Did j'all get Markos' email tonight?
First - hey, y'all... I made the jump finally! (My brain has difficulty with learning new things these days)
Here's the money shot from my perspective:
March 2016 will be our biggest month ever, and March 16 is our biggest day ever, with more than 2.5 million unique visitors.
Huh, what, in particular, perhaps drove community members to the site the day AFTER the Ides of March banning start? Would it be to watch the train wreck in real time? Wild that he would fund raise off of his limiting democratic speech.
The whole letter:
The future of Daily Kos (please read)
2015 was a crazy, record-setting year for Daily Kos, and 2016 is already breaking last year's records. Take a look at how big and how fast we've grown:
Traffic has exploded. This time last year, I wrote about how the first three months of 2015 were our three biggest months ever. We broke that first quarter record halfway through this month.
March 2016 will be our biggest month ever, and March 16 is our biggest day ever, with more than 2.5 million unique visitors.
Daily Kos is the go-to place for progressives to get their news, giving us a deeper reach into the Democratic base than almost any other organization on the left—and that puts us in a powerful position ahead of the election.
We need to stop Trump. We need to elect a Democratic Senate so that we have the votes to confirm strong liberal judges to Supreme Court. If we have the resources to organize the millions of progressives who read Daily Kos every month and connect them with must-win campaigns for House and Senate, we could be what makes the difference between a Democratic majority and a Republican majority on Election Day.
Can you chip in $5 right now to help Daily Kos keep fighting?
We've spent years working toward this point. Our editorial team has added voices that bring new readers to the site every day. The activism team has greatly expanded to better mobilize those readers to action. And the tech team has built and launched an incredible new site that makes all of our lives and work easier.
We wouldn't have gotten this far without you, and we can't win in November without you. So, please, if you're able, chip in $5 right now to make that happen.
Thank you and keep fighting,
Markos Moulitsas
Founder and Publisher, Daily KosP.S. I like to put things in perspective when asking for a contribution. Our 2016 budget is about $6 million. We could fund operations for two-and-a-half years if every one of our readers this month had chipped in just $1. Obviously, not everyone chips in. So, please chip in $5 if you can.

First we vent, then we move on and he no longer exists in
our universe. I'm moving toward a dkos-free personal space. The farther I get from there, the better I feel. When I arrived here, it was an immediate relief. Why would any of us willingly belong to a "community" where we feel the need to edit and re-edit what we want to say and self-censor because we expect others to censor us if we don't? Egads. If this sounds judgmental toward those who have longstanding relationships through components of that site, it's not meant to be.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I don't know if
Dkos will ever disappear from here. It is the homeland. Refugee and lifeboat are closer to truth than you might think. Even so, we hope the many great writers that joined will start doing what they do so well and content will expand. Go to the front page. It will get better.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I unsubscribed weeks ago.
If things are going that great, why do they need so much money? Oh well, I am moving on from there.
This should be a lesson fpr C99:
"March 2016 will be our biggest month ever, and March 16 is our biggest day ever, with more than 2.5 million unique visitors."
Now that's not the point is it. Visitors, members, that's not the point. The point is to fucking do something. I've spent years on these blogs and it can be the same shit over and over and where does it get us. We need to get somewhere. Fast.
Damn, what an marketing opportunity we missed. n.t
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That snippet reminds me of the NRA
The old NRA from before they got hella crazy ... but the fund raising was always the same:
* Your contributions will go to my quality of living
Not sure why, but - even though its fairly a fairly standard "gimme money" email - it made me think of the NRA from days long gone.
Seriously? He's asking for
Seriously? He's asking for money????? FUCK YOU MARKOS. I WANT MY MONEY BACK. Your business model is fraud. Sorry for the all caps folks. I'm so pissed about this.
Yeah got it, ignored it
Yeah got it, ignored it
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Got it but not at my usual email address...
Using a different variation of my name than usual, I signed a petition that someone had posted at MoveOn.org to "Support Bernie Sanders Running as an Independent".
That evening I got an email addressed to that unique name from MoveOn.org asking if I was caucusing for Bernie in WA state -- okay, I'm cool with that.
Then I got the begging email mentioned above, from DK, to that same unique email name (except this version was urging me to join DK. AND donate).
So apparently MoveOn shares their petitioner's email addresses. I should have expected that, I guess.
The political/environment emails are really getting out of hand in my mailbox -- every day more than the day before. I guess every time I sign a petition, I'm asking for it. No more donations directly to MoveOn.org from me. They are already making money off my email address, apparently.
I'm glad I use a special email address for that kind of stuff -- might be about time for me to give that one up, for a new one.
That's funny in a few months he will be begging for dollars.
You can only walk all over a liberal for so long and then they leave. I see this happening at another site, it's literally dying as I type this.
How Bill Clinton allowed AIDS to devastate AA Communities http://prorev.com/blood.htm While Hillary Clinton stood by her man.
Daily Kos is the go-to place for progressives to get their news
bern baby bern disco inberno
Glad I was never on that email list.
I get too much junk as it is. LOL!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Fuck you Markos, you think you had a good March??
The 99ers grew their/our site by ten fold.
You traded street cred for institutional influence and you are a laughing stock.
It's sad, but strange too
I've been a lurker over there since 2004. DK has been sitting at the top of my "favorites" list ever since, and has always been my first click whenever I sit down at the computer. But for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, even though I comment from time to time on several other blogs, I just never felt quite comfortable enough with the crowd there to take the step of registering. When Bernie threw his hat into the ring, things got pretty ugly very quickly, but I still kept checking in. But now that Kos himself has declared any criticism of The Queen to be beyond the pale,well ...
So I followed everyone else over here, and registered today just so I could check in and say "Hi".
Right on Ken, great to have you on board.
Welcome, Ken
Glad you're piping up here
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
What? the CIA doesn't fund him enough?
The facts: Markos was a Republican who joined the CIA and while an agent of the CIA started up Daily Kos.
Do I need to connect the dots here?
I heard a Markos radio interview
I heard a Markos radio interview wherein he stated that he had gone through the process of joining CIA down to signing the last paper but backed out at that point to join the Dean campaign instead. This led me to question exactly why CIA doesn't like Dean.
I had researched Markos a bit after his posted support of Measure S in Berkley (Measure S criminalized homelessness, beggars and mental illness on kos' damn sidewalks!) and found the CIA interview. I concluded that Markos was in fact CIA and that DKos was a psyops type of endeavor.
I have no facts to conclusively prove he IS a CIA agent. It is my opinion and belief that he is however.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
This is the first time I have ever heard this.
I keep wondering about him, but CIA agent?
Somehow I don't think Markos is that clever, though lately he's been too clever by half for sleuthing as a private dick for Hillary and dumping on the very Kossacks who helped him build his website.
Sorry, but he's really pissed me off.
You'd be amazed at what is out there.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Google Markos CIA
This is a Youtube of the radio interview I heard. Markos CIA
Looking back at Markos' past writings and interviews gives rise to concerns in my opinion.
At some point in the past, in 2003 I think, a DKos post was made questioning many things about Markos. In a reply to questions about him being against gays in the military, Markos posted that he had evolved. So perhaps this explains some things to us all, of course he supports Hillary, they both got that evolving thing going on.
Personally, I think we should stop electing and following people who were once republicans.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
I think this is feasable
I would be very surprised if he isn't reassessing his business plan at the moment and the market research would be invaluable for that process.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I just unsubscribed from Daily Kos
I'm not giving a yearly fee any longer so I ended my subscription. I had until April-something and when I unsubscribed I got an email back saying my subscription will continue through April and then I will be officially unsubscribed.
I wonder if Markos will dare to ban people who pull their subscriptions. Double dare you, Markos!
Hi, MsGrin, good to see you!
I've missed you. I should send you an email sometime--am in a new program and my health seems to be improving. Hope you are well!!!
Hello all
Just joined and wanted to say hi. Thanks to whoever at Dkos put a link to this site in the comments over there. I just registered there a few months ago but have been told I'm unwelcome since I have no intention of ever voting for Queen Hillary Corruption.
Also, since the Az primary was yesterday and I wanted to make sure my vote for Bernie counted, I waited until today to leave the corrupt democratic party for good. 40 years I've been a member but hate what they have become. Switching my affiliation to Independent felt so good! I also quit watching all corporate media, aka propaganda. I mostly got my tv news from Al Jazeera America when they were around, and the BBC, with a little PBS thrown in. I used to watch MSNBC but since I'm not interested in Comcast's corporate spin or looking at Chuck Todd/Chris Matthews/Andrea Mitchell or most of the other sellouts they call anchors I'm happy to leave them far, far behind.
I'm very glad to be here!