
Against "philosophy"

I suppose that, once upon a time when I was hanging out at coffee-houses, there were people who hung out at those coffee-houses who had "a philosophy." I don't know if it was all the same philosophy, but the philosophies I heard at these coffee-houses appeared more as artifacts of caffeine-intoxication than of anything thoroughly thought out.

Colonizing the Human Mind: Do Your Thoughts Make Money or Cost Society?

If a man has a thought and it profits nobody, is it worth his time? Is it dangerous? Should it be allowed?

Startlingly stupid question, I know. It sounds like the opening line from some poorly written cyberpunk novel. But I'm afraid we're already looking at that reality, and have been for some time.

it didn’t have to be this way...except that we were this way

Caution, Hard Hat Area: hippie philosophizing ahead; this is probably totally half-baked, but I hadn’t had the time to bake it…fully.

The title is paraphrasing John Trudell in his scary-brilliant 1986 ‘Rich Man’s War’.  Mr. wd and I had a conversation about that phrase recently, as well as discussing my long held beliefs and writings that humanity had been on the path of a great psycho-spiritual awakening led predominantly by the Indigenous of the earth.

The Logos of Odysseus - A Veteran's Anti-War Speech.

So, thanks to the work of Shahryar I have managed to get ahold of a digital copy of The Logos of Odysseus. I have deliberately avoided as many spoilers about this, and literary analyses, to better understand the piece without the gilding of ages. So, first of all, a HUGE thank you to Shahryar for the hard work, and link to a Thesis which contained Antisthenes work in toto. It's much appreciated and this essay is my way of doing a bit of homework on the piece.

My search for a 2500 year old book.

So, as I've mentioned, I've been trying to hunt down a physical copy of Antisthenes' "Odyssey" because I'm interested in viewing how the character of Odysseus was viewed by Antisthenes. From what I understand he had a somewhat more nuanced view of the character, and saw his actions as not heroic, but pragmatic. I find that commentary concept fascinating, since it reduces the character somewhat, and yet makes his journey all the more heroic, sans the gods and the mystical creatures.

Cynosarges : Portland Tiny TAZ Announcement (Open Thread On Philosophy.)

Good Afternoon and welcome to the Portland C99 meetup announcement and general info, as well as what I hope is a fun little discussion of philosophy.

Since I have realized that it's been far too long since we had a Portland Meetup. A small area where just for a few minutes even, we can step away from the chaos and enjoy the company of our fellows.

Cynosarges (Open Thread On Philosophy.)

I don't have an image for this yet, but I've realized that I enjoy Discussing philosophy and would enjoy having an open space for it. While I cannot provide the exercise mats, sauna, public bath, and small 420 friendly coop cafe that I envision as a part of the ideal, I can at least dream wistfully of that day.
