The scandal that will finally take Trump down!

Here is the new Russian like story that they have come up with now that the Russian spy story fell flat on its face.

Donald Trump Is Asking A Foreign Country To Help Him Win. Again.

The president sought Russian aid in the 2016 election — and got away with it. Now he’s asking Ukraine to do the same thing.

President Donald Trump had gotten off scot-free. ”A great day for me,” he declared on July 24. Former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony about Trump’s alleged obstruction of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election had failed to convince House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ― let alone congressional Republicans ― to impeach him.

With not one member of his circle in prison for attempting to collude with a foreign power, and with the prospect of impeachment rapidly fading thanks to Pelosi’s hand-wringing and stonewalling, Trump did what any rational leader would do: He apparently did it again.

The day after Mueller’s testimony, Trump called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and pressured Zelensky to help him win the 2020 election by investigating former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. In the weeks that followed, Trump refused to grant Zelensky a meeting at the White House and halted $250 million of congressionally authorized military aid to the country, raising the possibility that the president was, as The Washington Post put it in an unsigned editorial, “not just soliciting Ukraine’s help with his presidential campaign” but using U.S. military aid to “extort it.

"That allegation, if true, would unambiguously constitute an impeachable offense,” national security expert Benjamin Wittes wrote Friday. “That would be a very big deal indeed.”

If the reports are correct, “there is truly no bottom to President Trump’s willingness to abuse his power and abase our country,” Joe Biden said in a statement released late Friday. “This behavior is particularly abhorrent because it exploits the foreign policy of our country and undermines our national security for political purposes. It means that he used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation… to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor.”

For months, Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been pushing the unfounded theory that Joe Biden, when he was vice president, pressured Ukraine to fire the country’s former special prosecutor because Biden was mad the prosecutor was investigating a gas company with ties to his son Hunter. Giuliani’s theory is based on a web of misinformation. There’s no evidence that Joe Biden knew anything about an investigation into Hunter Biden. And the U.S. government, along with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, wanted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor. That didn’t have anything to do with Hunter Biden. Instead, the U.S. and its allies wanted the prosecutor gone because he wasn’t doing enough to investigate corruption in Ukraine.

Those facts didn’t stop Trump from pushing for a probe: During a July 25 phone call with Zelensky, Trump urged his Ukrainian counterpart about eight times to help Giuliani investigate the Bidens, according to the Journal. The details of that phone call — first reported Friday by The Wall Street Journal, then confirmed by The Washington Post and The New York Times — are the subject of a still-secret whistleblower complaint the president and his allies are fighting hard to keep out of the hands of lawmakers.

Once again the media come out with a definitive headline, but they then bury the part where they show that they have no proof that he did any such thing. And once again the country thinks that Trump has done something that he didn't and it spends the week on it while ignoring the things that they should be telling us. I don't watch the news so I don't know if the 30 Afghani murders was talked about. Or the flooding in Texas. Or that the Saudis are once again bombing the crap out of Yemen and breaking the latest ceasefire.

Read this again:

During a July 25 phone call with Zelensky, Trump urged his Ukrainian counterpart about eight times to help Giuliani ....

How does anyone know what was discussed then when they still don't know which foreign leader Trump talked to. Who is telling everyone that?

The details of that phone call — first reported Friday by The Wall Street Journal, then confirmed by The Washington Post and The New York Times ...

Okay how do they know? From some anonymous sources I'm betting because that is where every story has come from. Someone close to the investigation that isn't authorized to talk about it. And yet...

Just once I wish the Russia Gaters would look closely at the articles and see how there is no there there. BTW that Russian spy that the CIA had to extradite from Russia because Trump spoke to some Russians in the Oval Office which he had every right to do? He was actually removed from Russia during Obama's tenure. Oh wait... didn't know that? Surprise.

YouTube version

And this folks is how you spread absolutely nothing but propaganda.

Caught: Trump Full Treason Exposed by Intel Whistleblower, this is not a joke!

