The Dreaded Site Meta #1
You knew it had to happen - and now here it is.
Since we threw out the welcome mat a while ago, it appears that about a gazillion people have decided to show up here.
Let me say in behalf of the site, welcome, we're glad to see you.
Hi, I'm Joe, one of the two site admins, the other being JtC. JtC is the guy who makes the gears spin and the pixels happen here. Without JtC (short for Johnny the Conqueroo) this site would literally be just a pipe dream that a bunch of us were having. I try to help JtC out where I can and do stuff like creating the Evening Blues series (a weeknight compendium of news and blues music), writing stuff like this and participating in site moderation.
Usually when I write here, it reflects my opinions alone, for this piece, I have pulled out the soapbox and cranked up the reverb on the megaphone. This piece was vetted by and generally reflects the consensus of the admins.
To give you some history of C99, this site has been through a number of iterations over a period of time, including an email list, a google group, a bulletin board style group and a previous abortive attempt at building a website. Through that process there was a lot of discussion about what sort of website was wanted and the site you see before you is the result of that.
Now that there are so many more people using the site, there have been some changes. JtC has migrated the site twice so far to progressively more capacious servers with more bandwidth. In order to accommodate so many people there will inevitably have to be some changes in the site functionality. JtC is working on creating some groups as one way to rationalize the display of the additional traffic so that people can find what they are looking for.
Please be patient as we work to update the site, this is a labor of love and most of us have day jobs to pay the bills. It may take time to get some things done as folks try to put food on their families.
We look at this effort as a community project, though and we'd like to draw your attention to some perhaps less obvious ways that folks can contribute to the site.
Here are some ways that you can help make the site better:
Among our aspirations for this site are to make this a place with very few rules, not because we thrive on chaos, but because we'd like to foster the sort of community that values and respects the site and each other, such that respectful discussions happen between people with diverse views in an organic manner.
Our one current rule is, don't be a dick. We have articulated a bit about that in the FAQ, but we surely have not even scratched the surface of the topic. We're pretty sure that most folks understand what we mean.
Our intent for the site was to be issue-oriented and build a community towards activism around shared goals. We are hoping that the site allows the folks here to educate each other and to amplify our voices in the world.
So, here are a couple of other things that will help make the site better and more coherent.
Use the open threads. Every morning, an open thread is posted. On weeknights the Evening Blues diary is available to use as an open thread, too.
If you start a post and you realize that it's really pretty thin on material, maybe it's just a few lines long, or you just wanted to say hello, or you have a video you'd like to post - please use the open threads.
Don't throw spitballs. A lot of folks have come here from another site where there was much unpleasantness. Take your time and heal. Our sympathies are with you.
Our shared vision for this site is for it to be a community on its own terms, a place where new and interesting things are possible and people are interested in getting on with the business of making a better world.
While it is understandable that many people who are hurting would want to use the platform that this site affords them to hurl commentary and invective at the place they came from or the people still there, that sort of thing really doesn't move this site forward.
Note that we are explicitly not saying that articulate and insightful criticism of another web site's content, positions, owners or staff is verboten. It's just that we'd like the focus of this site to be on what we can do going forward and we'd like it if you honored that purpose with your contributions to the site's content.
As they say, the best revenge is living well.
Take care in making claims. If you are making claims that it seems might be contentious, please provide good evidence for them. For example, if you want to say that Donald Trump is a narcissist, go right to it. On the other hand, if you want to speculate about whether Donald Trump would be properly diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a political blog is not a proper forum for those concerns.
Our site's reputation is dependent upon our putting out interesting, thoughtful and well-documented articles. Taking care in the construction of your posts will benefit everybody.
Check out the documentation. In case there are folks that are kind of wondering how the site works and want to get oriented, here are a couple of things that will help out. First, there is the FAQ which we intend to expand soon. There is also some information in the welcome mat article.
So, we look forward to building something great together. If you have questions, dropping a comment in one of the daily open threads or in the Evening Blues diary are a good way to get help and information.

Thank you very much for your work!
It is so nice to virtually be here. I [ed.] hope to focus on the positive shared dream of democratically stewarding this beautiful world to provide true liberty and justice for all.
P.S. Please excuse my dust aka
you can fix your typos. at the bottom of your comment you should see two links - edit and reply. if you click edit, you can fix your typos or make new ones.
See, joe, that's what I
always liked about you...
Your eternal optimism
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Bienvenidos, mi amigo hermano!!
Welcome indeed, Galtisalie!
I was contemplating rattling your cage about this, but you up and did it by yourself!
You might want to pass the word to MrJayTee, too. We also need to get the idea into the hands of the other readers of Anti-Capitalist, too.
p.s. I'm the same as thanatokephaloides on the Kos, in case there was any doubt!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Love you brother.
The democratic radicals are signing up in droves, including MrJayTee and NYBritExpat. Peace and justice my dear friend.
We've discussed among some admins and set up shop here. People will need to help with cross-posting and please join the group here so that things can be x-posted easier. UnaSpencer, MrJayTee, Galtisalie and yourself are here. Trying to get Geminijen and Annieli and others to come. Big problem is that tech is hard for Geminijen as she hasn't been well, so we need the group and will have to share reposting duties. I tried the IWD diary and there were too many pictures and I panicked; perhaps someone on admin can post it here and the other pieces since the site went up?
In solidarity!
"Hegel noticed somewhere that all great world history facts and people so to speak twice occur. He forgot to add: the one time as tragedy, the other time as farce" Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte."
it's great to have you here...
That wasn't so bad
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
evening progdog...
it was better than pulling a splinter.
Feel like the guy who walked out of Ellis Island around 1900...
at about 9:47, looked back at the line and thought "HOLY SHIT..."
Still one of the newer people here, but always glad at how great everybody usually is!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Same here
Can't believe how busy this place has gotten in short time I've been here. I used to be able to keep track of threads and comments but now I'm missing stuff all the time. It's great to see so many posting here, but I feel like I'm learning to navigate this place again every morning
morning jiordan...
the site growth has been a little head-spinning and we're all trying to keep up. improvements are in the works to help us get a handle on the traffic, but they may take a little while to get together and get the bugs out of.
I chipped in $10/mo to help keep food on your family.
Great work. Great site. Thank you. And thank you all for the welcome.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
evening bill...
thanks so much for your donation!
this site is running on volunteer effort. the money that people are chipping in go to site expenses (the cost of a dedicated server and a large bandwidth pipe).
Re: site expenses
I'd like to have site costs posted for reference, say a link to a FAQ by the Donate boxes. Nothing complex, just --
Regular monthly costs
Influx-related costs:
2 server migrations
Projected costs for site improvements
And, besides costs, I' d like to JtC get some volunteers, develop a crew . First step IMO would be for JtC to train 2-3 people to manage current basic standard procedures, so they can free up his time. Then JtC can recruit or vet the people who have offered their high-end skills for designing and implementing site mprovements.
it would be great to know what you need donation-wise
I donated when I first joined - but it would be helpful to know if there are shortfalls or if you need to raise money for upgrades, etc.
I don't think we need to know dollar for dollar - but it would be great to know if there's a specific need, etc so we can pitch in as required.
Thanks, Joe.
We sound like spouses getting divorced. Thank you for reminding us to let go; we'll survive the breakup. It's just good to be here. Gentleness and kindness sound like a healing combination. I'm in! ;o)
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
evening ra...
it took me a while to decompress from that other place, i expect it will take others some time, too. i can say that it feels a lot better after you let go.
Encouragement is key. :0)
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You are one of the most positive and encouraging people I have ever met on line!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, gulfgal,
it's a sickness with me. Just joking.
Actually, I've worked in the encouragement business my entire career. I'll write about it someday. Thanks, sis! 
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You, JtC, and This Site Are All Doing Fine
Hope most of the new users are as good as caucus99percent.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Hi JnH...
great to have you stop by! We're experiencing some growing pains, but all is well. How about yourself?
I'm Doing Well, Thanks
Congratulations to you and JtC on exceeding 1,000 members. Just the other day, you had about 150 or so.
As things settle down, this could become a really substantive site free of unnecessary drama and conformist nonsense.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
It's been a wild ride...
these last two weeks. It's definitely tested my endurance.
Wouldn't this be great:
We will strive for that ideal.
We're way further along on that
'really substantive site' thing here, IMHO, then I imagined we could be, at this stage in this blog's development.
I don't know what GOS was like back in '03 when it was founded, because I didn't discover it 'till '05, after it had already morphed software several times. I started lurking there just before they pulled the plug on the "1-4" ratings system and switched to a rec or HR system for ratings.
This place is a wonder, the future looks bright, and the sky's the limit. We have the benefit of not having to make the same mistakes that were made 'over there' and many of the same wonderful writers/bloggers are already posting here! W00t!
Thanks, joe and JtC, y'all rock!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Always good
to see you, JnH. You are truly one of the very good guys around.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
morning jnh...
great to see you, thanks for the kind words.
things are looking up.
How did you manage to have not a thumb up link under your post?/
Formatting error - it's to the right of the cartoon
I presume this is fixable, and will shortly be fixed.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Not sure if someone else suggested this, but it would be nice to see the number of uprates on comments, as well as if anyone has replied to them. I am finding my self jumping around a lot to check, or simply, missing people who have responded to me. Other than that, after my first week here, I find this site quite exceptional. Good-job.
Progressive to the bone.
good suggestion...
it is something that jtc is working toward and will probably be implemented when the site software gets upgraded at some point. the site runs on drupal and there is a new version that we will move to as jtc has time to set it up and get it working.
the current system worked ok when we were a site with 20-50 people regularly posting and commenting, but will have to change now that we often have 100 people the site at once posting and commenting.
probably the easiest way to check for replies to your comments (unless they are all in one post) is to click on my account (in the top frame), then on my comments and work your way through the list.
I made a bookmark folder
then bookmarked the frontpage, the comment stream, the diary stream and then one for "my comments". Also out of curiosity I made a google spreadsheet of the memberlist so it was searchable, and I could look up if a daily kos name was here, or flip to a members sign up page to see if they had a DK name. That last will pass.
I work outside so I can't always watch or respond, but I am really enjoying the site.
Years ago I got all hardcore atheist and joined a site set up by Richard Dawkins that had some absolutely side splittingly funny arguments with creationists. And it was extremely educational. And then things fell apart as he screwed up the site admin. So there was a bail out to a lifeboat in a similar fashion to this and a new forum burst on the scene. I have a strong feeling that this site will also do well. It already has some dynamite members who are posting great content. And the general tone here is very healthy imhop. I already dropped some coin in the pot, and will do so again as I feel flush.
Finally, i think the folks that started this have done a superb job, and I think the point of view - "those with a left wing outlook" - is one that needs more venues. I will be very surprised if this site does not exceed Daily Kos in time. It has a lot more going for it, a lot more in tune with the needs of the moment. It is a place the little guy can seriously express an opinion.
Anyway - I don't post much - but thank you for this place. I love it.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
evening muddy boots...
thanks for contributing and being here. heh, imo we've already exceeded daily kos in the sort of things that i value, kindness, civility, enthusiasm, quality writing and sheer cool. we'll see if there are other forms of success that follow.
I was thinking of actual influence
Kos had an agenda, and he achieved what he wanted. Good for him. One of those things was giving voice to some
left wingDemocratic party issues. I joined there in 2008 trying to get good info on news that interested me. And they had that. That is also here. And here it is not distracted by the Democratic party or Kos's agenda. So yes - you are indeed ahead on that. And the newsy stuff is happening as well.What I meant about exceeding DK was I think this site could provide more influence than DK as it acts outside the left party of power. It is not wedded to the Democratic party - it is wedded to the 99%. This is a gigantic difference and one that will pack a serious punch one day. Hopefully one day in November.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
i completely agree...
Excellent point!
I DO feel we are wedded to the 99%. Great description.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
And, because we're not wedded to the big D
party, there's that much MORE room for growth and inclusiveness.
We haven't put up any walls that say 'only these may enter' or 'only this point of view is valid' here. Thank the goddess!
Markos site is, by it's nature, exclusive and idio-centric.
Hmmmmm.....It's almost as though someone said 'make a site where all those of a certain persuasion will join, and thereby be contained'....
Heh. My little CT for the day ;->
Let's be good to one another
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
is it okay to say that I love you because you do get it?
It is all about caring for other human beings.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
IDIOT-centric, did you say?
IDIOT-centric, did you say?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I can heartily agree with that idea
I'll be switching my registration to "no party affiliation" after the June primaries (I plan to vote for Bernie whether it counts or not) -- I have a feeling I'm not alone on this site in that plan. Those of us without a party need a home as well.
Include in that success...
the aspect of being an Emergency Room. Lots of wounded coming in and in need of healing. You, JtC and the rest of the original members have been the best medicine. You all for the most part set a good example for the things that progressives value.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
evening winddancer...
Wow, thanks.
I'm really glad the Lifeboat has turned into an Ark.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I'm happy to see
a real Kiwi here. My boots are forlornly awaiting the advent of winter and mud again.
Were you ever on the old FidoNet?
Were you ever on the old FidoNet? Sounds like you would have had a blast on the old HOLYSMOKE Echo, whose alumnus I am. The very best of the old HS material is now archived at ; go over and check it out!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That's what I have been doing...
but a "you have a reply" message would be really helpful. Perhaps a place on the "comment list" could be made? There is already a place there for new replies to the main topic. But could a spot be added to show replies to our comments?
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
jtc is working on it...
it may take some time to get that sort of functionality working, but that is a goal.
A place to report tech problems?
Could there be a permanent link on left to report tech problems? We've been reporting them in comments, which means JtC has to waste time looking for them.
Like 'Replies showing up as Comments' -- I've had that, so have others. Just an example.
Hi Jazz...
go to your user profile "My Account" in the header and click the "My Comments" tab. There you'll find all your comments in chronological order. It might be a bit easier to check if your comments have replies. Bookmark that page if you use it a lot.
Hopefully we'll be getting the replies to comments feature in the near future.
Evening joe,
I am so happy that you and JtC are the administrators. I can’t think of two people better suited to this effort. You both, along with all the regulars here, have created a place that is highly principled and balanced, respectful and fun, as well as informative.
I admire your aspirations for the site, and your guidelines for sustaining its health. This place deserves a huge amount of respect and appreciation.
OT- I haven't seen Marilyn and her wonderful green news?
evening janis...
thank you very much for the kind words!
marilyn has been here recently, she pops in fairly frequently but is not around all the time. i think that it has something to do with having a life.
Wait, What?!! You mean WE aren't her life?
My feelings are deeply hurt.
Much thanks to you, Joe, and to Johnny also for all of your work to make C99 the great place that it is.
It will take a little while to sort ourselves out with all of the new arrivals, but I'm sure we'll get it figured out as everyone settles into their own comfy space in the lifeboat.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
evening jr...
yeah, she seems to have a family and this artwork thing going on. go figure!
She said she
was spending less time online and doing her art, painting pictures. Triv33 is another talented painter. We seem to have some really creative people here. I find the history, music, art and writing to be inspiring. It brings real life to the tainted perspective one gets from the constant virtual inbreed net news, propaganda and political hubbub.
I'd love to post some sketches here,
But I still cannot figure out how.
I'd love to post some sketches here,
But I still cannot figure out how.
are your sketches uploaded to your computer?
if so... click on the "insert/edit" image at the top left of this editor. Upload your graphic of your sketches and follow the prompts from there. It is easier than the GOS's new way of doing it I think.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
You're welcome
and it's absolutely the truth!
I'll keep my eye out for Marilyn, when I'm here instead of living my life
That was a response to your response, joe.
it happens to the best of us from time to time. that reply box just reaches up and grabs comments.
Then there is the double post gremlin
just waiting to trick you.
But HERE we have an edit button, huzzah!
And I used it to delete the double-post trick the aforementioned gremlin pulled on me.
Oblivioned, thou gremlin.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Netiquette . . . remember that word from the early 90s? So, I guess we should promote that again. Thank you for this essay. Yes, we all need to contribute our small donations to help you guys.
I don't know if there is something I can do to help, but as a classroom tech teacher, I took old crap computers and turned them into Intranet web servers. I used Drupal early on, but later switched to Moodle. We did cool stuff . . . 3D modeling/animation with Blender . . . built a render farm . . . but I was never employed as a system administrator. Just did this stuff to help the kids.
I am retired and homeschool my teenage children because they are dyslexic, bright, creative introverts. I could have time to help.
So . . . if you would like me to manage a part of this system, I would be glad to help.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
evening marilyn...
you might want to message jtc and let him know about your drupal experience and your willingness to pitch in. thanks!
Kudos to you and JtC! Thanks so much for
the clarification and guidance.
(Not to mention all the work you Guys do.)
Catch you later at EB! (Evening Blues for newcomers.)
Mollie (C99P & Daily Kos)
"We must stop looking for our salvation in strong leaders. Strong people, as Ella Baker said, do not need strong leaders. Politicians, even good politicians, play the game of compromise and are too often seduced by the privileges of power.
. . . Integrity and courage are powerful weapons. We have to learn how to use them."----Chris Hedges, Author, Journalist, Activist
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
thanks mollie!
Thank you.
I just posted this in JtC's short history thread and want to say the same to you:
Thanks for the warm welcome you all have recently extended to so many newcomers. I'm betting everyone's going to stick around and that membership will consistently grow. Your humility, everyone's here, and the look and feel of the place, and the civil environment are not lost on any of us.
evening quilldriver...
thanks for the kind words.
i hope that you are right about the growth of the site. if we can grow without losing the civil environment, i think that we could do some really cool things.
this site would literally be
this site would literally be just a pipe dream that a bunch of us were having.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
don't be like bill clinton - inhale deeply.
He has something in common
with Hillary. They both lie.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Thanks for all you have done to make this place work
really seamlessly. I have donated some since joining about 2 weeks ago, but would like to suggest that periodically you ask for donations. I'm happy to help when I can and sometimes I think about it and there will be times when I don't. So gentle reminders that this place, for the 99% can use help from time to time, both behind the scenes and in donations.
Thanks again.
Don't believe everything you think.
evening hester...
not that we don't want you to donate when the site needs to cover expenses, but, there are lots of ways to contribute that don't cost money.
posting or commenting things that add to the discussion and build understanding of issues are incredibly important contributions to any site. we can have all the bandwidth and server space in the world, but if it isn't educating (heh, i was going to write "raising consciousness" but that's kinda old school), advocating and drawing people together - it's all for naught.
Yeah, that's pretty darned important!
We've got lots of new eyeballs, and they're hungry for content, rather than just re-hashing the negative shit suffered at that other place. That other place may have driven a lot of them here, but the good content, familiar faces and healthy attitude are what will keep 'em coming back for more
(not to mention the great tunez!)
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
thanks lisa...
we are totally on the same page.
I could use some raised consciousness, Joe.
Every day.
Thanks to you and JtC, I'm on it
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
heh, right on!
I hope you, Joe, and JtC won't be shy ...
... about asking for handouts when the piggy bank starts to look a little empty! I'm sure I speak for many when I say that we are MORE than willing to step up to keep you guys in cheeseburgers and bandwidth rent.
" ... the best revenge is living well." Well said!
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
evening pat...
not to worry, we'll let you know if it's time to feed the beast and the cupboard is bare.
thanks for all the good feelings and willingness to help!
Thanks Joe
you do really good meta not the kind to be dreaded. Thanks for all the hard work you and JtC do. You guys are amazing to be able to accommodate and transition such an influx of newcomers. My main concern is that while this site is political I really don't want it to become a net campaign headquarters for Bernie or any candidate. I guess the adjustment goes two ways and affects the regulars who also need to adjust. Change is good.
One the main things I like about this wonderful place is that I am not required to self censor or told what's an acceptable way to promote any candidate or to adjust my negatives to positives. I got put into time out for at dkos about a month 3 weeks ago for chronic inappropriate behavior for going after HRC and bad mouthing the entire useless Democratic party. I don't I want to have to go through this again. I'm no longer a Democratic party member and who I vote for or support is my business.
I was just reading a diary here about launching a twitter campaign from here with links to this site and OPOL style pro Bernie diaries.
I'm a Bernie supporter and use fb for activism but after dkos I'm not up for another partisan Democratic electoral candidate promoting site even if they are 'better Dems'. Which at this point is an oxymoron. I was just reading a diary earlier here about launching a twitter campaign from 99% with links to this site and OPOL style pro Bernie diaries. I don't want to be told that I can't attack Hillary cause that's how Bernie wants it.
I like calling her the Mad Bomber and don't give a rat's ass about keeping my mouth shut about what I think and feel about her. Same with Bernie I may be voting for him but I'll be damned if I'm keeping my mouth shut about his policy and agenda. Maybe this type of Bernie net campaigns launched from here could be incorporated in a regular series like BNR. They could have their own rules of engagement which the rest of us are free to ignore, as long as were not being dicks in their Bernie campaigning space.
Do not mean to be a get off my blog lawn cranky person as this is not my blog. I also don't want to sound like a NIMBY. It is my blog home and a great community where I feel free to express myself even if it 'damages' somebodies candidate. I know I'm being paranoid. I think the enthusiasm here is great. I think all of us 99%er's will figure out ways to adjust and organize content respective of the whole community. Thank you for the clarifying meta. Sorry if I'm being a dick or a fly in anybodies ointment. I'm thrilled to see caucus99percent growing and moving onward as JtC says.
of course we'll say rude things about Her Ladyship, Hills
The woman is dangerous. Talk about white privilege! As if she's entitled to this nomination and the Presidency because...because....what is it that she's ever done except go along with what she thinks is the backstabbing, Machiavellian political breeze of the moment?
I saw her PAC commercial that's a response to Trump's. It's not good. The Hill fans think it's hard hitting. It's not. It's terrible. In fact Trump would defuse it in his annoying way by tweeting just what I'm saying. "Saw Hillary's response. Not good. Weak. Needs a new team".
And she's going to continue being a nothing for the entire race...because there's no substance there. Her platform: "Give me power". Her method: "Focus group, please. Staff, give me a statement."
So right about that ad, Shahryar
Just watched it. I thought while watching that it was probably put together by supporters. A cute effort in that case. But then I saw the "paid for by Priorities USA Action" at the bottom, and now I see you mentioned it was a PAC commercial. Very bumpy and not professional. Surprised it would be considered for a tv ad.
absolutely shahryar...
hell, i can't stop calling her a bloodthirsty war criminal reflexively, and that's what i call her in polite company.
I love a bad 'tude.
You had me at "chronic inappropriate behavior."
You go girl.
I think Harry Truman once said,
in his response to the "Give 'em hell, Harry": "I tell the truth and they just think it's hell."
That's what we've been doing with Hillary Clinton. No Benghazi, no Vince Foster, no Whitewater or little blue dresses. Just pointing out the contradictions and associations and ask folks to connect the they end up blaming the messengers instead of taking to heart the message.
Actually, there is substance there,
But it is so unsavory, that it seems impolite to raise it in public.
Wall Street millions.
Saudi arms
Sydney, Hnery, Huma, hillaryland (use "Teh Google. I was surprised), Clinton foundation, IraqNam, and so much more.
The Don will eat her alive, with a wide array of sauces and seasonings to perfect the flavor.
evening shaz...
you make some very good points which are worth considering.
you like bernie, i like bernie, very many people here like bernie. i like jill stein, too. it's fine to advocate for them and discuss their relative merits and shortcomings, but c99 as a site does not endorse a candidate. that's not our vision. this site is not about candidates or parties, it's about the people - the 99%.
i am currently chuckling at the thought of how such a discussion would go if somebody tried to instruct you that you should not say something about hillary because bernie wants it that way. heh.
as we have grown, it looks like we have a lot more bernie supporters here and that will undoubtedly change the balance of the numbers of posts of the bernie supporting type as opposed to other posts. that may change the appearance of the sites content, but it does not change the basic premise of the site as non-partisan and not endorsing any candidate and encouraging leftish/progressive people to speak their minds.
i think that we're pretty dead set against changing the premise of the site to suit a political candidate.
so no worries. we'll deal with issues as they come up.
I think that this is is a great approach and one that will allow the site to grow in a way that is healthy.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire