Ghislaine Maxwell convicted, will she expose the powerful, take the rap as a proxy for the now dead Epstein, or what?
Submitted by zed2 on Sun, 01/02/2022 - 12:32pmHer childhood sounds horrid, due to her abusive family.
Her childhood sounds horrid, due to her abusive family.
I rarely do breaking news type essays, but this was a real shock when it came across my twitter feed.
— Consortium News (@Consortiumnews) July 2, 2020
Can we talk about this meme for a minute?
Does anyone think it sprung up organically? Where did it come from?
Perhaps I’m a bit too cynical but I feel like these things are constructed by a think tank to frame the Overton Window.
The vibe I’m getting, is that it’s meant to put the blame on the Trump administration, as if anything that happens in the justice system is attributable to the current President.
It’s a sweeping insinuation of corruption.
The essay is not easy to write and likely won't be easy to understand if one is averse to facts. Ever since Sir Isaac got beaned by a golden delicious, the world became aware of Gravity. Gravity seems to be acting on everything and everyone on earth--except one Jeffrey Epstein, now allegedly deceased. Perhaps Mr. Epstein learned to overcome the laws of physics by consulting Stephen Hawking. For it seems to be almost a physical impossibility for Mr. E.
Come outside.
At this hour (0900 MDT Sat Aug 10 2019), BBC World News is reporting that Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in his New York jail cell.
Please feel free to add details as they become available to you.
Despite her 30 year career in political kompromat operations, the FBI and major media have ignored Ghislaine Maxwell. Here's where she got her start, as detailed in 1986 on Page One of one of her father's tabloids. Complete with canes and British school boys:
Breaking news: Nervous Nancy has now proposed something which vaguely resembles human decency. Choke, gasp, wheeze. I can't believe I'm saying this but....Nervous Nancy demand Acosta resign
Thus, I can never again say that Nervous and is completely devoid of principle--or merely opportunism disguised as principle.
Perverted billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested in Manhattan,
charged with sex trafficking.
Daily Beast, CNN, New York Times