure he doesn't get the nom again.
Always nice to "see" you. Glad to hear you got a rain. We've gotten 0.4" in the last two days. We like you were so dry. All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the Weekly Watch
I really appreciate these always thought provoking essays you provide each week. So much to think about and do further research.
My diet is one area I would like to make improvements. Will go back into OPOL's essay about fasting to reconnect with these suggestions.
Took a mental health day yesterday after all the distressing news of this week and spent the day in the Jemez mountains helping build beaver dams along one of the creeks on Forest Service land. We were in an area where DO and I helped plant willow and Aspen in 2014. The group walked to the area we had planted and the willows and Aspen were thriving. Two weeks ago, another group of volunteers had built dams in this area and there were signs when we walked there that the beavers were reintroducing themselves to this creek. A very beautiful and healthy day outdoors. Saw a herd of 40 elk in the Valles Caldera on the way home.
Thanks again for all your work and have a great week!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
nature is the best medicine
for all that ails us. Sounds like a wonderful day. NM is a beautiful state.
When we played a gig there several years ago. We were playing a session south of Abq. and went to a place called tinker town that was fun and funky. I wonder if it is still there? Oh I see it is...
3 min
You might enjoy this column from a few months ago. It has a link to OPOL's essay.
Don't let the news cycle get to you, but if it does, I see you know the cure!
All the best....
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the link.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
So true about taking a mental health day
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
The drs have been misled too
Ken Berry explains how it happens in his book "Lies your doctor tells you". There's clip and/or a transcrpit of his story up in the essay.
So glad to hear of your success. Wish you more improving health and peace of mind too!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Why must it be one or the other?
Metformin appears to have some remarkable properties related to longevity and overall health. Of all the "miracle molecules" that have been touted in the last 30 years (e.g., resveratrol), metformin might be the one that lives up to its hype. The Horvath study that came out in early September indicated that a cocktail of HGH, DHEA and metformin may simultaneously rejuvenate the thymus (this is a BIG deal) and reverse age-related epigenetic modifications. If these results pan out in larger-scale studies, people will be beating down the FDA's doors. (Though they might not need to -- generally speaking, any drug that is approved for use in treating any specific condition can be prescribed "off-label" to treat pretty much whatever the MD decides is appropriate.)
It's a bit scary to contemplate, but it's possible that a combination of the Horvath cocktail plus rapamycin might be the magic elixir that a lot of people want.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
side effects?
Fasting and a LCHF diet can cure T2D and eliminate medications.
Hope all is well in your corner of the world.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Fasting and LCHF are not going to rejuvenate your
thymus. It's rather startling that there's anything that will.
I'm never going to deny that diet must play an important role in overall health, but people should not lose sight of the reality that all vertebrates out there in the world eating their "natural" diets exhibit all the same aging phenomena that humans do sitting in our comfy chairs eating Doritos -- including, for example, the slow, inexorable degradation of the thymus, which has many downstream negative effects.
There is at least one study (I'm not going to do an exhaustive survey at the moment, but it was a couple of years ago, so presumably there are more out there now.) that found indications that fasting also causes changes in DNA methylation; like the Horvath study it was relatively small scale; unlike the Horvath study, it didn't attempt to measure overall methylation as an indication of overall rate of aging, but rather focused on a few specific genes. If fasting can indeed produce epigenetic rejuvenation -- which is to say, not just slow, but reverse age-related methylation, then that would be groovy.
Regardless, my initial point stands: the metformin almost certainly is contributing to the positive health changes mentioned in the comment to which I originally responded. There's just no basis for the statement, "It's the fasting, not the metformin." Most likely it's both.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Perlmutter above says with exercise...
and diet he's getting growth.
From the article...
Sorry I don't have a transcript for the interview with him. He says the increase in BDNF is driving the growth. Might be worth a listen if you have the time and inclination.
Now that's not to argue that the drug can't have benefits too...just that there may be a homoepathic way too.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you so much for including this wonderful information
And taking the time to do so. When I was struggling with medications after being diagnosed with bi-polar 2, I read a book about the connection between gut health and mental health. It was the beginning of a long journey where I used nutrition and meditation to finally get off the meds and still manage my affliction.
I am now one day away from the weigh in for the weight loss contest that my store began the first of this month. A contest I entered for merely the prize money and bragging rights. Almost a month later, having cut out sugar and grains and replacing them with a wide variety of vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins, I am not only swimming in my jeans, I feel better than I have in years, and am committed to continue my diet to better health as a life change. The information in your Weekly Watch could not have come at a better time.
What a wonderful community of knowledgeable people we have here at C99!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
And how nice to have you as part of the community
Congrats! It is amazing how effective it is. Insulin is the key. Drop insulin and you start burning fat. When people ask me about it I've finally learned to simplify the message to no sugar, no grain, no vegetable nor seed oils.
Good luck with your weigh in. Are you using percent body weight loss or just pounds? Either way being a loser makes you a winner.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We are using percent body weight
And I'm sure that the majority of weight loss came from water. The puffiness around my face disappeared after the second week which people commented on almost immediately. But here's the thing, I have more energy eating less, which has motivated me to push myself up hills I never imagined attempting, both literally and metaphorically. I actually like the feeling that comes with getting my heart rate up and breathing deeply. And I like the feeling of pushing myself physically and getting stronger.
Oh, yeah. And that pain I had in my knees when I would walk down stairs? Gone.
I guess my foodie blog is gonna change too, eh?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Change foodie blog
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Thank you so much!
For the encouragement! I roasted eggplant the other night using a little cold pressed olive oil, cumin, garlic, ginger and curry and it was to die for tasty. Never cooked with eggplant before but you better believe I'm going to try lots of things with this tasty veggie.
P.s. So glad you tried the seafood veggie soup. It was easy to make, right?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
burning fats...
helps clean the brain making us feel better and better. My brain is so much clearer than when I started on this path. I'm remembering lyrics to songs I've not sung in more than a decade these days.
And it does add energy. Keep climbing my friend!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Please avoid the raw potato fad
All potatoes contain a small amount of toxins (poisons) and some are reduced by cooking. Our dogs are even more sensitive than humans.
Each stage of harvest, storage, display for sale and preparation effects the potential for problems with raw potatoes. More light bulbs are full spectrum and can induce the production of toxins. Definitely avoid any with a green caste to their flesh.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I don't use raw potatoes either
I do use potato starch for culturing my yogurt, but I use a trick to get out the nightshade toxins...
Gundry recommends pressure cooking peeled potatoes and cooling them in the fridge before eating (of course you can reheat them).
Good to see you today. Hope you had a good gardening season this summer and your livestock is thriving. Our summer garden is about gone. We still have the sweet potatoes to harvest in another month. The fall/winter greens and crucifers are doing well but we're having to irrigate.
Take care!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ain't nothin gonna happen
comic scetches mirror the real thing well doesn't it?
Thanks for coming by and dropping the clip. Hadn't checked out SNL lately...they obviously started their new season.
Here's a Jonathon Pie back attcha...(3.5 min)
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What's missing from that video
Is the why nothing's gonna happen. Which for a comedy show is the less funny part.
Off topic: the spontaneous laughing from the actors when they were talking about justice in our Political system could not have been more appropriate.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
why for heaven's sake is this video not available for a German
audience? It gets bad and badder over here. Sorry just needed to vent my frustration.
you didn't miss much in the SNL video...
...but it is interesting that you can't get it in Germany. Wonder what NBC'S proprietorial approach is all about limiting the international audience. Think it may be limiting understanding? Basically the punch lines is ....ain't nothin' gonna change. Trump gonna be re-elected.
Sadly I agree. We had an older friend whose line was ain't gonna get no better. I think he's correct. I wish I thought otherwise.
Hope all is well in your part of the world.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
May be this is not blocked by NBC, but blocked
from the German (or EU) side ?
I am such a dummy and too unwilling to learn how this works. Sorry, it's a waste of time for me personally to dig into the why, who, where, what is not be allowed to be seen here in Germany.
I am not too worried, there are documentaries here that I wouldn't have seen in the US. All I learned is that what the TV media in Germany is trying to transfer from the US to the German audience is nowhere near what would be needed by the German audience to get a more 'gut-feeling' information about the US without ending up 'anti-American'.
I also have a large library of books I never was able to read. I saved them for my old age to read. And I am getting there. If I just had my son around me sometimes to talk person to person. That would make me happy.
Good day, Lookout,
Many thanks for the wdvx radio station suggestion, listened to it all last evening; helps to match my cadence with the locals when i go out to grocery stores and such.
Very interested in microbiome knowledge; together with what scientists are learning about the heart knowing first, "we may be on to something good."
Live live sauerkraut.
Wish I had a good community radio station like that
Thanks for coming by. The whole concept that we can heal ourselves by what we eat is a powerful notion. And it happens because of our bugs, makes it more amazing.
Have a great one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mexican yam/ jicamo -- will
Mexican yam/ jicamo -- will look for this but if it's sweet, meh
Onion -- love
Garlic -- love
Leek -- 20 miles away
Dandelion greens -- 40 miles away(?)
Kimchi -- love but 20 miles away
Kobucha -- no clue
Yogurt -- other than flavored with god knows what and fruit, possibly 40 miles away
Fermented vegetables -- kraut in a jar? Anything else is 20-40 miles away
Antibiotics -- no prob
GMOs -- harder but most non GMO, 20-40 miles away
Over production of free radicals -- no clue
Drinking chlorinated water -- filtered well water surrounded by gmo corn fields
Artificial sugars and sweeteners -- easy. I don't like sweets much
Acid blocking drugs -- easy
Proton pump inhibitors -- no clue
Non-steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs -- no clue
Stress -- bwahahahaaa! I'm so tightly wound, I've begun chanting "Maintain Humane" as soon as I get behind the wheel, but that's just driving. The rest of the day, I'm a ball of rubber bands.
Why are so many "smoothies" fruit sugar bombs, and how can that be a good start to the day? The last thing I want in the morning is something sweet. I'm also not a fan of milk of any type, except for raw milk which I haven't had since I was a kid.
I know I have to change what I eat, and I'm working on using my weekends to cook for the week, which is doable. I just don't know how to cram all the preparation into 4 hours of being awake per week day that I'm not driving or at work. One of those hours is waking up and chilling out; plus getting ready for work. One hour total, is spent driving to and from.
Since getting shingles last summer, and having it 7 times since, 4 were diagnosed, if I don't get at least 8 hrs of sleep per night, I'll start getting symptoms again. My doc put me on valcyclovir as maintenance, but instead of 1 GM/day as prescribed, I have to take at least 2 GM/day, and during more stressful times, 3 GM/day.
Last Thurs was the perfect storm. We were finally let out of work (way late imo) due to Irma or whatever the tropical storm was named. What I drove into, 6-8 miles from home after breaking the sound barrier for the first 10 miles or so, reminded me of idiot storm chasers. It was a deluge, and I was seriously stressed driving through it -- 40 mph in a 65 mph zone, flashers on and losing traction in my truck. At the same time, my prescription was running low, and an earlier attempt to fill it was postponed by the doc piddling around, and then the insurance company making me wait. By Friday, when I could pick it up, I was sleeping 10 plus hours and did same Sat and Sun. By Monday, I had pain, a minor rash, and a very short fuse -- all familiar symptoms. I'm not fully recovered yet, but at least my head isn't pounding anymore and taking Friday off to sleep was a blessing!
I know I have to change my eating (especially at work and when I'm the walking dead, after work). I just feel overwhelmed about it, not to mention having to drive 80 miles round-trip to find things that are good for me is a kick in the gut. My local, small town grocery store, doesn't even sell vegetable broth, and all the produce is limp and sad.
Sorry for the whine venting . . .
Gotta go make some black eyed pea and collard soup now. I'll throw in some quinoa and small quantities of veggies I don't want to rot otherwise. Have a picadillo-stuffed pablano (sans rice) for tonight. Those turned out delicious and I froze one for later in the week. If my brother doesn't show up today, I'll have 2 for the week. Should also look for some alternative tortilla recipes, because I'm a Texican and love tortillas. How do you eat a taco without a tortilla?
Dandelion root tea
Can be ordered on line and is a great digestive aid and detox cleanser.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Do you have any local groups
In your community who sell vegetables? Maybe just start simple with the vegetables you can buy? Using your healthy fat intake (olive oils, coconut oils, grapeseed oils) to add a lot of flavor the vegetables. Instead of steamed broccoli, or steamed cauliflower, roast it using spices, Dijon mustard and olive oil.
There are a lot of recipes on-line for "keto" style vegetables. Or just no-grain vegetable dishes. I just found one that recommended spiralizing onions. Of course the recipe also called for breading and frying them, but I'm going to play around with the idea and come up with something eliminating both.
Start small. Build your confidence. Inch your way in as far as how that will work with your schedule and don't overwhelm yourself with the bigger picture right now. It'll just kill the momentum before you get it going. The momentum is key. You'll be surprised what problem solving ideas you come up with once you've begun the wheels churning.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
jicima isn't sugary but it is sweet
Green bananas the same...sweet but not sugary. You don't have to mix with anything.
Stress is not a good thing. Sorry about your driving event...glad you vented, always good to let it go.
You can slowly adapt your diet. Life isn't a race. Start one thing at a time. Sounds like your are off sugar so that's a great start. I use olive, avocado, and coconut oil along with grass fed butter that's an easy change too. All that's left is getting off grains.
Kombucha is a fermented's one of many recipes.
There are several tortilla recipes that are low carb...
Here's a few I found with a quick search-
For odd ingredients like Psyllium Husk I use the Amazon monster...hate to but it drive to Chattanooga or other large city otherwise.
Most of the time we use a lettuce leaf as a wrapper. I've seen some folks use seaweed for fish tacos.
EDIT to add Kimchi is a lot like kraut.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks Anja & Lookout!
Do y'all consider quinoa a bad grain?
Also, I had not thought of using seaweed as a wrap for anything other than sesame rice (Korean-American friend in Jr. High taught me). I actually have some sheets in the freezer, and am going to use some right now with the little bit of picadillo that didn't fit in the peppers. (The meat in the picadillo is delivered every other month, and is supposedly organic grass fed, and no steroids or antibiotics, so at least there's that lol.)
I also may have to reinstate my Amazon monster account due to living so far away from a big city. Poop!
Thanks for the encouragement and links!
Oh, Anja, I remember Oprah touting an egg white wash for a substitute for frying veggies a decade or more ago. They're coated and baked. Might work for your onion spirals, unless you don't do eggs. I would use the whole egg, because I don't know what I'd do with the yolk otherwise.
Gundry suggest pressure cooking it...
Here's his story...
All the best.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
chica, that's a lot of shingles episodes!
I just got back from Ecuador and Peru, and they present some quinoa dish at every meal. It is in their bread, their salads, and on and on.
Not my favorite thing.
But then, neither is alpaca steak or grilled guinea pig.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
good morning lo
Thanks for the great post. Bookmarked! Mostly good with your list. No sugar for me. Not even fruit and especially not bananas. Unless with good protein and oils like peanut butter. Definitely need to start making kimchi again. So easy and so good. Broccoli sprouts are very good with almost anything. There is a yogurt that I just found out about that is a not heat (table top) yogurt. Waiting to get a culture from a friend.
Oct 7 mark the date. International Rebellion. Go team.
Have a good one...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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genetics are an important aspect
Ken Berry was saying his DNA is like 80% neanderthal and he is on a carnivore based diet. His wife is a latina, and she is on a veggie based keto diet with some meat. He suggest thinking about the big diet bubble as paleo. Within paleo is keto. Within keto is carnivore. So I guess it is eat for your genome and your microbiome. One size does not fit all. Ken is a one meal a day person.
Loved the story of your actions on Friday. I'm proud of the work you're doing. Hope this next action goes big...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thanks lo
Much appreciation for the work you do as well. I just watched the movie Blowout -
NOT the one reported in the Real News. It is also on fracking and is by a local filmmaker - Hope Forpeace. Stunninly gut wrenching.
It's a fucking emergency, already. They, the oil corps, are competing to get in the best infrastructure, worldwide, (while they are exposing communities to deadly chemicals) in order to sell this stuff. They are polluting METHANE. METHANE!!! for fucks sake. Methane is ~100 time more polluting than CO2 for the first 10 years. I just published an actual study in the near past that confirms the leakage from their wellheads. I live this shit day in an day out and am rarely gob smacked. This did it. I knew about it, but to see the people, whose lives have been impacted, talk about it, well, deep breaths. fuck!!!
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
it is overwhelming
not to mention that they are over extended financially as they destroy the planet. Banks and big fuel are driving our extinction. It s plain to see if you look. CStMS had a nice piece today as well.
Onward we go as best we can...
Wishing you the best...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Trump has increased the methane allowance.
And oil companies are actually complaining that he did it. I suppose the ones that already spent money for methane abatement that their competitors don't have to spend.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I can't comment intelligently, just the little bit I remember
I travelled to New Orleans in 1996 and on my way I passed miles and miles of what I think were refineries and gas storage places and the smell in air was horrible. I got scared of the US country side.
Today I live on my sister's property, which is the house of my parents I grew up in. It has its own well. My mother did a very intelligent job designing the garden. There is nobody anymore around young, interested and healthy enough to manage the house and property, but my imaginations keep me from giving it up.
Nobody understands why I wouldn't liquidate it, if I could. It's basically the realization what that house and property (built in 1936) once was for the first owners. They took in a lot of wwII refugees after the war and her vegetable and fruit garden fed some of them well (including the singer Ivan Rebroff). My mother built and built some more and then got rid of all of the hazelnut and fruit trees (unforgivable to me today), so today it's more a park-like garden and my sister gets anal about her
uselesslawn.In any case, I am thinking about our own well we have on the property. By law we are not allowed to use it and we have to use city water, even to water the garden. The city water is awful (extremely high water hardness, I need to cream my skin often with moisturizers).
So, the first I thing I will do, is testing our well water and then may be filtering it the natural way through slow sand filtration. I also would like to create a little river ... a river runs through... using solar panels to provide the pumps' electricity. I am considered gaga by the gardener, who is an auto-mechanic turned male care-taker for my sister. Oh well, we need to get along.
Apparently too few people of the German well-off folks can imagine that they might need to go back to basics to survive one day. Sigh.
I guess this was my 'doing nothing while lurking' regaining sanity time.
Have all a good one and so many thanks for the Weekly Watch. I mean the recipes are a little complicated to imagine I would cook them, I know I have diabetes and high blood pressure, my mother had too and Metformin I don't take, because it doesn't help and makes my guts sickly and each time I check my blood pressure, because it seeme my blood is pounding my brain and I measure it, the pressure is normal. So, who cares.
I am not going to frigging enslave myself on some medication and daily blood pressure checking. My mother had done that and it didn't do nada and she passed calmly away at age 85. I am not interested to get that old anyhow.
Have all a good upcoming week.
Hey friend
Good morning here. Check out Fung's program. He cures T2D...
That's odd you can't use your well to water the garden. Can't imagine the rationale for that.
Hope you're recovering quickly after your hospital stay. Happy reading and learning to you!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I will check it out, but I am not overweight
the diabetes part I have to study further. I don't think it's serious.
Our well water ... heh, there is no rationale for that regulation. When my mother was told she can't use the well water and were supposed to shut down the whole well for good, I think it was the first time in her life she broke the law, as that was even too stupid a law for her. She installed at an undisclosed location a switch, so that city water was used inside the house, but well water in the garden. So far the city and county government officials haven't come to our garden to look out for undisclosed locations of mommy's lawbreaking tools. They haven't shown up for 55 years and our well water is flowing nicely.
Low Vitamin D, lack of magnesium and what about Vitamin K? I take care of the first two, but didn't pay attention to the latter.
Thanks again for your work. It is too much info for me, at least for now. But one day it will be good to dig into it and categorize and archive it 'my way', which is the
I have the guts to wish you a gutsy happy life. My guts tell me that is the right thing to do.
Thank God we have guts.
My vitamin D also contains K
William Davis take on K
Vitamin K2 is not a core component of the Wheat Belly or Undoctored programs. But there are clinical studies demonstrating that adequate K2 intake can contribute to bone and heart health. (4 min)
Sounds like your Mom was pretty clever about the well!
Have a nice day.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank You, I have so much to learn ...
and it's already 1 am of October 1 over here (and again too tired to read more), couldn't come back earlier. I have not given up yet to learn some specifics though and finally read that what I planned to read over the years.
I am not sure if I am a bad student, a lazy student or a stressed out wanna-be something something...
I think Berry said something about having 80% "carnivore"
genes, or some such. I saw something where he put himself in the 96th %ile for Neanderthal, but that would only be 3 or 4% total genomic sequence. AFAIK, nobody has ever been measured to have more than 5 or 6% Neanderthal.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I've never done a DNA test look at my genome. But I've found an approach for my personal health. I think that's the big message. We are all different individuals. Explore diet and finds what works for you. It is a free experiment. There is no doubt we are individuals with our own specific genome. Do what is right for you!
Wishing you the best of good health and happiness.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
yeah, i wasn't disputing your message, i just didn't
want to leave that "80% Neanderthal" figure hanging out there.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
yeah. I'm not a geneticist just a simple soil scientist
....and you know that's pretty dirty.
I'm certainly not a nutritionist though I took several classes aimed toward animal nutrition and weight gain. Gave me some insights at any rate.
Thanks for your science perceptive, we need to think critically about health in the same way we regularly think critically about politics. Using evidence, which is the nature of science. I argue we've ignored the evidence in both areas. Are people willfully blind or are they misinformed. Perhaps a little of each?
Wishing you all the best...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks, a wonderful round up.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good to see you
out and about on Sunday. Glad you came by. Hope you're having a good one.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm usually around when not on the road, but don't usually
comment in much Sunday except CSTMS' OT. We all need some lurker time, ya know, it's part of the mandatory "do nothing for a while" neuro-psycho-biomic health thing. "sitting doing nothing (except reading
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Being at peace is key to all actions from my point of view.
It is dark here and day has past but elsewhere is bright day. That alone strains human understanding. Now add climate, diet, and politics, people are too overloaded to be rational and effective.
Perhaps there's an effective response...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Fish Oil
I take Fish Oil, but I would prefer to eat the fatty fish instead.
Went to a traditional Swedish New year's dinner once. Very interesting.
One point that amused me. At our long table there were a lot of swedish people (duh!) and several mixed Swedish/Non-Swedish couples, my self included. The Swedes all hated their national dish of lutefisk (reconstituted cod with a white sauce) but all the non-swedes (myself included) liked it. Can't say the same for Akvavit. Lutefisk would be good with a good German white wine, preferably auslese.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
sounds fishy to me...
We eat fish, mainly wild caught salmon or local caught Bream, weekly. But I add Krill oil (soon to be fish oil) to the mix daily just to get in my omega 3's.
Good to "see" you. Hope all is well and you're doing good!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
So the krill oil isn't better thane fish oil?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Davis claims fish oil....
Has things Krill oil does not. I went with krill oil because it is the base of the food chain. However it lacks one of the beneficial compounds of fish oil.
Both provide omega-3
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'll take akavit over lutefisk anyday if only to use to douse
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I do have to admit that Italians will eat some strange things.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Studies have shown that GMO
Studies have shown that GMO foods strip the gut of microbes (for starters) If you look at all of the TV ads, its for pharmaceuticals for skin or digestion issues. I suspect that there is an epidemic of these two conditions, which are often intertwined. And I'm sure that GMOs are part of the problem....
No wonder why the Europeans have banned this stuff
Studies have shown that GMO
Studies have shown that GMO foods strip the gut of microbes (for starters) If you look at all of the TV ads, its for pharmaceuticals for skin or digestion issues. I suspect that there is an epidemic of these two conditions, which are often intertwined. And I'm sure that GMOs are part of the problem....
No wonder why the Europeans have banned this stuff
Yes absolutely
Most of the GMOs are bred for round-up resistance so they can be sprayed, or to incorporate Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) for insect control.
Avoid these food products! As you suggest they are not healthy.
Thanks for the comment.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”