Colonizing the Human Mind: Do Your Thoughts Make Money or Cost Society?
If a man has a thought and it profits nobody, is it worth his time? Is it dangerous? Should it be allowed?
Startlingly stupid question, I know. It sounds like the opening line from some poorly written cyberpunk novel. But I'm afraid we're already looking at that reality, and have been for some time.
Can't Stop the Signal
There are a lot of funky ideas out there these days: Flat Earth, Planet X/Nibiru, hallucinogenic psychology, catastrophism, active alien presence in our solar system, Electric Universe, Agenda 2030, DEWs, weather weapons, Transhumanism, electrically scarred American Southwest, Younger Dryas Flood Event as Great Flood, vaccination fears, Space Time is dead, occult bloodlines, yugas, 5G, privatization of water, secret space program, religious history, religious prophecy, free energy, freemasonry, global warming as a cyclical function, mind control, global pedo ring run by world leaders, Atlantis, millions of years of human history, breakaway civilization, Nazi International, Zep Tepi, Annunaki, interdimensional beings, human hybrids, what's up in Antarctica, quantum mechanics, energy work, 911 as False Flag, and a host of others just as fantastic and kooky. (Hopefully I didn't break the site, JtC... )
Problem is that while most of them are quite fantastic, not all of them are entirely kooky. Some in the list above are cutting edge science, history, and current events. They all get the same treatment, though. "Conspiracy Theory." ... conversation over.
Hang on a Sec Disc Boy... Here, Hold My Beer
But the conversation isn't over, it will never be. You can't lock down human thought, regardless of how hard you try... well, not yet. Perhaps Elon Musk's creepy Neuralink (because we should not be limited in throughput because... only 2 thumbs...)or the Jeffrey Epstein funded "Little Sophia" AI robot friend for little girls with "radical emotional software" will change that. It's the singularity, it'll be awesome. And besides you'll have to take it to protect yourself, evolutionarily speaking, from the AI.
Here's the thing... a couple of these ideas are getting some traction these days, and it's going to cost some VERY important people a little bit more than money. If I had to wager, I'd wager that many of these topics, or their reality based counterpart, are all tied together in some kind of Rube Goldberg-like knot of epic proportions; a physical representation of the historical embrace, support, and choking out and absorption of the key players in whatever sick game going on at the apex of human society.
Shut Up or Be Smashed by the Oligopian Knot
This knot is pretty massive and rolls down hill like a mofo. It can't be stopped. People and, more importantly, ideas get ran over and smashed by it all the time. Or they get ensnared and gobbled up, assimilated, while struggling against it. It's the very point of centralizing the narrative and owning the pillars of human culture. You create a force of nature, a function of gravity. It' so big that to get near it is to become one with it or perish. Having never been an oligarch, I think that's how one oligopilates.
To successfully unravel the Oligopian Knot is to face being Gary Webb'd, Chelsea Manning'd, or Julian Assange'd, Kirakou'd, or worse, Seth Rich'd, or Kennedys'd,. And you could always be Donohue'd, Ritter'd, or Anita Hill'd which isn't exactly cool.
Throughout the 20th Century, the Oligopian Knot rolled and grew as it mowed over countless human beings. It mowed over so many human beings that a brutalized people turned a blind eye to the Knot looking instead towards more pleasant and shiny things... for the children, of course.
Tapping the Resources of the Human Mind
But human thought is no longer a solo or local endeavor. It's no longer limited by word of mouth, the speed of press, or broadcast access.
Human thought was not networked in the past as it is today. The Oligopian Knot is no longer a force of nature. It's slowed down. It now grinds people down instead of bowling them over. Some even have time to scream before getting fully smashed.
Singular human beings are grabbing a hold of the strings and threads of the knots and working them to try to counter the cognitive dissonance of 21st Century reality. They share with their friends, in meatspace and cyberspace. The Oligopian Knot is being unraveled by the figurative room full of monkeys tapping on keyboards.
Something must be done about that.
Colonizing the Human Mind
Russiagate is based on the fear that Putin is colonizing the minds of American Citizens. Anti-vaxers are colonizing the mind of impressionable Americans. Flat Earthers are colonizing the minds of people.. what's next?
Everyone is trying to colonize the mind or prevent your mind from being colonized by "bad ideas".
What are bad ideas? Who defines them? Why are they quote-unquote bad?
The Quality of Ideas Should Be Determined By the Market
You might not want to hear it but that's how we determine the quality of ideas and what are bad thoughts. And as much as I hate to say this, this is how it's been at least since Reagan. Some of us just can't seem to see it though or we refuse to buy it; probably because we want to maintain our hope for change.
Hope for Change... sounds good someone should use that to cultivate inaction and patient passivity for a charismatic leader. Actually bringing about change is so messy and complex. Think of all the insurance company people who will be out of jobs with Medicare for All you heartless soul.
Your idea costs money and as a result costs society. It's a bad idea. You should not waste time on it. Social and corporate media certainly won't.
The Ministry of Privacy
How long is it until the Ministry of Privacy is approving our thoughts? Hopefully longer than Elon thinks. How long until your thoughts and information are put through a cost/benefit analysis and found to be wanting? Again, Elon, slow your roll...
It's there right now, BTW. My freaky YT history that allows me to make that list of kooky shit above? Writing this piece here? You reading this? Thoughts have value. Time goes into thought. These thoughts do not make money.
Back to Reality
Thoughts that don't make money are being hidden from the public. They're not verboten, but they are visibly absent and seem to be cast as a violation of civil society. "Anti-Vax? what's next!? An elite human trafficking and pedophile ring? You're a nutter! You will kill us all with that talk."
If you see it on the TV or read it in the paper, it's being put into your head to make money. The end. It's not being put there to inform you. It's not put there to entertain you. It's put there to make someone, somewhere, money. If it isn't making someone money, it's not in the paper or on the TV and it should not be in your head. If it doesn't make money it doesn't exist in the corporate media or it's a shadow ban on social media.
All colonies of the human mind should be money makers.
Shitty Cyberpunk Novel Final Graph
"Thoughts that do not produce value cost society, Mr. Smith, and they cost you. You really should Change them. I hope you do, for all of our sakes. May all of your thoughts be profitable," she said as she closed the door.
And Mr. Smith screamed for all he was worth.

Is this (colonization)
distinguished from propaganda?
Interesting essay.
Interesting, my thoughts were mirroring that process a little...
I was thinking about the Mass media, and how much of our thinking is colored by what we watch. We are what we pretend to be, and all...
After all, when all your friends are talking about the newest show that you don't watch... you feel a little left out. (Still to this day haven't watched Game of Thrones. I feel that somehow I'm creatively richer for that fact.) Storytellers and myths are for children, they tell us, after all, the fun stuff is agreeing with everyone else!
Dunno, I actually am happier reading my blacksmithing manuals, my mythological studies, and going over old history from books. Seems more real to me, these days. When I keep hearing from people that "You can't trust dead white guys", then ascribe to them all of humanities sins, I know that they aren't really looking for answers, they're looking for a scapegoat.
Only so many thoughts in a day, and do we really need to be spending them playing in other folk's playgrounds, which they charge us to enjoy? Especially nice bowdlerized safe spaces with no triggers to ever challenge us... (I personally don't like the Disney multiplex thought area. Feels like Walmart of the mind.)
My hopes and dreams should not involve buying the next expansion... And yet that is what the consumer culture has ingrained. I suddenly feel like hitting something with a hammer...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We don't think the same way anymore
Someone pointed out to me a long time ago that the demands and speed of work increased with the widespread use of the fax. Documents, work orders moved at the "speed of fax" demanding same day attention. By mail, you could be prepared by a phone call that something was coming on the horizon and prepare for it. It was slower, but had some leeway in dealing with problems built in. Email and the amount of people involved worsened that, demanding instant attention and snap judgements.
News used to be in papers. Journalism had a history. TV news tried to follow the print model, and subscribed to a public service model (well, attempted to). Now that it's a profit driven industry vertical integration has box office receipts now considered news, at least for a sister entertainment studio. A free commercial presented as news, crowding out "real" news. Now entertainment is news. We condemn voters for being uninformed but allow our information services to not deliver useful information.
Technology has made discerning what you see and hear suspect. Social media bends a persons thought process. I haven't figured out what makes a strangers comment so important on an emotional level. No way to tell if the stranger is a person or a bot.
And you're right, the data mining profiling is a commodity, just like the stuff that gets used to target ads especially for you. Your phone tracks you, your computer tracks you, your government tracks you and your refrigerator probably tracks you. All to present you with endless rapid fire choices to make decisions on things that clog up your thought processes.
We used to be at a center looking out at the world, now we're at the center looking inward at ourselves.
Does It Have to Be?
The idea of colonizing the mind is getting in there and exploiting it. I don't think it has to be propaganda, could just be business, in which case it's simply marketing.
Media and social media need to capture as much space and time as they can. If time is being taken up with shit like Jimmy Fucking Dore, or the Thunderbolts Project, etc, it's costing THEM money.
There's only so much space in there. Only so much time. It's about marketshare at this point in time. Our thoughts, and the time it takes to think them, are going to run into their profit margins if they have not already.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I think that's
( I try to keep a lid on me....but can't always do so.)
The only way to get attention is to constantly yell 'wolf!'
Ads everywhere is
But there's the aspect supporting your thesis; every Instant of our attention is to be monetized.
By the way, this has been one of the most useful and enjoyable posts I've read in a while. Thanks!
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Oh, How Quaint... The Man With No Money Thinks That
Colonization of the Mind requires the mind to have access to money.
The best land in the mind is reserved for unattainable wants. That's how we beat them down; how we make them love their oppression.
Besides if you ain't got money, the only thing really usable is your angst. That shit's a goldmine.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Thanks, jim p. I'm Glad You Enjoyed It. IIRC, You Ascribe to EU
theory. I actually thought of you while writing it. I'd bet there are a couple more on that list that you find legit. Always fun talking about them with the "well-adjusted", amirite?
Better watch those thoughts, pal, because we are...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
More "accept the
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Had to look up
some of your items, like "DEWs", and thanks for the Zep Tepi mention. Never underestimate the ancient Egyptians -- they managed to hold their civilization together for thousands of years, and built the pyramids among many other magnificent structures large and small (or did someone else design the pyramids and have the locals do the manual labor?). A bit disappointed that my Bigfoot buddies weren't mentioned.
On catastrophism and a Major Event causing a Great Flood, check, I'm down with it. The long-dominant anti-catastrophism forces always seemed like a religious cult -- emerging new facts be damned. Ditto for the congregants of the church of Clovis -- old paradigms are beginning to fall.
As for the motives of the information gate-keepers, it's more than just money. Its power. They are threatened when someone or something plausible comes along, backed by evidence, which threaten the paradigms which undergird their power structure. Always think for yourself, ask basic threshold questions of the Does this make sense? variety, demand to see the evidence, and don't overly rely on experts or people with fancy degrees or resumes or those cultish "professional skeptics" -- they would love to have you sit back passively as you are awed by their CVs and titles and awards as they gladly do the thinking for you. They can be the most effective liars.
I Know the Human Timeline is Off. Zep Tepi, the First Time,
was the apex. Ancient Egypt was a legacy civilization; it couldn't hold Zep Tepi's jock when it came to high tech and ancient knowledge.
Same with most all ancient stuff - Gobekli Tepi, Baalbeck, - the biggest most impressive stuff is at the bottom or base of construction, not the top. Technique and ability should grow with time - I mean, they gotta get astronomical knowledge like precession, the seasons, duration of a year, etc. - they should be rising in skill and ability, right?
The fall of Mitochondrial Eve. Ooops. Apparently all "settled" anthropological CT theories are back on the table. It ain't the way we're told, and the ancient stories, when fleshed out and compared to the global ancient myth scene - well, I hate to say it, but maybe we should revisit them. Take them a bit more literally...
Think about tapping all the gamers and people not quite fitting in to society - people with questions or people who are hard to motivate with the trappings of consumption. Imagine training up and turning loose a million people to read cuneiform. Happy people, and resurrected ancient knowledge.
See, that's what would happen if you or I ran the joint,
, but that shit "don't make money" so it's not worth having in your head, right? That kind of thing would kill society. It's the kind of thing one gets suicided for.And you can't blame them, ideas like that harm society. Sacrificing a man for the health of society is not only OK, it's the noble thing to do. /liberal guilt treatment for assange
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
From what I'm hearing on ancient aliens
Hindu sanskrit has pretty much everything going on
And the burning of the Alexandria Library back when
brought us to the dark ages.
Mankinds history isn't what we were/are taught. So
yes mankind needs to look back, but tptb are stubborn
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Not a Fan of Ancient Aliens, But Stopped Clock and All.
Gobekli Tepi is fine for rewriting the timeline, no ancient aliens required.
Not that I'm opposed to ancient aliens or anything, I can buy that we're out of place here. It is the "everything an alien action" thing that gets me. I think those shows, and the Nat Geo shows on archeology that crop up every once in a while are about sowing confusion or shoring up Establishment lines, often both at the same time. I'm kind of like Graham Hancock on this if you're familiar with his stance.
What I do know is that the timeline we're given and the abilities and motivations ascribed to ancient people's is offensive. It is un-believable without being cowed by authoritarian proclamations.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Yep, and every so often they throw in a headscratcher
from A-Z then 6 episodes further a completely different
narrative shows up.
I will check out Graham Hancock thanks.
The one other thing I will say is the show and some others
being shown on History/Military/Sci is preparing us for
something. First off the original guys from what I could
tell where of the thinking everything would be cool, lately
it's all about ameriKa's defense
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Hah! Ancient
Concur with your Graham Hancock-ish pov. Quite the bomb-thrower into the establishment archaeology tent. We and he are lucky he has managed to survive 25 yrs of attacks.
Now on your last para: yes in some areas, such as indigenous medicine, ways to live harmoniously with nature, and the like; we still undervalue them. But, to my knowledge, despite many of their very long oral history traditions covering various things, nowhere do we hear of how their ancestors built the huge, impressive local structures (edit: except the occasional colorful Ant People story, make of those what you will), nor why. This is true for all indigenous peoples I'm aware of all over the world. It's as if someone from outside came and built them, then left the locals in peace.
The Younger Dryas Flood, The Big One, the One That Killed Off
This combined with the energy required to melt ice so quickly, and you're looking at a massive global calamity - the kind of shit that makes and eats mountains.
Add to the fact that global sea levels seem to have risen 400 feet, just outside of diving range, and we're looking at not much left to be found. Not at all implausible, IMO...
Add to it the assault on primary source data of the uniformitarian agenda, the failure of mitochondrial DNA, and potential problems with carbon dating (uniformitarian "never different than today" cosmic rays, solar wind/ejections, gravitational differences, may just affect radioactive decay - anomalies abound), and you've got a real problem with the entire uniformitarian timeline.
I've said it before, and I'm not at all afraid to say it in text and in public, our past is far more likely Battlestar Gallactica than established anthropology/paleontology.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Oh!? (Raised eyebrow)
" the failure of mitochondrial DNA"
Really, now? Hadn't heard.
The speed of light varying ... And there's no possible way to prove that the speed limit is Light's.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Although the conversation may never end . . .
... there is a threshold upon which the efficacy of that conversation passes.
i've had to look up so many of the
authors, acronyms, competing ancient civilization theories, that my mind is cart-wheeling through space.
a Q: did you coin this term 'The Oligopian Knot'?
my main reference to Colonized Minds is that kids in school are taught to parrot back history and the *Important Dates* an events, students are inter-changeable parts, so sink or swim. never question the authority of amerikan exceptionalism, Capitalism as King (and the only possibility because: every other "ism" is worse, and gets corrupted over time) = TINA.
that same TINA dogs the #fake resistance to the duopoly's having signed off on a $735 billion (publicly stated) military budget, so...sorry, we must cut the social safety network just a li'l bit more.
more TINA: sorry that there wasn't the Peace Dividend promised after the demise of the USSR; there are still more nations to plunder, threaten with our western might, economic wars, so doggone it: we need a repurposed Nato 2.0, now Africom to de-stabilize mineral-rich nations (cia and special ops), then rescue them for US-friendly puppet leaders.
oh, fiddlesticks, i need to go for now. i'll be back as i'm able. this is great stuff, k9 disc; one can wander thru the Colonized Minds forest at will!
If you can just
We are definitely propagandized and brainwashed to a large extent going through public school, then are put through very narrow category areas of study in college. If a few manage to get through it all with some broad-minded independent thinking cells left in their brain, it's a minor miracle. Myself, I've done most of my best learning, best reading outside of the classroom.
And all those peace dividends: funny how they get brief mention in the media, then are quietly put on the back burner then taken off all burners completely as the MSM moves on to other subjects, conveniently for them and their MIC sponsors and overlords.
(btw, I had to look up "fiddlesticks" ...)
We have 2 types of schools
Yes. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
my main reference to
Yes, and the antidote to this is to read a People's History of the United States, or so I thought. Great book, important history, but I think we got bigger problems than that when it comes to History, capital H.
Those of us who get past the dates get wrapped up in specialized navel gazing where we become arbiters of our chosen historical period. When some geologist comes around and smashes our imagined historical paradigm (Robert Schoch - Sphinx), it's a real problem.
Once we realize that the uniformitarians have run amok with timelines and "fact" there may be an academic reckoning. There certainly should be one...
TINA is simply disguised binary. It's actually less than binary, it's "Do this, or else." Heh: TINA: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels.
An A: Oligopian Knot Is a Creation of Mine.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu