OT ~ Welcome to Saturday!
on swinging porch
where tin-dippers and
sweet water
in cool touches
meet lips
from hand dug wells.
"Is it not possible that an unruly head of hair, an infectious smile, eyes that seem remarkable for the depths of their sincerity, a cultivated air of authority, may attract huge television audiences regardless of the violence that may be done to truth or objectivity?" ~ Edward R. Murrow, 1949
Good morning, good people,
Fascist censorship, a complex problem in need of a solution beyond my pay-grade, but i do believe we dodged a bullet in the Sinclair merger with Tribune this week, a momentary reprieve. Apparently. social media delivers more than fifty percent of the news in this country; Trouble is, it's not read by the City Desk editor, the Copy-editor, the Assistant editor, the Editor, the legal department or the Publisher who in modern tradition along with the journalists are legally responsible for a publication's content.
Without wasting too many words, a growing ruse among many clever social-media amplifications is opinion pieces spouting off hard news as if it's factual and sourced information; sadly gulped and spread like Twain's lie across the world.
Not to be confused with bias, bias is, has been and will forever be a part of media and human experience; this new subterfuge traps the innocent like a rotten apple attracts flies.
Voice like a river damned cannot be forever forced to turn the current upon itself ... if, it is true that the arc of man moves toward good, fascism in all forms impedes its flowing lifeblood pouring concrete and bodies in water's way, co-opting science and centuries of good values learned.
In this understanding, from my simple room, you know i've no answers or solutions today just sharing thoughts and being grateful for this week's reading in the OT's inspiring me to ponder and thankfully recall Edward R. Murrow and his wisdom from similar times.
"This I Believe. By that name, we bring you a new series of radio broadcasts presenting the personal philosophies of thoughtful men and women in all walks of life. In this brief time each night, a banker or a butcher, a painter or a social worker, people of all kinds who need have nothing more in common than integrity—a real honesty—will talk out loud about the rules they live by, the things they have found to be the basic values in their lives.
We hardly need to be reminded that we are living in an age of confusion. A lot of us have traded in our beliefs for bitterness and cynicism, or for a heavy package of despair, or even a quivering portion of hysteria. Opinions can be picked up cheap in the marketplace, while such commodities as courage and fortitude and faith are in alarmingly short supply. Around us all—now high like a distant thunderhead, now close upon us with the wet choking intimacy of a London fog—there is an enveloping cloud of fear.
There is a physical fear, the kind that drives some of us to flee our homes and burrow into the ground in the bottom of a Montana valley like prairie dogs to try to escape, if only for a little while, the sound and the fury of the A-bombs or the hell bombs or whatever may be coming. There is a mental fear which provokes others of us to see the images of witches in a neighbor’s yard and stampedes us to burn down his house. And there is a creeping fear of doubt—doubt of what we have been taught, of the validity of so many things we have long since taken for granted to be durable and unchanging.
It has become more difficult than ever to distinguish black from white, good from evil, right from wrong. What truths can a human being afford to furnish the cluttered nervous room of his mind with when he has no real idea how long a lease he has on the future. It is to try to meet the challenge of such questions that we have prepared these broadcasts. It has been a difficult task and a delicate one. Except for those who think in terms of pious platitudes or dogma or narrow prejudice—and those thoughts we aren’t interested in—people don’t speak their beliefs easily or publicly.
In a way, our project has been an invasion of privacy, like demanding a man to let a stranger read his mail. General Lucius Clay remarked, “It would hardly be less embarrassing for an individual to be forced to disrobe in public than to unveil his private philosophy.” Mrs. Roosevelt hesitated a long time. “What can I possibly say that will be of any value to anybody else,” she asked us. And a railway executive in Philadelphia argued at first that we might as well try to engrave the Lord’s Prayer on the head of a pin, as to attempt to discuss anything thoughtfully in the space of five minutes.
Yet, these people and many more have all made distinctive contributions of their beliefs to this series. You will hear from that inspiring woman, Helen Keller, who despite her blindness has lived a far richer life than most of us; from author Pearl Buck, sculptor William Zorach, businessmen and labor leaders, teachers and students. Perhaps we should warn you that there is one thing you won’t hear, and that is a pat answer for the problems of life.
We don’t pretend to make this time a spiritual or psychological patent medicine chest where one can come and get a pill of wisdom to be swallowed like an aspirin, to banish the headaches of our time. This reporter’s beliefs are in a state of flux. It would be easier to enumerate the items I do not believe in, than the other way around. And yet, in talking to people, in listening to them, I have come to realize that I don’t have a monopoly on the world’s problems; others have their share, often far, far bigger than mine. This has helped me to see my own problems in truer perspective. And in learning how others have faced their problems, this has given me fresh ideas about how to tackle mine. ~ Edward R. Murrow, 1951
"The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer." ~ ERM
ours [is] to march out to newly plowed fields, to create fresh patterns of political action, to alter for human purposes the perverse mechanisms of our economic regime, to conceive and to germinate fresh forms of human culture. ~ Lewis Mumford
Love this poem, been reading it all week; soothing in simple touch, moving pebbles, exposing delights in each reading. Thank you for permission to publish.
Be the water.
flow downstream.
Rush around the obstacles,
stay calm over the waterfalls.
Be the water,
take life as it comes.
There will always be challenges
as we journey down our path. ~ Raggedy Ann
May the force be with you today!
The fascist propaganda has recently ramped up significantly
it's not just censorship of opposing ideas. The local news media here in the Albany area of upstate NY are airing salutes to "military heros" every day during the news casts. They went to a "veterans breakfast" that was all white all over 60 years old and all against the fooball players right to protest during the national anthem. They gave them a few minutes on the air to spout right wing propaganda points without any fact checking or opposing ideas. Now the big orange turd is coming out this way to sign the defense authorization bill. There will be protests over his visit but many of the locals don't want to hear the truth. This administrations policies hurt them and they act like they love it.
Good morning, jbob, i get the same reactions from the old men's
coffee clutch when i go now-a-days; Trump, Trump Trump; we do laugh a lot, but hook line and sinker, they're in.
hey don't miss RA's new poem posted below which you apparently inspired.
Damn Clinton for some of today's media problems ...
Good to see you; hoping you've a safe space flight today!
Love the Philip Glass
Soft and smooth. So the pentagonians have set their sights on space. No surprise there. Another bottomless pit to extract human value and treasure. Sky has no limit. Weapons companies max profit, the Cheney / Bolton types get their power rocks off. And we are not allowed a vote in the process.
A new angle we have started to hammer out. Let's say our local / state / fed rep has a proposal. Wants to write up a bill, codify it and make it law. OK. In order for our reps to vote for our best interest, a poll is put out for all affected constituents to weigh-in on. Once we have all had our say, then our reps must vote according to the majority. Simple enough.
Lets say Sheldon Whitehouse has to vote on military appropriations for the upcoming Fiscal 2019 budget. As our rep, he is required to vote according to our majority opinion. (I read that in a comic book once called Representational Democracy). Therefore, he is required to give us each an informed description of the bill being considered. Then, he is also required to survey a full sampling of our opinions on the matter at hand. If 87% of his state voters do not want $700 billion spent for the benefit of a few defcons, then he is required to vote no. Simple enough.
We are working on the mechanisms to force this approach to decision making now on the local and state levels. If you think this may be a good approach, let me know your ideas. Thanks.
question everything
Oddly enough, the German Basic Law (= constitution) forbids this
In effect, this says that even those German members of parliament who are directly elected from a geographical district are supposed to think of their “constituency” as being the entire country and, once elected, are under no obligation whatsoever to serve, or even listen to, the will of the voters of their district.
question everything
Ordinary Germans are in a state of permanent gaslighting
The whole post-war message of the Atlanticist elite to the common people seems to have been, “Well, you know, you people can’t really be trusted with free speech and democracy — we, your social and financial betters, are going to keep a firm whip hand because we know that, let off the leash, you’d all go Hitler or something in a heartbeat.”
What was the lead story last night on the state-supported ARD 8 pm German TV news? Yemen? No, the editors devoted all this time to the “Unite the Right 2” non-event opposite the White House where, what? At most two dozen supposed neo-Nazis showed up, led by a Black emcee, yet—whom the ARD didn’t even show, devoting all the screen time to the virtue-signalling counter-protesters. Anything to tar Trump as neo-Nazi by association.
yeah, you right
Marshall McLuhan or someone a lot like him. Kinda saw it coming, warned of the dangers. We did listen, then the message drowned in the medium. Glug.
question everything
Good morning, QMS, the Koch empire may share a few tips with
you on how to get the reps voting for your interest.
Sincerely, let us know how the concept evolves; can't hurt ...
Glad you enjoyed the Glass; btw, the photo on the album was taken just a few miles away
Good to see you and happy space travels!
Space Force
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hey, snoopy, the banality of space force, still laughing over
the Russian embassy's trolling of trump, yesterday.
Good to see you; hoping your skies are clearing, have a good one!
No such luck
Today the air is the worst it's been since the fires started. That there is a mountain to the north of town is just a suggestion. I'm about 10 blocks southeast from where this photo was taken.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Sorry to hear the smoke hasn't abated; you know i'm sure
that those particulates are very dangerous, so please do take care not to breath in in if avoidable!
And because it is a new moon
Some space music, before the militarization takes over.
question everything
Cheers for this good music, much appreciated!
Perfect for today's mood where the wind is cool and the quiet matches the sweet taste of Kona coffee.
The flowers open
question everything
Although the year is too early, Murrow could have been
describing Bobby Kennedy.
"Is it not possible that an unruly head of hair, an infectious smile, eyes that seem remarkable for the depths of their sincerity, a cultivated air of authority, may attract huge television audiences regardless of the violence that may be done to truth or objectivity?" ~ Edward R. Murrow, 1949"
But, I don't think he did violence to truth.
If I could upset the time space continuum just once, as in Back to the Future, it might be to have RFK succeed LBJ as President, just to see where the US would be now.
Would RFK have found the true story behind his brother’s murder?
And having found it, how much would he have been allowed to reveal to the general public?
Although I cannot recall the source or any details, I remember
either reading or hearing that RFK never bought the Oswald as "the lone gunman acting on solely on his own initiative" theory. Remember, though, LBJ made it seem like a patriotic duty to put the matter to rest--and quickly. That was how he persuaded Earl Warren to head the Commission, even though Warren initially resisted. BTW, if RFK indeed doubted the official story, he would have been with the 62% of Americans who doubted it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2013/11/20/poll-62-.... Please see also: https://news.gallup.com/poll/165893/majority-believe-jfk-killed-conspira...
In turn, RFK's son never believed that Sirhan Sirhan killed his father. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/05/26/who-killed-...
And, I once saw a clip of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s son interviewing James Earl Ray in prison. Ray said, "I did not kill your father." The response from King's son? "I believe you."
So much for the three most famous/infamous assassinations of that era.
Abraham, Martin, John and Bobby:
But, to be perfectly candid, as long as we're speculating, I'd rather know what the US would have been like today if RFK had won the nomination and the election. (Had he won the nomination and lived, I believe he would have trounced any opponent in the general.)
RFK knowing the truth would have decisively shaped his decisions
Perhaps RFK might have chosen not to reveal the truth about the JFK and MLK assassinations to the public for “reasons of state.” Even so, thus armed with forbidden knowledge, he might well have pushed through a root-and-branch reform of the CIA, FBI, and other secret government strongholds — anticipating, and intervening decisively to prevent, the rise of the so-called “Deep State.”
So one thing that would be different today would be that there would be no unelected, accountable-to-no-one branch of government in a position to place itself above, and orchestrate a slow-motion coup against, the President of the United States.
Henry, those three deaths pulverzied the foundation joining at
least 40 years, more really, of writers, thinkers, playwrights pounding away; and, i'm sure like me loving lunches at the Sit-in Woolworth's on Elm, main street, of Greensboro, NC--where the triple deckers were magic and the hot open-faced turkey plate a thrill to my young farm boy eyes and tummy in the years preceding==we've memory, recall of the revolution taking flight, cities burning by late 66 and 67, climaxing at Kent State when those sitting on the fence jumped over and in and said "damn; we;re not taking this anymore," collectively!
I can feel the swelling-up of that period inside me to this day, ready to burst forth, even as i write tonight.
Forgive my belated reply and late thank you for bringing the song, adding to the conversation. Just wanting to share these feeling and memories with you.
Good morning, Henry; funny, same thought came to me, the hair
the Kennedy's. What if, indeed; Profiles in courage instead of hate speech, maybe, we can dream. Had someone forecast where we are today to me in 1960, think i would have laughed them off as folks not learning to speed read.
Good to see you in hopes today's space travels suit your fancy, have a good one.
But, I thought of RFK, not JFK. As for "Profiles in Courage,"
JFK accepted the Pulitzer Prize for Profiles in Courage, even though the brilliant (and completely loyal) Ted Sorensen wrote it. (When grilled about that not long before he passed, Sorensen said, "The man who puts his name on the cover, the one takes responsibility for the contents, is the author." Or words to that effect. Sounded to me as though Sorensen, despite himself, was letting us know that putting his name on the cover was about all JFK wrote of the book, though I have little doubt that JFK read and approved the contents before it went to a publisher under his name. Actually, I imagine that a number of the "Harvard Mafia" signed off on the book before it went to a publisher under JFK's name.
And, these days, despite its purer beginnings, the Profiles in Courage Award is as phony as anything else. For just one thing, it went to Obama (after Obama made Caroline Kennedy ambassador to Japan for four years, after Caroline Kennedy contributed big bucks to Obama's campaign). Perne in a gyre. https://poemshape.wordpress.com/tag/meaning-of-perne/ Obama? Courage? "I'll retire to Bedlam." http://www.open-bks.com/library/classics/dickens_charles_carol/carol-9-1...
FWIW, I see JFK as having wanted to be President, while I see RFK as more of an idealist.
Despite my unrepentant cynicism, happy Saturday to you, Smiley. ("No matter ho)w cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up." Lily Tomlin
Well, sorry for the tarnish of Profiles, we all read every
page growing up in school; not good memories of the day in dallas, still, in classroom when we got the news from the principal over loudspeaker and then the days glued to the old black and white watching destiny slip away ... so taken in context of the time, profiles in courage and Kennedy's were one and the same to us.
PS: just saw your post mentioning Raul Julia; remind me sometime to share his and my adventures, as you can guess, i'm happy to relive those times.
Good morning, smiley.
Murrow is one of my heroes. Such a humble man, so in touch with his humanity.
I was honored by your ask to republish my poem, Be the Water. I find, in my broken foot condition, how necessary it is for me to be the water. As I told my daughter when I first got the cast, "I'm not in my happy place." She empathized with me and that's when I knew I needed an attitude adjustment in order to heal properly. This is the first time I've been incapacitated. I'm generally a positive, optimistic person, anyway, which helps.
jbob's comment on the military being forced down our throats inspired the poem below. It seems I'm on a roll.
Thank you for your service.
The corporations are happy,
cuz their production floors are busy
churning out their goods for soldiers, that
no one else would have use for.
Thank you for your service.
It keeps our wages low and
cuts the social safety net,
by redirecting our tax dollars
with unnecessary war.
Enjoy your Saturday, folks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good morning, Raggedy Ann.
Thank you again for Be the water, my pleasure to re-publish and read it some more.
Hey, you are on a roll ... keep on keeping on
I've two weeks more of shoulder rehab; doc said it would heal in a year. i understand what you are enduring; sending mending vibes and wishes for full recovery, soon.
Good to see you hoping your space travels bring rain to your neighborhood. Have a good one!
edit for smiley
nice poem
Good morning Smiley and crew...
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the beautiful summer. I just got back from Stockholm and had a great time visiting such a beautiful city and my grandson. I am both glad and sad to be home.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Great to see you, dk, welcome home!
Can't wait to see photos from your trip and hear all about it and your talented grandson.
Happy the trip went well. Are you on the lake, now, in this heat?
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!
I loved Stockholm.....
It was hotter than hell, expensive as hell, and so, so beautiful. Canals, parks, statues, outdoor cafes, and beautiful old buildings everywhere. We went to the Nobel Museum, Vasa Musuem, Photographic Museum, boat ride to the Archipeligos, Sodermalm, Old Town, Royal Palace, Euro Gay Pride Parade, and Kevin's house for dinner to see where he lived and shopped. He walked our feet off. Here are just a couple of photos. That is me with my beautiful grandson. He is so happy in Stockholm. We had such a fun time.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Aw, beautiful, thank you for sharing, our chldren grow more
special by the day, don't they and it's been my pleasure to observe from afar, virtually, his successful journey and share the parent anxiety; great when all's well that ends well.
I can't wait to be accused of spreading "Anti-War" propaganda
I mean, getting smeared for that would be AWESOME. Of course, I believe I have to actually say the following words to be labeled as a Anti-War Propagandist... so.... Ahem...
"I don't want to go kill Russians"
New Logos, Speaking of stupid Wars. And if you see shades of a former chief executive in this... I make NO apologies. If you're interested in seeing the 1st and 3rd Acts complete, Program is here.
Other than that, unfortunately Judo was cancelled this morning, but I need to rehydrate anyway. Thinking about volunteering for the Japanese Culture Day here in Portland for the Dojo. It'd be a good visual for a big guy like me to be tossed around by one of the older senseis, I admit.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Good morning, sensei; i'm with you, "no more war."
Thanks for reading and the link, detroit; like you my 35-year-old son gets tremendous inspiration from his martial arts, yoga and mountain climbing; sometimes he calls me sensi; makes me feel good, brings a smile inside.
I'm envious of your discipline and so happy your work moves apace; we at c99 become richer for it, thank you and have a good space journey today.
I'm no Sensei. I'll grudgingly accept Senpai...
I'm amazed that I haven't quit yet... this is by far the longest I've continuously written, even through dark depression that normally would cause me to quit for 2-3 years in the worst cases. Saying prayers to the Muses may not save the world, but it does grant purpose and drive for me. And I'll say a special prayer to Athena for no reason other than a thank you for the wisdom to understand what really matters.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Democrat Pigs Private Prison Gravy Train
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Good morning, Aspie; thanks for the vid and have a great day!
Best.Damn.Typo. Of. The. Decade. You made my morning
brighter than you usually do with this wonderful freudian slip, unless if was beautifully crafted art, of course:
And with a hearty guffaw, I go to refill my morning cuppa. Thanks a ton and wishing you blue skies tonight and tomorrow night.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Ohell, damn perennial mistake and me sitting here not being
Hola compadres. Time for some of that good old
Scotch-Irish derived mountain music, except that these are the Sierra Maestra --
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning, el; music to get the blood
moving this morning, thank you and back at you:
Forgot to mention my roflmao last evening when i saw the Russian Embassy send-up of Trump; guess the word is trolling, now; still chuckling about it and the irony of it all; preposterous behavior 24/7.
Have a beam me up day!
edit to add
Good Day, smiley and all,
I visited today the Hamburger Kunsthalle. Instead of visiting the art exhibitions, I hang out the whole time in the Museum shop. I was quite amazed to see among their art books collections Glenn Greenwald's book "Die Globale Überwachung (No Place to Hide), Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark book "Der NSA Komplex - Edward Snowden und der Weg in die totale Überwachung" (The NSA Komplex - Edward Snowden and the path into total surveillance), Jaron Lanier "Zehn Gründe warum Du Deine Social Media Accounts sofort löschen musst" (Ten Arguements for Deleting your Social Media Accounts Right Now), Andreas Weigand "Wie wir die Macht über unsere Daten zurückerobern Data for the People" (Uh, the guy was chief scientist at Amazon ... jeez why did I buy that book)
and Max Schrems "Kampf um Deine Daten" and I found a German edition of Orwell's 1984. Oh, boy, I was a happy book buyer today. Didn't expect to find those titles in a museum shop for the Arts.
It's so nice to read in your own language. Sigh.
Next time I visit at least one exhibition hall. Ha, I am an art knucklehead, but what the heck, I can try...
Have a nice weekend and be well. Love your Phillip Glass video.
Sweet to see you, mimi; would loved to have been there, hell
Happy reading and you'd best stock up for our first space force journey, may be a long one.
Always a pleasure to see you, have a good one!
Good afternoon Smiley...
Same as it always was
Murrow really hit the nail on the head. But now the think tanks are more organized with their messaging. It's a fine line to walk -- to be a realist and to be present.
Food for thought - thank you
The World...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
edit: ... No doubt, lived to see fascists invade universities,
even State ones; Richard Viguerie's successful mail efforts, the rise of RW radio and as you say, the think tanks of doublespeak and today's analytic purveyors of propaganda; (Edit~ forgot to add the proliferation of PAC's and Dark money) much easier when i was in university to ferret out bias.
Thank you for understanding my concern, communication is a huge problem growing worse by social media's reach amplifying Trump's tweets to specific individuals, for instance.
My theme today is one of caution so as none of us unsuspectingly carry the water for the enemy and that most assuredly is the oligarchs and the parties they control, one exclusively, and one in deep as well not wishing to cleanse itself of their crap cause og money.
Making our c99 voices more important and as Murrow said, we must be credible.
Wow, it's a pleasure to see your work again, appreciate your sharing it on Saturdays. lifts my spirits. The world
By coincidence ran into one of my app voices friend's last evening, and his energy in sharing the major projects he is personally leading across many states and fronts right now consumed me; good feelings knowing the fight goes on in capable hands.
Thank you for reading, the conversation and the art; hoping your space forces journey is full of stars!
Israel Builds New Sea Barrier to Further Blockade Gaza
All with Dipshit's backing.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
How much more can the world expect the Middle Eastern
people to endure? Thank you for bringing the vid focusing upon the dire situation in Gaza.
Back from 10-day Dutch-Czech amateur classical music workshop
with blind friend (we both sang in the chorus) and her fiancé (who plays cello).
Chorus and orchestra did Dvořak’s Te Deum and six Moravian folk songs. Chamber chorus alone also did Stabat Mater by František Tůma (1704-1774) and a couple of other things. Orchestra alone did Josef Suk’s symphonic poem Prague, opus 26.
The German Central Library for the Blind in Leipzig kindly provided some of the necessary Braille music scores.
A special opportunity, lotilizard, thank you for sharing
your experience. iirc, music festivals and workshops are a regular itinerary for you. Wish we figured teleporting out so as to share in person the many fascinating exploits of our c99 friends.
Thank you for reading, and adding much to OT's conversations; appreciated.
Have a wonderful day!
Andrew 'Zig' ~ leipzig