Comparing Biden to Sanders on racism
Black people love Joe Biden, but don't trust Bernie Sanders because he is in some vague, undefined way, a racist.
That's what the media tells us. That's what black political leaders tell us.
And that's why I don't trust the media or these current black political leaders or anytime modern Identity Politics is used.
Consider this recent Bernie "scandal".
Bernie mentioned that he marched for civil rights with MLK, and that's a bad thing.
THAT'S the scandal.
Sanders’ campaign co-chair, Nina Turner, recently asked a crowd in Fort Worth, Texas, “In what world when you’re sitting on a stage telling people about your history, and you mention the fact that you were in the March on Washington with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — Fort Worth, in what world do people boo that? That happened to Sen. Sanders yesterday, and I’m calling it out.“People want to strip the senator of his history,” Turner said.
Yes. Boo! Boo! How dare you point out your legacy on racism when someone questions your commitment to fighting racism.
This was crazy...... Black women were not having it. #BlackWomenLead #ShethePeople2020
— Kimberly Allen (@kimberp_a) April 24, 2019
But black leaders and activists say that Sanders, when questioned, keeps pointing to his actions in the ’60s and ’80s — when they’re looking to hear what he would do for them now.
Ah, yes. What does Bernie plan to do for black people now.
From the very same event.
Bernie Sanders was asked by a woman of color in the audience what he would do about the rise of white supremacist violence as President.
Instead he started talking about minimum wage and Medicare For All.
The audience claps when the moderator clocks him.
— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) April 24, 2019
Right. Blacks don't care about getting health care and raising low wages. Those things don't matter to them.
Nor do they care about the fight for civil rights.
Wait, what?!?
This sounds insane to me.
For context, let's look at the establishment approved candidate, Joe Biden, and what he keeps pointing to his actions in the ’60s and ’80s.
Scarborough defends Biden working with "repugnant" segregationists
— TPM Livewire (@TPMLiveWire) June 20, 2019
Democratic strategist Kristen Hawn said Thursday that former Vice President Joe Biden’s remark this week about working with two segregationist lawmakers “just makes him look older.”“I don’t think it’s going to stick that Joe Biden is racist,” Hawn, a senior strategist at Agenda Global, told Hill.TV co-hosts Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on “Rising.”
BREAKING: @JoeBiden responds to Dem rival criticism on comments re: “some civility” w/segregationist senators: “Apologize for what? @CoryBooker should apologize” @CBSNews (w/@JuliaCherner)
— Bo Erickson (@BoKnowsNews) June 19, 2019
So what do you think was the reaction of black political leaders over this call for civility with white supremacists? Go ahead. Guess.
Black lawmakers defended Vice President Joe Biden after the Democratic presidential candidate praised the effectiveness and "civility" of his time working with segregationists in the Senate.
The members of Congress supported Biden's overall point that Washington politicians must do a better job of working with those they disagree with. They declined to echo the demands for an apology made by Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, a 2020 rival of Biden's and a fellow Congressional Black Caucus member, and others. And they commended Biden's civil rights record.
...Bass, the Congressional Black Caucus chair, said she hoped that the intraparty attacks on Biden were not a sign of things to come.
"With 24 people running, about the last thing we need to do is fight each other," Bass said. "We need to focus on the number one priority, which is getting rid of the person who's in the White House."
When asked whether Biden should apologize, Reps. Hank Johnson of Georgia and Hakeem Jeffries of New York said he should not.
"I haven't seen anything from Joe Biden that suggests at this moment that he should apologize," said Jeffries, a member of the House Democratic leadership team.
Exactly the same reaction Bernie would have gotten, amirite?
Good thing Biden didn't march with MLK. Otherwise there would be real outrage in the black community.

Huh? This is as hard to read as this video is
to listen to til the end. I am sure though that both is worth doing.
Don't you all need to take a break? To keep your healthy sanity?
I am certainly the last person here to have 'insight' into inseiders wisdomes about racism, campaign tactics or strategies, but it was pretty easy to 'get', who of both (Biden or Bernie) is less fake and more honest and consistant.
I kinda believe that most people 'get' that in the end.
BTW, im my language OJ stands for Orange Juice. So, OJ, my OJ is a little acid. And I like it that way. And in my language, mother fucker, MF stands for My Fault.
