A Very Short History of caucus99percent
Good morning folks. I've seen several new members here recently asking about this site's history and the original founders intention and goals. I don't have time to go into great detail right now as managing and adminning c99p has become a full time job, although I do plan on eventually writing a complete history of this site, that started as a spark of a dream, moved in and out of many iterations, and culminated in caucus99percent.com as we see it now.
The original intent of this site was sanctuary, a lifeboat, an alternative to the manipulative culture that had devolved into shake and bake blog war click bait tribalism. A place where thoughts could be expressed, debated, nurtured, and tossed out if need be, without the fear of a big brother blog nanny swooping down like a flying monkey and carrying you off to some PC dunce corner complete with a pointed hat Time Out or worse yet, ostracization for thinking freely.
Our original intent was to let c99p evolve into what it would be, organically. What that evolution came to be was a site where issues took precedent over electoral politics, certainly elections and political figure heads were discussed, but generally took a back burner to the issues that face our country, our world, our planet. Caucus99percent harbored very little love for DNC style politics and the Party at large. I would venture to say that about 95% of the active members were/are Bernie Sanders supporters, but he was very seldom discussed. We tried to keep it about issues. But c99p was never a rigid platform, it will continue to evolve and will move as the membership moves, but issues should remain as the core.
And more than anything, c99p was a tight nit community, no, a family, of friends that share each others life endeavors, the good and the bad. That in and of itself is some of the best that c99p had to offer, and we present that to our new members as well.
With that said here's an excerpt from an Open Thread of mine from 4/12/15, almost a year ago. It tells, in very short fashion, of how the site itself that we know as caucus99percent came to be. It will give you some insight of how it was built and why on a personal level it was built. I'll have much more to say about this at a later date, after things calm down a bit.
This site has been live for a little over 3 months, since Jan. 7 to be exact. At the moment we have 75 members. This site was built with Drupal, an open source software package that can be downloaded for free. It is a widely used CMS (Content Management System) with many sites large and small using it across the web.
Last winter I decided I would teach myself the Drupal system and build a site. I created a local developmental environment to learn the program. What that means is I downloaded and installed a bundled package of software onto my personal computer to learn from rather than do it all on an actual web hosting account. The bundled software package included the Drupal program, an Apache server program and a MySql data base program, everything that's needed to run a Drupal site. It took a couple of days to install, troubleshoot and get it up and running. It then took a couple of weeks of pretty intensive study to learn the ins and outs of building an actual site or blogsite to be more accurate. There were many hours of trial and error, head-to-desk contact and saying the hell with it and almost giving up a couple of times, but I muddled through it and eventually figured it out.
After getting an operable site up and running on my personal computer, the time came to upload all of it to a web server and go live with it. That took about another two weeks as there were many new hurdles to jump over, bugs to work out and several hours on the phone with the web host. Finally it all clicked and came together and it was time to invite some folks in to do some beta testing. It took a few days to get it operable enough to actually function as a blog. Some of you will remember those beta testing days. Fast forward three months and here we all are.
An estimate was obtained last fall to build a caucus blogsite and if I recall correctly it came in a little over $4,500.00. After going through the rigmarole involved to build this one, I have to say that that is reasonable. What did I charge to build this site? Well the software cost $00.00, my labor came in at $00.00 and the web hosting cost under $100.00, paid for by a few generous members. Why did I do all of this for nothing?
I'm a staunch leftie that believes firmly in the cause. I admittedly am not much of a writer, so this was my way of doing my part for the cause (more about the cause in a bit). I honestly get a kick out of seeing folks enjoy this site. Seeing that makes it all worth while for me. My work is seasonal, that's why I pushed so hard over the winter months to get this place up and running, I have a lot of spare time in the winter and I truly enjoy learning technical computer stuff, everything I know tech-wise is self taught, so taking a month or so to get this built gave me something to do. Even though it was hectic at times, I enjoyed it. Sometimes I pinch myself over it's initial success, I had my doubts during the building process but pushed on none the less.
Whose site is this? It's your site. I built it and maintain it for free, but it's your site, it's our site. You guys and gals make it what it is, I'm just the nuts and bolts guy. We're going to need this place in the coming months and I hope it keeps growing. The trick to growing a blogsite is content, content, content. That's where you guys and gals come in, I supply the platform and you supply the content, for the cause, and so far it seems to be working rather well and I thank you all for that.
Now about that "cause" thing. Now that it's built and operable, where do we want to go with this site? How do we want to use it? What are it's goals? And most importantly: How do we use this site to affect the upcoming election? Since this is your site, our site, I'll open the floor for suggestions. Thank you all, you are great folks.
I hope this may help answer a few questions in the brief time I have right now. Thanks folks.

Thank you.
Much obliged.
Good morning folks...
I was kind of rushed in writing this, i hope it makes a little sense anyway.
lots of sense
thanks again!
Thank you so very much -
You've created a fascinating space for people like me who want to get away from the cheerleader/us-against-them type of culture. I think I said when I joined that I do more lurking than commenting. But I have been having such a great time reading and listening to the music and LEARNING. So I wanted to de-lurk long enough to say thanks - and I'll kick in a little to support this place when I next get paid.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
You're welcome seefluer...
of the 99, by the 99. for the 99.
Appreciate the history
Thanks for sharing the history with us newbies. The blog sites I'm most comfortable with are the ones with the fewest rules.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Thanks rmwarnick..
Personally, I hate rules.
Thanks for making this site
and having us disillusioned former Kogs on board!
Hi angel d...
we've had to rebuild (server upgrades) it twice within the first week of the mass exodus, but we've plenty of room now. Welcome aboard.
thanks, and angel d's avatar ( are they still called that?)
Feels like a parachute offered to people deeply committed to the world we want to create with Bernie and Jane Sanders. Learned where we were gathering, was not a safe or nurturing place to be. Find myself now obsessed with, not able to think beyond the sign angel d has created. Haven't felt as hopeful since the 1960's, expect others near my age ( almost 71 years young, a happy self described crone) lived through those times, and also now experience Bernie Sanders as a catalyst bringing so much of our work, passions, into focus, and given a direction, a goal.
Wish there was some things, in the few short months before Philadelphia, we, caucus99percent, could do to make a big difference in electing President Sanders.
Thank you again for creating and opening this site to all of us.
Do you have a P.O. Box for check donations?
PayPal screens even credit card donation attempts, and they have my card number still tied to a 30-year old email address. Apparently there's no way to update anything without that inaccessible email.
Hi Sunspots...
not yet but we will, I'll post an announcement when we do, probably within a day or two.
Very much appreciated, JtC
This post is very helpful, and this site has certainly been a lifeboat and a sanctuary for me in the couple of weeks since I joined. I really can't thank you enough, it does mean a lot to me. You all have welcomed the sudden flood of newbies with open arms and great patience.
I still feel a bit like a houseguest here, one of many who were taken it all at once and I worry that you all feel like it's become an overcrowded home with a bunch of strangers barging in and making a mess of the place. Not that anyone here has said anything like that -- it's just my feeling of realizing how much you all have had to change and accommodate such big changes so quickly. It is amazing, thank you again for all that you do.
You're welcome CS in AZ...
nah, we don't feel "it's become an overcrowded home with a bunch of strangers barging in and making a mess of the place." To the contrary, we were hoping upon hope that some day it would grow like this, it just all happened so suddenly, we will adjust.
Please make yourself at home here, all are welcome as long as no holes are poked in the lifeboat.
Thanks! I will do what I can to help keep it afloat
I am so happy to be here and find such a great community.
Thanks for writing this, JtC
I appreciate knowing the Jan 2015 star date for this site. And my goodness, what a LOT OF WORK you have put into building and maintaining it !
You da man, JtC! or,
Thanks and WOW!
Best CW
You're welcome CW...
yes, a lot of work, 100s of hours, but look what it has wrought.
Thanks for doing this
Hard to think of a more worthwhile project.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
i agree stevej...
that's exactly how i feel and what I mean by "The Cause".
Thanks JtC
Two things that resonate with me:
- "I'm a staunch leftie that believes firmly in the cause."
- ".. it's your site, it's our site. You guys and gals make it what it is, .."
I recently built a website using open source code so I know what you went through. Great job! Having open source code available is a wonderful paradigm. It so goes against the conventional corporate mentality, mainly that everything is proprietary Intellectual Property and you must pay us for it. It reminds me of the letter from Bill Gates claiming that the PC community was unfairly ripping off poor Bill by making copies of his code. There would have been no PC industry without the support of enthusiasts who educated themselves on their own dime. F.U. Bill.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Thanks The Wizard...
I like to think of us as an open source community on an open source blog, of the 99, for the 99, by the 99. It's not the conventional method of blog building and I think that's what sets us apart.
Thanks, very much, JtC. could you make this permanently
available in the sidebar?
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Hi Gerrit...
I guess it would be better as a FAQ. I plan on a much more comprehensive version of this history in the near future and can replace this one with that when finished. Great idea, thanks Gerrit.
So happy to read this!
It really adds to my understanding of this site.
My answer to your question about how to build the site to further the cause would be to spotlight a particular kind of content and when that sub type of content occurs, recognize it for what it is and spread it around as much as you can. I am NOT saying limit the site to only that type of content, however. I'm speaking of policy posts
The biggest challenge is to upend the party line or to disrupt status quo thinking. I can think of some pretty big blogosphere victories - IMO the chained CPI battle was won on the internets by people who steadfastly refused to eat the sh*t sandwich President Obama was trying to serve. And they were relentless and they didn't stop even when told to embrace the suck. I think we came very close to upending the TPP but lost because of fast track. But it may be possible to STILL turn the ocean liner, even at this late stage. It's too bad TPP has fallen off the radar lately. It was one of my topics and I will make an effort to get back on it. The shortcomings of the ACA have been well-done on the internet, much better than in the MSM who seems shockingly ignorant. IMT (International Monetary Theory) is a big up and comer and I think you have some heavy hitters in that regard on the member ship roster. I guess I'm saying that the more people know about the tools that are being used to rob and oppress us, the better off we'll all be. (Gosh, that sounds so old-school wild-eyed radical, and yet it's the truth).
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Thanks Phoebe...
spotlighting a particular kind of content can be done by using tags. I can make a specific page linked to a certain tag so that when an essay is published using said tag it will automatically post to the specified page. I can then post links somewhere on the sites pages pointing to the individual content pages. That should work quite nicely. I also plan on doing this for the series that are published here, like, JayRaye's Hellraisers, Joe's Evening Blues and Robyn's series.
The members here can help disseminate our work by posting to the many social sites and crossposting where ever possible.
Thanks for the input. I left a comment in your essay today.
thanks for that JtC
I'm having trouble sorting through the diaries and have never used tags much but I'm seeing the importance of them with this many posts.
I'm grateful for your foresight.
Thank you for all your hard work.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You're welcome RA...
my pleasure.
Thanks for the explanation
Thank you for giving us a glimpse into what was involved in putting this site together. It's always fascinating to hear (or, at least, it is to me) how things like this come about and I appreciate all your
hard work in making it happen.
I am excited to see how things will evolve as time goes on. It's so nice to feel I can let my breath out here, if you know what I mean. . . .
Thanks Indrasnet...
glad to pull back the curtain and give you a little peak into the inner workings.
Have another hit...of sweet air!
Thank you!!
I am so grateful to have found this site. Someone posted a link at dkos. You have done a nice job on it. I am a retired tech/music teacher who used Drupal on my Intranet server in the classroom and on a couple of websites. Eventually migrated to Moodle for coursework. Your site has a good look and feel.
And the content has a good look and feel to it too! I look forward to lurking, liking, and writing. Thanks again.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Thanks mhagle...
glad you found your way here.
Glad you like the layout, much trial and error there. There are still some big functional improvements I'd like to make, hopefully that will be addressed with the new Drupal 8 version that was just released a few months ago.
JtC, I like what you are doing and who you are !
In order to honor your work, I decided to not ask "nagging questions" anymore and took down my avatar image. I replaced it with something cuter. It has big ears and a fine nose, meaning if my brain doesn't work, my ears and nose still do.
And to answer your question about the cause, see my new sig line. I think it sums it up for me.
Thank you for giving us an open minded, friendly home every day with the best evening news and blues all around. So, thanks to your co-pilot Joe Shikspack. To be honest I stumbled into this place, because someone at TOP called the EB "Dreck". That got me infuriated and I thought enough is enough.
And I am a staunch believer in paying people for their work. Just saying ... no free slave work online anymore.
Hi mimi...
love that little guy.
Thank you very much for your generous donations you have made, mimi, it is very much appreciated!! You are a sweetheart.
Thank you.
I was very interested to know the history and goals, and the longer term intent of this site. This is so helpful and interesting. I look forward to the more detailed version when you have time.
Thanks also for the warm welcome you all have recently extended to so many newcomers. I'm betting everyone's going to stick around and that membership will consistently grow. Your humility, everyone's here, and the look and feel of the place, and the civil environment are not lost on any of us.
Thank you for this, JtC, on so so many levels!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman