As goes Vermont ...

As is my unfortunate pattern of late, this is another drive-by post -- but it infuriated me so much that I needed to share:

Three Arrested After Climate Protest Halts Vermont House Action

Some choice takeaways:

Capitol Police also appeared to threaten members of the media with arrest when they refused a request to vacate the public space.

[Capitol Police Chief] Romei then clarified the request: “Not really cooperate with us, but to cooperate with the speaker’s instructions. She owns this chamber. You don’t.”

[Speaker of the House Mitzi] Johnson said that, though she had engaged in acts of civil disobedience herself, Thursday's demonstration had been counterproductive. “They were unfortunately not following the rules of the House that allowed reasonable debate to continue within the way we work," she said.

This is where we're at, folks. Vermont, this supposed-bastion of progressive thought and action, falls exactly into line with the neo-liberal, crony-capitalist, capital-D national agenda. "Oh, we're so committed to addressing climate change in Vermont! We embrace sustainable goals! We treasure the lake that our lack of funding is polluting! Oh, but wait ... you're not happy with our lack of action? Then STFU and get out!"

And this is just one of far too many recent examples proving that EVERY FUCKING CAPITAL-D politician is cut from the same mold.

Very impressed with the young siblings willing to be arrested over an issue that's going to bear far more weight in their lives than on Mitzi's.


/end rant

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Capitol Police Chief] Romei then clarified the request: “Not really cooperate with us, but to cooperate with the speaker’s instructions. She owns this chamber. You don’t.”

Not, she doesn't. The people of Vermont own it.

More and more, government creatures, elected and not, forget where the money comes from and for whom they actually work.

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TheOtherMaven's picture


They have all the power, and they're getting filthy rich from their jobs. The rest of us have nothing, not even the power to replace them in those jobs.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

travelerxxx's picture


The rest of us have nothing ...

Which reminds me of something (if I remember correctly) said by James Baldwin: "The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose."

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