Details emerge of Trump's treason in Helsinki

By now you are aware of how President Trump betrayed everything good and decent about America during a private meeting with Putin.

“Trump faces backlash after hailing ‘productive’ summit with Putin,” conservative U.K. broadsheet The Times stated. The U.K.'s left-leaning Guardian newspaper went further, quoting former CIA director John Brennan in its headline that stated “’Nothing short of treasonous:' Trump accused over Putin talks.”
Reflecting on an "extraordinary summit," the U.K.'s Sky News ventured further, asking "Could Donald Trump be impeached after 'disgraceful' news conference with Vladimir Putin?"

In continental Europe, Germany's Die Welt online news site carried the headline, "After Trump's performance, even Republicans talk of betrayal" and Spain's El Pais went for a similar line, saying Trump had caused "indignation" among Republicans.

So the question is: what did Trump and Putin talk about behind closed doors?
Did it involve Russian hookers with weak bladders?
Are we giving Alaska back to Russia? Is Putin moving into the White House?
Just what treason did Trump commit?

Vladimir Putin presented President Donald Trump with a series of requests during their private meeting in Helsinki last month, including new talks on controlling nuclear arms and prohibiting weapons in space, according to a Russian document obtained by POLITICO.
...The Russian memo points to a surprising normalcy in the priorities that Putin brought to the meeting, which included a willingness to extend a series of landmark nuclear treaties and pursue new weapons limits. Such issues have been standard fare in Russian-U.S. dialogue for decades — though they’ve been overshadowed of late by rising tensions over topics like Syria and Ukraine, as well as bipartisan complaints in Washington about Trump’s refusal to challenge Putin's denials that Moscow had interfered in the 2016 election.

Outrageous! How dare Trump seek to avoid WWIII and the end of all life on this planet!

Uncertainty about what Putin and Trump discussed caused much consternation in Washington after the two leaders and their translators met alone in Helsinki, even inspiring Democratic attempts to subpoena Trump’s Russian interpreter.

Now that we know, it's much worse than anything we could have imagined.
Putin's evil intentions are on full display.

And to make matters worse Trump seeks to avoid nuclear war with North Korea as well.
Is there no end to his treason?

It would be "unwise" for U.S. President Donald Trump to hold a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, unless Pyongyang fully listed its existing nuclear weapons and facilities and agreed on full verification and concrete steps toward denuclearization at the second meeting, experts said.
Trump expressed his interest in having another meeting with Kim, saying in a tweet last week, "I look forward to seeing you soon!" as North Korea began the process of returning remains presumed to be those of American soldiers killed during the Korean War.

Because we can't talk peace until the other guy surrenders.
That's why our wars never end.

The U.S. made the move to pressure North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. But Pyongyang has been demanding that Washington lift sanctions and sign a peace treaty, officially declaring an end to the Korean War, which ended in armistice in 1953.
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QMS's picture

Is this a secret the rest of us can not know about? There is something good and decent in people that should not be shared about americaland? Is it coded in soap operas and sporting events too? Gosh, the nerve of that pseudo preznit. Probably gave away the ending to Bambi. Surely you jest gj. This can not be true.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture

...has been on full-strength display since the 2016 presidential primaries. It's a mind virus that appears to be dormant, but when triggered it becomes an aggressive cognitive seizure. We saw it swallow the Democratic Party whole. It is not, however, a singularity. I believe there is a very stong but invisible counterforce — a web of resistance to war — silent but active in the United States. From my point of view, having reported on the content of the Trump campaign during the primaries, I believe it was this subconscious force that got him elected and left the nation reeling.

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k9disc's picture

these days.

I've been having a problem with the digital vs analog concepts, and I'm starting to think that our move to digitize everything has affected us in ways we don't understand.

Like this shit, for instance. How did we get here?

@Pluto's Republic

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Pluto's Republic's picture


...and lead to all sorts of deviant behaviors and paranoid ravings — including xenophobia and war.

How fitting that the US political system forces people into binary dilemmas with terrible choices. The complete lack of nuance in representation, for example, makes consensus onerous and feeds the fires of hate. I think people generally experience the body politic in the US as a low-grade resentment that is always in the background. It affects many aspects of daily life and is exacerbated by the austerity forced upon the people. It broke democracy and the justice system and the people are beginning to understand that — and the cynical manipulation behind it.

The US needed four or five political parties to prevent it from breaking apart into independent regional nations. I think that is the track we are on now, pushed by climate collapse and a corrupted central government.

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k9disc's picture

I think my rational, materialist science bonafides are smashed. I don't think I can talk "seriously" about science now. I see too many gaps and paths untrodden.

Binary is, IMO, not natural and removes agency. "You can get out of bed or stay asleep."
"How about I roll over?"

There are never only 2 choices if you have agency.

Binary is great for the material sciences and a materialist society because it removes agency and denies open, interconnected systems. It is currently claimed to be the apex of human knowledge. Binary (digital) is a facsimile of reality that denies entanglement, agency, and consciousness.

I think this is a tremendous error. And the hubris displayed while defending keeps anything from moving on that front in most all the physical sciences.

I do believe this is changing in physics given the realization that Earth and the lab are not closed systems when you look close enough. A bunch of "pseudo-science" from yesteryear (and the ancient world) is becoming cutting edge scientific theory.

I wonder how long it will take to trickle down into the other sciences and if it will ever be allowed to trickle down to the population.

@Pluto's Republic

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Pluto's Republic's picture

@k9disc @k9disc

The circuit board is already drawn and the voter just runs the maze to get where the designer/strategist wants him to go. It doesn't matter which fork in the path the voter chooses, they all lead to the same destination. The media cohort, with its artful use of sound and light, handles the crowd control and preps them for the pollsters.

Same as it always was, says W.E.B. DuBois in 1956.

I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say. There is no third party. On the Presidential ballot in a few states (seventeen in 1952), a “Socialist” Party will appear. Few will hear its appeal because it will have almost no opportunity to take part in the campaign and explain its platform. If a voter organizes or advocates a real third-party movement, he may be accused of seeking to overthrow this government by “force and violence.” Anything he advocates by way of significant reform will be called “Communist” and will of necessity be Communist in the sense that it must advocate such things as government ownership of the means of production; government in business; the limitation of private profit; social medicine, government housing and federal aid to education; the total abolition of race bias; and the welfare state. These things are on every Communist program; these things are the aim of socialism. Any American who advocates them today, no matter how sincerely, stands in danger of losing his job, surrendering his social status and perhaps landing in jail.

Two hundred years and the people never see their position.
Livestock waiting for the time of enlightenment.

::: Screen fades to black :::

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Hawkfish's picture


On these subjects:

  • Henry Stapp, Mindful Universe. Stapp was a student of Heisenberg and is a leading thinker on the measurement problem. The book could use an editor but the basic ideas should be accessible to those who have little experience with Hilbert space.
  • Lee Smolin, Time Reborn. Smolin is one of the developers of quantum loop gravity, the leading alternative to string theory. He makes the case that time is not an illusion but the fundamental reality.


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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

Pluto's Republic's picture


Binary (digital) is a facsimile of reality that denies entanglement, agency, and consciousness.

Looking back at your comment, I believe this is the active ingredient in much that is happening in the US. Forcing logic into a binary construct is a synaptic block to multi-associative brain process. This population is denied the validity of its own feelings and intuitions as they pertain to reality. Parents can do that with children, leading to very bad outcomes for them. It could also be called "gaslighting" but in this case, truths are being denied with marginalization, criminalization, ostracization, and unresponsiveness. The results, I think, manifest in music and the arts, in religion and philosophy, and in the sciences. It's not that they do not move forward or that they lack creativity — but they do not reach transcendental peaks as often. There seems to be more hat-tipping to established dogmas than there are transformational insights that trickle down in an evolutionary fashion. If you've lived through such times, you might notice it was missing or dormant. The constant propaganda in the US, which distorts reality and gaslights the people (denies that they witnessed what they think they did), is probably to blame for the persistence of the stale paradigms that weigh us down. The spectrum of permitted observations and reactions is very narrow in the public space controlled by the media owners.

That's been my observation at least. Being mindful of this seems to provide some immunity.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@k9disc I will not accept this binary.

That makes me at best untintelligible to those living within the binary, but them's the breaks.

I don't give a shit how horrible Donald Trump is: I will not accept this binary.

I wasn't a pro wrestling fan for years for nothing.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

smiley7's picture

Been my experience that when one leaves the gate open, escapes happen. Smile

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Roy Blakeley's picture

It has always had a liberal outlook, but it was aware of Marxist analysis, US imperialism, etc., etc. and there were perceptive articles. They published articles revealing the lies of the Bush admin during the leadup to the Iraq invasion. They published Snowden's revelations. Under Kath Viner, the editor in chief since 2015, it has become as insane as Rachel Maddow and NPR.

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"How dare Trump seek to avoid WWIII and the end of all life on this planet!"
actually I haven't heard about Trump and Putin talking about global heat death.

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On to Biden since 1973

k9disc's picture

Been watching the arctic ice. Max of 3M on the Arctic Ocean at this time. Not looking like a blue ocean event this year, but it's super close.

I've been "watching" the ice melt on this site: and doing some surfing of the net to supplement my knowledge. Holy shit, not OK!

Select Ice Thickness, Arctic Sea, and Loop. And be sure to check out the depth of the ice...

What is a blue ocean event going to do with 24 hours of sunlight up there from March to September WITH an 80% albedo change?

And are you aware of Global Dimming? If we tank, economically, and the factories shut down we're looking at 1-1.5º warming in weeks.

I've always been a bit of a doomer, but this shit now is getting serious. I'm afraid "the Event" has already happened.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Hawkfish's picture


From the maligned Guardian:

Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system and asked: “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the Event?”

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

k9disc's picture

That article was pretty scary.

I'm experiencing an interesting algorithmic experience over there given my recent dives into lunacy on the platform. Last night, YouTube's homepage I saw a video about "The Event".

The video suggested that Drumpf is working towards the Gold Standard and some other stuff that historically has gotten President's regime changed, ballistically.

Don't think I didn't notice the overlap. Thanks for sharing that link. If I would have had it handy it would have went into my comment somewhere.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@doh1304 No, just about global thermonuclear war.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Centaurea's picture

So the question is: what did Trump and Putin talk about behind closed doors?

That reminds me of what I've been wondering for the past 30 years: What did Reagan and Gorbachev really talk about behind closed doors?


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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

k9disc's picture

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu