Tulsi Gabbard Best Democrat in the Field


Hawaii Congresswoman and Iraq War Veteran Tulsi Gabbard is getting very, very close now to qualifying for inclusion into the 2020 Democratic Primary Debates.

I had followed Bernie's campaign very closely back in 2015-2016, but I became disillusioned later on with Sander's strange and contradictory rush to submit to and promote Hillary Clinton (“crooked Hillary”) right after the Primaries. It seems to me that if he was serious about changing the paradigm -- that he could have instead gone to the Convention and walked out of that building with half of the people there following right behind him, and then joined forces with Jill Stein to create -- a large Independent movement to challenge the corrupt two-party system.

Also, his lack of outrage and happy acceptance of the DNC-Hillary-DebbieWSchultz-Podesta Theft of many of the Primary states (as many as 13) is very puzzling. Why does he want to see that behavior held unaccountable(?), and protect Clinton and DWS? Since that time, Sanders has been totally duped by phoniness of both the phony Russia-Gate nonsense and "Identity Politics" narratives, while also buying into to the Open Borders insanity.


So for 2020, the most inspiring, impressive, and best candidate in the race this time around hands down is Tulsi Gabbard. Unlike everyone else she really speaks to and understands first hand the corrupt forces around U.S. Foreign Policy, and has both the deep education level and sense of core principle to not ever submit to these policies -- like perhaps nobody else that has ever run for the Office. Here is a quick clip of Tulsi.

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3sAwXZPafc width:640 height:480]


She could be the transformational President that we need, and we can be sure that the Neocon, Globalist Foreign Policy is dead if Tulsi Gabbard is the Democratic Nominee. And with Tulsi Gabbard you can be sure that she will not ever go around touring the Country on private Jets promoting crooks like the Clintons if she loses.

These are the reasons why the political establishment does not like her. Already, she has had to fight back some smears and attacks. But she does so with impressive class and poise.

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tpe79LfhUZU width:640 height:480]


Right now Tulsi Gabbard is less than 2000 donations way from qualifying in the Democratic Primary debates, where she will then have the public forum to give voice to the truth and shame all the other candidates on the stage (especially Joe Biden).

Just think how much more interesting the Democratic Debates will be with her voice on that stage...

You can contribute here to put Tulsi over the top:

  1. Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/65k-march?refcode=tw190331
  2. Donate: https://www.tulsi2020.com


Commander-In-Chief with a New U.S. Foreign Policy

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Here is the article itself. It isn't old history they are pointing out.

Tulsi Gabbard’s Deceptive Foreign Policy
The Hawaii congresswoman’s anti-interventionism masks an affinity for authoritarians, nationalists, and Islamophobes.
By Evan HillTwitter

Let me just add that while I still support Bernie over the rest, he is pissing me off. Ro posted some unclear piece about Bernie "won't attack the Democrats running against him". If he means won't swing first, fine. If it means Bernie won't hit back, not fine. I think Bernie winning for his $20 dollar donors should come before protecting his colleagues. I the Dem Party doesn't like it, Bernie can run third party. Bernie also posted some bull shit tweet about Russia interfering in our elections way beyond any obligatory point to do so. So whatever I do or don't do in support of Bernie, I do with eyes wide open. For this reason, I am posting the Tulsi article here. Make of it whatever you will.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Unabashed Liberal's picture


not to attack other Dems, etc.--no 'bullying or harassment.' Could be wrong, but, figure that he'll do a version of his "damn emails" comment, if any debate host dares ask him about Uncle Joe's escapades regarding to feeling off women and children (if Joe enters the race, that is). He also said as much, in the recent CNN Townhall with Blitzer.

Here you go,

BLITZER: Very quickly, Senator, Democrats want a candidate who can beat Donald Trump. Why do you think you're the most qualified to beat Donald Trump?

SANDERS: Well, first of all, let me say that there are a lot of really good candidates in this race, and many of them are personal friends of mine. I've known Elizabeth Warren for like 25 years, you know? So -- and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that we discuss policy and not personality and not make it ugly.

Frankly, if Repubs actually manage to get the message out that the MFA/Buy-In Bills will dismantle the current 1965 Original/Traditional Medicare program, I expect that 2020 'may' end up like 2008--when Repubs (McCain) carried the senior vote by 21%, largely due to concern about the threat to Medicare.

(I posted the excerpt from Jayapal's MFA Bill, backing up this assertion at EB a couple weeks ago. Going to put her dissembling words from her Democracy Now interview, in a blurb in my signature line, as soon as I get a chance.)

I am a bit skeptical of Gabbard, as well. OTOH, if she runs as an Independent, I'd at least consider voting for her, mostly because I think she's not been a Washington Insider so long that she's corrupted by the system. While, IMO, it's a plus that she knows the military from the inside, I'm not exactly wild about her being 'career' military--even if it's just 'the Guard'.


I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

Dem Budget Committee Chair Yarmuth, December 13, 2018, "Newsmakers" -
"Ultimately, we are going to have to 'deal with' programs like Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security, and, ah, it's one of those things that's going to have to be done on a bipartisan basis, because "nobody wants to walk the plank on those."


Beware! Yarmuth wants to strike a so-called "Grand Bargain" with Republicans. See C-Span video, above.

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal

That’s exactly how Trump won, right? He held back and never criticized any of the Republicans. I think Bernie owes his $20 donors more than he owes his colleagues and the Dem Party. This is just one of the things he’s done lately that I disapprove of. Supporting Jayapal’s phony M4A bill is another and a recent Tweet admonishing Russia is another.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Tulsi and I believe that the people of Iraq, Libya, Syria,and the U.S. would have been far better off without our regime-change wars. And we still have Iran and Venezuela ahead of us.
I could post Bernie's Senate speech in support of Russia sanctions for their "meddling" in our election, but I won't. I was a big Bernie supporter, but I have come to doubt his judgment--particularly on war. YMMV

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chuck utzman

TULSI 2020

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@chuckutzman @chuckutzman


(basically sums up half the article.)

The most abusive and dictatorial governments, by and large, have not been theocracies but nominally secular regimes. Many of the worst crimes—Assad’s chemical attacks and extermination camps, Sisi’s massacre of protesters, Muammar Gaddafi’s hangings and mass executions, Saddam Hussein’s genocide against the Kurds—have been committed by the kind of “secular” autocrats Gabbard wants to stay in power.

How many neo-con talking points in just that one half-paragraph?

Theocracies are less abusive and dictatorial than secular governments?

I'm sure the Iranians and Saudis are glad to hear it.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger

of this quote,

the kind of “secular” autocrats Gabbard wants to stay in power...

is the assertion that we have removed those secular dictators from power, except Assad, and brought about an improvement for the people of those countries! As if Gabbard's opposition to our regime change policy is that it removes dictators from power! What crap! Her opposition is to what we have brought about for the people of those countries, including Iraq, which is endless war!

They keep asserting they are doing a good thing! With all the righteous criticism they have of the dictators, they seem to be blind to the killing, atrocity and destruction we have brought to the men, women and children we have supposedly liberated, as if the violence and dismemberment they have suffered was good violence and dismemberment.
I am sick of reading this garbage, not from you, NHK, but from them.

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gulfgal98's picture

@Linda Wood positions of all the candidates. And it is easy for any of us to look at candidates and their positions from a black and white perspective. Tulsi is not anti-military or even totally anti-war. Her policy positions are very nuanced, and this is something most of us are unaware. She is clearly anti regime change and she is against waging war except under the most dire of circumstances and as a last resort. She is against torture, but she is not against the war on terror or the outlawing of drone strikes. She has stated in the past that she believes we need to be more judicious in the use of drone warfare.

If I were to characterize her policy stances, Tulsi is against the wasteful use of our tax dollars and military personnel. Regime change wars are of no benefit to either the people in the countries in which we are waging regime change wars nor are they beneficial to the people of the United States or our military personnel.

Tulsi wants to bring that money being wasted on these regime change wars back to the United States and to spend it on the pressing needs in this country.

For a relatively concise video of Tulsi's views on foreign policy, war, and regime change, I would recommend her recent interview with Kim Iversen. Tulsi's foreign policy positions must be viewed as a whole.


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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

@chuckutzman and supports the same false imperialist narratives as Sanders that Russia meddled in the US election, invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. So what's the difference between her and Bernie?

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@Big Al

from your link in the Tulsi at 63,434 Donors!!! comments:


Tulsi strongly opposes illegal C.I.A. funding, training and weapons for extremist rebels in Syria, who are fighting both the Syrian government and their ally of Russia. The U.S.’s illegal war to depose Assad in Syria brings the U.S. into direct conflict with Russia and simultaneously empowers extremists in Syria.

Continued U.S. military involvement in Syria can potentially escalate conflict between the U.S. and Russia, which is extremely dangerous and unnecessary.

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Big Al's picture

@Linda Wood My point was she's fully on board with the Russiaphobia of the democratic party including maintaining the imperialist false narratives. Her stance against regime changes is a convenience stance to aid her bonafides with the progressives, imo, much like Obama did prior to his presidency. She's also said "she's a dove for regime changes, but a hawk for the war on terror". Imo, the war OF terror is the worst war, the key war of the 21st century, and she's as big a cheerleader for that as anyone, i.e., like she says, she's a war hawk.

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@Big Al ,

and you have logic on your side. Pluto's Republic has written this week about Gabbard's membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, which I think you pointed out recently, and which can only be a bad thing. I'm listening, and I'm watching.

But even if she's a stand-in for the CFR and a way of delegitimizing the peace perspective, whatever she is, she is still raising the issue of the complete disaster of, not only the war in Syria, but also the conduct of the war on terror. It's not even about her. It's about what she's saying.

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lotlizard's picture

@Linda Wood  

she is still raising the issue of the complete disaster of, not only the war in Syria, but also the conduct of the war on terror. It's not even about her. It's about what she's saying.

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@chuckutzman @chuckutzman

Most folks here like to keep an open mind, weigh the facts, and make their own decisions. They don’t run and hide from opposition, and people here are free to speak as long as they din’t Attack their fellow posters. We are not Fox News or DailyKos. Too bad you feel a need to censor. I remember all the safe places at DailyKos for Hillary supporters.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


But Uncle Joe likes him

Do you like hot dogs? I have one that tastes like chicken..

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Unpresidential but funny. Beto is really bad and Mayor Pete is a gay, religious con job of a progressive. That combination could be dangerous.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


Joe Biden squeezes Hillary Clinton's breasts, and lifts them up to keep them from sagging all over the Tarmac.

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mimi's picture

ask your family members or good friends to donate to her just once. This trickery not to make clear the difference between individual donors vs donations (multiple donations by one person are not several individual donors). I think even here it was mixed up once in the past.

So, my dog, who is in heaven, says "woof" from cloud 7 "I am donating to her" and I thanked him for his support.

Tulsi will be fine. And I can be stubborn. And isn"t it funny how folks like Tucker Carlson always talk very fast and low voice when they say something that is a lie and not represent what they really think, almost as if they were afraid someone would "hear it".

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QMS's picture

@mimi @mimi
are you saying 'unique, separate donations' do not count if sent by the same individual at different times? Kinda crap is that?

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

mimi's picture

If I donate twice to her, I think I count as one individual donor. If my sister and I both would donate twice to her, we count as two individual donors. At least that is the way I understood the meaning of being an individual donor. If I am wrong, I apologize and am happy to be corrected.

So, if I make my donations to her to be done each month for eight month, I am still only one individual donor. Wrong?

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QMS's picture


just questioning the metrics. You may be correct. If so, I think it is a more complicated definition of 'unique and separate' donations.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare


It is unique donors, not donations. What if the Koch brothers contributed a million dollars one dollar at a time. Obfuscation is what Beto and Harris - perhaps others are doing.

The DNC rules for entry into the Democratic debates in June and July are like a presidential primary Hunger Games. To earn a place on the stage, candidates must have at least one percent support in selected polls or raise money from 65,000 unique donors in 20 states with 200 donors per state. The DNC indicated the latter option would allow lesser-known candidates to participate in the debates.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

QMS's picture


Still think it's crap. Are these DNC arbitrary hurdles really encouraging lessor known candidates' ability to participate on the debate stage? I think not.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Hawkfish's picture


I’ve had a go in the past at cleaning up the donor-entered data and the best I could do was name/zip. I know of one prominent author (Orson Scott Card) who typed his name in two different ways. And he writes for a living - imagine what the average joe is typing in on those web pages...

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg


It might get them close enough for government work. You ask a good question.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mimi's picture

cheating, is to send in a cashiers check by mail to the candidate. It would be hard to cheat your identity to the bank where you withdraw your money from that you use as a donation.
And it would be hard by a candidate to cheat with his own bank account and name to his/her onw bank, to which you would direct your donations.

I am telling you the web-based voting and donating is really, really fast and reliable - not.

And as others have said, the 'juge debates on TV' will just make money for the TV channels as it's controlled theater by some journalists, who will manipulate the debate, if they want to do it intentionally or simply because there is no way to not influence it.

The system is definitely one of the worst.
I would imagine something could be done about it.

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QMS's picture

the playing field is already skewed. If the party were to limit what qualifies as counting to 'get in the race' to something like a one dollar vote per donor, it may substantially alter the threshold.
Candidate A -- 200,000 $1 donors = $200,000 = 200,000 votes


Candidate B -- 2 $100,000 donors = $200,000 = 2 votes

But political parties are a business, whose purpose is to make money. Being fair is not a profitable business model. Just saying.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

...but understand that she has issues (as do we all).

I found this article interesting suggesting Bernie has a better anti-war voting record than Tulsi https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/03/27/war-and-peace-and-2020-pre...

"Which Bernie would we see in the White House?" Would it be the one who has the clarity and courage to vote "No" on 84% of military spending bills in the Senate, or the one who supports military boondoggles like the F-35 and can't resist repeating inflammatory smears of foreign leaders?

"Which Tulsi would we see in the White House?" Would it be the Major with the military mindset, who cannot bring herself to deprive her military colleagues of new weapons systems or even a 1% cut from the trillions of dollars in military spending she has voted for? Or would it be the veteran who has seen the horrors of war and is determined to bring the troops home and never again send them off to kill and be killed in endless regime change wars?

Realistically, it is Bernie who stands to best chance for the dim nomination. If he were excluded or cheated would he run third party? I doubt it. Tulsi might.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

@Lookout @Lookout
whatever we would see from both of them and if they both would be attacked for that, as being cheating the voters, for example, or if any of the two gets silenced or deprived of their votes by TPTB shenanigans under the radar, it's the same.

Therefore I do think it's best they both would work together and not compete against each other. It would be pretty exhausting work to go against both. I would be as mad for a consistent Bernie getting undermined despite his life-long voting record or Tulsi getting attacked for her youth and changing voting record, as if changing your mind is always equal to betrayal or lack of consistency. More often than not it's a sign of an honest intellect.

I respect both and would love to see them in power.

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Lookout's picture


Whereby Tulsi (and others?) ask their delegates to vote Bernie. But I have no evidence.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout @Lookout

The man would be hard pressed to lie and hide. Mike Gravel is running for President. I'm almost inclined to throw him $5 to get him on stage. Between Gavel and Tulsi, Bernie would finally look to be as mainstream as he really is. I can't get passed Tulsi being military - active military. Military personnel who oppose the military don't stay.

EYES LEFT is a military podcast hosted by two anti-war Army veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, Spenser Rapone and Mike Prysner, covering issues from a left-wing and socialist perspective. EYES LEFT gives updates and progressive commentary on military news, war developments, failings of military leadership, veterans’ issues, radical military history, and how US troops can resist Trump.

These guys give a real anti-war perspective on the military and support the Tweet that I posted that Tulsi is not the messenger. I'm pretty sure the first one of these two podcasts delve deeply into what it means to be anti-war and in the military. If they went through everything they did to fight the military and all Tulsi has to do is leave, her still being there supports she is only anti-war when it suits her.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Lookout's picture


So I bet that's a good podcast. I'll check it out.

Donating to Gravel is a good idea too.

However, I wonder how powerful the dozen plus dim debates will be, and how they will sideline the best voices.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture

@Lookout @Lookout

...of US foreign policy in action. I think that is valuable if she can analyze it in terms of the benefits those policies bring into the lives of the American people and help secure their missing human rights.

At the same time, I think it is pragmatic to keep an eye on the powerful group that has, for the past century, handpicked and groomed most of our Presidents, Secretaries of State, Secretaries of Defense, Secretaries of the Treasury, and Directors of the CIA.

This keeps growing, so I've moved this to an essay of it's own.

Thanks for reading.

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Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Tulsi would go 3rd party. She is certainly more likely than Bernie, but if Bernie wins the nomination I'm fairly certain she would work for his election. But there's lots of time for the circus to rage before an election.

The moment is ripe for an independent to swoop in without a party, and take the whole thing. We're on an endpoint of an 80 year political cycle when boldness has a genius and a power to it that can change the world.

That was my hope in 2016. Perhaps 2020 will be the time?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture


But I think we really had to fundamentally expose and destroy both Parties first, before we can get a foot hold on a new path.

I think we did a bang-up job in 2016. It has made many things possible.

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lotlizard's picture

@Pluto's Republic  
I’m like, “Well, at least now friends and relations better understand why I moved to Europe and went expat decades ago.”

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Pluto's Republic's picture


At least we got to see it come undone.

Some of us here are truly relentless. I, for one, have never taken my eye off that ball. There will be consequences.

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Shahryar's picture

it all is.

Donations. Donors. Money. How much clearer does it have to be? Ideas? What are those? It's money, baby. That's what we understand!

So, ok, she'll get past that lower limit and be on the stage. And that's probably it. There'll be 15 or so, she'll be way off on one side, Kamillary and Biden (if he's in by then) will get most of the questions with another few to Bernie and Booker and maybe Beto. The rest will be asked one, maybe two questions the whole night. Because it's crooked, you know.

Then they'll sabotage Bernie and we'll get one of those people we can't stand.

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Wally's picture

@Shahryar @Shahryar

. . . (and being pessimistic by nature and experience, I expect it will), let's be careful lest we sabotage Bernie in the meantime.

Yes, let's be critical where criticism is due but let's consider context at the same time - that context being either the horror show of the other candidates or the extreme unlikelihood of certain of them getting the nomination.

And I really don't think that this is the same as drawing the Trump vs. Clinton line where there is no prospect of socialism in the equation.

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