Taking a nap now. Good morning from Germany.
I’m curious
What is Biden saying he’s going to do for people of color? If he’s the candidate of choice (they even thew Booker under the bus!?!) what he’s doing that Sanders isn’t? Seems like the 2016 playbook all over again but it’s going to have to be harder for the John Lewises of the world to defend Biden when you just know there’s more racist “gaffes” coming from Joe.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I don't know if Biden needs to apologize
for his tone-deaf statement.
He's probably not racist, but he is certainly privileged.
What I can't get over is the way that the black political leadership has rushed to defend Biden, when silence may have been a better option.
Meanwhile, Bernie says AND DOES all the right things, yet still gets smeared. And the black political leadership has no intention of defending him.
It's an obvious double-standard.
Agreed totally
Edit: clarified a sentence.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I disagree that Biden isn't/wasn't racist
Here's a letter he wrote to one of the worst racists that ever served in congress.
There is no way to take what Biden said in any way but racist. Keeping schools segregated?
Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and James Eastland were some of his BFFs who he said were good people.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
It's not just Lewis--Biden's campaign co-chair
is an influential AA.
I'm also hearing that Biden has the support of many of the CBC members. Still, I also wonder how much more the Dem Party Establishment will put up with (from Biden). Phew!
Now, could be wrong, but, I think John Lewis is an untouchable icon in the AA Community.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Biden is lost in a past that will never return
I believe that a lot of the furor over his comments concerning race relations is missing the point he was trying to make. His comments about "getting things done" working with other legislators who have radically different ideas are IMO wishful thinking. Back in the day when he was starting out the Republicans in congress were a much different sort of racist bastards than the ones in office today. If Biden can't see that there will be no co-operation on anything he is badly mistaken. When he was VP, Obama's executive branch tried and failed to work with Rethuglicans over and over. What does it take for Biden to pull has head out of his ass and wake up to this new reality?
Is it really myopia?
Or just an excuse for doing right wing things they want to do?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It's hard to know for sure, does it really matter?
Too many of Obama's efforts were in sync with Repubs'
This includes "Obama’s Long Battle to Cut Social Security Benefits"
"Back in 2009, he came into office wanting to address the long-term financial issue of Social Security not by removing the annual earnings-cap of around $100,000 that pertained (and above which income was/is untaxed for Social Security, so that this change alone could solve the problem), but instead by reducing retirement benefits to seniors: cutting the benefits they receive.
This man, Obama, who went along with George W. Bush’s taxpayer-bailouts for Wall Street rather than institute bailouts of Main Street (the public) and who thereby produced continuation of the economic crash for everyone other than the nation’s wealthiest 1% or 5%, was also aiming to serve the wealthiest Americans at the expense of everyone else when it comes to long-term changes of Social Security."
".....On 16 January 2009, four days before Obama became President, Michael D. Shear headlined in the Washington Post, “Obama Pledges Entitlement Reform,” and he reported about “a wide-ranging 70 minute interview with Washington Post reporters and editors,” in which Obama endorsed efforts by congressional Republicans, and “the Blue Dog Coalition of fiscally conservative Democrats,” to cut Social Security and Medicare. Progressives were already disturbed at what their friends in Congress were leaking to them about Obama’s strong commitment to doing this, and so a few blog posts were issued to ring alarm bells publicly about it. Paul Rosenberg at headlined on January 17th (three days before Obama’s Inauguration), regarding “Obama’s ‘Mandate’ To Slash Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security,”
Remember the "Cat food Commission"?
"...Obama has been trying hard: On 20 July 2011, Tyler Durden at headlined “Bipartisan Plan Summary Charts Confirm Key Deficit ‘Cuts’ Come From Imminent Social Security Pillage,” and this conservative website expressed shock at how amazingly Republican this plan was, which Obama was trying to ram through. The “bipartisan” Obama had reached farther into Republican territory than Republican politicians had even dared..."
The following day, July 21st, Paul Kane bannered in the Washington Post, “Debt Talks Bring Tensions Between Democrats, Obama to Surface,” and he reported that even top Democrats in the Senate – Reid, Kerry, Cantwell, Mikulsky, Lautenberg, and Feinstein – were shocked that the Democratic President was leaving them entirely out of the loop in his budget negotiations, and was negotiating only with leading Republicans. "
Remember right after the Great Recession
Obama froze the federal wage for two years. Why did he think that was a good idea? For the same reason he lowballed the money for us little folks and refused to help the 9 million people who were losing their homes while the banks continued to commit fraud which he still didn't stop or prosecute.
From the article..
So he had a mandate to cut social security, but not one to pass single payer? Remember when we heard that he wouldn't allow single payer advocates in the room with the insurance and pharmaceutical companies that we later learned that he had already made a deal with before the democrats worked on the hideously flawed ACA? And remember how pissed off people were when they learned what we were getting? But when Bernie was saying that we deserved universal health care people asked him how he was going to pay for it. And people cheered when Herheinous said that "universal health care will never ever happen."
Obama also killed the anti war movement when he lied about Gaddafi's troops raping women and invaded Libya and then Syria. During his tenure states lost close to 1,000 seats. Finally after Obomber waltzed out of the WH people were so pissed off at him that they voted for Trump or against Hillary.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
This happened more than historians will ever know.
Not every American lost their Moral Compass — even as they lost their political choices.
Thank you! IMO, the biggest threat to major entitlements
(meaning, Old Age & Survivor Soc Sec and Medicare) is going to come from Dems, who are poised to lead the way in a so-called bipartisan effort. As you've pointed out, 'O' tried for six years of his tenure. Now, Pelosi is now pushing an Infrastructure Bill, partly, to achieve the same purpose.
See below.
Bear in mind, it's the fiscal conservative Dems--led by "Pay-Go" Nancy, who've made it mandatory for any spending bill to be 'revenue neutral.'
Frankly, very relieved when DT threw her and Chuckie out of the Oval Office not long ago, when they were to meet with him to discuss so-called 'pay-fors'--to offset the 2 Trillion dollar proposed Infrastructure Bill. Which is not to say that we don't need repairs, etc.
But, at what cost?
Seriously, if a Infrastructure Bill looks like it's going forward, anytime soon, would highly suggest that anyone who's not filed (and is eligible), do so. (Not that it's any of my business, but, whatever.)
Remember, the biggest cut that Dems pushed during the entire "Grand Bargain" negotiations, was to the 'bend points,' and, they effect the initial monthly Soc Sec benefit formula--greatly reducing the average amount, or benefit.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Why black political leaders don't care about MFA and jobs
They want to preserve the stereotype that blacks don't care because they have Medicaid and welfare. Just like the white racist Right, the black racist Left wants racial strife. It is their bread and butter. If there was racial harmony they would have to find a new grift.
Yesterday, I heard that the House was voting on reparations. I can think of nothing more divisive than this. They know it has no chance of passing the Senate or Trump's veto pen. It's just their Identity Politics stirring up their base, getting whites and blacks to hate each other so they won't notice that it's the filthy rich of both races that are screwing them both (99% blacks and whites).
I'm going to try and find the roll call and sponsors. I will never vote for anyone that voted for this bill for anything, no matter who is the opponent, Joe Walsh, Donald Trump, Bruce Rauner ...
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I'm pretty sure the black community needs MFA and criminal justice reform more than reparations. But reparations is a wedge issue.
Just to cut to the chase at the outset:
...Bernie's dilemma is an easily-exploited structural distortion that occurs because the Left is forced to share a Political Party with the Centrists and Center-Right in order for their voice to be heard. That's not going to change until the Left changes it.
Democratic operatives and the Democratic party elite can easily push this attitude from the inside, in subtle ways. When Bernie brings up marching with MLK (because the Democratic Party is not about to tout his bio and lend credence to Bernie's story), the Dems simply roll their eyes and mumble, "Here we go again." Or, "That story never gets old... to Bernie."
The Democrats have a long history of bamboozling Blacks. Contemplate the breathtaking betrayal of Blacks by the Clinton administration. Black lives and families were destroyed by heinous, unjust laws and by Democratic policies that weaponized the criminal justice against them. This has shattered and traumatized Black families for generations.
In the end, the Clintons ushered in anti-New Deal Neoliberalism — economics based on the Right Wing principles of 'greed is good' and 'monopolies are good for America' because they are good for Empire's global hegemony. At the end of his term, President Clinton signed a bill that revoked the last of the New Deal regulations that once protected the People from predatory capitalism. No sooner did Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette leave the White House for good, than the capitalists swooped into the "free market" and began asset-stripping and wage-stripping the American people — beginning with the working poor and Black homeowners. Personal debt took off on a parabolic climb and it continues today, clouding everyone's future.
But returning to Democratic operatives for a moment, do you know why Black leaders completely defaulted to the Clinton Administration, and why they went on to plant the seed of Democratic Party bamboozlement in their followers? It was in this cauldron that the current DC shitshow was made:
In the early years, following Martin Luther King's death, progressive social programs were slowly put into place to convey onto Blacks some of the same Liberties that white population enjoyed in the US. Public institutions were rendered color blind, by law. Blacks who wanted a good education found it easier to gain admittance and to find government grants to help pay for it. For Blacks who wanted to start their own businesses, there were advisors who offered them support and small business loans. Buying a home suddenly became a real option in Black communities. New mortgage banks opened that helped millions of Black residents take ownership. Labor unions continued to lift many out of poverty, and lifted more into the Middle Class for the first time.
Behind the scenes, however, there was obstruction. The Reagan and Bush I administrations did not make it easy for Black leaders to access the funding that had been earmarked for these programs. The bureaucracy put up walls and slow-walked the processes, deadlines were frequently missed, documents were misplaced, and there was a general indifference to their requests. But the arrival of the Clinton administration changed all that. A group of Democrats opened a special 'window' where Black Leaders could finally get the money to run the programs — with none the hassle. This was enormously helpful and strong bonds developed between the Democratic Party and Black community activists.
The Democratic Party assumed that they had corralled the Black Vote — as if Blacks were vending machines. Put in the right platitudes and out would come the expected votes. But I wonder about that.... The rising generation Black journalists I've been reading since the 2016 election, paint a different picture of this political relationship. They are skeptical of the words that politicians use. To them, 'MLK' is just another public holiday. Invoking the name Martin Luther King does not put food on the table, or pay for college, or protect them from daily government abuses. I think they know exactly who Joe Biden is and they are aware that the Democratic Party feels entitled to their votes — even when the Party isn't fighting for economic justice and basic human rights, like universal healthcare. Perhaps it is it's their turn to triangulate for awhile — and see if the Neoliberal Party leadership is going to respect their needs.
The Democrats are just as bad as the early
southern white evangelical slave owners. They feed them pie in the sky promises (heaven/social welfare programs)), salvation (Jesus/Bill Clinton, Barack Obama) and effectly convert them into submission. At that point they become tools and another form of slaves.
The result? Black evangelicals who discriminate against LGBTQ people, and who never venture outside their churches to hear other points of view, except when Hillary comes to their churches to talk the "good jesus talk".
The younger generation of blacks, however, are breaking that mold, and not a moment too soon. There is now a growing group of black atheists/progressives who are flexing their muscles against the slave/Jesus mentality of their parents. These are the people who are turning up at Bernie's rallies. We can see them, but the main stream media and the DNC look right through them.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Age gap
I think this is what's really going on here. Biden dominates in the 50+ demographic, race is a lesser factor than age.
In 2016 Sanders had a rough time with the AA vote. He spent his career in Vermont, and nobody in the AA community had ever heard of him. I see him doing lots of outreach this cycle, which is what he needs to do.
If Sanders manages to make inroads in the AA vote it will be from the bottom up, among the young people. The older folks will stick with the centrists.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
You nailed it, Woods. ;-) I've said the same. EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Same thing with the Jews.
Jews cheering and supporting the genocide their state in waging on Gaza. I anyone ought to know better, it is the people who were once on the receiving end.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
When Lewis endorsed Hillary over Bernie, it was apparent
to me that Lewis the civil rights leader was now sated and fat and had been replaced by Lewis the toadying politician who would screw anyone including his own if it suited him. Whoopi the same. When people get fat and comfortable for too long, they forget who they are and don't care who they've become. As long as it involves more for them, whatever it is, is fine with them.
