My E-Mail to Medium After Having My Entire Body of Work Suspended Without Explanation

For the last two years, I have been posting political essays at Many of these essays dealt with Russiagate, of which I have been severely skeptical from the very start. And by that I mean not just the idiot partisan fantasy that the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russian government, but the underlying predicate that the Russian government executed a plan to interfere in the 2016 election. The same Deep State actors and Clintonite partisan hacks who invented the collusion narrative also provided the "proof" of Russian interference. My considered opinion of this "proof" is that it is by turns evidence-free, overtly bogus, and inane. And I view it as yet another component of an overall campaign of our Deep State and its political and media tools to demonize Russia and Russia's allies at every possible opportunity - the purpose being to insure that our military-industrial complex has the enemy needed to justify sucking up vast quantities of OUR money that could better be employed serving humane needs. And that's the underlying reason that I am so exercised about the Russiagate hoax, and so dedicated to doing what little I can to debunking it.

About a week ago, after publication on Medium of one of my Russiagate essays, I received the following response from a "Stuart Fisher":

I find it highly suspicious that this article drops after the Mueller document punctures some big holes in the Seth Rich theory. It stinks to high heaven of active measures.

I’ve reported this article to Medium, I hope they have the journalistic integrity to remove this propaganda piece.

(Note: "active measures" refers to activities of Russian intelligence, as Wikipedia informs me.)

Within a few days, my entire body of work at Medium was suspended, without explanation. I have received no explanation from Medium, and my several emails to them have gone unanswered. Here is the most recent of them:

Sirs - It has been three days, and I have yet to receive a response as to why my entire body of work at Medium - 234 essays and comments - has been suspended. Your own website states that authors are contacted prior to the suspension of an essay.

I honestly do not believe that I have slandered private individuals, engaged in obscenity, or encouraged illegal violence. But, if I had done so in a specific essay, you should have contacted me beforehand - and then suspended only the offending article. Instead, MY ENTIRE BODY OF WORK HAS BEEN SUSPENDED. This is the sort of treatment I could have expected if I had been a German defending Jews in Nazi Germany.

And maybe that gets to the crux of the issue - because "Russians" in the US now enjoy the same high regard as Jews did in Nazi Germany. And I have been at pains to debunk the constant stream of Russophobic lies that our powers-that-be are employing to insure that we have an enemy meriting the continuing expenditure ot trillions of dollars on our war machine and empire.

I am not Russian, sadly have never known a Russian. I was born in Fort Worth, Texas, and am a biomedical scientist of some significance:

I am a native-born American who wants his country to be at peace with the rest of the world so that we can all work together to build a better civilization for all of us. And my constant mission is to debunk the lies and liars that keep us at loggerheads with others for no good reason.

In the lead up to the Iraq invasion, I, like many others, figured out that the so-called evidence for Saddam's WMDs was total bunk. The essays I wrote to warn Americans of this are still on-line:

This had nothing to do with Russia - it had to do with preventing needless, illegal, catastrophic war rooted in lies. I am operating in the same spirit today.

If you revoke my suspension, I am willing to let bygone-be-bygones. But if you don't, I will take pains to insure that the alternative media are alerted to the atrocity that has been perpetrated on me. If you are willing to let people learn that Medium is a fascistic organization under the thumb of the Deep State, so be it.

I await your prompt response.

Sincerely, Mark F. McCarty, San Diego

I should add that, in the weeks preceding my suspension, I had been receiving what I interpreted as threatening phone calls. As soon as I posted a new article on Medium, I received 5 or 6 phone calls per day - each from numbers that were "private" or that used area codes not corresponding to real areas. When I answered these calls, all I could hear was silence. After several days, these harrassing calls would taper off - until I posted another essay on Medium. After I was suspended, these phone calls wholly ceased.

It's also curious that "Stuart Fisher" has never before or since published an essay or a comment on Medium. I suspect that he was part of the group making the phone calls.

I also suspect I was getting too close to developing an understanding of what actually happened between the DNC, Crowdstrike, "Guccifer 2.0", and Seth Rich. Since my work is still not well known, those tracking me felt that it would be smart to "disappear" my work now, before I became better known and it would be more difficult to censor me.

I have managed to save html webpages of my censored articles. I therefore propose to reconstruct many of them here at caucus99percent - most particularly those dealing with Russiagate, although I have also written about the "Assad gassing his own people" hoax, the Skripal case, and the shoot-down of MH17, among other things. I have also critiqued the Deep State vendetta against the Trump campaign - whereas I view Trump as an idiotic and in some respects tragic excuse for a President, the warrantless vendetta against him is inexcusable, as it sets a precedent for Deep State control of our democracy.

I plan to post one essay a day, beginning with those pertaining to Russiagate. I will post them in chronological order, because some of the later essays have links to the earlier essays, and I can't add the links until the previous essay has been posted. I apologize that I will be posting articles some of which are as much as two years old, but I will add their original dates of publication so that you can bear this in mind if you choose to read them.

As to my political orientation, I am a strong supporter of both Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard, and spend a fair amount of my time at the Way of the Bern subreddit. But I have posted several essays at Caucus99percent in the past. In fact, if I had been wise enough to chose this venue rather than Medium to post my long-form essays, I wouldn't have my current problem!

Thanks for this opportunity to do an end run around the Medium censors. I will not be deterred!

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mhagle's picture

Can you repost these essays here?

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

This is one of the last sanctuaries for free thought in Cold War 2.0 America. Skepticism and tolerance are welcome here. They are essential. We've all been purged from other sites.

It's really an honor to be Black Listed.

Looking forward to reading more of your work.

- Mark

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lotlizard's picture

A nakedly dissent-suppressing, war-mongering corporate authoritarianism, fascism even, that monopolizes media and education and claims the name of, and cloaks itself in the mantle of, anti-fascism.

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mimi's picture


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ggersh's picture

I look forward to reading your writings and yes
no need to worry about censorship here.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Pluto's Republic's picture

It's like a physical blow, and it can contaminate every positive part of what you once had.

But look at you. You are certainly no victim. You've got a Plan B and C and you are acting on them. I hope you can find all your essays. Another strike against Medium.

Your sensibilities and attitudes about the Russia Hoax and the underlying geopolitical poison that has become part of the American experience is identical to the attitudes of many people here, whether of not they write essays on these topics. I am one of them.

You can save them here in draft form ahead of time — sort of like a blog that only you can see. You can make them consistent in style, add illustrations you may want to use, and make your final edits. I suggest you publish them one-at-a-time as stand-alone essays — spaced out over a longer period of time. Publish at a natural pace, and allow them to be absorbed, until all of your essays are fully accessible.

I recommend that you write a one paragraph Introduction for each one to make the essays feel timely and relevant to the Reader. For example, talk about the mood of the times when you originally wrote it. Or describe how you were feeling that prompted you to write it. Maybe talk about how you feel about the essay today. On some, the topic trend might still be going strong, on others the topic might have evolved or transformed over time. An essay may be a perfect match for a current events happening now. You may spot a pattern that repeats over time — or that now looks like a manufactured tactic to manipulate the People. Some of your essays might have a personal meaning for you you'd like to share. Any observation you make that connects "then" and "now" will make your essays relevant. They will ease into the community with the attention they deserve. Pace yourself. And expect feedback, because Readers are seeing them for the first time. Let that occur naturally and participate in discussions that may emerge. It is these discussions that make your essays part of the community.

Since your topics happen to be my favorites, I look forward to seeing them here.


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to import all of your work here. Please do so.

This also brings up an important point. Authors should give careful consideration about archiving their work to their own local computer or device. This can be easily accomplished with a simple copy/paste job of the HTML code from our text editor. Highlight all the text and code and then paste it into a good text/code editor on your machine, give it a name so it's easily recognizable and then save it somewhere on your computer. It's best to create a folder and keep all of your archives centrally located in HTML format. That will make it easy work to copy/paste it into another text editor just about anywhere on the net that utilizes HTML code and will also ensure that you have working copies of your work for posterity's sake.

Here's a great free opensource text/code editor that I personally use. It will maintain all the HTML formatting exactly as it was in our text editor when you paste to it.

Archiving your work is quick, simple and essential if you wish to have your work available in the future. You just never know anymore, sites can go poof overnight, things can happen like what happened to Mark, something can happen to a website that may corrupt the database leading to data loss, etc. etc. Archive your work.

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Hawkfish's picture


Protect your software at all costs. The rest is meat.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

Steven D's picture

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

I am wondering if the Internet Archive aka "The Wayback Machine" could help you or others find previous content?

Useful to know about.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

I'm no legal expert, but could be worth it.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

I therefore propose to reconstruct many of them here at caucus99percent

I have been following this on WotB and was going to suggest that you do just that, but didn't want to speak for JtC. Glad to see that he has weighed in on this and has given the ok for it.

This censorship stuff will of course get out of hand which we knew when Alex Jones was one of the first censored and for something that had nothing to do with Russia Gate. Look at how many people cheered that act? Next we had Google changing its algorithms and websites that wrote the truth saw huge drop offs in traffic.

I hope to have some time someday to put all of our essays here in one with the links to them because many of us have written some outstanding essay about RG, the Clinton Foundation, Her email server and many more.

I look forward to reading your work here.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture

...Fahrenheit 451, @snoopydawg .

Once they started censoring, the government eventually had to outlaw all books. Firetrucks woud be deployed day or night to rush to the location wherever books were found — and they would be burned.

Little by little the people quietly resisted. Ultimately, they moved into forest communes and became living books. They spent their lives memorizing an entire book, and then teaching it to a younger person when they grew older.

Burning books is custom that has touched all cultures at some time. This would reset a civilization or culture — but so often it began with censorship and an insecure authoritarian leader. In the modern era, China burned all of its books and most paintings. This happened during the early 20th century — but thst was not the first time this 5,000 year-old civilization burned their books. It's likely a cyclical event for humans, but the arc of time is so long we haven't spotted the pattern yet.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Most of the people who cheered Jones banning didn't know who all were involved with it. Facebook has signed up with the Atlantic Council to decide who should be censored. Plus NewsGuard and other organizations like it are connected to them and this is why people should reject any form of censorship. It's government connected censorship and goes against the constitution. But that damn piece of paper is basically worthless now. I think the only amendment that hasn't been flushed down the toilet is the second. Long before Bush passed the patriot act the 4th amendment was on life support.

Did you see my essay on the Atlantic Council and Facebook? I detailed all the connections between them and who funded them. I'm still seeing people saying that they have nothing to hide.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

I plant to send them a protest email.

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snoopydawg's picture


Medium heard from me today for what it's worth. I'm dead set against censorship of any kind. Facebook banned more people today including people who link to Alex Jones' info wars work. Not cool.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

travelerxxx's picture


I'm sure more will be said regarding this, but RT was on it immediately.

Citing policies against ‘dangerous individuals and organizations,’ Instagram and Facebook banned Infowars, Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos and Louis Farrakhan, among others. Any mention of them will result in bans, too.

Any account that shares Infowars content will have it removed, and face a permanent ban for multiple “violations.” Facebook and Instagram will also remove any and all Infowars videos, audio or articles. Groups and events that promote Infowars or any of the banned “extremists” will be removed as well, a spokesperson told the Atlantic.

So, you can't even mention The Banned. You'll be digitally disappeared. The Nazi's could only dream of being able to control media like this.

I want to know who the "... others" are. We'll know soon.

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snoopydawg's picture


I forgot where I read about this. Yep. Anyone who mentions the people who are banned gets the ban hammer too.

“We’ve always banned individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless of ideology. The process for evaluating potential violators is extensive and it is what led us to our decision to remove these accounts today,” Facebook told the Atlantic via email.

Hmm..did Facebook tell the Atlantic today or did their parent organization tell FB to do it?

This needs to be looked into. I should have guessed that the military was involved with the groups pushing censorship. Too bad that the guy who built the internet didn't leave a back door into it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg THanks for your help.

I've been working steadily to transplant my Medium essays, and they should be dribbling out here over the next month or so.

Glad to have a welcoming refuge!

Best wishes, Mark

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Mark F. McCarty

with respect to the Russian bogeyman. It drives me nuts. And the right wing idiots blaming everything on the liberals. I look forward to reading your work.

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She's about as pointed about Russiagate and all related issues as one can get, so what could you have possibly written to cause this to happen?

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

WaterLily's picture

@Fishtroller 02 Hard to keep track these days.

Welcome to our little corner of sanity and free thought, Mark. Glad you're here.

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snoopydawg's picture


She wasn't sad that John McCain died and she let people know that. People raised a stink about it and she was allowed back on. I wasn't aware that medium did something to her, but it might have happened.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Fishtroller 02 I wish I knew what had happened. The administrators might think I'm a "Russian agent"! The worst thing about it is that they won't communicate. That's just obscene, given the amount of effort I had put in. It's like something out of Stalinist Russia.

Two of my recent articles dealt with Seth Rich. For the last several weeks, I had gotten a number of phone calls from "Private Number" or fake area codes, for which there was no answer - 5 or 6 a day - and it would spike right after I'd dropped a Medium essay. Also, Rich's family has been known to sue.

But if one or two of my articles were deemed over the line, they could have just suppressed those - not my whole body of work. I just think I'm right over the target, and some bad actors are freaking. I wonder if Medium was threatened.

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Mark F. McCarty

travelerxxx's picture


I wonder if Medium was threatened.

Maybe you wonder, but I don't. Of course they were threatened ... one way or another.

Pretty sure you won't be the last one they ban if this type of censorship is starting there. Glad I never went for a subscription. I did seriously consider it. Not now. Not after this.

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I think one of the reasons the Dems are shouting about stomping on Barr is because he is asking questions that may lead to outing their involvement in the Russiagate stuff from the beginning.... which also could lead to a new look at the DNC hacking.

I got banned from Daily Kos because I expressed skepticism over the whole Russiagate issue and wondered out loud if the CIA was pulling the strings. It was said that I was "spouting right wing talking points" which is against the rules. And this is a supposedly liberal website. What is going on in this country in terms of suppression of opinion and thought is alarming!!

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

explanation, so there is no chance to rebut.

I look forward to seeing your writings on Syria, as I followed this intensely for a while. I have never seen information manipulation on the scale as I saw following this conflict. After careful study I determined that there was disinformation coming from 4 or 5 different sides, each with contradictory accounts. In some cases I couldn't sort out the truth, but the accounts of Assad's sarin gas attacks were certainly false. I think his troops did use chlorine gas, which is not technically a war crime, however.

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@Blue Meany I'll have several Syria pieces coming out. The way in which our MSM have literally become the accomplices of jihadi psychos is mind bending.

In a consistent world, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox would be droned!

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Mark F. McCarty

edg's picture

I'm proud to have had my commenting privileges suspended from both rightwing site Red State and from leftwing site Truthout. I figure I must be doing something right if I'm pissing off both sides.

I look forward to reading your essays.

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dystopian's picture

Those bastards. I have long read, admired, and enjoyed your writing and posts at medium. In fact I have a few saved that I sent friends I thought they were so well done. The lack of reply as typical these days proves simple censorship. It is horrendous. But will be great to see your work here.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

thanatokephaloides's picture

But I have posted several essays at Caucus99percent in the past. In fact, if I had been wise enough to chose this venue rather than Medium to post my long-form essays, I wouldn't have my current problem!

As c99 kicks ass AGAIN.....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

When Zukerberg was first told about Russian ads on Facebook he pretty much laughed it off. Senator Warner of Intelligence committee visited him in Silicon Valley, and suddenly Russians everywhere and needed to be censored. It was the slippery slopes of slippery slopes and went onto the censorship of dissent and anti-establishment people and groups. Now private companies like Google, Face Book, and Twitter are working hand-in-hand with governments and their lackies to censor the social media and the Internet.

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And the lies of MSM and political class go unanswered. Please contribute your research and opinions here on C99. You will be much appreciated and can have some good conversations with similar open minded folks.

We are on an island, separated from the civilized world by two oceans. I have travelled to China and Russia and have had numerous conversations with natives, politicians and visitors there from other countries. I can tell you that there is a good understanding of politics in both countries and their different directions are well understood and supported by the people. We know next to nothing here and Americans do not travel and outreach. I have run into very few Americans in Russia, but those that I have run into understand that the Western image of Russia is totally bullshit, in the extreme. Russians in particular hear the Western lies and can't believe their ears. President Putin is well loved and appreciated for what he has done for Russia. His support numbers in polling are astronomical. No Western leader can approach these numbers. Best to ask why. Russians are very aware of the news, far more than Westerners. In the West he is an aggressive thug, in Russia a prince. Russians firmly believe that the claims against Russia are total fabrications. If you understand Russia this is extremely believable. Russia has no interest in being an adversary of the West, whereas the opposite is not true. Did Russia poison the Skripals? This polls at about 1 to 2% in Russia. The Novichok claim is preposterous. Russians joke about it and use it for new product names. Can you trust MI5/MI6 and the British government? The question answers itself. Many of us here feel that the claims against Russia are preposterous, so we want to hear what you think about all of this. Welcome!

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

Bob In Portland's picture

This is important. Save things. They want to make things disappear. I got into a debate with a guy about the nature of Russiagate. He got very indignant and basically asserted that since he hadn't seen any of it in the mainstream media that it didn't exist.

And that's how the human mind works. Most humans are such followers that they refuse to acknowledge something even if you point them to it. The old saying attributed to Mark Twain, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled", is so true. Once you presume something is true you look for things to confirm your acquired belief and ignore what contradicts it.

Politics is such a divisive arena of discourse that there are many Democrats that just presume if you haven't bought into the Trump-Putin treason thing then you simply aren't a Democrat.

Reality is overrated.

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Just want to say how grateful I am for the support and kind comments from people here at caucus99percent. Once my body of work from Medium has been completely reposted - by about June 3rd - I intend to make some noise on social media about this situation. My essays should be much more interesting now that they have been censored!

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Mark F. McCarty

I look forward to reading your posts here. From your text above, we share skeptidism about the whole RussiaGate media frenzy. I too have followed this issue closely, going back to the DNC leaks, not hacks, and the fact that CrowdStrike, which did the forensic analysis in place of the FBI, is affiliated with the Atlantic Council, and of course, paid by the DNC.

I signed up with Medium this week to start posting some of my political thoughts and writings. Your cautionary tale tells me that that was a mistake. I will be canceling my membership and posting here in the future.

I just started following you on Twitter. Expect the same cries of "Russian asset", "useful idiot", and "Putin stooge" there as well. However, Twitter has a "block" feature that prevents users from reading your Tweets. I would recommend that you use it early and often. Those people are not your audience anyway.

Thanks again for posting here.

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