Crooked Establishment and Corrupt Media Meltdown over Peace Summit


What the Helsenki is going on?

Hysterical howls of hated, vilification, and even demands for removal from office aimed at President Trump by the crooked Neocon-Establishment and their agents within the U.S. Media after he and Vladimir Putin completed a Peace Summit for improving relations and cooperation between the World's two Nuclear Powers.

They call the Summit ... "Treason", "disgraceful", even the equivalent of "Pearl Harbor".

CIA-asset CNN Analyst Phillip Mudd, crooked former CIA Director John Brennan, and one Democratic Congressman (Cohen) even called publicly for a Military Coup against the President to remedy this grave "injustice".....which of course would....actually be an act of real Treason (why aren't these men arrested?)

Here are some quotes that seemed to upset these self-appointed gatekeepers and brainwashers of our Country so much, and drive them insane:

"A productive dialogue is not only good for the United States and good for Russia, but it is good for the world. Nothing would be easier politically for me than to refuse to refuse to engage (with President Putin). But that would not accomplish anything. As President, I cannot make decisions on foreign policy in a futile effort to appease partisan critics or the media.

Constructive dialogue between the United States and Russia affords the opportunity to open new pathways toward peace and stability in our world. I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than to risk peace in pursuit of politics. Diplomacy and engagement is much preferable to conflict and hostility."

-- President Donald Trump, July 16, 2018


I guess the Establishment-Globalist Plan for a new Cold War II (at our expense) would be threatened by a new era of functional cooperation and non-violence between the U.S. and Russia. How sad for them. And in another crime against humanity, President Trump also offered these apparently "reckless" remarks:


"I have great confidence in my intelligence people. However, I also recognize that in order to have a brighter future we cannot exclusively focus on the past. As the World's two largest Nuclear Powers -- we must get along."

-- President Donald Trump, July 16, 2018


The heads all around that we see exploding around us after this Summit are heads that should be all hanging in a noose for the murderous Globalist Neocon treachery that they've wrought upon the whole World, and for the plans that they had in place before President Trump changed the rules on them.

The biggest outrage expressed by the Establishment talking-heads of both (corrupt) political parties is the fact that Trump does not automatically buy into this phony U.S. Intel (commissioned by Neocon and Trump-hater John Brennan) that Putin or the Russian government tried to steal the 2016 Election.

How dare he say anything bad about U.S. Intel. Oh my gosh!

Yes...the same U.S. Intel that brought us the phony WMDs in Iraq (with millions of deaths, and the loss of our Liberties)? the Kennedy Assassination? The "Gulf of Tonkin"? the rise of the Bush and Clinton (CIA) Crime family, the Sept 11 "attack"? NSA spying on all innocent American citizens....that U.S. Intel! Just what track record do they have to begin with?

==> (besides lying, committing Worldwide crimes, and ruining our Country over the course of the last 70 years).

President Trump said that he wants to see the DNC Server before making a final judgement. Both Trump and Vladimir Putin totally exposed the corruption and depravity of the News Media and criminal-Establishment with some simple logic.


Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the Democratic National Committee? I’ve been wondering that. I’ve been asking that for months and months, and I’ve been tweeting it out and calling it out on social media. Where is the server? I want to know, where is the server? And what is the server saying? What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC? Where are those servers? They’re missing. Where are they? What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone — just gone.

I believe that Russia is a democratic state, and I hope you’re not denying this right to your own country. You’re not denying that United States is a democracy. Do you believe the United States is a democracy? And if so, if it is a democratic state, then the final conclusion in this kind of dispute can only be delivered by a trial by the court. For instance, the Concord company that was brought up is being accused — it’s been accused of interference. But this company does not constitute the Russian State. It does not represent the Russian State. You have a lot of individuals in the United States — take George Soros, for instance — with multibillion capitals, but it doesn’t make him — his position, his posture — the posture of the United States? No, it does not. Well, it’s the same case. There is the issue of trying a case in the court, and the final say is for the court to deliver.


Of course the New Media will not let go of the narrative that U.S. Intel and Mueller's phony indictments constitute proof of a "Pearl Harbor" attack against the American people (even though those same processed indictments acknowledge that no election results were ever affected, and they have no hard evidence to actually prove their claim in Court).

Watch as Congressman Rand Paul tries to inject some straight forward common sense into this interview. Watch the sour looks made on CNN-CIA agent Wolf Blizer's face as Congressman Rand Paul shoots down the Deep-State/CIA/FBI/DOJ/DNC/U.S.Media constructed Narrative (brainwashing), and defends the merits of the Trump-Putin summit with simple, straight-forward logic:

[video: width:640 height:480]

It is pretty clear who are real enemies to the public are (hint: not Russia) by the ones making the loudest noises, standing in the way to block progress and peace -- and seeking to entangle our Country in War narratives (mass murder).

The real truth is something more like this:


The effort made to smear the U.S. - Russian Summit, and restart Cold War II hostility and violence is a large one.

It will take an alert public to stop it.

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They wanted to remove him from Office too.

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edg's picture

@FreeSociety @FreeSociety

Just 5 months after that speech. Leaving us with Johnson, who opened the floodgates on Vietnam War spending in exchange for the Civil Rights Act and Medicare.

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"John Brennan started out his adulthood by voting for the Communist Party presidential candidate. He is now ending his career by showing himself to be the most biased, bigoted, over-the-top, hyperbolic, unhinged director of the C.I.A. we’ve ever had. It really is an insult to everything about our government, to have a former head of the C.I.A. calling the President treasonous just because he doesn’t like him.

You know, I filibustered Brennan. I tried to keep Brennan from ever being the leader of the C.I.A. But realize that Brennan and Clapper are known for wanting to expand the authority of the intelligence agencies to grab up everyone’s information, including Americans', and so I don’t have a lot of respect for these people. Even before they decided to go on hating the President, I disliked these people because they wanted to grab up so much power and use it against the American people."

--Congressman Rand Paul

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QMS's picture

@FreeSociety choose to kill 2 stones with one bird. Start a disastrous war with Russia, then make trump the fall guy.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

detroitmechworks's picture

Looks like somebody had a talk with him. Knew it was too good to last.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

So one capitalist pig faction continues to whine about the other capitalist pig faction because they aren't using lube and a condom while fucking the working and middle classes. Big whoop.

And Deep State? Come on. You might as well substitute that for 'The Jews' or 'The Illuminati'. No one deserves credit for anything here, including Dipshit himself. He's another capitalist pig and he's behaving as such right in the open. Too bad the 'intelligence community' won't go after him for that shit. Then again, if they went after him, they'd implicate everyone, themselves included.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety will stop this imaginary quotemined crap? Not bloody likely. He's one of them. Always has been, always will be. Posting far-right memes, quotes from capitalist pigs always looking for their next source of profit and Infowars shit won't change that in any shape, form or fashion.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

er ...if Trump were "just one of them" (Globalist sellout, Neocon) then why is he targeted by them with hate, insults, threats of removal, and vilification so much, and so transparently, and why would they fabricate false Intel to block things that he tries to do at every turn?

Obviously, the Globalists and the DC Establishment are not on Trump's side here -- a point that the corrupt U.S.News-CIA Media proves to us each and every single day.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety They spent decades fomenting this shit through the Southern Strategy, taking control of both parties, destroying the economy and now they've got buyer's remorse. They wanted an empty suit who had just enough motor skills to use a pen, well now they've got one. Grover Norquist, eat your heart out.

Bottom line: No matter who comes out on top of this dog and pony show, we've all lost anyway. The capitalist pigs have surely seen to that. But go on ahead and keep rooting for Cadet Brainspurs even as he continues to screw us all with his erratic behavior.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

  • Peace with Russia
  • Peace with North Korea
  • Stopping NATO / EU from constantly robbing American taxpayers
  • Re-doing self-destructive and corrupt Trade deals
  • Protecting the Country from Globalism
  • Reviving U.S. Manufacturing and moving back to an Export-based Economy
  • Lower Taxes, Higher Paychecks
  • Best U.S. Economic growth and Employment in decades
  • Securing our own borders

geesh...yeah...crazy stuff....

Crazy like a Fox...(which is why they hate him)

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety Especially when he 'won' the Nobel Peace Prize. Or when a few people received 'Stimulus' crumbs. Or when he 'promised' to close Gitmo. Face it, Mr. Koch, Hillary's Patsy is your Obama...complete with the same Hopey Changey rhetoric and token do-less-than-nothing actions to go with it.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

ggersh's picture

@The Aspie Corner

You might as well substitute that for 'The Jews' or 'The Illuminati'.

