Polls and Polls and your Moment of Stupid
Submitted by gjohnsit on Thu, 07/04/2019 - 11:10am
It seems that most people aren't in favor of war, but they expect war nonetheless.
Now let's look at the top issue of the year.
Here's your Moment of Stupid

Moosetits Rides Again!
Talk about your daily dose of stupid!
Ack, pthui!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Kyle Kulinski
and Mike Figueredo are two of the best left-side YTers out there. Smart analysis and to the point. Compare and contrast with the many left-leaning droners who are time suckers -- Sam Seder and his "uh-ing and ah-ing" comes to mind, and several others I might agree with but who waste my time.
On M4A, I hope Dems learn from their rather inadequate responses in the first debate. Two areas w/n M4A which they all need to work on and frame better: the role for private insurance cos vs the importance of patients being able to keep their medical providers, and second how this will all be paid for. So far most candidates have gotten trapped into being tagged as a taxer on the middle class and as being in favor of eliminating private insurance which to many might seem like not such a good thing.
They should especially be wary of future moderator Qs requiring a raised hand which usually involve a trick or misleading framing. There is usually going to be a slippery premise which Dems need to object to. Instead of being skeptical, they all play along like this is a game show. Embarrassing.
Chuck Todd is no better than the airheads at Fox News,
addressing that neoliberal shill as a progressive.
That there is an insult to the airheads at Fox News!

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Bernie won last time.
They're just going to steal it again. If my memory serves me, they stole GA and now Caban has lost in NY. The biggest threat to our democracy is Republicans and Democrats, not Putin.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I wish Bernie explained the
He is usually so good at explaining things in a concrete manner, that I don't see why he can't explain to people that they wouldn't have to pay for their employer paid plan and pay taxes for the MFA. Or specifically address where the dollars go - payments go for the MFA while deductions and co-pays decline.
Maybe he spells it out and I just don't hear it.
Rather, the opposition is hammering "free," saying that taxes will go up, which is partially true, but people need to understand that the dollars they now pay for junk insurance would go into MFA and reduce those high deductibles.
[Edit] Totally clueless (me) as to how you mean 'free.' Having
said that, when we get home after the long weekend, I'll post several screenshots which will shed some light on the UMFA (Universal Medicare For All) Bill.
Saw on Twitter, a Fox Business Channel interview with Bernie's Campaign Co-Chair--Ro Khanna.
This Dude actually stated--to 'the Money Honey,' Maria Bartiromo--that the UMFA Bill would provide just base, or primary insurance. And, that folks can just have that, or, shop for (additional) private supplemental insurance, as well.
So, went to the portion of Sanders' Bill that declares that it's 'unlawful' for insurers to sell any insurance which duplicates any coverage in the UMFA Bill, and got a screenshot.
Bernie has said, repeatedly, that since his UMFA proposal is comprehensive, the only private insurance that would be permitted, would be for 'cosmetic' procedures, surgeries, etc.
[Edited: deleted 'therefore']
BTW, from what I saw you post a couple days ago, my 'guess' is that your Father may not care for his Medicare coverage because he's enrolled in MA (Medicare Advantage). That is the same direction that the UMFA Bill would take us--'managed care.' Which is why my hair is on fire, most the time!
MA plans not only restrict, and, deny medical services--they often require Prior Authorization (or, PA's), and, most of them have somewhat to very narrow provider networks.
BTW, Traditional/Original Medicare (TM) does/has neither.
[Except for PA's for motorized wheelchairs.]
Pushed for time, so will post screenshots at EB next week. Think I'll go ahead and post the Ro Khanna Tweet at EB, now, if it's already up.
Hey, Everyone have a nice and safe Fourth!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I meant it to mean
I saw Bernie on the fox news forum, and he just wasn't clear on how it would be paid for.
So, that seems to leave a gap in understanding that the opposition has exploited (what??? nothing is free - our taxes are going triple!!!).
For employees to get on board (not that a lot of them aren't already on board), they need to be told how their dollars they now pay would shift to a different system.
Also, the weasel words used by dems, "oh, we support healthcare access for everyone," doesn't help alleviate the confusion.
Oh, we like the Medicare Advantage plan (it came from his employer). It is just hell getting through the insurance companies' gobbledy-gook about drug coverage. The medical plan covers all of his medical needs, so I can't complain, but we needed a company that would cover Colorado and Texas-so that wasn't simple to find. It is some sort of Cadillac plan from his former employer.
Also, the weasel words used by dems, "oh, we support healthcare access for everyone," doesn't help alleviate the confusion about MFA.
[Edited] Okay, dfarrah--just posted a blurb at EB, which
illustrates some of my points. A bit pushed, so, won't elaborate (now), but, I've posted the link to the White Paper (about the financing several other times), and, can post it again next week. Not sure what good it'll do anyone, though--it's a list of 'possible' financing options. And, Bernie hasn't committed to a particular financing.
One thing that is different about the proposed UMFA--it's a cost shift to seniors (from the current Medicare program). That's because of the ACA-like 'household' taxation. If that doesn't make sense, I'll elaborate next week.
But, in a nutshell--current program was designed to be very heavily subsidized by tax dollars. Why? Because it was to finance an insurance program for elderly folks, many, if not most, who lived on a fixed income.
Another very different feature--every beneficiary who's eligible to participate in Medicare, pays into the program during their working lives--and, pay an individual premium.
(Only exception to paying the individual premium, individuals who qualify for federal government premium subsidy. IOW, Uncle Sugar pays it on their behalf. But, still means that it's paid--not shifted.)
The proposal UMFA doesn't work like that. It's on the "ACA Model." Which clearly shifts costs--since it's based on 'household income,' not individual premiums.
[deleted bracket]
So, much higher costs--whether they are taxes, or premiums, in the end--are spread among a lot fewer beneficiaries.
About MA--the part about not covering two states (easily), is another reason that we aren't relying on our retiree insurance offerings--which are pretty decent, but, neither will pay like our current insurance--100 percent.
TM has a nationwide provider network, of course.
Most MA plans are by county, or restricted locale. A handful, by state. And, even a much smaller handful, by region--meaning, allowing a couple of states.
Our Medigap Supplement policy even covers (up to $50,000) health care out-of-the-country. That was one of several selling points, since we plan to stay 'somewhere' other than the US, a lot of the time.
Hey, gotta run.
Have a nice Fourth!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
A Betrayal
This is what scares the bejesus out of me, and is why - unless I misunderstand - I do not support the proposal. It looks to be a sellout of We the People, instead benefiting only high-dollar political donors.
[Edited] Hi, travelerxxx! Well, not sure about
it helping big dollar donors, but, maybe it does in a way I haven't thought of--need time to give this angle more thought.
But, agree that it's a betrayal of a sorts.
It's also an example of the economic theory "predistribution versus redistribution."
Of course, that predominantly neoliberal, technocratic policy/economic theory works against seniors, especially, retirees.
And, it's clearly the direction taken by more and more Dems--especially, under the 'O' Administration.
This would be a good side topic, when addressing UMFA. I'll see what I can dig up, from when I wrote about this about 6-7 years ago. (for certain, a lot of what I wrote is no longer online, because the blog--not mine--went under)
[Edited: Corrected to read 'online' not 'offline' & added sentence for clarification]
Hey, have a nice Fourth!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I don't know what mb
Also, I was writing very generally - I haven't read the specific plans.
Don't know what 'mb' is, either. (Maria Baritoromo?) or,
when I mentioned EB - Evening Blues?
Or, MA (Medicare Advantage), but, MB, instead of MA?
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
EB -- sorry.
Did you read the legislation?
I agree things are not clear. I'm pretty sure the plan is to off private insurance. The legislation from Bernie and Jayapal does not ban private insurance. Instead it regulates it out of existence by stating that they cannot sell insurance to that covers any of the equipment, drugs, blah, blah, blah covered in M4A. They don't ban them, they just make it impossible for them to do business.
I am not as well organized as you so I can find the links to videos, articles and the legislation that I've run into. Here is one.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hi, DK. Thanks for video. Yes, I've read
the UMFA Bill several times.
Just listened to first 4 minutes of video. I agree that the only supplemental insurance that will be permitted if/when UMFA goes into effect, is to cover 'cosmetic' procedures, surgeries, etc. (Bernie says this all the time in interviews.)
Here's a link to the blurb I posted at EB earlier this evening, about this very topic.
I posted it because it appears that Mr Ro Khanna either doesn't know, or understand, Bernie's UMFA Bill.
Or, is he intentionally dissembling?
IOW, is he just "throwing everything, but the kitchen sink," in an effort to defend the onslaught of MSM criticisms/accusations that Bernie's UMFA Bill would take away the health care of about 180 million people in the private individual and group market?
But, it's not a good look, IMO.
RK's gonna learn that he can't have it both ways.
What I wish we could figure out (here) - how to actually 'chat.' Would be especially helpful on a topic like this one, which on occasion, can garner quite a few replies in a short period of time.
Hey, hope you and your Family have a nice Fourth.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
After the first 4 minutes, he breaks
Apart the proposed legislation by relevant section.
I have MA, and I can go to any Dr without PA in any state . I think you are jumping to a lot of conclusions not yet born out. I understand your concern for yourself. No one wants to get screwed. However, there are a lot of people out there that are already getting screwed with no healthcare, useless healthcare, and that needs to stop. I am willing to cross my fingers and trust Bernie, no one else, and give it a shot for the sake of all the others. It won’t be what we are used to, but it doesn’t mean it will be bad.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hi, DK! I'll address your comments
in more depth, next week, when I post a couple of screenshots on this topic. Gotta leave a question for vtcc73, and go back to working with Mr M on a project.
But, regarding,
No idea what conclusions you're referring to. I've basically discussed what is contained in the Bills--literally, 'copying and pasting' the info, or blurbs. IOW, I didn't make it up.
Anyhoo, if you'd like to be more specific, I'll do my best to reply.
Hey, have a good rest-of-the-holiday weekend!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Anyway, I've seen commercials that are scare-mongering against MFA. I just yell at the TV, "Stfu, insurance companies!" I keep the TV off all day, but my husband turns it on as soon as he gets home. I've seen that commercial at least 3 times and I barely watch TV.
I wish I had the money to even consider moving to another country. I'd have moved to Canada before my kids were even in school if I had been able to. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in this country and so are my kids. Between the 4 of us - myself, my husband, and my 2 kids - only my son has health insurance. He has insurance through his work but still had to go in debt to have a deviated septum fixed so he could breathe through his nose again. I get medical bills for my daughter at least once a week. I have news for them, my daughter can barely afford to pay her rent. My husband pays her car payment and car insurance. I give her a bag or 2 of food from my kitchen every time she comes over. Those medical bills are not gonna get paid anytime soon.
So, yeah, MFA is the only hope for some of us.
Narrative control
Yes, Jen, you are quite right about the anti-MFA commercials. While I am not much of a television watcher, the dear Mrs. travelerxxx is mobility impaired and has it on more than I'd like. (At least she only switches between cooking programs and old MTV videos.) Anyway, no matter what channel she's tuned to, Big Pharma is blanketing the airwaves with heavy-duty scare ads and serious propaganda. I doubt we can find how much they've spent thus far, but it is surely many millions of dollars. Clearly, they are frightened.
I think it's safe to assume that they are throwing as much money - or more - at politicians, both Republican and Democrat.
One thing I have not yet seen is insurance company organizations putting up propaganda. Do they even have an umbrella organization to spout propaganda? As flush with funds as the insurance companies are, that they would attempt to control the narritive as the pharma industry is trying to so, is another easy assumption to make. I just haven't seen that yet. Perhaps both big pharma and the insurance companies have pooled resources. I don't know and don't know how to find out.
I don't know
Next time I happen to see one of their propaganda pieces, I'll back up the broadcast (we can do that) and see what information is given. Of course, they can say any damn thing they want to say, and we have no way to prove it true or false.
I'm going on my (rather shaky) memory, but I seem to remember that it was shown on screen to be from the "American Pharmaceutical Institute" (if there is such a thing), or some name similar.
I don't know how it's planned either.
In my concept, the 80% reimbursement is replaced by 100% and covers medicine and dental too. Then there is no need for MedicareAdvantage. This paid for by a proportional increase in the current Medicare tax structure (rates increase by 50%?). Then the age is lowered in stages (to allow for force build-up and to not cause a sudden shock). I'd suggest covering everyone under 18 first as Howard Dean said they were super cheap to cover. this is funded by another proportionate increase in the payroll tax. For employers the upside is they no longer have to cover kids on their plans. I think I would include pregnancy in this stage too. It seems logical. Finally, a staged age reduction say from 65 to 62, then to 55 then say 40, finally the 18 to 39's which should be a cheap step. At every step, employers don't have to cover anyone (ed. in that age group) and private plans should become cheaper as high cost coverage is moved to Medicare. This also reduces federal and state Medicaid costs as the age group is transitioned to MFA. As the private insurance market winds down, Inscos have time to reduce their presence and shift their attention to life & casualty. The claims processors should be prime candidates to become Medicare civil servants.
That's my idea. I think the public thinks that funding is by a massive income tax increase paid for by the working class and the plan is Medicaid For All causing a new burst of immigration from poor countries coming for "everything free in America".
It's like Free College. People don't realize that the state schools are mostly funded by state taxes and tuition is just to keep out students from other states that don't pay taxes to the state the college is in.
EDIT: blooper, 40 was originally 49 due to mistyping.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Hey, Voice--thanks for your input on the topic (UMFA). I've
not seen a recent proposal with anything like you just proposed -
Actually, I would also be interested in seeing a hike in the Medicare tax. since it's the logical way to pay for it, IMO. But, it doesn't appear to be in the cards (that I can tell).
Also, since Medicare claims aren't currently processed by civil servants, figure the PtB would be loathe to add government positions to process them in the future. But, who knows? You say,
If the info below is correct, not sure how that would work.
Guess all any one can do is try to track any and all proposed MFA/UMFA and so-called Medicare 'Buy-In' Bills.
I've heard Pelosi say at her regular Thursday so-called 'Press Availability' that her interest lies in shoring up the ACA. (She has indicated that she 'might' consider a public option, to that end.)
Hey, have a nice long weekend!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Screw the contractors!
My old Navy section is now manned by contractors. So the governments business is no longer done by employees sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution but by contractors sworn to increase their company's bottom line. Contractors are a cancer. It's one thing if the government buys something in the general market, like canned beans with a different label. But tanks and such are not in the general market and neither is doing the government's business. This Republican/DNC crap has got to stop. What's next? Outsourcing trials to China?
Thanks for the info. IMHO, it's a crime.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Hey, Voice--I agree. It was just this evening,
while I was looking for something else, that I found out that it was Mutual Of Omaha who processed Medicare claims when the program first kicked off--meaning, for Parts A and B. Today, they are no longer processing Medicare claims--just selling MA and Medigap plans, if what I read is correct.
Have a good one.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
My anger is not directed at you.
It is directed at those pols who violated their oath of office and sold us out.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
20% off MAGA
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
It's on sale
Once it's on sale it never goes back to full price.
Next time you see it, it'll be 50% off. Then 70%.
Then Trump will be an ex-prez.
maga hat price
Then -- and only then -- they'll be back to full price and more, as collector's items.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I wouldn't wear one of these,
I would be too afraid of getting attacked.
Trumpy Boy is your Obama.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
You wish.
I admire Trump's never give up attitude. If something doesn't work, he tries and keeps trying. I like that he thinks big.
That is so much better than the weak mealy mouthed dems who were mostly on the "no we can't page."
Bernie was/is great; however, many seem to dislike him for selling out to HRC. Bernie was/is great with big ideas and unlimited determination. I don't think he can win the nomination.
Sorry if I admire the same qualities in people on opposite sides.
My taxes increased.
Does the fact that the new tax code grants the great gift to the very people and corporations, who didn't need it in the first place, cross your mind?
And while I am at it, do you think you will convince anyone here to like, appreciate, or admire Trump? Or that this is the place where defending Trump is needed and worthwhile?
Why do you come here? Why do you comment here?
This is a non-partisan site, but it reeks, REEKS of progressive ideas and strategies.
You are more than welcome to respond to me in a pm, and my apologies to the essayist if my comment is a hijack.
As fireworks explode in the sky, MAGA just seems particularly repulsive today.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The standard deduction might have increased for some people
but lots of other deductions were deleted and lots of people got hosed on their taxes this year. Guess you'll explain it with saying that they didn't do something with their payroll taxes or something and blame it on them. People who used to get thousands back ended up having to pay thousands more this year. And any benefits people did get from the tax bill will see it end in a few years, but the rich and corporations won't. Their gift doesn't sunset.
Then there's all the people who Trump put in his cabinet who came from the industry that they are supposed to be regulating. Most of them want to dismantle their industries and are doing a great job on it. The EPA has been gutted and regulations rolled back because they get in the way of profits. The hell with people who have health problems already. More asthma, cancers and exposure to toxic chemicals is great for the stock market.
People are dying in Venezuela and Iran and Syria and gawd only knows where else because Trump is sanctioning their countries. Companies are fleeing from America because of his tariffs that are eating into their profits. This means that they are laying off thousands of people. Speaking about this. Trump is telling people who work in one of the agencies that he's moving it out of Kansas to DC and they have two weeks to decide if they want to move or find a new job. Why is he doing this? Because it's one way to shrink the government. Thousands of people lost their cars and other things when he shut down the government and then refused to make contractors pay back pay to their employees. I could go on and list more things that he is doing.... he doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself. Not me. I'm waiting for his next budget that guts the programs that I rely on. What's left of them anyway.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yeah, I "admire" how Dipshit and his fucking goons
I also "admire" how he has used people with disabilities to attack immigrant communities. Fuck him. Fuck Hillary for installing him. Fuck the capitalists for continuing to shit on us and keeping us out of real paying jobs by every means possible. And fuck you for supporting the son of a bitch. There, I said it.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Listen Aspie...
I understand your anger and frustration but your language is making a mockery of this board and it's getting really tiresome.
More folks will take you seriously if you would stop writing like a raving lunatic. There I said it.
Think about it because it will determine how much longer you'll be posting here.
You claim to be a Buddhist.
Following the Noble Eightfold Path leads to liberation in the form of nirvana: (...) Just this noble eightfold path: right view, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.
Right speech. Right speech (samyag-vāc / sammā-vācā) in most Buddhist texts is presented as four abstentions, such as in the Pali Canon thus: And what is right speech? Abstaining from lying, from divisive speech, from abusive speech, and from idle chatter: This is called right speech.
Don't want to pile on, but please.
Thank you.
I never said I was a perfect one, or even a good one.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Well, it was worth a try.
Considering you are most likely the only one here
Who feels this way
I'm mystified why you continue spending your time here.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
We have some people with their pet hobby-horses
and we let them ride, as long as they don't trample on others.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Except when the raise the price
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Still going along with the farce, eh?
Ah well, to each their own. Don't be surprised when Bernie and Tulsi both concede to the candidate chosen by the Gentricrap National Politboro.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I do not understand why the Democratic establishment allows Markos to go on tv. I know that all of them tie themselves in knots trying to justify their stupidity and lack of policy but Markos has to be absolutely the worst at trying to sell the DNC's snake oil.
Perhaps it is because Markos is the perfect representation of the vapidity of the establishment that the DNC represents.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
His reach amongst the dems?
Someone should ask Marky how Bernie is being decisive
Just what exactly is he saying or doing that is dividing the party? Hmm? Was it because he told the truth about Hillary's history of kissing up to the banks? Her never seeing a military intervention she didn't like? Her working on the job and environmental destroying TPP? Her lack of concern for people who wanted single payer so that they didn't have to go bankrupt because they got sick?
I'd like to ask him why he stopped wanting the things that Bernie's offering. Is it because he is still thinking that Obama's tenure was the best since FDR or Clinton? More like Reagan and Hoover if you ask me.
Kos went all in for Hillary even though he previously said that she was too much of a Clinton democrat to be a good president.
Google has decided that we shouldn't read this anymore, but the Duck says we can. BTW the first hit is the essay that OPOL wrote here. Now that's funny!
Funny excerpt...
If you didn't know who he was talking about here you'd think it's was Obama. Ha!
This might be one of the only differences between Bill and Barry. Bill delivered NAFTA whilst Barry failed to deliver the TPP. But neither did anything for the base....
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Barry could blame Bill for the failure of the TPP to be delivered. The base decided "no, thank you" to a second big gulp of ShaftYa.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Speaking about a moment of stupid
Besides saying that American troops secured the airport what is he saying here? Maybe he got distracted by the tanks? lol.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.