As someone who remembers the Cold War, I don't recall that ever being part of the propaganda.
It is disturbing that a powerful billionaire accused of sex trafficking minors, who was already on suicide watch, has died while in federal custody, his many secrets about other powerful men going with him to the grave. This sounds like something that would happen in Russia, no?
Billionaire pedophile Epstein died, and this celebrity "journalist" immediately blames Russia, without a scintilla of evidence
In the new cold war TV "journos" blame foreign bogeymen for anything and don't need a shred of proof, because facts don't matter
white supremacist and supporting Nazis. Never mind that Nazis killed some of Putin's family and 27 million Russians. The Russia phobia is out of control in the people who buy into Russia Gate. Every thing that goes wrong in this country is because Putin is trying to tear it down. Did you see Harris tried to blame Kaepernick kneeling on Russia?
of the Nazis in WW2 is 20 million soldiers and 30 million civilians. This does not include the 20 million starved by Stalin pre-war in his version of ethnic cleansing.
white supremacist and supporting Nazis. Never mind that Nazis killed some of Putin's family and 27 million Russians. The Russia phobia is out of control in the people who buy into Russia Gate. Every thing that goes wrong in this country is because Putin is trying to tear it down. Did you see Harris tried to blame Kaepernick kneeling on Russia?
with 'Fascism'. Makes no sense. Other than at the extremes both are capable of horrific behavior.
Thanks for the Webb reports. I've followed the links and read them. What interests me is that having read 'The Devil's Chessboard' by David Talbot, all this picks right up from the last part of his book. Many of the same players, some still stirring the sauce today.
NPR or BBC during our night time interviewed a rep from Florida or some place where Epstein had a smaller compound/house. She was saying almost all the things being said here. Her lede was "Is this a surprise?" People are speculating out loud. This happened too quickly and to blatantly. Sloppy.
She indicated the lawsuits should somehow go foreward. Asked who she would trust to carry out further investigations, she struggled to name any agency or person.
It was Lois Frankel D-Florida. Here is a YT of an earlier MSNBC interview with her on Epstein. Apparently the Women's Caucus have been following this case for awhile and asking questions.
Ah - found a transcript. It was NPR. Lois Frankel on Epstein
white supremacist and supporting Nazis. Never mind that Nazis killed some of Putin's family and 27 million Russians. The Russia phobia is out of control in the people who buy into Russia Gate. Every thing that goes wrong in this country is because Putin is trying to tear it down. Did you see Harris tried to blame Kaepernick kneeling on Russia?
0 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
white supremacist and supporting Nazis. Never mind that Nazis killed some of Putin's family and 27 million Russians. The Russia phobia is out of control in the people who buy into Russia Gate. Every thing that goes wrong in this country is because Putin is trying to tear it down. Did you see Harris tried to blame Kaepernick kneeling on Russia?
0 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Maybe someone who Tweets (snoopy?) can go get the actual tweet of Slick Willie asking how many more people have to die (gun reform) and someone replied with a pic of Slick and Epstein. I found it on Reddit r/conspiracy:
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Gaslight Nation: A History of Reality Management in the 21st Century
Shit is bizarre, right now, and we're being told it's normal. On nearly all fronts.
I can't help but see it as national gaslighting. What are we supposed to make of this as a people? Our collective consciousness is completely fractured - and it has been done deliberately - we're being challenged on what reality even is, at multiple levels at once.
Man, do I wish I had cookie crumbs to all the important pieces I've read over the years... This Suskind piece is one that I often recall, special thanks to c99p for the push to return to it:
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
That's life in America. The reality of Jeffrey Epstein, child trafficker to the Masters of the Universe, will be whatever they say it is. And if you don't like it, you're a Russian Troll trafficking in Conspiracy Theories.
Deep fakes were an inoculation or vaccine for any Epstein cooties that might escape his untimely "suicide". And I'm quite tempted to write Arkancide, but that would make me a Russian Troll.
0 users have voted.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
There are, we presume a lot, maybe hundreds, of wealthy and powerful people who were facing exposure in the Epstein affair. Singling out the Clintons because you have a particular hate-on for them is itself not reality-based, it's just promoting the people whom you most want to have been responsible to the top of the list, and then crossing out the rest of the list.
Mind you, despite being normally very skeptical about the CT-du-jour, I think in this case the most likely truth is indeed that someone had JE removed from the scene. Among other outcomes, I'm guessing that there are some dozens of 20-something and 30-something women out there who suddenly sense that their own continued breath-drawing is precarious and is possibly conditional on certain choices they might make.
In any case, it hardly matters -- we will never know who gave the order, if such an order was in fact given, so there's no real point in fervently speculating. About all we can do is push for a full investigation, the absence of a defendant notwithstanding. I note that [EDIT, i typed the wrong name] Ms. Giuffre is suing Dershowitz for defamation. Dershowitz is an arrogant, merciless, meanspirited motherfucker, and a very successful trial lawyer, but discovery is as discovery does. It will be interesting to see what comes out of all this. I find it interesting that both Mitchell and Richardson deny having ever met Giuffre -- as if she would have ever even heard of either of them, had they not. I don't know what Dershowitz has said, but whatever it is I presume it's a lie. The notion that she would have somehow come up with such a random hodgepodge of individuals (Pritzker and Prince Andrew etc) without ever having interacted with them is not credible.
Gaslight Nation: A History of Reality Management in the 21st Century
Shit is bizarre, right now, and we're being told it's normal. On nearly all fronts.
I can't help but see it as national gaslighting. What are we supposed to make of this as a people? Our collective consciousness is completely fractured - and it has been done deliberately - we're being challenged on what reality even is, at multiple levels at once.
Man, do I wish I had cookie crumbs to all the important pieces I've read over the years... This Suskind piece is one that I often recall, special thanks to c99p for the push to return to it:
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
That's life in America. The reality of Jeffrey Epstein, child trafficker to the Masters of the Universe, will be whatever they say it is. And if you don't like it, you're a Russian Troll trafficking in Conspiracy Theories.
Deep fakes were an inoculation or vaccine for any Epstein cooties that might escape his untimely "suicide". And I'm quite tempted to write Arkancide, but that would make me a Russian Troll.
0 users have voted.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
He got a sweetheart deal once before. Why would he or anybody else think he couldn't get another one?
If he was not on suicide watch, the earlier "attempt" was attempted murder. He was provided a cell to himself to protect him from other prisoners.
He was not afforded suicide watch protection.
if you’re surprised that jeffrey epstein killed himself last night, imagine how surprised he must have been
Ghislaine Maxwell has taken a red eye on the Lolita Express to Israel.
Epstein has no money. None of "his" property was owned by him.
Honey Pot soon gins up some place else.
#18 He got a sweetheart deal once before. Why would he or anybody else think he couldn't get another one?
If he was not on suicide watch, the earlier "attempt" was attempted murder. He was provided a cell to himself to protect him from other prisoners.
He was not afforded suicide watch protection.
the Honey Pot hasn't missed a beat. It is already ginned up!
I just read on Huffpo that the earlier suicide attempt is now reported as "either" a suicide attempt or an assault.
Up until this afternoon, it was attempted suicide throughout the media.
#18.1.1 the Honey Pot hasn't missed a beat. It is already ginned up!
I just read on Huffpo that the earlier suicide attempt is now reported as "either" a suicide attempt or an assault.
Up until this afternoon, it was attempted suicide throughout the media.
unconscious with marks on his neck, all the news reports were that it was attempted suicide. Now, as of today, they report that incident might have been an assault or attempted murder.
Hope that explains what I meant to say.
@on the cusp
By the time the intended act produced unconsciousness, the person's hands lose their grip on the neck. Unconsciousness without death, reversible, with possibly a little (very little) brain damage.
# unconscious with marks on his neck, all the news reports were that it was attempted suicide. Now, as of today, they report that incident might have been an assault or attempted murder.
Hope that explains what I meant to say.
@Alligator Ed
at the time of the first injury. It takes at least a perp and victim for attempted assault.
# By the time the intended act produced unconsciousness, the person's hands lose their grip on the neck. Unconsciousness without death, reversible, with possibly a little (very little) brain damage.
0 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
And, after you believe that someone attempted suicide, how do you (meaning the authorities) take him off suicide watch?
Did he suddenly seem much more cheerful? /.s
# By the time the intended act produced unconsciousness, the person's hands lose their grip on the neck. Unconsciousness without death, reversible, with possibly a little (very little) brain damage.
Epstein is dead. If someone other Epstein caused that result, wouldn't that make it murder, not merely attempted murder?
On edit. On re-reading your post, they are now referring to the first incident, not the most recent event, as either attempted suicide or attempted murder. Now I get it. Thank you for elaborating.
# unconscious with marks on his neck, all the news reports were that it was attempted suicide. Now, as of today, they report that incident might have been an assault or attempted murder.
Hope that explains what I meant to say.
@on the cusp
It is so hard to stay current. My bad.
#18.1.1 the Honey Pot hasn't missed a beat. It is already ginned up!
I just read on Huffpo that the earlier suicide attempt is now reported as "either" a suicide attempt or an assault.