An intelligence whistleblower, acting within the law, has brought before congress evidence that President Trump made an “offer of service” to a foreign leader, specifically to act as an agent or representative of said government, misusing his power as Commander in Chief to employ the armed forces of the United States for personal gain. This is how it began:

A second accusation says that Trump withheld $250m in aid to Ukraine because they refused to fake evidence Trump could use to get Joseph Biden to drop out of the presidential race. The Washington Post carries this story:

To be clear, this does not involve a diplomatic negotiation involving a potential agreement between the US and a foreign nation but rather a personal offer that goes way beyond violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution.

It involves not just emoluments, payments from a foreign leader, but also the “rental” of the powers of the American presidency.

But here's the kicker:

We are told the report involves Trump and the Ukraine, but our sources say it is Saudi Arabia.

Editor’s note: What we are told; that this wasn’t only the deal to blackmail Zelensky to fake evidence on Biden but something far worse. Our sources say Trump cut a deal with a foreign leader (Saudi Arabia) to attack Iran based on personal financial dealings and a guarantee of Saudi Arabia financing Trump’s re-election campaign.

If there is any substance to the official allegations now before congress, the continuation of the Trump/Pence administration threatens American sovereignty as outlined specifically in the constitution. There is no legal protection against arrest in such a case.

The charge being discussed here is treason. The punishment, execution.

I bolded it like the editor did.

Lmao..okay who are your sources?

Let's put something in to shame Trump while we're at it.


Of course, Donald is fighting back, using the tricks he learned from his very very very close friend, mob boss Roy Cohn (left in photo, Trump on right “in drag”)

A tad bit more...

Welcome to Rabbit Hole.

Untrodden territory: The whistleblowing process to report intelligence community employee concerns to Congress is used anywhere from four to 20 times a year, according to official reports. From what little we can tell from those reports, the intelligence community has never faced an issue remotely like the one raised by a complaint against Trump. The complaint, first filed on Aug. 12, reportedly involves Trump’s conversations with an unnamed foreign leader about Ukraine, according to The Washington Post.”

Oh I don't know. How about when the whistleblower program was weaponized during Obama's tenure and he prosecuted 8 people who had the right to expose blatant corruption and criminal acts by our government? Gee I don't remember Schiff or any other congress critters going on TV to talk about it. Does anyone? My memory is faulty at times. Or how about Trump persecuting Julian Assange for blowing the whistle on not only our war crimes, but other country's too? Adam? Anything to say about this?

There is nothing in this article that is based on facts, but how many people who read it will know that it's a bunch of malarkey? I saw a tweet earlier that I can't find again that says that one media outlet is backing off the original story. But how many people will see it and go on believing that Trump committed treason? Too many I'm afraid. Go ahead and see how much worse it gets...

If you don't watch the videos you won't get the whole story. Especially the one where the media talks about the conflict of interest with
Hunter Biden being ByeDone's son.

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edg's picture

We shall now call it Ukraine-Gate instead of Russia-Gate. Perhaps Mueller can be called out of retirement to investigate this latest egregious offense by the guy that stole the election from the rightful heir to the throne. Stole, with Putin's help last time and Putin's Ukrainian puppet's help this time.

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I’m starting to see rumblings of something sketchy having gone on with Biden and his son and the Ukraine. There was a link I read from Naked Capitalism which made it sound like this could be yet another problem for creepy Uncle Joe if it got out. Seems like turning this into more partisan politics or another -gate nothingburger with Trump would be a decent way to spike the story.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

Trump War Room. Any bets on whether people would freak out if the Trump kids were involved in a corporation after their dad overthrew the country's government? Hunter was kicked out of the military for cocaine use. Instead of going to prison like any other poor person would have he got to play big whig instead. How many not Hunter ByeDones would have gotten that chance?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

other readers here cannot access the twitter videos, as I can't because my software is out of date, here's a different link to Biden saying he threatened to withhold the billion dollars unless the Ukrainian prosecutor was fired.

And the quote from the article snoopydawg posted is about as desperate as I've seen on the part of the media trying to salvage the Democratic/CIA cabal. It's desperately stupid.

