The Logos of Euterpe

Upon the field they clash and strike
Each attack intended to end the matter
for no blow is unsportsmanlike
no lust believed the domain of the satyr.

Crashing shields and broken spears
These are the things left on the field
Fear behind the false veneers
Led by rancid hate unconceal'd

Death aplenty in this charnel
red spattered across the sand in waves crimson
flames licking up rages carnal
and the flaking crust of the man who swims in.


Ten years the corpses pile in heaps
A fitting tribute to the wrath of the gods
where fair conscience meekly sleeps
survival a matter only of beating odds.


Defiled and broken bodies lie
respect a matter for heirs not warriors
and yet with songs and glory ply
for their acts against fellows thought foreigners.


So trampled into the sad dust
Troy shall every more be spoken thus and wept
the causes moot and undiscussed
Honors and prizes for those with lies adept.


So before the grand journey home
set your sights upon the far horizon fair
to days when man will kill for Kolm
weapons that strike and kill from out of thin air


So I dream of a day when man will listen
to the dire warnings we provide
and with the chains of sober sane discussion
End the wretched's cruel genocide


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detroitmechworks's picture

The beat on this is a little weird. It's ABAB, with 8 syllables in the A line, 11 in the B line.

Until the last verse which inverts the pattern into a BABA.

I'm not much of a songwriter, and I can't think of a tune for this, but Euterpe was very specific about the beat she wanted and the timing. (Also INSISTED on a refrain.)

Thanks for reading, and apologies for making it about Iraq.

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

detroitmechworks's picture

@enhydra lutris didn't come across as hokey as I feared it did. Smile
(I always worry that I sound dumb when rhyming, due to experience with amateur rappers who mocked my work for years.)

Of course, In keeping with the Copyleft I'm going with on this, if any musicians wanna take a whack at it, if you need a new syllable or one or two removed, feel free.

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