Just how dastardly and evil is Russia?
As Rachel Maddow would say, "Russia!Russia!Russia!"
Consider this recent WashPost headline: Russia secretly offered North Korea a nuclear power plant, officials say
“The Russians are very opportunistic when it comes to North Korea, and this is not the first time they’ve pursued an energy stake in Korea,” said Victor Cha, a former White House staffer whom the Trump administration considered nominating last year to serve as U.S. ambassador to South Korea.
Damn them Ruskies! They are trying to undermine us again.
Russian officials made a secret proposal to North Korea last fall aimed at resolving deadlocked negotiations with the Trump administration over the North’s nuclear weapons program, said U.S. officials familiar with the discussions.In exchange for North Korea dismantling its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, Moscow offered the country a nuclear power plant.
As part of the deal, the Russian government would operate the plant and transfer all byproducts and waste back to Russia, reducing the risk that North Korea would use the power plant to build nuclear weapons, while providing the impoverished country a new energy source.
How dare Russia, uh, try to help our, uh, effort to achieve peace in Korea????
Hmmm. This doesn't fit into the narrative.
Maybe Rachel can get to the bottom of these machinations.
Well, Putin won't get away with it! Nor will his evil plans succeed in Afghanistan.
Taliban representatives will meet influential Afghan opposition leaders in Moscow for two days of peace building discussions starting Tuesday, but envoys from the Kabul government will not be in attendance.The controversial meeting, critics say, underscores a deepening political divide in Afghanistan and would further weaken President Ashraf Ghani’s National Unity government.
Ah ha! Russia is trying to undermine the Afghan government! I knew it!
So who are these imposters meeting with the Taliban?
Along with Karzai, many of the 38 delegates from Kabul have held prominent government positions. Also on the list are powerful commanders-turned-politicians and former Taliban fighters who reconciled with the Kabul administration.
Oh, right. In other words, credible and influential people.
It seems the reason that these meetings took place was because 'the Taliban refuses to engage in direct or indirect talks with the Ghani administration, branding them American “puppets.”'
So without these Russian-sponsored peace talks the only people talking are the Taliban and the U.S., thus exposing the Kabul government to be nothing but puppets.
That would make our whole peace effort to be a bad joke.
Well played, Putin. Well played.

Poor Robert Mueller
He got stuck with the job of trying to save that sinking ship....... The USS Collusion ...... as it goes down with the FakeLeft still clinging desperately to it.
Today, poor Mueller was scraping the bottom of the barrel. He has been reduced to looking at the receipts for contributions to the Inauguration Committee for Donald Trump, hoping to find one from President Putin. The Inauguration Committee said they were delighted to cooperate.
In my imagination, I see Mueller sending a swat team into the White House at 4AM, and tossing the entire place for evidence. I'd like to see the FBI carry all the computers out to waiting vans, while making the President stand outside in his skimpy bathrobe. CNN news crews would be spread out across the lawn, filming a typical morning in Washington DC.
We're doing a heck of a job leading the free world.
If Trump had A brain, he'd have a pair of waders...
"I heard you were going fishing!"
(I may or may not be stealing from my own work for this joke.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It's worse than we thought.
Russia is stealing the North Pole!
All our compass are belong to Putin!
Polar express: magnetic north pole moving 'pretty fast' towards Russia
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Much worse
Putin has finally managed to weaponize weather. This malevolent psychopath is intent on destroying America.
Except for understanding the true nature of Putin, Maddow has everything completely wrong. Putin would never shutdown US gas pipelines or the energy grid. Increases in energy use allows him to sell more gas to Europe (and even to the US as he did last year). The more Russian gas he exports, the wealthier he becomes.
Putin has relocated the polar vortex which normally circles Siberia, to North America in order to increase American consumption of gas for heating thereby stalling US gas exports to Europe. Next summer Putin will reposition the polar vortex back over Russia to ensure continuing bumper crop harvests on the Russian steppes while creating droughts and concurrent wildfires and water shortages over much of the US. This will again cause a spike in US energy consumption for air-conditioning and water pumping. BTW, it was Putin who was responsible for destroying the coal mining industry in America during the last decade. This forced an increase in fracking for gas with it's subsequent destruction of ground water, exacerbating droughts. A further side affect of this rampant fracking are increases in birth defects and cancer in people forced to consume this poisonous water. The despicable evilness of this man knows no bounds.
Within the decade, Crimea will become a tropical paradise and Florida will become the world's largest and most expensive man-made reef. This will force Disney World, the very symbol of American hegemonic world power, to relocate there. This is the reason he had his buddies construct the Kerch Bridge. He's already started building up the infrastructure. It is very obvious that this hotel was designed specifically for Disney.

Make no mistake, Putin is personally responsible for global warming. Russia has everything to gain and very little to lose if the world's average temperature goes up 20 or 30 degrees.
Note: There is also some speculation that Canada may also be playing a role in this. The polar vortex was staged from Canada and this would account for their leader's strange, goofy behavior. Trudeau's poutine was most likely spiked with MDA.
Here's MSM trying to recreate the the Cuban missile crisis
in Venezuela https://finance.yahoo.com/video/venezuela-stockpiles-5-000-long-01272583...
The Smedley Butler comment is mine. {apparently it got deleted}
EDIT: Interesting! Now all 391 comments, mostly or entirely negative have been deleted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Oh that is hilarious. "look we are stupid"
But they do a heck of a number on very expensive planes...
But hey, USA thinks they've ironed out the problems and this time their Six Day War will be done faster and better. I mean, it's not like they can shoot down EVERY plane... right?
(Seriously, it's like they don't even remember history when they were alive.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
My comment is back
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Payback time?
The Russians are driven to villainy by their DNA.
‘Corruption is in Russia’s DNA’: Even Moscow’s biggest critics can’t stomach ‘racist’ NYT op-ed
Russiaphobes don't even need to provide "proof" of bad actions. One of the worst I have seen is the Young Turks who are giving Maddow a run for her money. From the clips I have seen, any and every action by the Russians is EVIL. You know China's cutting off American soy bean farmers? Yup Putin as China ordered up some soy beans from them (the majority of the replacement was Brazil and some other country).
What is curious is that during the Cold War, I don't remember any public figures, etc that used eugenics as an attack. Previous to that, the group/country that used eugenics were the real German Nazis. McCain's comment about Russia just being a gas station is in that tradition of painting Russia as a backward Asiatic country.
Rumsfeld lobbied for
the western North Korean nuclear power project. He didn't include taking the weapons grade waste out of the country, as Putin is reportedly doing. The nuclear weapons industry works to create a need for itself.