Tuesday Open Thread: old friends editon
Have you ever re-connected with someone you knew decades ago ... but had lost contact with? How did the reunion go?
Dale and I grew up around the corner from each other. But lost touch after high school. For the first time since 1967 sent us down separate paths, we are going to meet for lunch in San Francisco.
The most often thing we used to do together was play Strat O Matic baseball.
We'd keep an old fashioned, official looking box score.
Thse box score records of what happened as we took turns matching dice rolls to statistics charts on the back of player cards allowed us to step into our personal field of dreams. The final touch was to, with the help of a battery powered tape recorder, pretend we were Vin Scully or Harry Carey.
Fifty years have gone by ... we've both enjoyed wins and suffered losses ... lots to catch up on!
To those of you familiar with The Bay Area ... where could you recommend as a fitting place for Dale and I to meet for our reunion lunch? I suggested The Thirsty Bear. Complication is that Dale describes himself as a teetotaler and tells me the place would be wasted on him. My wife says go ahead and meet there ... "he can drink iced tea."
What do you think?

Oswald Spengler's "Prussian Socialism" and its Influence
on Hitler and the Nazi Party
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
How it goes with Dale will depend on how close
your friendship was and what you have in common today. I have met with old friends 50 years later, and it was like we just saw each other yesterday. Others I couldn't wait to leave after I said hello. I attended maybe two HS reunions. Many of the people weren't my friends then so why would I want to see them today? Those that were my friends, I am either still in touch with today or I could be if I chose to.
Wherever you go, just make sure it isn't loud and busy. Some places just aren't conducive to conversation period and don't want people lingering at a table. Hope it goes well, and you turn an old friend into a present-day friend.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I don't know where you should lunch, but enjoy it!
Friends made while very young are treasures.
At the end of spring, i made the trip down the mountain to
my mom's wondering all the way how i was going to get the lawn mower started and cut the knee--high grass, pick up the limbs, rake the leaves; prune the bushes and so on.
A childhood friend, i hand not seen since HS, who still lives in the small community, woke me the next morning and looking out window, i saw he had a trailer with lawn mower and lawn equipment. We greeted with big smiles; he helped me jump-start Mom's mover and together we tackled the chore. At the end of the day, we had a long dinner, sharing our concerns, his mother is in resthome, too.
We also reminisced about childhood exploits. As Henry writes above, the friendship had never gone.
We call each other rather often, now.
Thanks for this OT, have a fun meet-up and give my regards to the city.
I think you should pick a different place to meet
Teetotaler might be his code for former alcoholic. If so, it would be unkind to meet at a place focused on drinking. Just my gut feeling/reaction. I haven't been to the Bay Area for years, so am unable to suggest an alternate meeting place.
Good Point
This possibility did occur to me.
Few are guilty, but all are responsible.”
― Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Prophets
My college roommate and her husband visited us last summer . . .
Both were good friends and still are. We did stuff together now and then for about 10 years after college, but then ended up 2000 miles apart. We had a great visit. Everything was still the same. I have probably 20 old friends who are like that.
The big difference among my old friends is that some are heavy duty fundies and I am the opposite now. There is still affection, but that is a bit of a wedge. Most of them probably don't know how far away I am from fundamentalism now.
Anyway . . . yeah . . . I would choose a quiet, mellow, low key place. Some place beautiful.
Wish you a wonderful time!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Lori's Diner
It's a big city and it's been years, but this was my favorite diner, after Doggie.
Great shakes and burgers, and the FRIES omg the fries. Maybe it's still good:
Lori’s Sutter Open 24 hours
Address : 500 Sutter Street. San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone : (415) 981-1950
Business Hours : Open 24 hours
yummy! hope you guys have a lot of fun. cheers
Edit: to add P.S. I remember Russ Hodges' "Bye Bye Baby!" and Lon Simmons' "Tell It Goodbye!" like yesterday. That made me smile, thanks.
I remember, way back in the 80's
coming back home from work in central London and meeting my best friend from primary school on a Central Line platform.... of all places.
We got to talking and went to the pub several times for chats, but his evangelical christian conversation quickly got wearing.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Few are guilty, but all are responsible.”
― Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Prophets