GOP Bill Will Cut Medicare and Social Security

Updated: So we knew the $$$ Trillion+ in Tax Giveaways to the rich had to be paid for 'somehow'. Now Repubs tell us how they plan to do it. Most smart people knew this was coming anyway, but now the first cannon balls have been fired against the ramparts, so this is no longer just a bad dream.

"House Republicans released a budget proposal Tuesday (June 20) that would balance in nine years – but only by making large cuts to entitlement programs, including Medicare and Social Security, that President Donald Trump has vowed not to touch."

The House Republican budget is entitled “A Brighter American Future”. Enjoy your Brighter Future thanks to the GOPers.

This bill will probably be tabled until after November. Even GOPers don't want to attend townhalls to face angry seniors. And to be honest, even young voters should be enraged about this because as far off as retirement seems, it will get here.

Update: Essay has been updated to remove Trump endorsement of the GOP plan. I missed the mention later in the article. Sorry about that. So we'll see if he still won't endorse it after the November elections.

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edg's picture

In the article it says "Trump has largely taken it off the table by refusing to touch Medicare or Social Security". To properly interpret the first paragraph, the commas are critical. Trump has refused to touch Medicare and SS, not agreed to pass the Republican Congressional budget plan.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

I missed that sentence in the article. Essay has been updated.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

gulfgal98's picture

@edg I read where Trump had promised to keep his campaign promise not to touch Social Security and Medicare during his first term. However the implication as I remember it was that Trump would entertain the idea of cutting the social safety net in his second term.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

@gulfgal98 politician. I would have thought after Obama Bush Clinton Bush Reagan Carter Ford Nixon . . . Washington, people would have figured that out by now. Maybe a few hundred more years, if we've got that much left.

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We should not accept the language of entitlement. It is designed to discredit the programs and the people who need them to survive. We have all paid into these programs over a lifetime of work.
Language capture and manipulation changes how we speak about things, how we think about issues and even how we imagine or can not imagine alternatives.

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@crescentmoon debt is due to "entitlements" that so many are more than willing to believe, not two wars and a massive bank bailout while cutting taxes, duh.... Like that outright lie about unemployment numbers and how great our economy is doing. Push a lie long enough and it magically becomes truth.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Hetrose's picture

for the Revolution yet? Or shall we wait until they manage to kill all the of old, the young, the brown, the black, the workers, and everyone else who is not one of their true Paymasters? Just wondering...

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Strife Delivery's picture

Often these cuts are given a disclaimer so often old people (Boomers and older) don't have a problem with it.

What I mean is this:

Often Paul Ryan for instance would talk about cuts to SS and Medicare, but quickly follow up that it wouldn't affect current or soon-to-be beneficiaries.

So old people relax, realize their benefits will be fine, and then raise a gnarled, old middle finger at the generations to come. And yes, I get that this site's demographic is an older set of the population, but that is the trend (not everyone) of the older population.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Strife Delivery

and fighting against ourselves so that we don't focus on what the PTB are doing against us. They just did that with food stamps and Medicaid when they put work requirements on able bodied people while leaving the elderly and disabled people alone. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that I wasn't being affected by this policy, but I saw what they were doing right away.

The propaganda against people who rely on social programs has been very effective starting with Reagan's Welfare Queens who are on food stamps while driving Cadillacs. People voted for Trump because he was going to crack down on the brown and black people who rely on social programs because apparently white people who are on them are not taking advantage of them. Or something ...... but once grandma and grandpa are kicked out of nursing homes because Medicaid has been gutted they then will realize how they have been played by their racist attitudes.

They have been told since they can remember that social security will not be around for them when they retire because it's going broke even though there is enough money to fund it for decades still. And that it can be saved by raising the cap on income over $110,000. I'm pretty sure that Bezos wouldn't even realize how much his SS taxes went up if that happened.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
