
The Short Blade of Impeachment: Most Americans Skipped Hearings

Sequestered Arms for Ukraine bombs on the Boobtube

The Watergate hearings captured a huge TV audience — 80 percent of Americans tuned in, by some estimates. Like the Moon Landings, Watergate shaped the attitudes of Americans, young and old, for the rest of their lives. Not likely this time.

Dr. Phil Pisses Me Off.

Now granted, I don't watch that carnival barker son of a bitch and you couldn't pay me any amount of money to do so, but my wife does from time to time. And on a particular episode she was watching tonight, he had this guy who was 45 years old and had moved back home some time ago. "Oh look how messy and crazy this guy is. My god, this guy's a total loser."

on the personal and political

the more alienated I feel.

I woke this morning with an array of seemingly disparate thoughts. Yet, they were mostly spurred from a rambling conversation with friends, last night.

First, the dream snippet I woke up remembering:

"I always wanted to be a death farmer."
Pained, horrified, confused and concerned faces reflected back at her.
"It's not what it seems. I want you to harvest the bounty of your dreams."