... the U.S. government, along with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, wanted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor. That didn’t have anything to do with Hunter Biden. Instead, the U.S. and its allies wanted the prosecutor gone because he wasn’t doing enough to investigate corruption in Ukraine.

Biden's son was working for a company being investigated by the Ukrainian government, and we're supposed to believe Biden was threatening them because they weren't investigating him enough?

Notice Biden is addressing the Council on Foreign Relations, whose audience chuckles along with the swagger and bragging about pushing countries around when they start investigating corruption.


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snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

The media is pulling out all the stops to quash the ByeDone story about the Ukraine prosecutor.

ETA to add this from the tweet.

prosecutor general must go to get American money? Nope.

This is exactly what ByeDone said he did on the tape from the CFR. "I told them that unless they fire the prosecutor I'll withhold $1 billion. lol. It's just so obvious how they think we are stupid. But unfortunately there are many people who are misinformed because they get their news from CNN and MSDNC. And Fox sadly.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

his son's company was being investigated because that ultra close family talks about the weather, baseball, and play records.
OF COURSE they do not discuss politics, banking, global economy, corporate structure, or the military.
I think they gather to bake cookies, and lay flowers on the graves of dead family members.
Just because Joe has been in politics his whole adult life does NOT mean politics gets discussed over the serving of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
Come on, people. Get real.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@on the cusp

Everybody knows that when it comes to Ukraine, it's Victoria Nuland who bakes the cookies.


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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

snoopydawg's picture

Here is the the Hunter ByeDone story from ABC. It details the reason his working for the Ukraine company seems so sketchy. And swagger is the right word for ByeDone in the CFR video. Arrogance works too.

Mediaite stated: "ABC News’ Tom Llamas reported on foreign business deals in Ukraine and China linked to Joe Biden’s family on Thursday, asking: “Was Hunter Biden profiting off his dad’s work?” Speaking on Good Morning America, Llamas aired his report showing Biden and his family’s links to various business deals in Ukraine and China. “At issue, was Hunter Biden profiting off his dad’s work as vice president and did Joe Biden allow it?” Llamas said. The ABC report comes after President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani and other Trump allies have attempted on multiple occasions to draw attention to Hunter Biden’s business deals, with Giuliani even planning a trip to Ukraine that he later canceled."

I'm not sure that Giuliani is looking into this issue or if he is looking at what role Ukraine played in Hillary's, the DNC and Fusion GPS' getting dirt on people in Trump's campaign. Maybe if Huber or Horowitz looked into it we would know how it connects to the creation of Russia Gate?

I'm glad you read that propaganda article from veterans today. It is so full of false information that I'm surprised that even NewsGuard didn't flag it as

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Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Pure projection of Biden's bragged-about sins (or some of them) onto Trump. JoJo will beat Trump like a drum--yeah, and pigs fly. The money trail needs to be verified from Ukraine to Hunter, perhaps it already has been. Several months ago, when this story started to circulate along with the DFR video, there was no doubt about trouble on the rise for JoJo, separate from his failing memory. Several essayists on c99 have written about this. Pure projection plus allusions to possibly unauthorized eavesdropping on presidential conversations by intelligence operatives.

Bill Weld stated on the Tube that Trump may be guilty of treason and the punishment for that is death. Watch out, Dems. If there is any truth to Q, there will be lots of hangings. This is the Democrats trying to tame the Tiger--a tiger that is already eating them. Facts trump fable.

Interesting tidbit:

I posted a one word comment to a YouTube video yesterday about the emerging Ukrainegate disaster for Biden as "ByeDone"

I received a YouTube reply from Tracey to consider posting an essay on caucus99percent. I responded back to Tracey, stating that our own snoopydawg created the term. So, Ms dawg, your fame is spreading.

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throw a wrench into the continuing effort to grease the skids on the move to canonize Blessed Donald. And if Hunter Biden had any qualifications for playing such a lucrative role in a Ukrainian energy company other than his link to the Vice President he kept them well hidden. But congress has a legal right to the information on the whistle blower's complaint and the administration's response. The Trump Administration is withholding it.

A lot of the speculation would dry up if Trump followed the law.

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snoopydawg's picture


The Russian spy story was. We were told that the CIA had to remove him from Russia after Trump met with Russians in the Oval Office, but he had actually been removed during Obama's tenure. This has been the pattern since Trump became president and all of a sudden normal things that presidents do became unacceptable for Trump. So how can he release the tapes if 1- they don't exist? 2- no one even knows what foreign leader he supposedly did that to?

I put an excerpt that says lots of people think it was Ukraine's president but the other guy thinks it Saudi Arabia's clown prince. See the problem? Almost every story about Trump doing something that should remove him from office has been false.

There are definitely some things that congress could look into like the emoluments clause and ruining the environment or detaining immigrants longer than the law allows. But this silly nonsense is most probably a non story. Probably..

And canonize him? Please! I've been very critical of him since he took office.

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Trump and his AG could have responded to congress that there was no whistle blower. Trump says lots of people in his office, but not Trump, have read the report and they all laughed. He should let us in on the joke.

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snoopydawg's picture


As I stated though no one even knows which foreign leader he was supposed to have contacted and even the news reports say that if this is true... If being the operative word. This whole thing has been blown up without any proof that anything even happened,. just like almost every story about Trump since he became president. See the problem here?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

TheOtherMaven's picture


Even if on some rare occasions he tells the truth, he will not be believed.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

when he says there's a whistle blower. I'm more skeptical when he says the claim is without merit.

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snoopydawg's picture


Or watch any videos? If so did you see that none of them have said unequivocally that anything even happened? Lots of ifs in them which means no one knows what even happened. If you didn't then how can you be sure what happened? If you have any other articles that you've read that you think are more correct then please post them so I can read them.

Rereading the CNN article it says that the whistleblower wasn't even in the room when the supposed call was made. So how did he know what happened?

BTW. Those were not my excuses. They came from the articles.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

or I wasn't until this morning. But we now know Trump did make the call. The country was Ukraine. And he did withhold congressionally appropriated aid. (I hate the idea of that aid.) We know that Trump did discuss the Biden's during the call in the context of corruption. He might not have needed to send a letter with text in bold for the Ukrainian government to figure out what they needed to do to get the money out of Trump.

I don't care if Republicans in the senate initiate an investigations into the Bidens. (They might have done that already once.) I hope they initiate a forensic audit of every entry into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton foundation and link the contributions to U.S. actions the contributors desired. Just because many Democrats are corrupt does not mean many Republicans aren't. And Trump seems to be breaking new ground.

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@FuturePassed Trump could reveal Biden's corruption in a heartbeat.
Why he doesn't is beyond me.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Did you watch the video from ABC on
Hunter ByeDone? There sure looks like something nefarious happened.

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Hunter ByeDone had a job on the board of a Ukrainian energy company because Ukraine was actively trying to influence the US 2016 election for her Heinousness. Poroshenko figured a seat in her royal court for his help influencing the election and for payola to the ByeDones. What the hell were the ByeDones doing in bed with the neo-nazis of Ukraine? Even the people of Ukraine could not stomach Poroshenko and his merry band of Nazis, and rejected them summarily in the election. It all reeks of sleaze, but then so does "Uncle Joe".

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Wizard

This is what Rudy is in Ukraine to find out about. Ukraine was up to its eyeballs in helping Hillary make up stuff on people in Trump's campaign.

And people are giving Obama a pass for overthrowing Ukraine's government that was friendly towards Russia and then installed neo Nazis in the government. This is the same group of Nazis that were connected to Hitler and we fought in WWII. This should have been a huge scandal during Obama's presidency, but just like his being Bush 2.0 he got a pass.

Thanks for saying this. It will be interesting to see if Trump lets Barr take his investigation all the way to the top. But many of us know what happened.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

followed the law on this, we would not be having this discussion.
Why would he not?
Kushner, perhaps?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

dervish's picture

just sayin'.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Wally's picture

Alexandra and Andrea, for their dealings with the previous Ukrainian government.

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Mark from Queens's picture

From Truthdig, The Modern Machiavelli Who Predicted Trump’s Rise

Trump had been in cahoots with Cohn since they met in a Manhattan nightclub in 1973. By then, Cohn, prosecutor of the infamous Rosenberg trial and later assistant to Wisconsin Sen. Joe McCarthy during the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings, had earned his stripes as a notorious scoundrel. Perhaps he felt it was time to pass his villainous lessons to a new generation—or maybe he just wanted to sleep with the young real estate developer—but Cohn chose to mentor Trump for over a decade in Manhattan’s high-stakes world of media, money and power.

A clue to Cohn’s motivation can be found in filmmaker Matt Tyrnauer’s new documentary, “Where’s My Roy Cohn?” in theaters beginning Friday. In a vintage 1979 clip, Cohn is seated at home, reading a letter from Trump and mooning over a framed photo of the two of them. He calls it one of his dearest treasures and says that Trump will rise from New York and touch every part of the country, even extending his reach globally.

Here’s what a truly evil and ruthless scumbag Cohn was:

From the beginning of his career, Cohn forged the way for sociopathic legal manipulations, his brilliance undercompensating for his moral turpitude. As far back as age 15, he used his family’s legal connections to fix parking tickets for teachers. Graduating from Columbia Law School at the age of 20, he had to wait until his 21st birthday before he could take the bar exam.

Within two years, he was making international headlines working with prosecutors in the case against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. While Julius was convicted of espionage under convincing evidence, the essentially blameless Ethel was also convicted in 1951, with Cohn pushing for the death penalty. Using predatory prosecutorial tactics, he pressured Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, into changing his testimony. Greenglass later said he was encouraged by the prosecution to lie in the courtroom in order to protect himself and his wife.

“Part of my goal in this film was to show his progression into this monster. There were some clues, especially the mother, Dora,” Tyrnauer said. Cohn’s mother was so shrewish, according to the movie, that her powerful family had to promise Cohn’s father a judgeship in order to get him to marry her.

According to Tyrnauer, Cohn sought the death penalty in the Rosenberg case in order to heighten the sensation around it and garner as much attention for himself as possible. If so, his tactic worked. Then-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover took notice, recommending that Cohn assist McCarthy on the House Un-American Activities Committee and the Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954, as well as the so-called “Lavender Scare,” which persecuted homosexuals.

Evil scum attracts evil scum, and in the end they’ll always savage and try to toss one another overboard:

In 1973, Trump Management Inc. was hit with a federal housing discrimination lawsuit based on overwhelming evidence that it had been shutting out nonwhite renters, going so far as to label applications with a “C” for “colored.” Cohn fought the suit to a settlement, which is not the same as an admission of guilt, a ploy that has become a mainstay in the Trump playbook. Years later, Trump settled to the tune of $25 million in the Trump University lawsuit, and has settled with plaintiffs in roughly 100 additional cases.

In those days, Cohn was working out of his East Side townhouse in Manhattan, a bachelor pad-turned-office overrun with stuffed toy frogs and handsome young assistants. He flitted to Studio 54 and all the right parties in his Rolls Royce limousine with his “fiance,” Barbara Walters, on his arm, a beard (and a pointless one at that). Andy Warhol, Mayor Ed Koch and gangster “Fat Tony” Salerno were all friends in his work-hard play-hard lifestyle. On one hand, he successfully fended off federal misconduct investigations into perjury and witness tampering (three times over 10 years, while also beating financial improprieties charges), and on the other, he shielded characters like Trump, media mogol Rupert Murdoch and mobsters John Gotti and Carlo Gambino from justice.

It wasn’t until 1986, three months before Cohn died of AIDS, that a five-judge panel of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court finally disbarred him for unethical and unprofessional conduct, including misappropriation of clients’ funds, lying on a bar application and pressuring a client to amend his will. Speaking as character witnesses on Cohn’s behalf were New York Times columnist William Safire, Barbara Walters and William Buckley Jr. Trump, however, stayed clear of his disgraced and dying mentor, who helped secure a federal judgeship for Trump’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, as a final favor. A widely circulated story at the time tells of Trump giving Cohn a pair of diamond cufflinks, which later turned out to be fake. “I can’t believe he’s doing this to me,” Cohn said. “Donald pisses ice water.”

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

snoopydawg's picture

@Mark from Queens

into great detail on Cohn and how he had ties with mobsters, the CIA and lots of pedophiles scanning decades. You can read her brilliant essays on this on MintPress.

I was just thinking again how Epstein and his fellow pedophiles escaped justice when he suddenly died in prison. How very convenient don't you think? And if he was rubbed off it shows how little the PTB think of our intellect.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Azazello's picture

The corporate media are desperately trying to spin it as a Trump scandal but I remember reading about the Burisma deal when it happened and it had nothing to do with Trump.
Biden stinks and I hope people start asking the right questions, finally.
Here's a segment from The Duran:
[video: width:500 height:300]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

snoopydawg's picture


The first thing it talks about is the violent coup in Ukraine which allowed US and other country's special interests to finally start working in the country. Poreshenko used to live in Virginia and he told Hillary that if she made him president that he would open the country to outside interests. Well that happened didn't it.

And yes Biden being in charge in the aftermath of the coup and letting his son be on one company's board when he didn't have any experience. Again let's reverse it and Trump overthrew a country's government and let his kids do that. Oh noes.

Bottom line ByeDone did threaten to withhold $1 billion unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor


Again Trump is being hammered for something that MyBoss did ad nauseum during his presidency. And ByeDone was right there with him supporting him.

Dems could be taking down Uncle Joe because of his not being able to speak coherently and let Warren take the reins. Good video. Thanks.

Bingo! It was Hillary that was meddling in Ukraine to influence the election against Trump. This might be another reason Rudy is over there. I just hope one day the lid is blown off how Russian Gate came into being. How far will Trump allow it to go and will he go after Obama? Stay tuned.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture


Dems could be taking down Uncle Joe because of his not being able to speak coherently and let Warren take the reins.

Hillary will push this story for all its worth to hurt Biden, help Warren, and muddy the waters about Her own nefarious role.

So, cue the army of Impeachment shriekers in 3..2..1...

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

And once again we see how Hillary used her foundation to give favors to those who donated to it. I was aware of how many she did with the Saudis and other governments in the middle east, and how her foundation and state department stole the billions that were for Haiti's reconstruction, but lookie here... she was grifting in Ukraine.

Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.


The Clinton Foundation swore off donations from foreign governments when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. That didn’t stop the foundation from raising millions of dollars from foreigners with connections to their home governments, a review of foundation disclosures shows.

Anyone think the Saudis were interested in helping people in Africa who have AIDS? this is pretty much the only thing that the Clinton foundation is known for and even that is shady. They bought drugs that were ineffective and sent them to countries dealing with the epidemic. Read their foundation website. Most of the things they do is Help give women and people the opportunity to.... but don't really help the needy all over the world. And after each donation Hillary then helped whomever gave it deal with their problem they had with the state department. Mainly she made it go away.

All 3 articles are worth a read.

One more thing. I read something a year ago how many countries are still donating millions to their foundation even though they don't want to and it is putting a hardship on their country's finances. Why in the blue blazes are they doing that?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


blackmailing business? It would explain why Bill keeps lying about how many plane trips he took with Epstein... maybe they were business trips?

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

lotlizard's picture

Establishment folk here, which now includes Greens and Left, all hate Trump and are itching for impeachment.

With them, spreading the latest blather and distraction the Atlanticists (Council on Foreign Relations and German equivalent) cough up, in a completely credulous fashion, is passed off as objectivity.

I’m letting politics be for the moment and have been busy transcribing some church service music into Braille. Also investigating if there is some way I can work on Braille music stuff together with the central German library for the blind in Leipzig.

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