Is fucking outta line, what about all the WASPs, Daygoe's, Christians
Kraut's, etc.etc.

So ya while there are bad Jews' evil exists throughout humans
the world wide

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

The Aspie Corner's picture

@ggersh I'm simply getting sick of jackasses blaming outside forces for our situation when it's simply going exactly as the Founding Pigs intended. Jewish folk and the so-called Illuminati are two very common examples eg. Economy going to shit? Blame the Jewish Bankers. Or: The Illuminati wants to kill all Christians. Don't believe me? This shit doesn't just happen on Infowars message boards. It's everywhere.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

ggersh's picture

@The Aspie Corner read what you wrote

And Deep State? Come on. You might as well substitute that for 'The Jews' or 'The Illuminati'

NewSubmitted by The Aspie Corner on Tue, 07/17/2018 - 6:02pmThe Aspie Corner's picture
I didn't say all jews are bad.
@ggersh I'm simply getting sick of jackasses blaming outside forces for our situation when it's simply going exactly as the Founding Pigs intended. Jewish folk and the so-called Illuminati are two very common examples eg. Economy going to shit? Blame the Jewish Bankers. Or: The Illuminati wants to kill all Christians. Don't believe me? This shit doesn't just happen on Infowars message boards. It's everywhere.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

The Aspie Corner's picture

@ggersh Idiots are always blaming outside forces for how the country operates. "The Jews" and "The Illuminati" are two very common scapegoats for this kind of crap.

Of course, Lenin put this kind of shit to bed many moons ago:


Let me reiterate: If the system seems like it's total shit for us regular folk, that's because it's working EXACTLY as the Founding Pigs intended.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

QMS's picture

@The Aspie Corner Some of my best pets are of the porkine tribe. Pick on your own tribe, if you must pick.Thx.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

lotlizard's picture

The one and only Freddy, created by Walter Rollin Brooks.

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@The Aspie Corner
calm down and tone the fucking rhetoric down. You are running out of warnings and I'm running out of patience. You're making the c99p comment boards read like a leftie version of the ZeroHedge comments. Your rage is overwhelming you, dude. Check yourself.

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snoopydawg's picture

@The Aspie Corner

Paul made some good points, but Wolfie was not acknowledging them. He has an agenda to stick to and he refuses to let facts get in his way. Did you watch the video?

The point Paul and free society are making is that the intelligence agencies have a history of lying not only to us, but to congress too. Read again what free society says about this.

The minute Trump said that he doesn't see why Russia should be our enemy the claws came out to make sure that he could not have detente with Russia. The other thing that happened that got Russia Gate boosted into the stratosphere is that when Hillary found out that Wikileaks was going to tell everyone that she had help in rigging the primary she told Podesta that the emails were hacked by Russia with no evidence of that whatsoever. The government is making the claim that it was Russia that did the deed, but the FBI never looked at the DNC computers so how the Hell can they say that with certainty?

I'll agree that it doesn't matter who gets to play president that the policies will never change.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Aspie Corner's picture


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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.


Good points Snoop...except on the very last point.

It does matter who is the President (or it may depending on how Independent and bold they are). This is why so much effort is expended on narrowing the range of public debate, and controlling U.S. Elections (via the U.S. News Media, the two Party Establishments, Election machines, and the big Donor Elites).

The hatred and sabotage directed at Trump is going on precisely because he is different -- as he has taken some steps to break away from the Globalist, New World Order, Borderless Cartel-controlled script.

He supports Brexit for example (the move for Britain to be Independent from the corrupt European Union). Almost no other U.S. Politicians publicly supports they're all supposed to pledge allegiance to the (unelected) EU Combine. He is not going along with their Cold War II script, and wants to ease tensions with Russia and North Korea. He wants to bring back U.S. Manufacturing again and return our Country back to a self-sustaining Export Economy (rather than a Low-Wage, Import-based one). He wants to stop the influx of Migrants overrunning our Country (as has happened throughout most of Europe --- resulting in crime, violence, and a wide array of social, economic, and employment problems).

So if a President is bold enough to refuse to play by their Rules -- it does matter. Trump was elected not because he was "politically correct" or "normal", but precisely because people wanted a wrecking ball to come in, and not say the "correct" things anymore, and expose what's been going on -- and bring about change.

For the people who still think Trump hasn't changed anything -- the big Media noise and rebellion that's bombarding us everyday kind of proves the whole point. For there is a big difference between Cold War II and Peace/Cooperation with Russia. There is a big difference in the quality of American Life between being condemned (by Design) to a low-wage Foreign-Import based Economy and having conditions restored favorable to a self-sustaining Export-based Economy once again. The Globalists did not want that. No Establishment President would be doing that. The only parallel here would've been if Ross Perot had been elected back in 1992.

The more that Trump refuses to cooperate with their Global Government Plans (tyranny) and pursue his own better instincts the more relevant and transformational a President that Trump will be. That matters.

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and I do not believe half of what he says, but I keep asking myself just what he was "supposed" to say to Putin. Was he supposed to fully admit being a Putin puppet? Was he supposed to stand up there and say to the world and the US that he was not legitimately elected? Really, what could he possibly have said that would satisfy the warmongers? Personally, that first quote of his is remarkable to me, not only for what he said but it does make me wonder exactly who wrote that for him? Doesn't sound like him to me, but who knows.

As for believing in Mueller et al, I am completely disgusted by those who believe in that fraud of an "investigation." But hey, we now live in a country without critical thinking skills and too many are proud of that fact. I used to think the Tea Baggers were the only stupid ones but my God, watching "liberals" now I am beyond disgusted.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Is this reposted from Breibart?

Did I say Fuck Trump. He's a fucking Fascist. Loved by racists, xenophobes and neo-liberals everywhere.

0 users have voted.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

The Aspie Corner's picture

@Citizen Of Earth

Did I say Fuck Trump. He's a fucking Fascist. Loved by racists, xenophobes and neo-liberals everywhere.

Well, he's great for business as far as asshole network execs and corporate stenographers are concerned. Working stiffs on the other hand? Not so much. But don't tell that to our friend Mr. Koch.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

k9disc's picture

going full blown authoritarian and proto-fascist. They are completely willing to perform a coup at this point in time, as mentioned above.

The rhetoric is completely insane. And there is no semblance of objectivity - every single headline I see when I read the article it essentially says the opposite. "this proves Drumpf did x". "More proof" etc; and the article says the opposite.

Democrats are going full blown McCarthy and are willing to go to war with Russia to get Drumpf. It's dumb. So dumb I'm having a hard time figuring out who is dumber.

@Citizen Of Earth

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Citizen Of Earth's picture

no doubt there.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

ggersh's picture

Marcus Tullius Cicero > Quotes > Quotable Quote
Marcus Tullius Cicero
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

k9disc's picture

I am far more worried about Goldman Sachs, the corporate media, and the CIA than I am Drumpf.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

@k9disc meant by posting that quote.

0 users have voted.

Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

ggersh's picture


0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

ggersh's picture

@k9disc it isn't Putin destroying amerika
it's our chosen leaders, did Putin let the
bankers off, was it Putin who went to war
in Iraq,etc.etc.etc.was it Putin who passed
the Patriot Act etc.etc. did Putin pick
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh

The South is still fighting the civil war
while the rest of amerika checks their FB

as things stand we're fucked but god blesses

This guy Lucas and Protect the Harvest another
rwing nutjob who has Pence in his back pocket

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Raggedy Ann's picture

pushed back well in the interview. Blitzer was pushing an agenda, also trying to put words in Paul’s mouth.

I’m no fan of Herr Drumpf, but I don’t want nuclear war either. He wants to be one of the bad boys - along with the leaders of China, the Philippines, Turkey, NK. Herr Drumpf is not playing the deep state’s game, either.

Who’s screaming the loudest? Those are ones to watch out for - they’ve got some dog or other on this hunt and the odds are not in our favor.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

snoopydawg's picture


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety You might as well get ALL of them. Congress, the courts, and even King Orange Turd himself. They're all culpable in this ruse.

0 users have voted.

Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

QMS's picture

have no sense of humor. This is just a little prank being played on them (and us). They won't be kept begging for more war, in spite of those 'peaceful' negotiations. More war is what makes Merika great.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare