Dr. Phil Pisses Me Off.
Now granted, I don't watch that carnival barker son of a bitch and you couldn't pay me any amount of money to do so, but my wife does from time to time. And on a particular episode she was watching tonight, he had this guy who was 45 years old and had moved back home some time ago. "Oh look how messy and crazy this guy is. My god, this guy's a total loser."
Yeah, the fact that he didn't have the best relationship with his kids and family sucks, but what can be expected in that situation?
The whole thing is made worse when Dr. Phil brings out America's answer to Jordan Peterson to lecture everybody on 'Behaving Our Way to Success'. Yeah, because getting pieces of paper and plastic and sucking up to the 'right people' worked out so well the last time I fuckin' tried it.
You know what? I could get more help from Brad Goodman than that shit. He offers feel-good bullshit too but at least he's good for a laugh (especially with the 'Do What You Feel' Festival).
Shit like this gets to me because that's how the..ahem, world SEES people like me. "Stop using your disabilities as excuses," they scream. "Be proactive." "Behave your way to success."
You gotta love that quick fix, rugged individualist, good ol' 'Murican Exceptionalist mentality. That's some grade A, quality elephant shit, isn't it?
It's shit like this that actually made me stop trying so long ago, because nothing I did or said mattered when it came to 'success'. I wasn't born into it. Hell, most of us weren't. And personally, I just didn't want to play anymore.
Yeah, I know, this is some really trivial shit, but blatant capitalist pigs like Dr. Phil anger me beyond belief. At least Jerry Springer is an honest carnival barker.
Rant off.
elephant poo
Actually, that quick fix, rugged individualist, good ol' 'Murican Exceptionalist mentality is an insult to honest elephant poo. Honest elephant poo transplants the seeds of some plants and fertilizes many others.
All Dr. Phil's quick fix, rugged individualist, good ol' 'Murican Exceptionalist mentality ever does for us 99%ers is kill.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
He is
a huckster who got famous thanks to being on Oprah Winfrey. He has always struck me as a very much poor excuse for a "shrink" and is definitely raking in the cash flow thanks to the gullible who watch him and buy his books and other things he sells.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
@Lenzabi Oprah has something of a
Frankly, Im just glad the $hillbots didn't talk her into trying to be their Ultimate NotBernie.