Does Trump know more about this country than you do?

Before you answer think about what your answer will tell about you. He did get to be president didn't he? To do that he had to be free of many of the myths that conventional politics has made part of us.

Let me give an example. On July 4th someone "over there" pointed out the wording in our Declaration of Independence about things like "freedom" and "all men created equal", etc. and that it was written by slave owners and people who would commit genocide.

He saw clearly that religion was about power not about morals and that it had been a part of the slavery and genocide from the beginning. He was well aware of the power that was given to Churches by making them tax exempt.

He knew a large sector of the population was rather stupid by the following Fox News has.

He was well aware that the oligarchy controlled both parties and that Bernie's betrayal was a demonstration of that. He knew that paranoia about Russia hung on since the Cold War and he knew he could distract people at will because of that.

I could go on but why bother? What you know is getting you nowhere. That seems to sum it up.

Tell me your plan to turn this Fascist dictatorship into a democracy. I am really interested.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

They laugh while we burn.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner NATO is in the mist of the largest military build up on Russia's borders in history. Trump has authorized a massive military aid package to the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine. The only concrete real evidence the Muller investigation has produced indicating the Trump campaign colluded with a foreign country to influence the elections points to the UAE, KSA, and Israel, yet not a peep from the MSM. Foreign policy never changes.

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Solidarity forever

JekyllnHyde's picture

Tell me your plan to turn this Fascist dictatorship into a democracy. I am really interested.

One way to achieve this is to decisively defeat Trump at the polls in 2020. Which candidate can best do it? All I know at this point in time is that it won't be a Clintonite. That approach does not work politically if it ever did. This isn't 1992, an election year prior to which Republicans had won five out of six presidential elections from 1968-1988. Absent the end of the Vietnam War and Watergate Scandal in 1972-74, and with both the Vice President and President resigning their offices, Carter would probably not have won in 1976.

Could it be Bernie in 2020? From my point of view, for now he has the best chance. However, we simply don't know what the dynamic of that election will be. Things can politically change in a heartbeat.

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

@JekyllnHyde That Chelsea Clinton is the only candidate who can defeat Ivanka in 2024. Better get behind Chelsea now, or you'll end up in one of the private prisons she was so "concerned" about.

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don mikulecky's picture

@JekyllnHyde I'm not able to contain my amazement. You still believe what they feed you? I'm sorry but it is funny.

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

First, though you're spot on in your analysis of reality, I think that you're overestimating Trump. I'm more along the lines of Michael Moore - that Trump is a big "fuck you" to the american ruling class. Hillary started out as the most hated person in politics and proceeded to do everything possible to increase that. Trump is not a unique politician, but he has taken advantage of unique circumstances.
But as for your big question, I'm very afraid for America, and not just for 2020. Sure, someone could come out of nowhere, but the only scenario with any forseeable possibility of happening is the total annihilation of the Democratic Party - massive losses in 2018, enough to convince Bernie that his plan to reform the Democrats is futile and not only should he run as a replacement (NOT third) party, but he would not split the Demoratic vote, but that the few remaining Democrats would be as irrelivent as the Greens. But even this scenario, as optimistic as it is, is not likely to happen. If the Democrats get steamrolled in 2018 it is very, very unlikely that we can retake the house in 2020, and nearly impossible to retake the senate.
But take the names out of it. My scenario requires the complete dissolution of the corporate wing of the Democratic Party, so complete that they cannot sabotage the nomination or the election of a transformative progressive, and that that progressive has the coattails necessary to regain control of the house and senate, at least by 2022. Frankly, my money is on America becoming a fascist failed state by 2024. (I don't think that Trump has the vision, but whoever follows him probably will)

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On to Biden since 1973

k9disc's picture

@doh1304 a great first stage of a 3 part strategy, all running in concert:
Stage 1 - Smash the Corporate Democrats
Stage 2 - Smash the Corporate Media
Stage 3 - Smash the Banksters/Oligarchs

All stages run simultaneously. Tactical adjustments frequently, strategic adjustments at stage completion.

This would be the Left Pincer of an Left/Right pincer attack on the Corporate Center.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

mimi's picture

Tell me your plan to turn this Fascist dictatorship into a democracy. I am really interested. about seducing the powers behind the scenes to seduce the powers in the WH and DoD to drop some bombs on evil, brother-Russia loving Germany?
Don't ya think that will do it?
Shite, now I gave away all the tricks in my secret pandora box. Besoz made me do it. /s /idiots /you need democracy? - big mistake

Nothing for ungood, Mr. Don Mikulecki. My mind just got some withdrawal syndroms. Where is my Carribean rum, for Chrissakes?

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don mikulecky's picture

@mimi your spelling of my name makes me think of Trump

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

Lenzabi's picture

Sadly it has been hard to gain momentum in America to fix things, If only there was a button for "Revolution" on people's "God-Wands" too many people are so set to worry and struggle that they seek to hold onto what goodies they have.

Fear is a mind Killer, and America is loaded with it. I have likened America to Rome 2.0 Trump is our Nero but instead of a fiddle, he tweets as Rome 2.0 burns.

I have no solutions all ideas sadly are likely to be as vile as what we have now, or worse, they could morph into a worse scenario down the road.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

QMS's picture

@Lenzabi brought to you by the makers of smart watch. Go fund me a revolution. Hash tag.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

especially those up for reelection. They've ridden the coat tails of revulsion of republicans to wins, without delivering anything for most of the people that voted for them. They've been deliberately weak and ineffective for decades and the theatricals are wearing thin. They're pretty much used car salesmen.

I guess a small step would be to encourage fed up voters to register as independents or give up affiliation. Screw the primaries, answer no polls, send us some one we like (not these f'in retreads and photogenic collaborators), or we don't vote for anyone. Be vocal. So far, discouraging voting deliberately has not been a tactic but maybe it can be turned into one.

If I trusted the election integrity, I would encourage everyone dissatisfied with the democratic party to register as republicans. Enough of a shift in registrations would scare democrats into either being a party of the people or be irrelevant. If we don't like the democrat they put up we don't have to vote. The biggest thing would be the PTB wouldn't know how to react, what to count on.

Obama was a president that had international and domestic support, with so many believing in the hope he held out. With all that goodwill he ended up an indifferent bureaucrat, a collaborator with hostile republicans. That's the future.

The one thing I keep thinking is, all we have is the vote. It's also the only thing they want. Outside of a third party, I got nothing.

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lotlizard's picture

(apologies to Groucho)

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don mikulecky's picture

@Snode elections are a distraction designed to keep you under control. seems to work on you and far too many others here.

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

@don mikulecky I thought maybe trying to wrest some of the election process back might be a start. Sort of a "none of you all above" rather than an anonymous "none of the above", more of a protest with a demand, and no hidey hide behind the parties skirts, we're lookin' at you.

I dunno, what you got?

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don mikulecky's picture

@Snode real democracy grows out of a coming together of people in a common effort to gain control of their lives. it does not come from institutions created to prevent just that

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

@don mikulecky "Tell me your plan to turn this Fascist dictatorship into a democracy. I am really interested." kind of what have you got mentioned collapsing down this suicidal system before it kills us. It feels like you have something concrete in mind. You may have already presented this, (I'm kinda new here) and missed it, if so, pardon.

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Cassiodorus's picture

And what's that line for? I went over this. Secondly, Trump won because he received a ton of free media coverage and because his opponent lost by razor-thin margins in states she ignored out of elitist disdain for the working class, preferring to spend her time in bicoastal fundraising. We're talking about a guy who was born on third base (see e.g. billionaire daddy) and who threw a bunch of lavish parties while walking back to second (see e.g. multiple bankruptcies), and was therein credited with a home run because all the participants were having such great fun.

Thirdly, half the country doubtless still thinks Russia is a Communist dictatorship. Remember Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" fiction? Huxley came up with the idea of an imaginary society upon Henry Ford's "History is bunk" slogan based upon what he experienced in a visit to the United States. We really don't care about the facts here. It just doesn't pay, unless you spent your time getting a graduate degree or some other such useless paper. What's cool to Americans is Twitter, and yes Trump knows about that. I compromise and use Facebook.

As for religion, all the nice Presidents and even the big candidates knew about religion. I don't have time to go to church -- I have a Mom to take care of and I gather food for the hungry on Sundays. How is it that you are assumed to be smart because you're President?

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

don mikulecky's picture

@Cassiodorus what kind of dictatorship is our oligarchy?

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

Cassiodorus's picture

@don mikulecky much in the sense in which Mexico was a pseudo-democracy under the PRI, except with two parties instead of one. The ideological bent of this rule is firmly neoliberal, as both parties are controlled by neoliberals who will turn democracy into anti-democracy if neoliberal rule is challenged. The most recent example of this is with Ben Jealous, candidate for Governor of Maryland; the Dems in his state have endorsed his Republican opponent because he won the primary against their handpicked candidate.

There is a significant difference between Fascist and neoliberal. The Fascists were interested, more or less, in a sort of Keynesian pump-priming economics of an expanding capitalist system that in its time forced the individual into corporate subservience for the greater economic glory of the state; the neoliberals, operating in a much later capitalist context, are interested in pseudo-democratic rule which maintains its pretense of democracy to keep unimportant individuals out of the way while the corporations pick clean what's left of the planet, like buzzards feasting on an ungulate's carcass which has already been raided by lions and hyenas.

If this were a Fascist dictatorship we would not be allowed to have this conversation. Under neoliberal pseudo-democracy the ruling class doesn't care that we talk, because we have no power anyway and have been confined to an unimportant corner of the public sphere.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

fakenews's picture

Here we are again - arguing political matters in that same old narrow band of thought. Those who get air time (megaphone) keep it there. When we have both Dems and Repubs agreeing on a subject - we should be worried. Whether Trump screwed up or not ( just as long as bombs don't start flying, I don't give a shit) - we continue to ignore how opportunity to fix the inner cities is given up to the war machine. Billions of dollars for bombs in countries that we don't even know exist that could easily fund ALL the programs that the socialists could dream up - it's a damn shame, and an unpleasant legacy the U.S. will leave behind for the 21st century, that is, unless Orwell can fix the history books as well as MSM hides the real issues...



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"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN

don mikulecky's picture

@fakenews that narrow band of thought is what keeps them in power

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

Lookout's picture

I no longer think there can be a political solution. We live in a pretend democracy...rigged and controlled by the oligarchs. To think that the political kabuki theater holds any promise is grasping at straws from my view. American democracy is an illusion.

Stop using fossil fuels, grow as much food as your situation allows, find like minded people to weather the disaster of climate chaos along side you, help young people as much as you can, speak truth to power, and help educate the public of the sham of our democracy and the shame of our war mongering national efforts.

I'm wondering what solutions you think exist.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

don mikulecky's picture

@Lookout There needs to be a total collapse of this suicidal system and all that keeps it killing us

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

QMS's picture

@Lookout to shake things up within the state dem party. We have a bloc of 30 progressives challenging the ingrained establishment, most of whom have not had a primary challenger in a long, long time. The situation is ripe for giving people a choice. Most seem fed up to the point of non-involvement. Going to ruffle alot of feathers in towns and districts, but once given a chance to change the status quo, people respond with enthusiasm. Some still think democracy can work. The self anointed rulers are in for a surprise.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

don mikulecky's picture

@QMS I have always thought democracy can work. You are not talking about democracy.

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

QMS's picture

@don mikulecky the current blockades that are preventing democracy from working. A form of counter balancing cemented thinking.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

ggersh's picture

does it really matter? The D's get wiped out
in 18, the R's do a constitutional convention
in which the Kochs/ALEC write all the laws/rules

trumptwitter wins relection names himself emperor
for life, puts his mug on Mt. Rushmore, disneyowrld
becomes trumpworld

and the minority of the minority rules amerika

all thanks to the treasonous twins bill and barry
fighting the good fight

you overestimate the trumptwitter IMO any deplorable
knew exactly what he did.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@#"Stop using fossil fuels, grow as much food as your situation allows, find like minded people to weather the disaster of climate chaos along side you, help young people as much as you can, speak truth to power, and help educate the public of the sham of our democracy and the shame of our war mongering national efforts."

Could be a sigline. (Haven't figured out highlighting on the ipad)
This post and comments being Another example why I Love this place.
My take is that we're too damn ignorant(in the classic sense) as a country to Understand wtf is actually happening In the country. I was doing some yard work with a friend and he told me about this show he watched describing how the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon were responsible for the burning of the Forest.
See, the narrative was that the indigenous custom of burning a small patch of the forest every couple of years to keep the soil fertile was getting out of control now that the climate was so much hotter and drier.
I asked him if the show mentioned Why it was hotter and drier and, of course, the answer was no.
I caught part of a Nova program funded by the Koch Foundation(proudly proclaimed by) that claimed hurricanes were Worse in revolutionary times and earlier.
And people buy into it 'cause they saw it on teevee! Figure out a way around that kind of narrative push(which many on this site have suggested) and you might have a thing.
Otherwise, change will happen the old fashioned way: Blood in the streets and heads on pikes. We're only human.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

QMS's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

Stop using fossil fuels, grow as much food as your situation allows, find like minded people to weather the disaster of climate chaos along side you, help young people as much as you can, speak truth to power, and help educate the public of the sham of our democracy and the shame of our war mongering national efforts."


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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS lookout up above, @Lookout , it's their words. Was supposed to be a reply to them, but I messed up.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

lotlizard's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly  
in 2015, after Fox had already for years owned 75% of the NatGeo TV channel.

People who know the brand but don’t follow financial maneuvers think they’re getting the old solid National Geographic; in reality, without realizing it, they’re tuned to Fox.

I caught part of a Nova program funded by the Koch Foundation (proudly proclaimed by) that claimed hurricanes were worse in revolutionary times and earlier.
And people buy into it 'cause they saw it on teevee! Figure out a way around that kind of narrative push (which many on this site have suggested) and you might have a thing.

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@lotlizard when that happened.
It's been sad watching the buyout over the years and being unable to influence it in any meaningful way.
Other than tuning out(Blow Up Your TV).

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

don mikulecky's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly thanks for the realistic solutions...which planet are you living on?

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

people not read for comprehension?
As well as context?
Just a general comment-if you claim its cut to fit-not my problem.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march