Up until this afternoon, it was attempted suicide throughout the media.
Once it becomes known that Epstein has no money and no estate to speak of, then all of the civil suits will go nowhere, because there will be no way to finance the civil suits and no hope of Plaintiff lawyers being paid (which is how they finance the cases).
Never sue a person for monetary damages that has no assets.
I will be anxiously awaiting the probate proceedings. Wonder which relative will identify and claim the body?
And surely, surely, the man had a Will.
#18.1.1 Once it becomes known that Epstein has no money and no estate to speak of, then all of the civil suits will go nowhere, because there will be no way to finance the civil suits and no hope of Plaintiff lawyers being paid (which is how they finance the cases).
Bunch of Plaintiff lawyers saying "Oh Shit."
0 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp
I was a personal injury attorney for 35 years. All I did for essentially my whole career except for a few odd cases here and there.
This reminds me of JP Morgan whom everyone believed was outrageously wealthy. When he died he didn't have a tenth of what people thought. And in Epstein's case, if he had money, it would not be onshore. Good luck finding what he had if he had any which I doubt.
# Never sue a person for monetary damages that has no assets.
I will be anxiously awaiting the probate proceedings. Wonder which relative will identify and claim the body?
And surely, surely, the man had a Will.
But, among other odds and ends, I do probate work. I wonder if he owed anybody? Any creditor could open up an administration of his estate and go on a hunt for money.
But the civil suits will be fini if it turns out his financials do not support his persona.
# I was a personal injury attorney for 35 years. All I did for essentially my whole career except for a few odd cases here and there.
This reminds me of JP Morgan whom everyone believed was outrageously wealthy. When he died he didn't have a tenth of what people thought. And in Epstein's case, if he had money, it would not be onshore. Good luck finding what he had if he had any which I doubt.
0 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp
To run this kind of a honey pot operation all you have to do is appear to be who you are. How he made his billions seems to be a real mystery, the assumption being it was from a criminal enterprise of some sort. So I feel sure the wealth persona was a sham.
And having no assests just shuts down any civil suits that would have been taken on a contingency. And of course he can not be compelled to testify now. All by design.
So all the evidence he had for blackmail on all of these powerful people is still in the hands of his handlers and these powerful people are still subject to blackmail and under the control of those with the evidence.
# But, among other odds and ends, I do probate work. I wonder if he owed anybody? Any creditor could open up an administration of his estate and go on a hunt for money.
But the civil suits will be fini if it turns out his financials do not support his persona.
The video is by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a psychiatrist and a member of US intelligence for decades. He is Jewish. He knows the Mossad well and how they operate. Here is his take on what happened. Not for the faint hearted. If the mods decide to take it down, I fully understand that decision.
# To run this kind of a honey pot operation all you have to do is appear to be who you are. How he made his billions seems to be a real mystery, the assumption being it was from a criminal enterprise of some sort. So I feel sure the wealth persona was a sham.
And having no assests just shuts down any civil suits that would have been taken on a contingency. And of course he can not be compelled to testify now. All by design.
So all the evidence he had for blackmail on all of these powerful people is still in the hands of his handlers and these powerful people are still subject to blackmail and under the control of those with the evidence.
He's a trained shrink and involved in intelligence for forty plus years. He helped develop programs of interrogation (not water-boarding, which is both crude and unreliable). This means, he has personally interrogated subjects. That he was largely successful at this must be inferred from his lengthy intelligence career.
# The video is by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a psychiatrist and a member of US intelligence for decades. He is Jewish. He knows the Mossad well and how they operate. Here is his take on what happened. Not for the faint hearted. If the mods decide to take it down, I fully understand that decision.
@Alligator Ed
Knowledge without wisdom is dangerous. Knowledge without sanity is catastrophic.
# He's a trained shrink and involved in intelligence for forty plus years. He helped develop programs of interrogation (not water-boarding, which is both crude and unreliable). This means, he has personally interrogated subjects. That he was largely successful at this must be inferred from his lengthy intelligence career.
0 users have voted.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
@Alligator Ed
Though I'm watching Wu Assassins at the moment, so maybe I was channeling that sort of Confucian simplicity.
# Of course, I won't give you proper credit for this--or did you appropriate this yourself? Very good in any case.
0 users have voted.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
the more they stay the same.
I guess it is possible to pursue it against his estate, although a little pre-trial discovery is sure to show he had nothing.
I usually do certain property searches that are of public record, and if I can't find anything that can be forfeited to pay the judgment, I decline to go forward.
In all likelihood, it is all over, case closed, and yes, the handlers still have the info.
The only positive I can come up with is that the victims can sue Bill Richardson, Dershowitz, etc...and Epstein will not be around to deny, deny, deny.
# To run this kind of a honey pot operation all you have to do is appear to be who you are. How he made his billions seems to be a real mystery, the assumption being it was from a criminal enterprise of some sort. So I feel sure the wealth persona was a sham.
And having no assests just shuts down any civil suits that would have been taken on a contingency. And of course he can not be compelled to testify now. All by design.
So all the evidence he had for blackmail on all of these powerful people is still in the hands of his handlers and these powerful people are still subject to blackmail and under the control of those with the evidence.
0 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp
That might actually work to their benefit. Epstein would presumably support their positions, but if he was thoroughly cross-examined and demolished, it could hurt them even more. The old addage is that you win cases on cross-exam. And on cross-exam if he had not held up, they would have been implicated by one of their own.
# the more they stay the same.
I guess it is possible to pursue it against his estate, although a little pre-trial discovery is sure to show he had nothing.
I usually do certain property searches that are of public record, and if I can't find anything that can be forfeited to pay the judgment, I decline to go forward.
In all likelihood, it is all over, case closed, and yes, the handlers still have the info.
The only positive I can come up with is that the victims can sue Bill Richardson, Dershowitz, etc...and Epstein will not be around to deny, deny, deny.
I posted this not long after Epstein was arrested.
How many stories are now going to not be talked about while the media talks about this for as long as they need to? It sure seems like every time something big happens here something else comes along and knocks it off the news.
CTSM has a great point. Watch how the media covers the part of story that is about the names dump that just happened and the fact that lots of people knew about Epstein's sex trafficking and yet did nothing.
if you’re surprised that jeffrey epstein killed himself last night, imagine how surprised he must have been
Some guy on a Twitter feed said there would be a video released and replies stated there was a malfunction. Another convenient coincidence.
Like dueling banjos, #ClintonBodyCount -vs- #TrumpBodyCount arguments are taking place on Reddit. Some claim the "trending" algorithm is skewed based on one's political leanings in their user history. Folks are arguing over who is the bigger pedo -- Bill or Donald. It's a shitfest. Same shit, different day. Red -vs- Blue. Both are evil scumbags, but most only see one side as evil while their side is pure as the driven snow.
"Trump put Barr in charge so he could off Epstein and protect himself because Trump partied with the guy."
"Bill flew 27 times and ditched his security detail, so he had to protect himself. Bill offed him."
"You don't care about victims, just protecting [insert creeper of choice]."
malfunction where Epstein was locked up. I can't tell if the claims are credible.
People who want this to go away or pin it on the bogeyman on the other side of the aisle, are missing a REALLY big point.
All those markers are STILL there. The evil trafficking scheme and the people who run it are most likely still in place and they still have the goods on global leadership.
Epstein was the help, not the evil genius. Our politicians - even the bogeymen are the help, not the bosses.
Some guy on a Twitter feed said there would be a video released and replies stated there was a malfunction. Another convenient coincidence.
Like dueling banjos, #ClintonBodyCount -vs- #TrumpBodyCount arguments are taking place on Reddit. Some claim the "trending" algorithm is skewed based on one's political leanings in their user history. Folks are arguing over who is the bigger pedo -- Bill or Donald. It's a shitfest. Same shit, different day. Red -vs- Blue. Both are evil scumbags, but most only see one side as evil while their side is pure as the driven snow.
"Trump put Barr in charge so he could off Epstein and protect himself because Trump partied with the guy."
"Bill flew 27 times and ditched his security detail, so he had to protect himself. Bill offed him."
"You don't care about victims, just protecting [insert creeper of choice]."
0 users have voted.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
because don’t the cameras always just always happen to malfunction when most needed?
Sandra Bland f’instance.
Woke up in the morning and she was dead.
Have no idea what happened, cus cameras were down, but she was clearly suicidal, on her way to a new job.
malfunction where Epstein was locked up. I can't tell if the claims are credible.
He wasn't just suicided, provided he's actually dead; he was Sandra Blanded. Of course, dickweed Epstein had every reason to have hastened his own death. Sandra had every reason to stick around, and she wasn't allowed.
because don’t the cameras always just always happen to malfunction when most needed?
Sandra Bland f’instance.
Woke up in the morning and she was dead.
Have no idea what happened, cus cameras were down, but she was clearly suicidal, on her way to a new job.
that the Bureau of Prison mandates that inmates on suicide watch must be directly observed, not merely observed on a remotely-viewed camera.
@Alligator Ed
that they weren’t sure the first time around whether it was a suicide attempt or perhaps that other inmate, who murdered four men and got caught w a cell phone?
Cameras not working then either?
#19 that the Bureau of Prison mandates that inmates on suicide watch must be directly observed, not merely observed on a remotely-viewed camera.
that they weren’t sure the first time around whether it was a suicide attempt or perhaps that other inmate, who murdered four men and got caught w a cell phone?
Cameras not working then either?
Also does this mean the full release of docs on his case won't happen now? If so, very suspect that he died after the release of the docs that Dershowitz and his lackey Cernovich had been after so they could target victims
Trump conspired with Hillary to let the Israelis whisk Epstein away to another private island where he'll continue his honeypot operation while doing jello shots off 12 year old nubiles.
Same as it ever was....
0 users have voted.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Trump conspired with Hillary to let the Israelis whisk Epstein away to another private island where he'll continue his honeypot operation while doing jello shots off 12 year old nubiles.
This talks about why he was arrested in the first place too, but it comes with a different motive. The attempted suicide a few weeks ago was just a psyops to get people to accept that he kills himself.
They make as much sense as anything else I've read about him. My burning question is why was he arrested in the first place after all this time? Epstein Gate 1 thinks it was to put pressure on Trump.
0 users have voted.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
For years he has ignored complaints that the charts he posts are generally too tiny to read. It's insulting. He's either totally helpless or he doesn't have enough respect for Readers to find and post readable charts.
Or it's just groupies who upvote because it was posted by a particular person.
I'm guessing it's the latter. Reminds me of Vote Blue No Matter Who! Go figure . . .
According to German authorities Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe all committed suicide in their Stammheim prison cells early on the morning of 18 October 1977. It is perhaps understandable that many Germans had trouble believing them. The Red Army Faction cell block had been described over the previous five years as the most secure prison block in the world. The press had been full of accounts of lawyers being searched for almost an hour before being allowed to visit their clients. So when it was announced that Baader and Raspe had shot themselves with two guns that they had smuggled into their cells, after listening to reports of the failed Mogadishu hijacking on smuggled radios, and communicating with each other through an clever “phone” system utilizing unused electrical wires between the cells, many Germans were clearly incredulous, and remain so to this day. Indeed, it is an article of faith among German leftists that the were murdered by the state.
. . .
This subject is still serious business in Germany. Quite recently the publisher of a semi-underground newsletter was fined over $1,000 for saying that Baader, Ensslin, and Raspe were murdered. Clearly the modern German state, with memories of their Nazi past in its head, does not like to be accused of murdering its own citizens.
@Battle of Blair Mountain
A screenshot of the interesting post on 4chan supposedly posted before story hit the tubes, and could be an actual employee of the jail. Not sure how my link will show up, but hopefully it works.
Tribunal Report ⚖ (@TribunalReport) Tweeted:
This 4chan post was posted at 8:44 AM ET 10 minutes before the story broke to the public via @AaronKatersky on twitter at 8:53 AM. Post number: 222520257 on /pol/. Not lending any credence to this story but it was posted before anyone knew Epsten was dead. Decide for yourself.
Prison worker’s 4Chan post 10 minutes before news of Jeffrey Epstein’s death hit media: “…guy in a green dress military outfit… switched him out”
Prison worker claims an unmarked van and unknown military personnel showed up at the Metropolitan Correctional Center Friday night where accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was being held in and “switched him out” with a dead lookalike.
A screenshot of the interesting post on 4chan supposedly posted before story hit the tubes, and could be an actual employee of the jail. Not sure how my link will show up, but hopefully it works.
Tribunal Report ⚖ (@TribunalReport) Tweeted:
This 4chan post was posted at 8:44 AM ET 10 minutes before the story broke to the public via @AaronKatersky on twitter at 8:53 AM. Post number: 222520257 on /pol/. Not lending any credence to this story but it was posted before anyone knew Epsten was dead. Decide for yourself.
Cameras mysteriously not working, guards didn't bother checking, and there was supposedly nothing he could use to off himself...
This just requires the assumption that somebody WAS paying attention during the time TPTB claim that nobody heard or saw anything. I mean, their story at this point is... Well, CLEARLY he's lying because we know for a fact that nobody saw or heard anything, and we are positive about that...
About the most watched perpetrator in the most watched case in America...
Prison worker’s 4Chan post 10 minutes before news of Jeffrey Epstein’s death hit media: “…guy in a green dress military outfit… switched him out”
Prison worker claims an unmarked van and unknown military personnel showed up at the Metropolitan Correctional Center Friday night where accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was being held in and “switched him out” with a dead lookalike.
Just read on Reddit that Michael Baden, of JFK and MLKj, OJ Simpson fame or infamy, take your pick, was supposedly requested by Epstein's lawyers to witness the autopsy.
There are easily accessible links to the story's validity that don't include Reddit.
Which side of the firing line did Baden just volunteer for? Since he is still around, I am guessing it is on the side of those without blindfolds, not on the side of those wearing blindfolds.
Just read on Reddit that Michael Baden, of JFK and MLKj, OJ Simpson fame or infamy, take your pick, was supposedly requested by Epstein's lawyers to witness the autopsy.
There are easily accessible links to the story's validity that don't include Reddit.
#28 Which side of the firing line did Baden just volunteer for? Since he is still around, I am guessing it is on the side of those without blindfolds, not on the side of those wearing blindfolds.
So now Russia is a pedophile nation too?
When did that happen?
As someone who remembers the Cold War, I don't recall that ever being part of the propaganda.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Probably the same time they started promoting
white supremacist and supporting Nazis. Never mind that Nazis killed some of Putin's family and 27 million Russians. The Russia phobia is out of control in the people who buy into Russia Gate. Every thing that goes wrong in this country is because Putin is trying to tear it down. Did you see Harris tried to blame Kaepernick kneeling on Russia?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The generally accepted number of Russian victims
I have never understood the conflation of 'communism'
Thanks for the Webb reports. I've followed the links and read them. What interests me is that having read 'The Devil's Chessboard' by David Talbot, all this picks right up from the last part of his book. Many of the same players, some still stirring the sauce today.
NPR or BBC during our night time interviewed a rep from Florida or some place where Epstein had a smaller compound/house. She was saying almost all the things being said here. Her lede was "Is this a surprise?" People are speculating out loud. This happened too quickly and to blatantly. Sloppy.
She indicated the lawsuits should somehow go foreward. Asked who she would trust to carry out further investigations, she struggled to name any agency or person.
It was Lois Frankel D-Florida. Here is a YT of an earlier MSNBC interview with her on Epstein. Apparently the Women's Caucus have been following this case for awhile and asking questions.
Ah - found a transcript. It was NPR.
Lois Frankel on Epstein
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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It's amazing that someone who was relying on black people voting for her would say something like that. Complete arrogance.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Oh snap!
Maybe someone who Tweets (snoopy?) can go get the actual tweet of Slick Willie asking how many more people have to die (gun reform) and someone replied with a pic of Slick and Epstein. I found it on Reddit r/conspiracy:
Yes... "suicide"
Whatever you say, mac.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
I Might Have to Start a Book
Gaslight Nation: A History of Reality Management in the 21st Century
Shit is bizarre, right now, and we're being told it's normal. On nearly all fronts.
I can't help but see it as national gaslighting. What are we supposed to make of this as a people? Our collective consciousness is completely fractured - and it has been done deliberately - we're being challenged on what reality even is, at multiple levels at once.
Man, do I wish I had cookie crumbs to all the important pieces I've read over the years... This Suskind piece is one that I often recall, special thanks to c99p for the push to return to it:
That's life in America. The reality of Jeffrey Epstein, child trafficker to the Masters of the Universe, will be whatever they say it is. And if you don't like it, you're a Russian Troll trafficking in Conspiracy Theories.
Deep fakes were an inoculation or vaccine for any Epstein cooties that might escape his untimely "suicide". And I'm quite tempted to write Arkancide, but that would make me a Russian Troll.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Here's why writing "Arkancide" is not a great idea:
There are, we presume a lot, maybe hundreds, of wealthy and powerful people who were facing exposure in the Epstein affair. Singling out the Clintons because you have a particular hate-on for them is itself not reality-based, it's just promoting the people whom you most want to have been responsible to the top of the list, and then crossing out the rest of the list.
Mind you, despite being normally very skeptical about the CT-du-jour, I think in this case the most likely truth is indeed that someone had JE removed from the scene. Among other outcomes, I'm guessing that there are some dozens of 20-something and 30-something women out there who suddenly sense that their own continued breath-drawing is precarious and is possibly conditional on certain choices they might make.
In any case, it hardly matters -- we will never know who gave the order, if such an order was in fact given, so there's no real point in fervently speculating. About all we can do is push for a full investigation, the absence of a defendant notwithstanding. I note that [EDIT, i typed the wrong name] Ms. Giuffre is suing Dershowitz for defamation. Dershowitz is an arrogant, merciless, meanspirited motherfucker, and a very successful trial lawyer, but discovery is as discovery does. It will be interesting to see what comes out of all this. I find it interesting that both Mitchell and Richardson deny having ever met Giuffre -- as if she would have ever even heard of either of them, had they not. I don't know what Dershowitz has said, but whatever it is I presume it's a lie. The notion that she would have somehow come up with such a random hodgepodge of individuals (Pritzker and Prince Andrew etc) without ever having interacted with them is not credible.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
IMO, it was not suicide, it was murder
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If he was not on suicide watch, the earlier "attempt" was attempted murder. He was provided a cell to himself to protect him from other prisoners.
He was not afforded suicide watch protection.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A couple of bets.
Ghislaine Maxwell has taken a red eye on the Lolita Express to Israel.
Epstein has no money. None of "his" property was owned by him.
Honey Pot soon gins up some place else.
Only quibble I have is that
I just read on Huffpo that the earlier suicide attempt is now reported as "either" a suicide attempt or an assault.
Up until this afternoon, it was attempted suicide throughout the media.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The first time he was found in his cell
Hope that explains what I meant to say.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Manual self-strangulation is a medical impossibility
I understand he had a cell mate or mates
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
no rope involved? Who was the genius who called it
attempted suicide, then?
And, after you believe that someone attempted suicide, how do you (meaning the authorities) take him off suicide watch?
Did he suddenly seem much more cheerful? /.s
Referring to the most recent go round as
"attempted" murder is the bit I don't understand.
Epstein is dead. If someone other Epstein caused that result, wouldn't that make it murder, not merely attempted murder?
On edit. On re-reading your post, they are now referring to the first incident, not the most recent event, as either attempted suicide or attempted murder. Now I get it. Thank you for elaborating.
@on the cusp It is so hard to
Civil suits
Bunch of Plaintiff lawyers saying "Oh Shit."
My rule:
I will be anxiously awaiting the probate proceedings. Wonder which relative will identify and claim the body?
And surely, surely, the man had a Will.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp I was a personal
This reminds me of JP Morgan whom everyone believed was outrageously wealthy. When he died he didn't have a tenth of what people thought. And in Epstein's case, if he had money, it would not be onshore. Good luck finding what he had if he had any which I doubt.
I refer out my personal injury cases.
But the civil suits will be fini if it turns out his financials do not support his persona.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp To run this
And having no assests just shuts down any civil suits that would have been taken on a contingency. And of course he can not be compelled to testify now. All by design.
So all the evidence he had for blackmail on all of these powerful people is still in the hands of his handlers and these powerful people are still subject to blackmail and under the control of those with the evidence.
I am going to take a risk linking this video.
What's sao hard to swallow from Dr. Pieczenik?
He's also a raving lunatic.
Knowledge without wisdom is dangerous. Knowledge without sanity is catastrophic.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
May I quote this in the future?
It's entirely original.
Though I'm watching Wu Assassins at the moment, so maybe I was channeling that sort of Confucian simplicity.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
The more things change,
I guess it is possible to pursue it against his estate, although a little pre-trial discovery is sure to show he had nothing.
I usually do certain property searches that are of public record, and if I can't find anything that can be forfeited to pay the judgment, I decline to go forward.
In all likelihood, it is all over, case closed, and yes, the handlers still have the info.
The only positive I can come up with is that the victims can sue Bill Richardson, Dershowitz, etc...and Epstein will not be around to deny, deny, deny.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp That
I posted this not long after Epstein was arrested.
How many stories are now going to not be talked about while the media talks about this for as long as they need to? It sure seems like every time something big happens here something else comes along and knocks it off the news.
CTSM has a great point. Watch how the media covers the part of story that is about the names dump that just happened and the fact that lots of people knew about Epstein's sex trafficking and yet did nothing.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
People on the net now claiming there was a camera
malfunction where Epstein was locked up. I can't tell if the claims are credible.
Some guy on a Twitter feed said there would be a video released and replies stated there was a malfunction. Another convenient coincidence.
Like dueling banjos, #ClintonBodyCount -vs- #TrumpBodyCount arguments are taking place on Reddit. Some claim the "trending" algorithm is skewed based on one's political leanings in their user history. Folks are arguing over who is the bigger pedo -- Bill or Donald. It's a shitfest. Same shit, different day. Red -vs- Blue. Both are evil scumbags, but most only see one side as evil while their side is pure as the driven snow.
"Trump put Barr in charge so he could off Epstein and protect himself because Trump partied with the guy."
"Bill flew 27 times and ditched his security detail, so he had to protect himself. Bill offed him."
"You don't care about victims, just protecting [insert creeper of choice]."
The Control Files Are Most Likely Still There.
People who want this to go away or pin it on the bogeyman on the other side of the aisle, are missing a REALLY big point.
All those markers are STILL there. The evil trafficking scheme and the people who run it are most likely still in place and they still have the goods on global leadership.
Epstein was the help, not the evil genius. Our politicians - even the bogeymen are the help, not the bosses.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Oh, a camera malfunction. Of course.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I not sure if that’s an established fact or meant as a snark
because don’t the cameras always just always happen to malfunction when most needed?
Sandra Bland f’instance.
Woke up in the morning and she was dead.
Have no idea what happened, cus cameras were down, but she was clearly suicidal, on her way to a new job.
Sandra Blanded, exactly!
He wasn't just suicided, provided he's actually dead; he was Sandra Blanded. Of course, dickweed Epstein had every reason to have hastened his own death. Sandra had every reason to stick around, and she wasn't allowed.
For those posting about camera malfunctions, you should know
Please consult : DOJ Suicide watch protocol, printed with comment in my essay
How is it
that they weren’t sure the first time around whether it was a suicide attempt or perhaps that other inmate, who murdered four men and got caught w a cell phone?
Cameras not working then either?
Your guess is as good as mine
Whitney Webb has an interesting theory
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
You goddamned motherf*ckers.
Cockroaches scurrying for the nearest hole.
God forbid anyone rich or powerful would ever be held accountable for anything.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Well said, CSTM
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
My CT...
Trump conspired with Hillary to let the Israelis whisk Epstein away to another private island where he'll continue his honeypot operation while doing jello shots off 12 year old nubiles.
Same as it ever was....
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
And sugar plum faeries danced round his head
Word is now the body was flown out to sea
to an unnamed U.S. Destroyer to bury him at sea with Osama bin Laden.
Here are two articles on Epstein's death that are either conspiracy theories or not..
Epstein Gate 1
Lots of links in it.
Epstein Gate 2
Epstein Gate is connected to PedoGate
This talks about why he was arrested in the first place too, but it comes with a different motive. The attempted suicide a few weeks ago was just a psyops to get people to accept that he kills himself.
They make as much sense as anything else I've read about him. My burning question is why was he arrested in the first place after all this time? Epstein Gate 1 thinks it was to put pressure on Trump.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Bernie's hatred?
As if Bernie had time for hatred.
That's pure projection from a hideous professional hater.
Not even.
It's merely a kludge in the setup for a joke.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
And, it is marked FYI
...for those reading this serious thread.
Just a pointless, mindless comment here, quoting a complete scum on Twitter, and trying to make a joke.
Thanks for the head's-up.
Well, people are upvoting it, so it must be true
Or it's just groupies who upvote because it was posted by a particular person.
I'm guessing it's the latter. Reminds me of Vote Blue No Matter Who! Go figure . . .
Must be a pity vote
For years he has ignored complaints that the charts he posts are generally too tiny to read. It's insulting. He's either totally helpless or he doesn't have enough respect for Readers to find and post readable charts.
If each person can control twenty identities
How many operatives would it take to upvote something like that so it made a stink?
Of course, that's assuming Twitter doesn't have a way to inflate the numbers directly.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Has there been any hint of evidence, or even hearsay
that indicates Bernie Sanders is a pedophile?
This is why Twitter is the devil's asshole.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
When the four most closely watched German prison inmates
in post-war history also (cough) committed suicide in Stammheim, the “most secure prison block in the world” . . .
BNL has some interesting news
Found in your link
A screenshot of the interesting post on 4chan supposedly posted before story hit the tubes, and could be an actual employee of the jail. Not sure how my link will show up, but hopefully it works.
Tribunal Report ⚖ (@TribunalReport) Tweeted:
This 4chan post was posted at 8:44 AM ET 10 minutes before the story broke to the public via @AaronKatersky on twitter at 8:53 AM. Post number: 222520257 on /pol/. Not lending any credence to this story but it was posted before anyone knew Epsten was dead. Decide for yourself.
Another site has picked up that same story
Yeah, no cellmate to identify the body or give testimony...
This just requires the assumption that somebody WAS paying attention during the time TPTB claim that nobody heard or saw anything. I mean, their story at this point is... Well, CLEARLY he's lying because we know for a fact that nobody saw or heard anything, and we are positive about that...
About the most watched perpetrator in the most watched case in America...
Edit: Video and Typo
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Michael Baden (JFK, MLKj, OJ Simpson) autopsy witness
Just read on Reddit that Michael Baden, of JFK and MLKj, OJ Simpson fame or infamy, take your pick, was supposedly requested by Epstein's lawyers to witness the autopsy.
There are easily accessible links to the story's validity that don't include Reddit.
@Deja Which side of the firing
Baden dob 7/27/1934 (85)
Not sure which side is which anyway, but he certainly has been involved in some highly controversial cases.
@Deja In this topsy turvy