When Lewis was called out for endorsing Clinton over Bernie, Whoopi for criticizing AOC as not respectful of her betters, of course their critics were called racists. A lament that never seems to get too old to the folks using it. While the old folks, white racists, and black militants wallow in and continue to argue over the past, the kids are moving way beyond them. Interracial relationships and biracial people are leaving it all behind. Soon no one will know what race or ethnicity anyone is.
I really don't know how Bernie stands it. I couldn't do it, certainly not at age 77. How many years now has he dragged his old and sorry ass around the country trying to improve peoples lives? In return all he gets some dumb ass in the audience chastising him for having fought for her equality. Fuck her. Fuck them. Fuck them all. From the Clintons and the media to the whiny people with their shorts in a knot over this or that ONE thing he failed to make better that they can't cope with or overcome - ever.
Divide and conquer is exactly what it is all about. Those that have theirs vs those that don't and making sure it stays that way. I am so tired of them, their game, and the victims. At what point does a victim wise up and quit being a victim or willingly become a willing participant in the game?
This story really pisses me off. Can you tell?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Absolutely spot on analysis of Lewis!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
You saved me from writing about Obama again
Thanks. Especially after reading aliasalias' comment. I knew Obama wanted to cut social security, but not as early as he did.
"I made you guys rich" he said not too long ago to the bank CEOs. And now he's getting rewarded for doing that.
Biden too has made speeches about cutting it and they are making the rounds on Twitter, but too many people aren't hearing about it and think that he's just a lovable ole Joe who sometimes talks funny and sticks his foot in his mouth. He is not. He was a ruthless during his tenure in congress and not enough of those videos are getting out.
As too his not having a racist bone in his body just listen to his speech on busing. Sure sounded racist to me. Of all the people he could have talked about back when congress was sane why did he choose one of the biggest racists to bring up? Because even though he was racist he could work with him? Nah..
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I recall that Lewis moment, dk, spot on,
we knew the fix was in!
[Edited] Hey, if it's any consolation, sounds like the
corporatist MSM is 'turning on' Uncle Joe. I 'think' that they are fearful that he can't make it, so, they're going to turn their sights on another Dem Candidate, who'll be a good soldier for the One Percent. Just my guess, but, sure looks like the shine has come off him.
Remember, according to the pollsters, AA's are 30-60 percent of the Dem Party voting Base in parts of the South (including, SC); and, nationally, they are 25 percent of the Dem Party (voters).
So, don't believe for a NY minute that they'll allow a Dem candidate to go forward as the nominee, who has put his foot in his mouth the way Joe has. Aint' gonna happen. It's beginning to appear that the entire Presidential race is going to very heavily based upon IdPol issues, as far as the Cable News talking heads go.
It's just a 'guess,' but, I think that they are really to shed Joe, for Warren. Which is a major mistake, IMO.
[Edit: Last sentence - not meant to imply that I think either Joe or Warren should be the candidate. In case it read that way!]
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Re, your edit
Yeah, from the frying pan into the fire!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
The times they ARE a changing
My daughter lives in Alabama, not that far from our c99's Lookout.
She tells me she sees more interracial couples there than she did while growing up in the Chicago suburbs. And very surprising to me because I visited the South in the '60s (Biloxi Mississippi), usually it is the woman who is white.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
why is that surprising? /nt
Probably because
That was the usual excuse for lynchings. It’s good to see that love is already trumping such deeply rooted hate.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
That was considered the ultimate race crime. White man, black woman - okay, for centuries, but actually showing affection was declasse. Black man, white woman - THE END OF CIVILIZATION!
I'm glad that was bemused. It shows we've come a long way. When I played "Advise and Consent" they couldn't understand why the young Senator would kill himself because people were about to find out that he was gay? "Why did he kill himself, Grandpa?" "It was about to become known that he was gay." "Yeah, I got that, but why did he kill himself?"
It made sense in the '60s, no sense in the 21st Century. I'm glad they didn't understand.
In 1962, everyone understood.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
My question about mixed-raced couples came about ....
... because I had not the US based 'Afro-American Experience of the sixties', rather an 'African-German' one.
I remember well, that there were almost only - if at all and not that many - mixed-race couples between a white woman and a black African man. There were almost none between white men and an African woman.
As I also sadly observed that was, because the African woman was heavily seen as a 'traitor and profiteer' by her African peers, when daring to marry or partner a white man. The other way around was pretty similar, just in the other direction, a white woman married to an African man, was considered a 'whore, and rather stupid', because usually a white woman couldn't make a 'profit' of a poor(er) African men.
When it comes to grey issues, one really needs to know how that grey came about. The only hope is that when you mix all the beautiful 'Komplementärfarben' (complementary colors?) and swirl them around fast enough, they all appear as a 'non-colored' grey.
I wish we were all brown
Sadly, the darker brown and lighter brown people would start fighting.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
they did already since quite some time
you need to look at Indians (from India) and black Africans in former Uganda. The middle brown Indian between white colonialists and black nationalist dictators. Caught in the middle, they mostly co-opted on the lighter skin side, ie the white colonialists. The black Africans disliked them quite a bit.
Don't reminde me. It's something I try not to think about.
And Haiti n/t
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Here's what these morons would have done to MLK Jr
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
This is so spot on
This is how his legacy has been whitewashed including that statue of him that was made in China. lol.. we have to honor our heroes by China because this country doesn't make anything anymore. Good grief.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
existential threat
third way
Ah yes, The Turd Way n/t
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
SuckDems (Democratic Socialists) just want to placate
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
From Counterpunch
Biden should rot in hell along with his buddies
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good Lawd, James Eastland was a piece of sh*t
That quote comes off as a bad joke even to racist ears.
you can say that again...
bur I have to say, reading that now, I could have imagined it, may be, if I had lived in the US in early sixties.
NPR said those were different times. Full stop!
And he's all better now, or some such.
It reminded me of an argument I had with a college classmate who was Hispanic about an instructor who had made at least two very inappropriate comments about another female classmate and myself.
The Hispanic classmate excused the instructor because he was from a different time. He's just an old guy, let him be. The classmate got pissed when I said, "Then you'd be okay if he referred to you as a beaner or a spic in front of the whole class, since he's just old and from a different time?"
Leopards don't change their spots, even if they were born in a different time.
Biden has done a lot for black people.
To list just a few things Biden has done for black people:
1. Reformed bankruptcy law to make it harder for black consumers to file for bankruptcy.
2. Voted to repeal Glass-Steagall so that black people could get crushed by the 2008 financial collapse.
3. Wrote or sponsored several "get tough on crime" bills between 1984 and 2003 that resulted in the incarceration of millions of black people.
What better friend could black people have than Joe Biden?
And he’s so proud of it too!
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
After Biden flipped flopped on the Hyde amendment
he said that he will never apologize for voting for it previously and that he would not ever apologize for anything. I've been watching videos of him during his time in congress and he has always come across as arrogant and bullying.
Joe posted a link in tonight's EBs to an article about how ByeDone thinks that once Trump is gone the country will get back to normal. It's worth a read.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
i'm pretty much stuck on your key thesis:
'blacks love biden'. is that because some of the black misleadership defends him?
but no, bernie hadn't 'marched with MLK', he'd attended the 1963 'March on Washington for jobs and freedom' that malcolm X had labeled 'the farce on washington' rather pointedly, and as he'd explained it in terms of who was out, who was in, partially the rules laid out by JFK, he made his case imo.
but some thought he'd claimed to have joined the selma marches, and it got pretty silly as to who in the crowds may have looked like a young bern, kinda like that tweet in your original link.
but i'd wondered if the young uns have been wanting him to come out for back reparations; nope, according to your original link. but he would vote for a congressional study on the issue: he just wants to lift all boats, etc.
i cut john lewis a lotta slack, given his age now, but biden?
Lewis turned into toady before he got old.
Resting on his laurels while he turned his back on people who need him so the rich white folk in Washington would like him.
As far as Malcolm X goes, he probably thought the old Black Panthers were too soft and cuddly to matter.
Where Bernie marched doesn't matter. He did, which is more than 90% of others did. Guess he should have washed their clothes, cooked their dinners, and toileted their behinds.
The older I get, the more impatient and less tolerant I am of weak, selfish, and stupid. There's always a reason, always an excuse.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
*I* marched with MLK
And I bet several (many?) of you did, too.
(Edit) because King was not just a civil rights person, he was also against the Vietnam war.
(2nd edit) and I didn't see John Lewis there.